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1、Unit 3 All about filmsReading A Students see stars in Hollywood!(第一课时)课前自主学习1.猜一猜 【学法指引】同学们,请挑战一下你的猜测能力,能否找出正确的意思。( )(1) The tour of the movie Park was the highlight of our trip to Hollywood. A. the most wonderful part B. the worst part C. the most expensive part ( )(2) It was hot and humid, and rea

2、lly smelt like a jungle.A. dry and cool B. wet and warm C. hot and dry ( )(3) a big one (dinosaur) came and chased us. A. played with B. ran after C. ran in front of ( )(4) I almost jumped out of my skin. A. be excited and jumped very high B. be very frightened and surprisedC. ran away quickly ( )(5

3、) Julia cried delightedly. A. happily B. sadly C. excitedly 2. 搜一搜【学法指引】Hold住精彩,你所知道有哪些好莱坞巨星么?把你喜欢的明星和他们主演的电影写下来吧!课堂导学Step1 Pre-reading【学法指引】阅读文章的标题、前言、首段、末段、及图片,完成下面问题( )(1) Which film stars did Julia and Roddy see in Hollywood? A. Wentworth Miller B. Jackie Chan C. Nobody D. Vin Diesel ( )(2) What

4、 is the best title for this passage ? A. Students see stars in Hollywood B. A trip to Hollywood C. Hollywood in Guangzhou D. Dinosaur Jungle. ( )(3) Who want to be a director? A. Philip B. Roddy C. Julia D. None Step2 While-reading1. First reading ( )(1) Who wrote this article?A. Julia B. Roddy C. P

5、hilip D. The director ( )(2) What was the highlight of their trip to Hollywood? A. Seeing the film stars B. The tour of the Movie Park C. Seeing the dinosaur D. Be an extras 2. Second reading 【学法指引】文章的条理很清晰了把,请再次认真阅读课文完成下面的表格。3. Third reading Read the article again and find the words in italics in t

6、he article and write what/who they refer to in the blanks.Step3 Post-readingRetell the passage by filling the blanks.Julia and Toddy won a t_ to Hollywood. Julia said that the t_ of the Movie Park was the h_ of their trip. And Roddy explained that the park was both an a_ and a _ studio. Julias favou

7、rite was Dinosaur Jungle because it looked very r_. And she almost j_ out of her skin when dinosaur r_ at them. The great wave attraction made a deep i_ on Roddy. They saw a huge w_ coming towards them. They didnt get w_ though the car shook v_. When the director asked them if they wanted to be in t

8、he film as e_, they were delighted. Roddy said that that he wanted to be a d_ and Julia said that her dream was to become a film s_.课外拓展Do you want to see a movie that will touch, teach and encourage you? See March of the Penguins, a documentary(纪录片)by Luc Jacquet. It tells the amazing journey that

9、the emperor penguins(帝企鹅)of Antarctica make each year in the worst seasons of a year to support their families. The lovely and brave birds go through the trouble of walking hundreds of miles over ice. Come and experience with them! Witness(目睹)their hunger, the storms and the cold weather. And look a

10、t the wonderful things of the baby penguins and the fight of being a penguin parent in this frozen land. Morgan Freeman will tell you about this journey and the amazing facts, including that father penguins can make a kind of milk-like food that will keep their babies alive for a day or two until th

11、eir mothers return. This great movie will give you feelings of both laughing and tears, making it one of the greatest love stories of the year. 36. March of the Penguins is the name of a _. A. book B. movie C. song D. poem 37. The penguins life is _ in the movie. A. hard but amazing B. easy and inte

12、resting C. relaxing but boring D. hard and boring 38. When mother penguins are away, father penguins feed their babies by_. A. milking the babies by themselves B. looking for milk of other animals C. catching little fish in the sea D. making a kind of food that looks like milk 39. Who tells the stor

13、y of the penguins journey in the movie? A. Luc Jacquet B. Morgan Freeman C. Nobody D. We dont know 40. What does the writer think of the movie? A. Moving B. Frightening C. Boring D. Difficult to understand 教学反思: 通过让学生阅读“students see stars in Hollywood”一文,让学生领略了好莱坞电影公园的主要景点,并让学生了解了记者如何获取信息。在课堂上,教师提问了

14、学生最喜欢的电影明星,最感兴趣的电影,这样既调动了学生的积极性,又能为课文打下基础。接下来让学生通过角色扮演对课文进行复述,达到巩固课文,学以致用的目的,收到了良好的教学效果。Reading A Students see stars in Hollywood!(第二课时)课前自主学习1. Discovering the useful expressions and structures.课中展示1. 小组活同学之间互相交流:把找到的短语在小组内互相交换,并一起解决发现的问题。2. 小组展示:看看哪组的短语收集得最多!语言点拨1. The park is both an amusement pa

15、rt and a film studio.*both and _【练】父亲和我都喜欢看篮球比赛。_ my father _ I love watching basketball matches.关联词组中文意思连接2个主语时的原则例句NeithernorEither orNo only but alsoAs well as2. It was hot and humid, and really smelt like a jungle. but it looked very!*smell/ look +adj【练】这首歌听起来棒极了。 这个小女孩的脸看起来像一个苹果。巩固练习(一) 单词拼写1.

