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1、英语(新标准)写作训练,娜:And they cant concentrate on listening to the teachers.成:About 25 percent of the students dont eat anything in the morning.This make them be sick easily.,琴:so students must eat a balanceddiet in order to keep healthy.欢:as a result,we can understhandeating breakfast is very important fo

2、r us.so we should eat breakfast every day.,玲:It can help them grow and study well.As a result,we can see eating breakfast is important,so we should eat breakfast regularly.露:About 55 percent of the students eat breakfast regularly,so that they are in good health,and they are energetic every day.,考试作

3、文犹如待嫁的,姑娘,考试作文犹如待嫁的姑娘,考试作文犹如待嫁的姑娘如何把自己的作文打扮成漂亮的新娘,来博得阅卷老师的芳心呢?,一、要“养眼”二、要“爽心”,如何做到“养眼”呢,书写要工整布局要美观格式要正确,如何做到“爽心”呢,时态要正确内容要完整人称要合理句型要无误,写作思维模式的分析,美国语言学家罗伯特卡普兰(Robert Kaplan)经过长期的研究归纳出几种不同的写作思维模式:,English英国人的,Semitic(闪族语系),Oriental(东方人的),一旦了解思维方式,就更容易模仿,从上图可知,英语是开门见山,直入主题,一旦了解思维方式,就更容易模仿,成功地写出更好的英语。东方

4、人是螺旋形,作者不直接论证段落主题,而是在主题的外围“团团转”,从各种间接的角度说明问题,使英语族人困惑不解。,英语记叙文的写作的方式,Beginning(topic sentence 主题句),Middle,Ending,Concluding sentence 结论句,Supporting sentence 支持句例子、实事、数据或引文,记叙文写作方法:,采用“总分总”的写作方式 即先概括总述,再分述 最后再总述。,总述,写作注意“四定”,1.定内容,不折不扣。2.定时态,世态前后呼应。记叙文、日记一般用一般过去时;说明文、通知、布告、介绍等用一般现在时;计划等用一般将来时。3.定人称,用第

5、一人称亲近自然;用第三人称客观真实。4.定句型、定词语;应依据内容。应该先定句型后定词语。,写作注意的几个问题:,尽量使用简单句,如果复合句用不好就不要用,文章算不上完美,但很实用。要牢记“避繁就简”原则。当然长句短句交叉使用最好。把握要点,避免遗漏,注意发挥适度既不要多写也不要少写。,注意句子与句子、段与段之间过渡自然,行文连贯,注意适当使用连词,例如:and,so,or,but,become,Whats more;What worse,not onlybut also,neithernor 等等。,写作注意的几个问题:,选词:普通的叙述文或短文,应该选择简洁、朴实、准确的大众化词语,避免使

6、用矫饰、复杂、故弄玄虚的词,并尽可能挑选积极的动词。,写作注意的几个问题:,措辞:能写出树的具体名称an apple tree,就不要使用tree;能说清具体数字时,就不要使用some;知道是某种专门的活动,就不要使用do去描述,词意越具体,越能给读者鲜明的印象。,写作注意的几个问题:,你如何写开头,1.开头常用词语:as far as we know 据我们所知 as everybody knows 众所周知at present 目前 first of all 首先 To tell the truth 老实说,1.结尾常用词语:after all 毕竟at last 最后in a word

7、总而言之finally,最后we hope that 我们希望 In short 简言之clearly 显然,你如何写结尾,如何添加过度句、连接词,补充说明 for example,besides,In addition(此外),Whats worse!Whats more!Worst of all.转折 however,yet,but 原因 thanks to,because of结果 as result of,so,sothat,范文2:I m pleased to write to ask for some help.I want to tell you some problems we

8、 meet in English study.First,some of us arent interested in English.They think studying English is such a boring thing to do.And then Its so difficult for us to remember all the words in the texts.So lots of us,作文如何添加过度句、连接词,作文如何添加过度句、连接词,dont have enough confidence to keep up English study.And we a

9、re always afraid to join in the group discussion.Whats more,there are so many new words we hadnt meet before in the passage.I dont know what to do.Sometimes we cant understand the main idea,let alone,作文如何添加过度句、连接词,answer the questions about them.But the most difficult thing is to write.We often use

10、wrong words and sentences.Can you help us?How can we improve our English?Please give us some useful advice.Thank you very much.Write to me soon.Yours Fang Hua,信息点与承接词的关系,信息点是珠子,承接词是线,用线把珠子串连起来就是一条熠熠生辉、优雅华贵的项链。单独看某一方就成为一条破绳子,一堆烂珠子。,如何写好好人好事的结尾be proud of speak highly of follow ones example come true,

11、你如何写结尾,仿写,英语有一句名言“Originality is always better than imitation”有创见比模仿好。但对于英语的初学者来说应该反过来说更好,即“模仿比创见好。”仿写可使学生尽快入道,可以进行段落仿写,课文仿写 甚至于经典句子的仿写。,例如新标准英语九年级上Page 34有这样一句话:Im looking forward to this.(仿写1)Im looking forward to hearing from you.(信尾使用)(仿写2)Im looking forward to your reply.(仿写3)I look forward to

12、the summer holiday.,仿写,句式富于变化,例如;1.Jack came home at 7am yesterday.-Jack didnt came home until 7am yesterday.2.We are good friends.We should help each other.(good)-We are good friends and we should help each other.(better)-As we are good friends,we should help each other.(best),3.I was careless.I lo

