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1、Revision,Unit 1 Book 5,Vocabulary 1 识记,特征;特性画家;油漆匠科学的医生受害者附近向后移动肯定的;积极的烟火分析,characteristicpainterscientificphysicianvictimneighbourhoodbackwardmovementpositivefireworkanalyse,Vocabulary 2 四会,conclude,结束打败熟练的;专家照顾;参加暴漏;揭露治愈挑战吸收;使专心认为;怀疑严重的;剧烈的预见,defeat,expert,expose,attend,cure,challenge,absorb,suspe

2、ct,severe,foresee,责备污染把手;处理;操纵连接;联系宣布;通知命令;指导建设捐献;贡献旋转热情的小心的拒绝;抛弃宇宙的;普遍的,blame,pollute,handle,link,announce,instruct,construct,contribute,spin,enthusiastic,cautious,reject,universal,put forwarddraw a conclusionexpose.tolink.toapart frombe strict withmake sense,提出;提前得出结论使显露将、连接起来除、之外对、严格理解;有道理,Vocabu

3、lary 3 核心词汇,1.put forward2.attend3.suspect4.blame5.contribute6.make sense7.reject8.apart from,Practice 背诵,1.他提出的建议值得思考。The suggestion _ is worth _.2.灾区还有许多孩子需要照顾。In the flood there are still a lot of children _.3.任何人都可以被怀疑拿走了这个表格。Anyone will be _ having taken the chart.4.政府应为这次空难遭到谴责。The government

4、must be _ this air crash.,he put forward,considering,to attend(to),suspected of,to blame for,5.希望你把更多的时间用在学习上。I hope you will _ study.6.你的理由根本没意思。Your reason _.7.这个孩子拒绝了母亲的帮助,自己爬起来了。The child _ his mothers help and jumped by himself.8.除了他的诚实,我更喜欢他的大方。_ his honesty,I _ his generosity.,contribute more

5、 time to,made no sense,rejected,Apart from,prefer,9.暴露在阳光下的塑料易于污染环境。The plastics _ the sun pollutes the environment easily.10.没有任何人可以打败你自己,只有你自己。No one else can _ you,only yourself.11.每次疾病爆发时,就有成千上万受到惊怕的人死去。Many thousands of _ people died _ this disease _.12.第二个理论表明人们在吃饭时把这种疾病吸入身体内的。The second theor

6、y suggested that people _ this disease into their bodies _ their meal.,exposed to,defeat,terrified,every time,broke out,absorbed,with,13.为了阻止这种事件再次发生,科学家建议所有的供水资源必须得到检查。_ this _ again,scientists suggested that the source of all the water supplies _.14.只有你装备了更多的知识,你才会更好地面对未来的挑战。Only if youre _ more k

7、nowledge,_ very well.15.她太喜欢那儿的自来水,就让人每天把水送到她家。She liked the water from the pump there _ that she _ to her house every day.,To prevent from happening,should be examined,equipped with,can you face the challenge,so much,had it delivered,1.Take care not to keep your children _ to bad books,computer gam

8、es or websites.A.expected B.inspected C.instructed D.exposed2.How to protect people from nuclear radiation is a _ to Japan as well as the whole world.A.surprise B.challenge C.reaction D.threat3.-An 8.8 magnitude earthquake hit Chile in February.-Yes.I think we should _ money to helping its people re

9、build their homes.A.spend B.cost C.contribute D.waste4.Youd better act on your fathers suggestion that you _ your foolish behaviour and face the reality.A.should stop B.will stop C.may stop D.stopped5.You cant go out since you havent finished your homework;_,it is a stormy night.A.apart from B.meanw

10、hile C.therefore D.besides,Practice 选择,6.What Jim said doesnt _,so dont take his words seriously.A.make a difference B.make sense C.make a mistake D.make sure7.The sports meet will be _ till next week because of the bad weather.A.put off B.put away C.put up D.put forward8.The director had her assist

11、ant _some hot dogs for the meeting.A.picked up B.picks up C.pick up D.picking up9.The mother always cried her heart out _ she saw the picture of her lost son.A.every time B.the first time C.as soon as D.ever since10.-Have you been wasting time on computer games again?-_.Ive been studying a lot and I