16、Last week, we went to the cinema and watched a wonderful m_.2. L_, we discussed the time of the trip and ended the meeting.3. He played the r_ of a very rich man in the film.4. He jumped _ when he knew that he had won the first prize.(delighted)5. The Great Wall attracts a lot of _ from all over the

17、 world every year.(visit)(二) 单项选择( )(1). _ my daughter _ her friends have been to a foreign country. But they will travel abroad this summer, A. Neither nor B. Both, and C. either or D. Not only but also( )(2). It was hot and humid, and really smell _ a jungle. A. as B. like C. for D. /( )(3). The m

18、ilk tastes terribly _. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. badly( )(4). What did you say to David just now? A. if B. whether C. what D. that ( )(5). “I acted in my first Hollywood film.” Julia cried _. A. delight B. delighted C. delighting D. delightedly(三) 完成句子 1. 她的演讲给我留下了深刻的印象。Her speech _ _ _ _ _ _ me.

19、2. 他一点也不感到欣喜。He _ delighted _ _.3. 这本书既有趣又有用。The book is _ interesting _ useful.4. 老师问我是否想成为一名电影明星。The teacher asked me _ I wanted to be a _ _. 5. 这就闻起来什么味道?What does the wine _ _?6. 它既是我的同学又是我最好的朋友。He is _ _ classmate _ _ my best friend.7. 听到这个消息后我大吃一惊。 I _ _ _ _ _ when I heard the news. Reading B

20、WALL-E (第三课时)课前自主学习1. 读读写写【学法指引】同学们,请听录音带并模仿读音,并按要求填写表格。2. 对对碰【学法指引】判断下列影片是属于哪种类型,对对碰吧!课堂导学【学法指引】Step1 Pre-readingDiscuss the questions on Page 35, B1 with your partner.Step2 While-reading1. First reading 【学法指引】快速浏览全文, 通过对文中句子的判断,初步得出文章的篇章结构。( )(1). What kind of film is WALL-E. A. Detective film B.

21、Cartoon C. Action film D. Horror film ( )(2). Why do humans send EVE to the Earth?A. To make friends with WALL-E. B. To collect rubbish C. To see if any life has returned to Earth D. To watch musicals. ( )(3). How many things make the film enjoyable and moving?2. Second reading【学法指引】细节阅读,抓住关键字,完成表格,

22、你会有意想不到的收获!Step3 Post-reading1. Retell the story 2. Interview语言点拨1. because it is very polluted and there is too much rubbish to clean up.l too much _l 辨析 too much+_ too many + _ much too +_ 【练】用 too much, too many ,much too 填空。1. There are _ people in the park.2. My father is businessperson. He has

23、 _ work to do.3. You are eating _ fast. It is bad for your health.2. There things make WALL-E such an enjoyable and moving film*make + sth.+ adj. 使得怎么样*such 如此多么【辨析】so 和 such 在表示强调感叹时,so 修饰_. 常用的结构: so+adj./adv.+a/an+可数名词单数; such 修饰 _,常用的机构:such+ a/an +adj,+可数名词单数 ;such+可数名词复数/不可数名词. 但与many/much搭配时,

24、只能用so ; so many +可数名词复数; so much+ 不可数名词,表示如此之多的。【练】用so, such 填空1. He is _ a kind boy that everyone likes to make friends with him2. He ran _ fast that nobody could catch up with him.3. the film is colourful and looks amazing./ You will be amazed by the action scenes.* amazing adj. * Amazed adj. * be

25、 amazed by 对感到吃惊 【练】选用正确的词填空。1. I am _ in maths, because its very _.(interesting, interested)2. When he heard the _ news, he felt very _(excited, exciting)3. The film wasnt worth seeing, It was so _ that I felt sleepy(boring, bored)巩固练习(一)单词拼写1. Titanic is a very r_ film. Many young people like to s

26、ee it.2. Spiderman is thought to be p_.3. In the future, people may be able to have an e_ space trip by s_ like that in the film.4. People think that actors all have c_ lives. Actually it isnt always true.5. The story is s_ in London in the 1960s.6. KongFu Panda is a h_ cartoon film.(二)完成句子1.天很暗所以我撞

27、了桌子。 It was very dark and I _ _ a table.2.Nancy说她想和我交朋友。 Nancy said that she wanted to _ _ _.3. 飞机起飞的时候,乘客们都坐在自己的位置上 When the plane _ _, passengers stayed in their seats.4. 出门时,记得关灯。 Remember _ _ _ the lights when you go out.(三)单项选择( )(1). Poor Jill, he failed the exam again. No wonder her mother lo

28、oked _ just now. A. happy B. happily C. angry D. angrily ( )(2). We are _ at the _ film called Avatar. A. amazed amazed B. amazing amazing C. amazed amazing D. amazing amized ( )(3). The plane will _ and the passengers are asked to _ their mobile phones. A. tuin off, take off B. take off, switch on

