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1、八年级上册 Units 46,1.quick(adj.)_(adv.)快地 _(同义词)迅速的 _(反义词)慢的2.worry(v.)_(adj.)担心的 _(adj.)令人担忧的3.who(pron.)_(pron.宾格)谁,quickly,fast,slow,worried,worrying,whom,4.interest(n.)_(adj.)令人感兴趣的 _(adj.)感兴趣的5.care(v.)_(adj.)仔细的 _(adv.)仔细地,认真地 _(adj.)粗心的6.use(v.)_(adj.)有用的7.begin(v.)_(n.)开始8.safe(adj.)_(n.)安全 _(反义

2、词)危险的,interesting,interested,careful,carefully,careless,useful,beginning,safety,dangerous,【品词自测】根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空Thanks a lot for your _(invite).Linda is a _ girl.She always does her homework _(care).Every student likes her.We may find it _ in the future(use).答案:invitation careful;carefully useful,1.乘

3、公交车/乘船by _2.多远how _3.动身去(某地)leave _4.视而定;决定于depend _5.少数的a small _ of 6.后天the day _ _7.整天the _ day,bus/boat,far,for,on,number,after tomorrow,whole,e over_9.in some ways_10.more than_11.in common_12.the same as_13.be good at_14.begin with_,顺便来访,在某些方面,超出,公有(的);共有(的),和一样,擅长;在方面做得好,以开始,1.你怎么到学校?_ do you

4、 _ _ school?2.你家离学校多远?_ _ is it from your home to school?3.你从家到学校要用多久?_ _ _ _ _ you to get from home to school?,How,get to,How far,How long does it take,4.那一定比乘坐公交车更有趣!That _ _ a lot _ _ _ taking a bus!5.你能来参加我的聚会吗?_ _ _ _ my party?6.刘英不如她的姐姐体育好。Liu Ying is _ _ good at sports _ her sister.,must be,m

5、ore fun than,Can you come to,not as,as,比较级【见P144】,1.hundred num.一百The number of teachers in our school is about two hundred.我校教师人数大约是二百。There are _ people dancing at the square after supper.A.hundred B.hundred ofC.hundreds D.hundreds of,There are usually _ days in a year.A.three hundred and sixty-fi

6、veB.three hundreds and sixty-fiveC.three hundred sixty-fiveD.three hundreds sixty-five,【自主归纳】hundred的相关用法(1)数字+hundred:five hundred五百;(2)hundreds of数百的;成百上千的;可以用some,many等词修饰:several hundreds of birds数百只鸟;(3)类似用法,如thousand,million,billion等;(4)表示数字时hundred与十位数之间用and连接。答案:D A,2.both pron.两个(都);两者(都)ad

7、j.两者的;双方的We are both quiet.我们都很内向。Do you know Yi Jianlian and Lin Shuhao?Yes,they are _ basketball players from NBA.A.all B.both C.neither D.either这两个孩子都很友好。_ _ the children _ very friendly.,【自主归纳】both的基本用法(1)both作形容词时常用于可数名词复数前;(2)both作代词时:位于be动词、助动词或情态动词后,实义动词前;“both of+主语”后的谓语动词用复数形式;both.and.意为“

8、和都”,可与not only.but(also)同义句互换,但后者谓语动词使用“就近原则”。,(3)both与all的用法辨析_指“两者都”(=2),其否定词为neither;_指“三者或三者以上都”(3),其否定词为none。,both,all,【判断抢答】判断下面句子翻译正误这对双胞胎都喜欢音乐。The twins both like music.()Both of the twins likes music.()All of the twins like music.()答案:B Both of;are,3.a small number of少数的A small number of st

9、udents take the subway.少数学生乘地铁。The news said that _ stars gathered to donate for charity last Sunday.A.the member of B.the number ofC.a kind of D.a number ofThe number of players on a soccer team in games _(be)11,although therere some bench players(替补).,【自主归纳】a number of/the number of的用法辨析,【温馨提示】a s

