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1、,名词,初三英语总复习,冠词,数词,要点考点聚焦,flower,flowers,找规律,watch,es,factory-factories,leaf-leaves,box,es,NOUN.,要点考点聚焦,找规律,tomatoes,potatoes,heroes,NOUN.,radios,photos,找规律,zoos,pianos,NOUN.,Formulas 寻找规律,1.直接加-s2.以辅音字母+y 结尾的名词,变 y 为i 加-es以元音字母+y 结尾的名词,直接加-s3以s,x,ch,sh 为结尾的名词,加-es4.以f 或 fe 为结尾的名词,变f 或 fe为ve 再加s5.以o

2、为结尾的单词的名词,加es 或 s,不规则变化,child-children,woman-women,deer,sheep,man-men,NOUN.,1.单数和复数相同Eg:Chinese,Japanese,people,sheep,deer,police,fish2.变元音字母 manmen woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth mousemice3.词尾变化 child-children,复合名词:,a/an+n单+n单-n单+ns,a boy student-,boy students,但是遇到man和woman全部变复数,a woman doctor-,

3、women doctors,a bottle of juice,a glass of orange,two boxes of milk,不可数名词,NOUN.,Translation 英汉互译,两杯橙汁2.六袋米3.几片面包4.七杯茶5.三箱苹果6.一些女教师7.几个男司机8.五个男学生9.很多女学生10.四个家庭成员,two glasses of orange,six bags of rice,several pieces of bread,seven cups of tea,three boxes of apples,some women teachers,a few men driver

4、s,five boy students,many girl students,four family members,名词的所有格(表示人或物的所属关系)(1)有生命的名词所有格以及表示时间、距离、城镇、国家等的名词所有格。不是以s结尾的名词变成所有格时,在词尾加s。egMikes watch;Womens Day 以s结尾的名词变成所有格时,只加。egteachersoffices,studentsrooms 两个或两个以上名词并列,表示共同所有,只需在最后一个名词后加s。egTom and Mikes room汤姆和迈克的房间(表示汤姆和迈克共有一间房)两个或两个以上名词并列,表示分别所有

5、,需在几个名词后都加s。eg.Marys and Jennys bikes玛丽和詹妮的自行车(表示玛丽和詹妮各自的自行车),(2)无生命的事物的名词所有格常用of结构 ega map of China,the beginning of this game,the door of the room(3)双重所有格 ega fiend of my mothers我妈妈的一个朋友 a picture of Toms汤姆的一张图片,1.Several _ are talking under the treeAnd they are_.Awoman;children Bwoman;child Cwome

6、n;children 2.How far is your school from here?Not very farIts about twenty walk.(2000杭州)Aminutes Bminutes Cminutes 3.There are three in my family.(2004长春)A.people B.person C.child 4.Most students can go to college for further in our city.A.education B.information C.science 5.This is bedroom.The twin

7、 sister like it very much.A.Ann and Jane B.Ann and Janes C.Anns and Janes,典型例题解析,C,C,A,A,B,NOUN.,指点迷津,Ten years _(is,are)short time for me.A pair of shoes _(is,are)under the bed.The number of the students in our school _(is,are)2,000.The woman with two children _(is,are)coming here.,is,is,is,is,NOUN

8、.,6.Maths _(are,is)hard to learn for the boy.8.The population of China _(are,is)over 1,300,000,000.10.One of the students _(have,has)gone to Shanghai.,is,is,has,典型例题解析,The Browns is going to visit China.()The Browns are going to visit China.()The young is dancing there.()The young are dancing there.

9、()Physics are very difficult to learn.()Physics is very difficult to learn.()We have five Germen in this meeting.()We have five Germans in this meeting.()This is one of the English-Chinese dictionary.()This is one of the English-Chinese dictionaries.(),NOUN.,I.冠词a/an/the 的用法:,1.不定冠词:a/an,(1)第一次出现,(2

10、)泛指单一、每一、任一事物,a+辅音开头的单词an+元音开头的单词,_ one-month-old baby _ h_ 8-year-old boy _ a_ useful book _ y_ u _ s,a,an,a,a,an,an,a,an,2.定冠词:the,(1)第二次或多次出现时;,(2)世界上独一无二的东西前;,the earth/sun/moon/universe/world,(3)the+-est,即the+形容词最高级,(4)the+序数词,(5)乐器前:play the piano/violin,(6)一家人:the Greens=the Green family=Gree

