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1、Unit4 What would you do?,I would say no if someone asked me to be in a movie.假如有人请我当电影演员,我会表示拒绝。(事实上瑞没有人请我当电影演员)pretend to do sth.假装做某事 我刚刚假装在睡觉。I pretended to sleep just now.pretend to be doing sth.假装正在干某事 老师进来的时候,学生假装写作。The students pretended to be writing when the teacher came in.pretend+that 假装

2、I pretended that I fell asleep.我假装自己没做过那件事。I pretended that I didnt do it.,What would you do if you had a million dollars?I would give it to charity.If I were You shouldnt worry about what other people are wearing.you,Id wear shirt and tie.If I were you,I would take a small present.What if I dont kn

3、ow anyone?What would you do if a stranger asked you to go to movies?,be late for 迟到 be late for school/party我上班迟到了。I am late for work.ask sb.to do 叫做某事 ask sb.not to do sth.叫不要做某事 tell sb.to do 告诉做某事 tell sb.not to do sth.告诉不要做某事 in public 在公共场所 请不要在公共场所吸烟。Dont smoke in public.,a hundred,two hundred

4、,several hundredhundreds of/thousands of trees 上百棵树很多 many;much;numerous;a lot of;lots of;a great deal of;a great many;a large number of;plenty of introduce sb.to sb.把某人介绍给某人我把莉莉介绍给安娜。I introduced Lily to Anna.let sb.down 让某人失望不要让你的妈妈失望。Dont let your mother down.,.would rather than(=would rather tha

5、n)宁愿,而不愿。前后连接两个动词原形,否定形式为:would rather not do sthwould rather than=prefer to,但prefer to 若连接两个动词,动词应为v-ing 形式。He would rather run than play football.=He prefers running to playing football.would rather 常单独使用,表示“宁愿做”他宁愿待在家里看电视。He would rather watch TV at home.rather than=instead of 而不是(连接两个并列成分,前后对称)。

6、她喜欢听而不是说。She enjoys listening rather than speaking.,what if+从句 如果怎么办,要是 又怎么样 要是她不来怎么办?What if she doesnt come?如果Susan知道了怎么办 What if Susan knows?hurry to do 匆忙做急着做 我急着打电话给警察。I hurry to call the police.add sth.to sth.添加到我把糖添加到水里。I added some sugar to water.,catch up with sb.追上 赶上 caught莉莉赶上了安娜。Lily ca

7、ught up with Ae up with sth.提出 想出他提出了一个好主意。He came up with a good idea.have experience doing 在做某事有经验 我在教英语方面有经验。I have experience teaching English.by accident/by chance 偶然地,无意之中上个星期我不小心割到自己的手指。Last week I cut my finger by accident.,more than=over 超过我们班的人数超过30。There are more than/over 30 people in ou

8、r class.offer 提供 offer sb sth 给某人 offer to sb sth 主动提出干 我可以送你一辆车。I can offer you a car.他主动提出打扫教室。He offered to clean the classroom.give a speech 做演讲 have a speech听演讲 give a report 做报告 have a report 听报告,What does he look like?问相貌。He has short hair.He is of medium built.Whats he like?问“品质性格”。He is out

9、going.血管比较细,去医院吊点滴,实习护士妹妹针扎不上,去找护士长过来给我扎。护士长阿姨看了看我,又看了看我胳膊,沉默两秒,对后面忙碌的众小护士说:都过来,今天结业考试提前,这个能扎上的多加10分。,permission(n.)允许,许可 permit(v.)允许 without permission 未经许可a little=a bit 修饰形容词、副词 a little=a bit of 修饰不可数名词 a little/a bit nervous a little/a bit of watercome to sb.来到某人身边到我这边来。Come to me.sharewith sb

10、 和某人分享You should share with your classmates.give advice on 提有关的建议我想给你点学习英语方面的建议。I want to give you some advice on English learning.,表可能的假设:If 从句+一般现在时,主句+一般将来时。,Translation:如果你认真学习,你将取得好成绩。如果明天不下雨,我们就去逛街。如果你去北京,我也将跟你去。如果他不来,晚会将推迟。如果你不吃早餐,你就会很快饿。,If you study hard,you will get good grades.,If it does