10、mall number of=a few/several少量的;a large number of=many许多;大量的;两者都后接可数名词的复数形式答案:D is,4.be good at擅长;在方面做得好Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.刘英不如她姐姐体育好。Mr.Yangs daughter is pretty good _ drawing pictures and has won many prizes.A.with B.for C.in D.atLiu Xiang is good at running.(改为同义句)Liu

11、 Xiang _ _ _ running.,Is playing sports good or bad _ our health?A.at B.for C.to D.with,【自主归纳】be good at的相关用法(1)be good at=do well in意为“擅长;在方面做得好”,其反义短语为:be poor/bad in“在某方面弱(做得不好)”;(2)be good for=do good to 意为“对有益”,其反义短语为be bad for“对有害”;(3)be good with sb.与某人相处得好。答案:D does well in B,5.How do you ge

12、t to school?你怎么到学校?Do you know _ will the famous star come to our city?I hear that hell come in his personal plane.A.why B.where C.how D.whatThe US people usually go to work by car.(对画线部分提问)_ _ the US people usually go to work?,【自主归纳】How提问交通方式时的常见答语by+交通工具(单数名词):by bus/bikein/on+限定词(ones/the)+交通工具:o

13、n the bus/in his car动词:_ a taxi/_ my bike/_/_/.答案:C How do,take,ride,walk,drive,6.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!那一定比乘坐公交车更有趣!Were having a history test next class!It _ be true!You _ be kidding!A.cant;cant B.must;cantC.cant;must D.can;mustnt,Must we clean the room right now?No,you _.A

14、.mustnt B.needntC.cant D.dont,【自主归纳】must的用法辨析,cant,have to,答案:C B,.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.(2012湖州中考)Thanks very much for i _ me to your birthday party.2.(2012毕节中考)Mikes parents are b _ teachers.3.(2012凉山中考)Hurry up.We only have a few _(分钟)left答案:1.inviting 2.both 3.minutes,4.(2011安徽中考)My grandma often g

15、ets up e _(早)to do exercise.5.(2011贵港中考)This skirt doesnt fit me,please give me _(又一的)one.6.(2011镇江中考)The charity event is _(结束).We all think it is a great success.7.(2011枣庄中考)Im more _(外向的)than my sister.8.(2011 包头中考)Are you sure its nothing _(严重的)?答案:4.early 5.another 6.over 7.outgoing 8.serious,.

16、单项选择1.(2012枣庄中考)Tom often exercises while Sam seldom does and is often weak,so Tom is _ than Sam.A.more serious B.funnierC.more athletic D.worst【解析】选C。考查形容词比较级。由前句句意“汤姆经常锻炼,而萨姆很少锻炼,身体弱”可知,“汤姆比萨姆更强健”,故选C。,2.(2012济南中考)There are many flowers and trees on _ sides of the Century Road.A.each B.every C.bot

17、h D.all【解析】选C。句意为:在世纪路的两旁有很多花和树。表示“两个都”用both,后接名词复数形式;若名词side为单数形式可用each/either。,3.(2012连云港中考)The volunteers sent _ books to a mountain village school on Childrens Day.A.two hundreds of B.two hundred ofC.two hundreds D.two hundred【解析】选D。考查数词用法。表达具体数字时,hundred,thousand,million等词不能加“s”,所以选D。,4.(2011江津

18、中考)A:How do you go home every day?B:_ bike.Its not far from here.A.On B.In C.With D.By【解析】选D。句意:A:你每天怎么回家?B:骑自行车。(我家)离这儿不远。by bike骑自行车。,5.(2011杭州中考)A smile costs nothing,but gives so _.A.little B.few C.many D.much【解析】选D。句意:微笑不花钱但可以给别人(带来)很多(美好的感觉)。so many/much表示“许多”,修饰动作用so much。,6.(2011北京中考)Excuse

