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1、Unit 6 Seasons,Lesson 34 Stevens report,New words枫树 n.糖浆 n.雁;鹅 n.鹅(雁)声;汽车喇叭声 n.云 n.湿的 adj.,maple,syrup,goose(geese),honk,cloud(cloudy),wet,Preview Detection,The phrases 1、轮到某人做某事_ 2、玩传球游戏_3、枫糖浆_4、野餐_5、给某人热烈鼓掌(给某人很大的帮助)_6、多么美好的一天呀!_,Its ones turn to do sth,play catch,maple syrup,have a picnic,give sb

2、 a big hand,What a geart day!,Preview Detection,听短文,圈出正确答案。1、On the morning of Stevens favourite day,the weather was(warm/cold)and the sun was(bright/dark).2、After breakfast,Steven went on a trip to the countryside with his(family/friends).3、They had a picnic(near the lake/in a boat).4、They had(brea

3、d/sandwiches)and milk at the picnic.,Listening,Reading,读课文填表格。,The weather was warm.The sun was bright.,He went on a trip to the countriyside with his friends.They played catch and made maple syrup.They had a picnic near the lake.,The sky became dark.There were many clouds.It began to rain.,They fed

4、 the geese.They ran to the car but it was too late.They were all wet.,感叹句:表示说话时的惊异、喜悦、气愤等情绪,句末通常用感叹号,朗读时一般用降调。感叹句一般由感叹词what或how引导。,understanding,1.What a cold,snowy day!What an interesting story(it is)!What+_+_+_+(主语+谓语)!2.What clever boys(they are)!What delicious meat(it is)!What+_+_+(主语+谓语)!3、How

5、happy(they are)!How quickly he runs!How hard he works!How beautiful the girl is!How+_+(主语+谓语)!,Discussing,a/an,形容词,可数名词单数,形容词,可数名词复数或不可数名词,形容词或副词,观察下面句子,总结出感叹句的主要句型。,(1)、A:How a nice trip!B:What a nice trip!(2)、A;What friendly your friends are!B;How friendly your friends are!(3)、A;What a good time w

6、e had yesterday!B;How a good time we had yesterday!(4)、A:How clean our classroom is!B:What clean our classroom is!(5)、A:What well Li Hong sings!B:How well Li Hong sings!,Right or wrong,Finding_火眼金睛,用What(a/an)和How 填空。(1)、_ lovely weather we are having these days!(2)、_ tall the building is!(3)、_ exci

7、ting movie we watched last week!(4)、_ bad news it is!(5)、_ loudly he reads!,Exercising,How,What,What an,How,What,1.Could you please give me a hand?_A.No,thanks B.You are welcome C.Yes,I would D.Sure,whats the matter?2.How many _ do you feed on the farm?A.goose B.geese C.duck D.donuts3.Is it her turn

8、 _。A.had a good time B.answer my question C.reading D.to sing4.She told me _ with herA.go home B.has dinner C.to go skiing D.dont come5.The sun went behind a _.A.cloud B.clouds C.cloudy D.cloudies,Chose the correct answers.,D,B,D,A,C,(1)、他们上周去野餐了。They _ _ _ last week.(2)、轮到李明扫地了。Its _ _ _ sweep(打扫)t

9、he floor.(3)、看!Danny和Jenny正在玩传球游戏。Look!Danny and Jenny are _ _.(4)、她赢得了第一名,让我们给她以热烈的掌声。She won first place,lets _ _ _ _ _.(5)、让我们一起做枫糖浆吧!Lets make the _ _ together.,Finish the sentences.,had a picnic,Li Mings turn to,playing,catch,give her,a big hand,maple syrup,Work in groups.Talk about your favourite day or a special day:What season was it in?How was the weather?What happened on that day?Write a story about it and share(分享)it with the class.,Writing,Homework,1.Recite Paragraph 2 in this lesson.2.Preview 35 lesson.,Goodbye!Thank you for coming!,Good Bye!,


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