11、nt rain tomorrow,we will go shopping.,If you go to Beijing,I will go with you.,If he doesnt come,the party will be put off.,If you dont have breakfast,you will get hungry quickly.,中考考点,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.If I _(know)his number,I would phone him.2.I_(not buy)that coat if I were you.3.I _(help)you if I

12、could,but Im afraid I cant.4.If we had the choice,we _(live)in the country.5.Youre always tired.If you_(not go)to bed so late every night,you wouldnt be tired all the time.6.If I were you,I _(not wait).I _(go)now.,中考对对碰!,knew,wouldnt buy,would help,would live,didnt go,wouldnt wait,would go,Exercise,

13、If I _(be)a bird,I _(fly)in the blue sky.If I _(find)a purse,I _(give)it to the police.If you _(have)something important,you _(can go)now.If he _(have)no time,lets ask Tom instead.If she _(come),please tell me.If I _(be)you,I _(choose)this one.,were,would fly,found,would give,have,can go,has,comes,w

14、ere,would choose,()1.What _ you do if you were in the desert?A.will B.do C.would()2.Cats can be lots of _ when they are kept at home.A.trouble B.troubles C.the troubles()3.The young woman has so many dresses,but she doesnt know _ every morning.A.what to wear B.how to wear C.what to put on()4.Taking

15、a long walk before going to bed can help you _ before a big exam.A.relaxed B.relaxing C.relax()5.There are _ people in this city.A.two millions B.two million C.two millions of,C,A,A,A,B,Unit5 Review,It must belong to Carla.,1.寻找物主:2.推断:,Whose book is this?/Whose is this book?Who does this book belon

16、g to?Who is the owner of this book?,一定,肯定:可能,也许:不可能,一定不:,Its Lucys.,It belongs to Lucy.,Lucy is the owner of this book.,must This book must be Lucys.,could/might It could be Jims.,cant This book cant be mine.,Tom must/could/might/cant be watching TV.,(三)标出短文中出现的本单元重要的单词、词组或句型。,1.一定在跑步 _2.看上去担忧 _ 3.奇

17、怪的声音 _4.在空中 _5.尽力做 _ 6.用光 _7.装死 _ 8.赶上 _ 9.数不尽的 _10.从逃跑 _11.上/下(车/飞机等)_12.被采访 _13.小心 _,must be running,look anxious,something strange,in the sky,attempt to do,use up,pretend to be dead,catch up with,oceans of/an ocean of,escape from,get on/off.,be interviewed by,be careful of,有只鸟在天上飞。There is a bird

18、 flying in the sky.你听到奇怪的声音吗?Did you hear something strange?我会尽力的。Ill attempt to do this.我的钱都用光了。All my money are used up.(被动语态)I used up all my money.(主动语态),Oceans of/an ocean of他有很多钱。He has oceans of money.他从教室里逃了出来。He escaped from the classroom.他被CCTV采访了。He was interviewed by CCTV.上/下公共汽车get on/o

19、ff the bus,(四)练习:完成下列英语句子。1.在梦里,我在花的海洋里微笑。_ my dream,I was smiling _ _ _ _ flowers.2.由于考试,他感到非常担忧。He is _ _ _ the test.3.大量的人围拢在他的周围。_ _ people crowded round him.4.努力学习,你就能赶上别人。Study hard,and you will _ _ _ others.5.那个小偷从监狱里逃走了。The thief _ _ the prison.,In in an ocean of,anxious because of,Oceans of

20、,catch up with,escaped from,6.纸快要用完了,请再拿些来。All the paper will _ _ _.Please get some.7.在街上要小心车辆。_ _ _ the traffic while you are walking in the street.8.刚才他假装没有看到我。He _ _ _ _ me just now.9.我们班由30个男生和25个女生组成。Our class is _ _ _ 30 boys and 25 girls.10.他一定是在跑着赶公共汽车。He _ _ _ to _ a bus.,be used up,Be care