19、me,could you tell me how _ to Beijing Zoo?Well,you may take Bus No.27.A.get B.gets C.getting D.to get【解析】选D。考查疑问词后接动词不定式结构。问句句意:打扰了,您能告诉我怎样去北京动物园吗?,7.(2011宿迁中考)_ is it from your home to the school?About ten minutes walk.A.How far B.How longC.How often D.How soon【解析】选A。根据答语判断问句提问距离,用how far。how long提

20、问时间或物体长度“多久;多长”;how often提问频率“多久一次”;how soon提问进度“再过多久”。,8.(2011宿迁中考)Paul isnt as _ as Sandy.He often makes mistakes in his homework.A.careless B.more carefulC.more careless D.careful【解析】选D。as.as意为“和一样”,表示同级的比较。其基本结构为:as+adj./adv.原级+as。故选D。,9.(2011济南中考)Is that Jenny?No.Thats Xiaoxue.She has _ hair th

21、an Jenny.A.long B.longerC.longest D.the longest【解析】选B。考查形容词的比较级。由句中连词“than”可知此处应该用形容词的比较级。故选B。,10.(2011徐州中考)I cant find my mobile phone.Im sure its in this room._.Ill call you with my phone.When it rings,you can follow the sound.A.Excuse me B.Good luckC.Thank you D.Dont worry【解析】选D。考查日常交际用语。由下文句意“当手

22、机铃声响时,你能听见声音。”及上文句意“我确定它在这个房间里。”可推测,找不到手机不用担心。故选D。,.完成句子1.(2012永州中考)我和他一样高。He is _ tall _ me.2.(2012宜宾中考)学好汉语对我们来说很重要。It is necessary _ us to learn Chinese _.3.(2012福州中考)As we know,good results _ _(取决于)hard work.答案:1.as;as 2.for;well 3.depend on,4.(2011莆田中考)你家离莆田车站有多远?_ is it from your home to Putia

23、n Railway Station?5.(2011乐山中考)威廉王子和凯特4月29日的婚礼如此引人注目,致使大量游客前去观看。The wedding of Prince William and Kate on April 29 was _ striking that a _ of tourists went there to watch it.答案:4.How far 5.so;number/lot,6.(2011乌鲁木齐中考)你的成功取决于你学习努力的程度。Your success _ _ how hard you work at your lessons.7.(2011盐城中考)Amy擅长

24、游泳。Amy is _.8.(2011临沂中考)当你遇到危险的时候你应该镇定。You should _ when you are in danger.答案:6.depends on 7.good at swimming8.keep calm,应用文在近年许多地市的中考考查中有所体现,常见文体如日记、书信或e-mail、邀请函或失物与招领启事等。在写作此类话题作文过程中要注意:1.格式准确;2.要点清晰。,【典题示例】学校决定本周六晚上以班为单位召开家长座谈会,会议将于七点半开始,地点是本班教室。届时将通报孩子在校学习情况,并就如何促使孩子学好功课征求家长意见。请你代替八年级(4)班班主任杨老师

25、用英语向林涛的家长写一份邀请书。要求:格式正确,语言流畅,表达清楚;词数:7080。,INVITATION_,【审题谋篇】1.本篇要求写邀请书,属于应用文文体,既考查学生的英语知识掌握情况,又考查学生的语言实际运用能力。2.人称:第一人称 3.主要时态:一般现在时(说明现有事实)与一般将来时(be going to/will do/be doing说明即将发生之事)。,4.高分模板:,【佳作诵读】INVITATIONDear Mr.and Mrs.Lin,Im glad to invite you to come to our parents meeting in our school at

26、7:30 p.m.on Saturday,May 14th.We will hold the parents meeting in the classroom of Class 4,Grade 8.At the meeting we will tell you something about your sons study.We will also listen to your advice on how to improve all his lessons.Youre expected to arrive on time.,Hope to see you then!Sincerely,Mr.Yang,【名师点睛】(1)邀请书中使用Im glad to invite.,Youre expected to.,Hope to.等不同句式,语气委婉,态度明确,符合邀请书常见格式。(2)对于邀请的时间、地点、主题、要求能够层次体现,表现出作者较强的英语语言运用能力。,


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