1、B lets learn,turn left,turn right,turn left,turn right,Turn left,Turn right,go straight,crossing,cro,ss,ing,turn left,turn right,/streit/,/left/,/rait/,/t:n/,Italian restaurant,Science Museum,Post office,Cinema,Hospital,Library,Turn left at the cinema,then go straight.Its on the left.,Guess what pla
2、ce it is.,S1:Is there a bookstore?S2:Yes,there is.S1:Where is the bookstore?S2:Its next to the supermarket.S1:How can I get to the bookstore?S2:Turn left at the hospital.Then go straight.Then turn right at the post office.,bookstore,park,hospital,zoo,library,cinema,S1:Is there a cinema?S2:Yes,there
3、is.S1:Where is the cinema?S2:Its next to the zoo.S1:How can I get there?S2:Go srtaight.Turn right at the bookstore.Then turn left at the library.,Pair work,Now we are in front of the Tiananmen square.Go straight.Then turn right.Well see Beihai park.,Now we are in PingYi.Go straight.Turn ringht at the bus station.You can see Menshan mountain.Its very beatiful.Welcome!,1.Write the words.2.Finish the workbook.,