21、ful of,pretended not to see,made up of,must be running catch,watch out/look out 当心,小心,B.单项选择。1.This pair of shoes _ Lucys.They are too big for her.A.must be B.could be C.cant be D.might be 2.This football _ Jim.A.is B.must be C.belong to D.belongs to3.She _ know the answer,but Im not sure.A.must B.m

22、ay C.has to D.mustnt4.The ground is wet this morning.It _ have rained.A.cant B.must C.need D.should5.This basketball _ John.He is the only one who has a basketball.A.cant be B.can belongs to C.must belong to D.must be6.Its 7:00 now.They _ having breakfast.A.must B.must be C.be D.must is,C,D,B,B,C,B,

23、C.句型转换。1.This football belongs to Jim.(划线部分提问)_ _ this football _ _?2.Lucy owns this book.(变同义句)Lucy is the _ _ this book.3.The red bike must be Johns.(变同义句)The red bike _ _ _ _.4.Whose earring is this?(变复数)_ _ _ _?5.He must be reading,_ _?(完成反意疑问句),Who does belong to,owner of,must belong to John,Wh

24、ose earrings are these,isnt he,A.抛砖引玉:1.The hamburger s_ nice.2.He is too young to l_ the stone alone.3.He came top in the f_ exam.4.This book is Lucys.Lucy is the o_ of this book.5.Theres hardly a cloud in the s_.6.He got up early to c_ the early bus.7.An apple d_ from the tree,I picked it up.8.Let

25、s bring some food for our p_.9.He cut his f_ by accident while cutting up the tomatoes.10.Theres much strong w_ in Jinan in spring.,mells,ift,inal,wner,ky,atch,ropped,icnic,inger,ind,review of unit6,Unit 6 复习单词1 心 内心 2渔民、渔夫3照片、相片4引起 兴趣5等级 类别6不管什么 无论什么7错过8 显示 间接表明 暗示9活力 力量10诚实的、真诚的11课程12期待13甜的14品尝 尝起

26、来15 它自己 它本身16癌症,heart,fisherman,photograph,interest,class,whatever,miss,suggest,energy,honest,course,expect,taste,sweet,Itself,cancer,17 增大18 危险 风险19 饼干20 主要的、首要的21prefer 更喜欢22lyric 歌词,抒情词句23entertainment乐趣,快乐24feature 特点,特征25photography摄影,照相26photographer 摄影师27exhibition 展览,展览会28gallery 美术 馆廊,incre

27、ase,risk,main,biscuit,on display 展览;陈列remind sb of sth/doing sth 提醒使想起他使我想起了一个老同学。He reminds me of an old classmate.提醒我要做作业啊。Please remind me of my homework.to be honest/to tell you the truth 老实说;说实在的be bad for 对有害 be good for 对有益stay away from 与保持距离请和我保持距离!Please stay away from me.music that I can

28、dance to=dance to the music随着音乐翩翩起舞sing along with 跟唱play different/all/some/many kinds of music 弹奏不同/各种/一些/种类的音乐write ones own songsloud and energetic 大声并且有活力,be full of energy 充满活力be full of=be filled with 充满这个女孩满是自信。The girl is full of confidence.prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A比起苹果,我更喜欢梨。I prefer pear to

29、apple.prefer doing A to doing B比起打篮球,我更喜欢踢足球。I prefer playing soccer to playing basketball.prefer to do A(rather than do B)=would rather do A than do B比起B来宁愿作AI prefer to play soccer rather than play basketball.learn sth by heart 用心学某事latest movie/book 最近的电影/书over the years 近几年,be sure to do 确定做某事你确

30、定要离开你女朋友?Are you sure to leave your girlfriend?be important to sb.对重要这笔钱对我很重要。The amount of money is important to me.be important for sb.to do.做某事对某人很重要赚钱对我来讲很重要。It is important for me to make money.unfortunately adv.不幸运地 unluckily fortunately adv.幸运地 luckilythough=although 作连词 虽然,尽管 放在句子中间/句首,不能和bu

31、t 连用虽然很晚了,但他还在工作Though it was very late,he went on working.史密斯先生虽然年轻,却做得很好。Mr.Smith,though he was young,did it very well.,best known=the most famous 最杰出的in the world today 在当今世界上photos of 什么样的照片 a photo of people and the countrysideinterest sb 使sb感兴趣那张图片让我感兴趣。The picture interests me.be interested i