12、 need a break.A.No way B.Not really c.I dont agree D.I couldnt agree more.,Thanks a lot!,Revision,Unit 2 Book 5,Vocabulary 1 识记,王国省信任;学分;赞扬货币制度;机制全国性的乡下婚礼观光制服雕塑错误时态,KingdomProvinceCreditCurrencyInstitutionNationwideCountrysideWeddingSightseeingUniformStatueErrortense,Vocabulary 2 四会,unite,联合;团结组成;在于


14、 ofDivideintoBreak away fromTo ones creditLeave outTake the place ofBreak down,由、组成把、分成挣脱;脱离为、带来荣誉;在、名下省去;不考虑代替损坏;破坏,Vocabulary 3 核心词汇,1.consist2.divide3.break away from4.attract5.leave out6.convenience7.take the place of8.delight9.break down,Practice 背诵,1.他有一个大家族,共计16口人。He has a large family,_ 16 p

15、eople.2.现在许多农民不愿务农而在城市谋生。Now many farmers _ work on the farm,instead they would rather _ in the city.3.为了方便,英格兰大致分成三个区。_,England is _ _ three zones.4.我要代替吉姆去参加明天在京开的会议。I will _ Jim to attend the meeting _ tomorrow in Beijing.,consisting of,are unwilling to,make a living,For convenience,take the plac

16、e of,to be held,divided,roughly into,5.一团乌云吸引了大家的注意。A large black cloud _.6.他再次检查了单词,以便漏掉某个字母。He _ the word again _ he might _ a letter.7.根本没有可能她会嫁给农民。_ that she will get married to a farmer.8.他在学习上的进步真让人高兴。His great progress in study _ everyone.,attracted our attention,looked through,in case,leave

17、out,There is no possibility,delighted,1.When I returned home,I found the window _ and something _.A.open;stolen B.opening;stealing C.opened;missed D.opening;missing2.Dont worry.I _ a car to pick them up at the station.A.have arranged for B.have been arranging C.try to arrange D.has arranged3.Can you

18、 _ these chairs while I clean the floor?A.fold up B.set up C.turn up D.make up4.After the long journey,the three of them went back home,_.A.hungry and tiredly B.hungry and tired C.hungrily and tiredly D.hungrily and tired,Practice 选择,5.Would it be _ for you to pick me up at four and take me to the a

19、irport?A.free B.handy C.convenient D.evident6.Compared with that of last year,the price of housing in my country has increased by _ 10%so far.A.secretly B.roughly C.originally D.deeply7.I cant imagine there _ be a shortage of water in Yunna,the southwest of China where there used to be adequate rain

20、.A.could B.must C.can D.should8.-Is that picture hanging up in your bedroom?-_.-Is it in your bedroom?A.I beg your pardon B.So what C.Take it easy D.What if?,9.At the news of her sons death,the sad mother_ and cried.A.broke away B.broke down C.broke up D.broke out10.Lily found one of her friends had

21、 been _ after she finished the invitation to her wedding party.A.left out B.put out C.picked out D.taken out11.He hasnt slept at all for three days._ he is tired out.A.There is no point B.There is no need C.It is no wonder D.It is no way12._ surprised me most was that severe earthquakes had struck s

22、o many places in the last couple of years.A.It B.That C.Which D.What,Thanks a lot!,Revision,Unit 3 Book 5,Vocabulary 1 识记,药片面具腰带泥公民接受者垃圾箱动机侧着,TabletMaskBeltMudCitizenReceiverDustbinMotivationsideways,Vocabulary 2 四会,impression,印象;感想时常发生的在前的无把握的指导;向导通路;开口环境容忍缺乏调整;调节按;压系牢;扎牢,constant,previous,guide,un

23、certain,opening,surrounding,tolerate,lack,adjustment,press,fasten,闪光开关时刻表乐观的沙漠纽扣;按钮片刻;瞬间贪吃的;贪婪的吞下材料回收利用货物定居代表,flash,switch,timetable,optimistic,desert,button,instant,greedy,swallow,material,recycle,goods,settlement,representative,Take upBe back on ones feetSafety beltLose sight ofSweep upSlide intoS

24、peed up,拿起;接受;开始恢复安全带看不见打扫;横扫移动;溜进加速,Vocabulary 3 核心词汇,1.impression2.take up3.lack4.lose sight of5.speed up6.constant,Practice 背诵,1.新老师以他的幽默给我们留下了深刻的印象。Our new teacher _ us with his humour.2.最经他不断地接受朋友的邀请一起吃饭。Recently he _ his friends invitation to dinner _.3.周围的树太密了,我们看不到小路。The _ trees are so heavy