13、st a bag on the ground.(good)-I was careless and lost a bag on the ground.(better)-I was so careless that I lost a bag on the ground.(best),句式富于变化,世界与环境,1.我想外出工作。2.你可以在食品中心发放食品。3.我会帮助清理城市公园.4.我们正在努力拯救海牛。5.我认为动物们不应该住在动物园里。6.我觉得动物园为濒临灭绝的动物们提供了干净安全的地方。,Using the topic sentences!,重点再现,1.Id like to work

14、outside.2.You could give out food at a food bank.3.Were trying to save the manatees.4.Ill help clean up the city parks.5.I think that animals should not live in zoos.6.I feel that zoos provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live.,采取措施,表达观点,我们学校即将开展创建“文明学校”活动,请你根据下列图表所给提示词写一篇倡议书。要求:1

15、.语句通顺,书写规范,文章不得出现真实姓名和学校。2.必须运用所有提示词,并在倡议书中写出两个以上自己的观点。3.词数80100,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,真题再现(2008 内蒙古包头),Dear friends,Our school is trying to set up a Civilized School.I think,The house of trash You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne,but she is a most unusual woman.She is trying to save the e

16、nvironment in her way.She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash.Well,the stuff used to be called trash,but now its called“recycled”material.The window and doors came from old buildings around the town that were being pulled down.The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued

17、 together.The roof is made from discarded tiles.And the fence is built out of used soda cans.Amy said that she would try to help clean up the city.Also she feels that everyone could do what he can do to save the environment.,总-分-总,语篇结构,九年级Unit 15 We are trying to save the manatees!3a,运用了哪些有关环保的话题句和功

18、能句?,The house of trash You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne,but she is a most unusual woman.She is trying to save the environment in her way.She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash.Well,the stuff used to be called trash,but now its called“recycled”material.The window an

19、d doors came from old buildings around the town that were being pulled down.The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued together.The roof is made from discarded tiles.And the fence is built out of used soda cans.Amy said that she would try to help clean up the city.Also she feels that e

20、veryone could do what he can do to save the environment.,The house of trash You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne,but she is a most unusual woman.She is trying to save the environment in her way.She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash.Well,the stuff used to be called tra

21、sh,but now its called“recycled”material.The window and doors came from old buildings around the town that were being pulled down.The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued together.The roof is made from discarded tiles.And the fence is built out of used soda cans.Amy said that she woul

22、d try to help clean up the city.Also she feels that everyone could do what he can do to save the environment.,运用了哪些连词?,精彩总结,语篇结构:句式特点:用词特点:,总-分-总,运用了有关环保的话题句和功能句,运用了恰当的连词,我们学校即将开展创建“文明学校”活动,请你根据下列图表所给提示词写一篇倡议书。要求:1.语句通顺,书写规范,文章不得出现真实姓名和学校。2.必须运用所有提示词,并在倡议书中写出两个以上自己的观点。3.词数80=100,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,真

23、题再现(2008 内蒙古包头),Dear friends,Our school is trying to set up a Civilized School.I think,1、确定话题:,创建“文明学校”的倡议书,2、确定时态:,一般现在时,3、细读要求:,内容要点,字数,4、布局谋篇,good behavior,尾句,5、本章话题句 功能句,a行为 b环境,总 分 总,6、适当运用连词,注意首尾句。,7、,首句,should,shouldnt,excellent environment,try to,had better not,Ill help clean upI thinkfeel t

24、hat.You could Were trying toI would like to,写作点拨,反复修改,注意书写,80-100,两个以上自己的观点,范文赏析,Dear friends,Our school is trying to set up a Civilized School.I think we should do what we can do for our school.First we should be friendly to each other and help each other.Also we should be polite to our teachers.I

25、think we shouldnt speak loudly or even have words with our classmates.As for our school environment,we should try our best to clean up the school yard.Pick up litter whenever you see it.Wed better throw litter about or pick flowers.I feel that our school will become better and better.,纠错小到标点符号,大到文章结

26、构,逻辑次序,语序等等。比如英语中没有顿号;省略号是三个点“”而不是汉语的六个点“”;再有冒号,中文里用冒号的地方,英语中常常用逗号;英语里句号是实心点,汉语里的句号空心点。,纠错,告诫一:,抓住大分,再争取小分;锦上添花。只抓小分,放弃大分;竹篮打水一场空写作难在坚持,成在坚持。,告诫二,大家要下苦功夫,更要用巧功夫,Homework,Tom 去年来到大明所在的学校学习。在学习期间,他对学校提倡的“创建和谐校园”活动感触颇深。他发现该校的学生学习努力、兴趣广泛、友爱互助,师生之间关系融洽,人与环境和谐相处(如:保持环境卫生,爱护花草树木,不随地乱扔废弃物第)。请你以Tom 的名义,给远在美国的父母写一封信,介绍学校的现状,并谈谈你的感受。文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名或地名。词数80-100.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:a harmonious campus 和谐校园Dear Mum and Dad,Time flies!Ive been here for nearly a year.Im very pleased to find that our school is really a good one.The students our school Yours,Tom(2008浙江金华),Thank you!Goodbye!,


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