32、n=take an interest in 对感兴趣miss this exhibition 错过展览pretty strange 十分奇怪a pretty girl 一个漂亮的女孩have lots of energy 充满活力go for sp 去某地明天他要去西藏。Hell go for Tibet tomorrow.,1.I prefer music that has great lyrics.(P44)我更喜欢有好歌词的音乐。prefer是及物动词,意为“宁愿,更喜欢”,相当于like better。Which do you _(=like better),rice or bread

33、?你比较喜欢哪一样,米饭还是面包?句型拓展prefer+(doing)sth+to(doing)sth表示“宁愿而不愿”或“比起更喜欢”I _ pears_ any other fruit.我喜欢梨胜过其他的水果。My grandma _ a walk to _ in front of the TV.我奶奶宁愿去散步而不愿看电视。prefer to do sth+rather than do sth表示“宁愿做而不愿做”。My brother _ his homework _ to the zoo.我的弟弟宁愿做作业而不愿去动物园。,讲解,1.prefer动词 更喜欢 宁愿 prefer st

34、h.更喜欢某事 I prefer English.我更喜欢英语。prefer doing/to do 宁愿做某事 I prefer_/_.我宁愿坐着。prefer sth to sth.同相比更喜欢 I prefer dogs to cats.与猫相比我更喜欢狗。prefer doing to doing 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事I prefer walking to sitting.我宁愿走路也不愿坐着。,2.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.(P46)这音乐使我回想起巴西的舞蹈音乐。remind sb of sb/sth表示“使某人回

35、想起某人/某物”。This song _ _ _ _.这首歌曲使我想起了中国。Thank you _ _ _ _ the meeting I have to attend.谢谢你提醒我去开那个必须参加的会。3.What do you think of it?(P46)你认为它怎么样?think of和what连用,表示“觉得怎样”,“认为如何”,常用来询问对方对某人或某一事物的看法、感受、印象如何,相当于How do you like.?_ do you _ _ the story?=_ do you_ the story?你觉得这个故事怎么样?,what,think,of,How,like,

36、1.I like music that I can dance.A.with B.to C.along D.on2.Some of her famous photos are display in this exhibition.A.on B.in C.at D.about3.Joe visit London last year.A.did B.real C.was D.goes to4.Maths doesnt me at all.A.interesting B.interest C.interested D.interests5.I want to buy a book radio.A.f

37、rom B.to C.for D.about,单项选择,B,A,A,B,D,6.I singing to dancing.A.like B.enjoy C.love D.prefer7.He has a friend who the piano very well.A.play B.playing C.plays D.played8.Its too late.I go home now,or my parents will be angry with me.A.have to B.have C.may D.can9.Though it was late,he went on with his

38、work.A.but B.and C.so D.10.We will have a holiday after the exam.two month B.two-month C.two-months D.two months,C,D,B,D,A,11.Dont worry.There is with your baby.something wrongB.nothing wrong C.anything serious D.something serious12.I saw him football on the playground yesterday.A.play B.to play C.p

39、layed D.plays13.He didnt go to the cinema.,he went to the park.A.WhileB.If C.Instead D.Either14.I like sweet food.Ice cream me very well.A.fit B.fits C.suit D.suits15.The boy TV all day,he did nothing.keep watching B.kept to watch C.keeps watching D.kept watching,B,A,D,D,C,41.The man is talking with

40、 my mother is my father.42.That book is the one I bought yesterday.43.He is one of the workers have been saved in that accident.44.They talked of the things and persons _they remembered in the factory.45.All can be done must be done.,用“who”或“that”填空,that,that,who,that,who,Review Of Unit 7,继续,坚持,保持 将

41、来某一天 别紧张 当导游 希望做某事 大体上,一般而言 数以千计的,许许多多的 尽快地,短语,1.hold on to,2.one day/some day,3.take it easy,4.work as tour guides,5.hope to do,6.in general,7.thousands of,8.as soon as possible,我们要坚持自己的梦想。We should hold on to our dreams.我希望有以后可以不用做作业。I hope to have no homework in the future.,乐意做某事 相当多,不少 梦想,幻想(预言,