25、 that we _ the path.4.身体问题常常和不良的饮食习惯和缺少锻炼有关。The problem of ones health is due to the bad habit of diet and _ exercise.,left a deep impression on,took up,constantly,surrounding,lack of,have lost sight of,5.开始我的新环境难以忍受。At first my new _ was difficult _.6.我累坏了,溜进了被窝,很快地入睡了。_,I _ bed and _.7.为了及时到达目的地,他

26、加速了。_ arrive at the destination,he _ his car.8.我不时地提醒自己要调整一下计划的过程。I have to _ myself _ the process of the plan.,surroundings,to tolerate,Exhausted,slided into,fell fast asleep,In order to,sped up,remind,to make an adjustment to,1.He has studied Japanese for a year and a half before he _ English.A.to

27、ok up B.took over C.took off D.took in2.At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was _.A.out of sight B.out of reach C.out of order D.out of place3.As far as Im concerned,most of your problems in this English Speech Contest come from a _ of confidence.A.danger

28、B.waste C.relief D.lack4.I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good _.A.to be breathed B.to breathe C.breathing D.being breathed,Practice 选择,5.First impressions are the most lasting.After all,you never get _ second chance to make _ first impression.A.a;the B.the;the C.a;a D.th

29、e;a6.You had better _ or youll not be able to get home before dark.A.look up B.speed up C.pick up D.turn up7.-How do you_ we will go to Beijing for our holidays?-I think wed better fly there.Its much more comfortable.A.suppose B.insist C.suggest D.want8.-What do you want to do next?We have half an h

30、our before the supper time.-_.Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A.It just depends B.Its up to you C.All right D.Glad to hear that,Thanks a lot!,Revision,Unit 4 Book 5,Vocabulary 1 识记,记者编辑照片故意地怀疑的版本部门犯罪的困境,JournalistEditorPhotographDeliberatelyScepticalEditionDepartmentGuiltydilemma,Vocabulary

31、2 四会,delighted,快乐的令人钦佩的不同寻常的帮助、协作呈递加工、过程约会、任命渴望的集中更新获得、取得评价擦亮、润色主要的赞成、批准,admirable,unusual,submit,assist,process,appointment,eager,concentrate,update,acquire,assess,polish,chief,approve,最后期限告知期间情况、病例指责、谴责需求、要求出版部分、节技术上的彻底的、详尽的有天赋的罪行精确的年长的、高级的,deadline,inform,meanwhile,case,accuse,demand,publish,sect

32、ion,technical,thorough,gifted,crime,accurate,senior,Concentrate onDepend onAccuseofSo as to do sth.Ahead of,集中、全神贯注于依靠因、而被起诉为了(做)、在、前面,Vocabulary 3 核心词汇,1.inform2.demand3.approve4.depend on5.accuse of6.gift7.concentrate on8.so as to do,Practice 背诵,1.他通知他太太平安到达。He _ his wife _ safely.2.我要约翰马上离开这儿。I d

33、emanded that John _ at once.3.真可惜老师没有同意我的建议。_ that our teacher didnt _ my advice.4.我没有必要带照相机。_ for me to take a camera 5.这个孩子从小就对绘画有天赋。This child _ drawing in his childhood.,informed,to arrive,(should)leave,It is a pity,There is no need,approve of,had a gift for,6.在他专注玩游戏时,他对周围发生的一切都不知。While _ playi

34、ng games,he knew nothing that happened around.7.不仅我对照相感兴趣,而且回到大学个更新知识。_ I interested in photography,but I went back to the college to update my knowledge.8.你们有没有这样的情况,别人控诉你的记者,说他们的报道完全失实?Have you had a case _ someone _ your journalists of _?9.我将永远完不了我的第一个老师给我留下的丰富知识的印象。Never _ the influence of his r

35、ich knowledge he _ us.,concentrating on,Not only was I,where,accused,of getting the wrong end of the stick,will I forget,left on,1._ protect himself,he _ being made use of by his boss.A.In order to;denied B.So as to;denied C.So as to;refused D.In order to;refused2.One thing all parents should _ is t