29、C. put off, turn off D. take off , turn off ( )(4). How was your tuip to Shanghai? Great. Its _ great time! A. so a B. so C. such D. such a ( )(5). I have _ homework today! Take it easy. You should study hard for a bright future. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too Writing 课前自主学习【学法指引】同学

30、们,你最喜欢的电影是什么,请根据以下的表格完成具体的信息。课堂导学1. Speaking2. While-writing Listening课前自主学习(一) 电视节目总动员(二) 谈谈看 【学法指引】Discuss in your group.课堂导学Pre-readingDiscuss the pictures of programmers. Find out some useful words.While-reading一听:二听:Post-readingWhich progamme do you like best? Share something interesting with y

31、our partner.Step1 Pre-readingDiscuss the following questions in your group.1. In your opinions, what is it like being an actor?2. Do you look forward to being an actor?3. Who is your favourite actor or actress?Step2 While-reading1. First listening( )1) Being an actor is an easy job.( )2) Actors some

32、times have to travel a lot to make a film.( )3) Maggie was born in a village.( )4) Maggie even walked a few miles so she could play a country girl better.( )5) The director stopped the film because Maggie was crying.( )6) Maggie can accept the hard parts of her job.2. Second listening 【学法指引】学会听前预测所缺

33、内容,听众注意快速记下,相信你的神笔会完成表格。An actors lifeStep3 Language points1. Many people think it must be wonderful.l Must be _-【练】用must be, may be, cant be填空(1)Where is Miss Li. She _ in the classroom, She is hacing English class.(2) It _ Mr. Li. He has gone to Beijing and he hasnt come back yet.(3) Our parents _

34、 come, but Im not sure.2. I couldnt do it any longer. * notany longer=no longer 不再【区别】notany longer,前面的not要跟助动词一起使用,any longer放在句末。 No longer放在助动词,be动词,情态动词之后,行为动词之前。(行前be后)3. as there was none in the house.*none 没有一点【辨析】none, no one(1) none=nothing/nobody, no one= nobody(2) none+of (谓语单复数亦可) ;no on

35、e+(谓语单数)(3) 用 none 和no one 填空(1) All of us are here. _ of my classmates was late(2) _ knows the answer to the difficult question.(3) How much petro is there in the car?(4) Who is in the room? _.4. I felt different after a week or two, though.I think it is worth doing all this, though.* a week or two

36、 =one or two weeks*be worth doing 值得有价值做*though 只是不过巩固练习A 首字母填空1. The t_ in the room is 18。2. The novel is very wonderful. It is w_ reading.3. Mum wanted some onions for cooking, but there were n_ in the fridge.4. He is a good c_. He can cook delicious food.5. The singer was asked to s_ her name on

37、a poster by one of her fans.B 翻译短语1. 穿着美丽的衣服 _2. 赚很多钱 _3. 一两周 _4. 不再 _5. 值得做 _6. 起初 _7. 成长长大 _8. 一直做 _9. 签名照片 _10. 一段时间 _C 完成句子1. 当我长大后,我想去环游世界。 I want to go travelling around the world when I _ _.2. 这种玩具很畅销,他们赚了不少钱。 This kind of toys sold very well and they _ _ _ _.3. 我爸爸现在不在家,但他一两个My father isnt i

38、n right now, But hell be back home _ _ _ _ _.4. 这本书棒极了,很值得一看。This book is extremely good and it _ _ _.5. 他不再打篮球了,因为他的脚严重受伤了。 He _ play basketball _ _, because his leg was badly hurt.D 单项选择( )(1). Who is in that lab? The lights are on _. Lets go to turn them off.A. No B. Nothing C. None D. No one ( )

39、(2). Is that our headmaster? No, it_ be him. He flew to London yesterday.A. mustnt B. cant C. may not D. neednt ( )(3). The house is very cheap. It is worth _. A. to buy B. by C. buys D. buying Language 发现语言【学法指引】观察下面几组句子,看看有什么变化。1. Julia said, “Dinosaur Jungle is my favourite.”Julia said that Dinos

40、aur Jungle was her favourite. 直接引述别人的话语,并至于引号之内,叫_用自己的语言转述别人的话语,叫_ 观察结果 is_ my _ 中间还多了引导词_2. I asked them, “Do you enjoy working as extras?”I asked them if they enjoyed working as extras.观察结果: Do.enjoy_ you_,中间还多了引导词_.疑问句语序变为_3. Julia told me that her dream was to become a film as extras.I asked them if they enjoyed working as extras.观察结果: 引导词可用 _ _小结:在把间接引语变直接引语时,应注意 _和_的变化,疑问句语序要改为_学习语言【学法指引】通过预习,我们知道在日常交际中,当我们要装束别人的话是,可以使用直接引语或间接引语。它们的用法也是相当灵活的,下面一起来归纳交流一下把。(一) 检查预习的情况,小组交流并展示。(二) 归纳梳理。运用语言 直接引语和间接引语巩固复习(1)1) 将下列句子改写成间接引语。1. Mary asked, “What do you want, John” _2. John said


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