42、期望)实现,成为事实 在亚马逊河热带丛林中 一个筋疲力尽的人 一项累人的工作,短语,11.be willing to do,12.quite a few,13.dream of=dream about,e true,15.in the Amazon jungle,16.a tired person,17.a tiring job,我很乐意帮你。I am willing to help you.这棵树上的鸟可真多。There are quite a few birds in the tree.不要做灰姑娘的梦了。Dont dream of/about the story of Cinderell

43、a.,迷人的故事 不太实际的梦想 刺激的假期 紧张的 在海滩上 尼加拉瓜大瀑布 埃菲尔铁塔 巴黎圣母院,短语,21.a fascinating story,22.less realistic dreams,23.an exciting vacation,24.stressed out,25.on beach,26.Niagara Falls,27.Eiffel Tower,28.Notre Dame Cathedral,早市上卖早点的看见带有“行政执法”的车开了过来,大家马上相互招呼,四散跑开。车停了,车上下来两个人,无奈的互相看了一眼,其中一个说:我说不开车吧,你非要开,看看,又没早餐吃了!

44、,实现梦想 付款 旅游热点,旅游胜地 考虑做某事 接受良好的教育 法国的首都,短语,33.achieve ones dream,34.pay for,35.travel spotlight,36.consider doing sth.,37.have a good education,38.the capital of France,最有活力的城市之一 最著名的教堂之一 迷人的景观 乘地铁 消费相当高的地方 在旅行社 去暖和的地方,短语,39.one of the liveliest cities,40.one of the most famous churches,41.fantastic

45、sights,42.take the underground train,43.quite an expensive place,47.at a travel agency,48.go somewhere warm,最好做 做许多户外活动 有厨房的房间 省钱,存钱 一年的这时候 装一些薄的衣服 装一些暖和的衣服 提供某物给某人,短语,49.Its best to do/had better do sth.,50.do lots of outdoor activities,51.a room with a kitchen,52.save money,53.this time of year,54

46、.pack some light clothes,55.pack some warm clothes,56.provide sb with sth.=provide sth.for sb,你今天最好不要出去。Its best not to go out today.=You had better not go out today.这家公司会提供两台电脑给我们。The company wiil provide us with two computers.=The company Will provide two computer for us.,有关的信息 将来 调查结果 继续做某事 上大学 根

47、据 各种个样的 在2008年奥运会上,短语,57.some information on/about,58.in the future,59.the findings of a survey,61.continue doing sth.=continue to do sth.,62.go to university,63.according to,64.all kinds of,65.at the 2008 Olympics,有关奥运会的信息 some information about/on Olympics你得继续装傻。You have to continue pretending to

48、be foolish.根据学校规章制度,你会被罚。According to the school rules,youll be punished.,讲解,1.v-ing型形容词和v-ed型形容词1)v-ing型形容词,常见的词有:amazeamazing 令人惊讶的tiretiring 令人疲惫的surprisesurprising 令人惊奇的 exciteexciting 令人兴奋的boreboring 令人讨厌的 interestinteresting 有趣的developdeveloping 发展中的 movemoving 感人的,2)v-ed型形容词,常见的词有:amazeamazed

49、 惊讶的tiretired 累的surprisesurprised 惊奇的 borebored 厌恶的exciteexcited 兴奋的 interestinterested 感兴趣的developdeveloped 发达的 movemoved 受感动的pleasepleased 高兴的,1.想要做:would like to do 想要:would like sth.常用的句型有:What would you like to do?你想要做什么?I would like to visit GuiLin.我想去参观桂林。What would you like?你想要什么?I would lik

50、e some tea.我想来些茶。Would you like to go to my party?你来不来参加我的晚会?(表邀请)Yes,Id love to./No,thanks.Would you like some tea or coffee?你是要点茶还是咖啡?Yes,please./No.thanks.Where would you like to visit/go?你想去哪呢?(本单元的重点句型),(1)consider+doing 表示“考虑,细想”,相当于think about。我开始想写信给他,但后来决定去见他。I first considered writing to h


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