11、ns family,张家,the Zhangs=the Zhang family,(7)the+形容词:表示一类人 the rich/poor the young/old,(8)双方均知道的人或事物:Wheres the book?Its in the desk.,(9)特指:the+名词+介词词组,The book is on the desk.,(10)专有名词:the Great Wall,the USA/the UK,3.零冠词:即不用冠词,n不、ns:表示泛指时,不用冠词。,(1)球类运动前:play basketball/volleyball,(2)棋牌类活动前:play ches

12、s/cards,(3)三餐饭前:have breakfast/lunch/supper,have sth.for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner,(4)by+交通工具:by bus/boat/plane/train,on foot,(5)at school/at work/at home,(6)年/月/季节/星期前不加冠词 in 1980/in December/in spring on Monday,(7)人名、地名前:Lily,Shanghai,(8)学科前:English,science,Chinese,(12)固定词组:,watch TV,at night,

13、in town,(9)有物主代词时不用定冠词the;,(10)抽象名词、物质名词前不加,silk/cotton等,(11)称呼/官衔/职位前不加冠词,Exercises1 There is _“m”in _ word“mother”.2 Did you play _ basketball or play _ piano after _school?3 Turn right at _ third crossing on _ left.4 They got to _ moon by _ spaceship.5 She is _ university student,she likes _ musi

14、c of _ film.,an,a,/,the,/,the,the,the,/,a,the,the,初三英语复习-Exercises,6 We didnt have _ history yesterday,we went to visit _ History Museum.7 _ Smiths went to _ capital of _ China last year.8 What _ windy day it is!9 His _ best friend flew to _ France_ last week.10 _ Chinese doctor told him to take _ t

15、hree times _ day.,/,the,The,the,/,a,/,/,/,A,/,a,初三英语复习-Exercises,II.数词:numbers,1.三位一读法:3,333,333,333,thousand,million,billion,2.百 and 十 3.十-个,one thousand,two hundred and sixty-five,1,265,8,3,9,1,What is the largest/smallest 4-digit number?,9831,1389,基数词the+序数词(-th),1.one-first two-second three-thir

16、d,2.five-fifth twelve-twelfth,3.nine-ninth,4.整十:-ty-tieth twenty-twentieth,5.21:twenty-one-,twenty-first,一、二、三,特殊记,加th从4起,八少“t”,九去“e”,“ve”要用“f”替,(five,twelve)见“y”变成“i”和“e”,词尾加上“th”,(twenty,thirty,-ninety)若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。,ordinal numbers(序数词),一些数字的读法:,1.年:二位一读法 19 95 2000,nineteen ninety-five,two tho

17、usand/twenty hundred,2.公交车:,Bus(No.)11=the No.11 bus,3.房间:305房间,Room Three O Five,4.年代:20世纪70年代,in the 1970s,5.四十几岁时:,in his forties.,6.分数基数词(1)/序数词(+s),四分之一:四分之三:,one/a fourth=one quarter,three fourths=three quarters,7.次数:划线提问:,how many times,一次 二次三次及以上:,oncetwice 数字+times,9.小数点:point,1.42.39,one p

18、oint four,two point three nine,11.时间:,整点:30:30:,数字+oclock,half past+数字,分钟+past+几点,(60-分钟)+to+(几点+1),几点差几分,10.岁数:数字+year(s)old,专题训练:,This a big class,and _ of the students are girls.A.two third B.second three C.two thirds D.two threeThe questions is very easy,even a _ child can answer it.A.three-year

19、s old B.three years old C.three-year-old D.three year old3.The _ man on the left is Beckman,a famous football player.A.two B.second C.three4.Which class won the match in the end?Im not sure.Maybe _ did.A.Class Third B.Class Three C.third three D.Class Three,C,C,B,D,5.Nine _ pages a book?Thats very g

20、ood.A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.hundreds D.hundred.6.Sharks have been on the earth for _ years.A.thousands of B.two thousands C.two thousands of D.thousand of7._ people come to Jilin to visit Mount Changbai every year.A.Thousands of B.Thousand of C.Thousands D.Thousand8.The computer was cheap.I spent only two _ yuan on it.A.thousands B.thousand C.thousands of D.thousand of,D,A,A,B,homeworkpart 1 and 2 on page six.,


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