36、o keep their children away from the hot stove.A.bring to mind B.make up their mind C.keep in mind D.have in mind3.Im glad that my parents have _ of me buying a new car.A.agreed B.promised C.allowed D.approved4.-Do you have enough to _ all your daily expenses?-Oh yes,enough and to spare.A.cover B.spe

37、nd C.fill D.offer,Practice 选择,5.At the conference,the Chairman demanded that people present _ every effort to protect the polar bear against dying out.A.made B.would make C.to make D.make6.My friend promised to keep me _ of what was happening in our class.A.informing B.to inform C.informed D.inform7

38、.-I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?-_.Im not using it anyhow.A.sure,go ahead B.I dont know C.Yes,indeed D.I dont care8,Not only_ the food in the restaurant,he _to pay for it.A.he complained about;also did refuse B.did he complain about;also refused C.did he complain about;also d

39、id refuse D.he complained about;also refused,Thanks a lot!,Revision,Unit 5 Book 5,Vocabulary 1 识记,皮肤器官射线辐射剪刀绷带咽喉救护车,SkinOrganRayRadiationScissorsBandageThroatAmbulance,Vocabulary 2 四会,injury,暂时的损伤流血窒息障碍毒药复杂的多样化液体温和的膨胀难以忍受的,temporary,choke,poison,bleed,barrier,variety,complex,mild,liquid,unbearable,s

40、well,症状倒;灌潮湿的牢的;紧的坚定地典礼;仪式勇敢治疗;款待涂;应用压力榨;挤至关重要的,symptom,pour,damp,tight,firm,ceremony,bravery,treat,apply,squeeze,pressure,vital,First aidFall illElectric shockSqueeze outOver and over againIn placeA number ofPut ones hands onMake a difference,急救生病触电;休克榨出;挤出反复在适当的位置许多(可数)找到区别对待;起作用,Vocabulary 3 核心词汇

41、,1.variety2.in place3.treat4.apply5.make a difference,Practice 背诵,1.我们可以将这样的规则适用于所有情况。We can _ this rule _ all these cases.2.图书管理员每次都把书放在原处。The librarians usually put the books _.3.不要把我的话看做笑话。Dont _ what I said _ a joke.4.每当他迟到,他总会编出各种各样的理由。_ he is late,he always make up _ excuses.5.了解急救知识对挽救生命就有很大帮

42、助。A good knowledge of first aid will _ to saving lives.,apply to,in place,treat as,Whenever,a variety of,make a difference,6.假如衣服没有沾到烧伤出,如果有必要用剪刀把衣服剪掉。_ clothing using scissors _ unless it is _ the burn.7.最好把烧伤处放在流淌德尔温水中大约10分钟。_ to place burns under gently _ water for about 10 minutes.8.我们将投票是否参加这样的

43、比赛,根据我们是否有时间。We will _ whether we will _ the competition,_ whether we will have spare time.9.毫不怀疑正是杰克的急救技巧挽救了他的生命。_ that _ Jacks first aid _skills saved his life.,Remove,if necessary,stuck to,It is best,running,vote take part in,depending on,There is no doubt,it was,that,1.The little boy wont go to

44、sleep _ his mother tells him a story.A.or B.unless C.but D.whether2.Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found.A.which b.what C.that D.whether3.The arrangements for _ concert next Saturday are all in _ place.A.the;a B.the;*C.a;*D.a;the4.They have earned lots of m

45、oney,so I _ believe that the business is a success.A.mildly B.firmly C.actively D.tightly5.Although her relatives didnt think she could live for three months,the old doctor finally _ her of her disease.A.cured B.operated C.treated D.served6.What _ will it make whether Mr.Black tells us the story ear

46、ly or not?A.sense B.difference C.mistake D.use,Practice 选择,7.We were playing near the lake _ the storm started.A.when B.while C.until D.before8.There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.A.present B.available C.precious D.convenient9.-Johnson,would you like to marry Ann and love h

47、er all your life,_ she is young or old,or poor or rich?-Yes,I do.A.even if B.whether C.no matter D.however10.-_ that girl managed to get the news?-Oh,a friend told her.A.Where was it B.What was it C.Why was it D.How was it11.-My mother is preparing my favourite dishes.Go with me and have a taste,okay?-_.And Ill be glad to meet your parents.A.I think so B.Id love to C.Im sure D.I hope so,Thanks a lot!,


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