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1、英语新课标(RJ),Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 13 基础知识梳理,基础知识梳理,重点单词,.根据汉语提示写出单词1科学的 _2粉红色的 _3坚硬的;坚固的 _4(为)服务;招待;端上(饭菜等)_5公平的;公道的 _6有光泽的;发亮的 _7牙膏 _,scientific,pink,hard,serve,fair,shiny,toothpaste,英语新课标(RJ),8列出;列举;列表 _9事实;真相 _10书包 _11紫色的 _12钱包;女用小包 _13品味;审美力;鉴赏力 _14思想;想法;考虑;关心 _,Unit 13 基础

2、知识梳理,list,truth,schoolbag,purple,purse,taste,thought,英语新课标(RJ),.根据英语单词写出汉语1lagoon_2therefore_3lighting_4campaign_5endangered_6slogan_7mysterious_,Unit 13 基础知识梳理,泻湖;环礁湖,因此;所以,光线;照明,运动,有绝种危险的;濒临灭绝的,标语;口号,神秘的;不可思议的,英语新课标(RJ),8skin_9product_10lookout_11beauty_12stardust_13advertising_14aim_15specificall

3、y_,Unit 13 基础知识梳理,皮;皮肤,产品,前景;远景,美;美貌,星团;幻觉,广告;广告活动;广告业,瞄准;对准,特定地;特殊地;明确地,英语新课标(RJ),16instance_17confusing_18misleading_19tense_20homemade_21guilty_22saying_,Unit 13 基础知识梳理,例子;实例,令人困惑的;含糊不清的,令人误解的;骗人的,紧张的;焦虑的,自制的;家里做的,内疚的;有罪的,格言;谚语;警句,重点短语,Unit 13 基础知识梳理,1使我伤心_2宁可做某事_3使我想跳舞_4赞成与反对;正面和反面_5例如;比如 _,把下面的

4、短语译成英语,make me sad,would rather do,make me want to dance,pros and cons,for instance,6有时;偶尔 _7首先_8瞄准;针对;致力于;旨在_9濒临灭绝的动物_10产品的质量_,Unit 13 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),at times,to start with,aim at,endangered animals,the quality of the product,英语新课标(RJ),巩固应用,根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空1Restaurant _(owner)know how to make mor

5、e money.2We have learned a lot from _(science)studies.3After seeing the fruits I feel much _(hungry).4Loud music makes customers _(want)to leave.5How do you feel about people who keep you _(wait)?,Unit 13 基础知识梳理,owners,scientific,hungrier,want,waiting,6More and more people move to _(city),which are

6、full of people,noise and pollution.7We will offer you the _(low)price and also offer you a gift.8I think _(receive)money might make people feel uncomfortable.9Mr Black is wearing a _(shine)black suit today.10Breakfast _(serve)in the restaurant between 7 am and 9 am.,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),cities,l

7、owest,receiving,shiny,is served,英语新课标(RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 13 能力提升训练,.单项填空()1.Were made _ the words again and again.Aread Breading Cto reading Dto read()2.I was aiming_ the tree but hit the car by mistake.Ato Bat Con Dwith()3.Shut the windows and the doors.Try to keep the cold _.Aout Bfrom Cback Din,D,B,

8、A,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 13 能力提升训练,()4.Mr Brown alway makes his class _ and keeps his students _ in class.Aalive;interesting Blively;interesting Calive;interested Dlively;interested()5.Excuse me!Could you tell me how _ Linghu Park?Acan I get to BI could get to Cget to Dto get to,D,D,()6.Uncle Wang spent all

9、 the afternoon_ his family.They had a great time.Aon Bwith Cin Dto()7.We should make our country_ than before.ABeautiful Bbeautifully Cmore beautiful Dmore beautifully()8.I am annoyed _ others when they try to talk with me in the library.Ato Bwith Cat Din,Unit 13 能力提升训练,B,C,B,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 13 能力提升训

10、练,()9.I feel really _ before the interview.Take it easy.Sure youre the best.Apatient Bserious Cnervous Dcool()10.They came here early _ they could welcome the two Chinese astronauts.Aso that Bin order to Csuch that Denough to,C,A,英语新课标(RJ),英语新课标(RJ),Unit 13 能力提升训练,()11.Dont worry about her,Madam.You

11、r daughter is _ danger now.Ain Bout Cout of Dat()12.Im weak in English so Im always_.Astress out Bstressing Cstressed out Dstress on,C,C,.根据句意及汉语提示用适当的短语填空1We must try some way to _(使不进入)the cold.2The talks _(针对)how to keep health.3._(首先),we dont have enough money.4._(说实话),Im not interested in your

12、topic.5He _(摘下)his glasses and looked up.6._(为了使事情更简单),I will use some abbreviations here.,Unit 13 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),are aimed at,keep out,To start with,To be honest,took off,To make things easier,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 13 易错点针对训练,()1.If you see the cartoon film,it will make you _.A.laugh B.to laugh C.laughi

13、ng D.laughed,易错点针对训练,解析 本题考查“make sb.do”句型。“make you laugh”意为“让你笑”。故选A。,A,()2.In the past the children were made _15 hours a day.A.to lock B.work C.to work D.lock,C,英语新课标(RJ),解析“be made to do sth.”意为“被迫做某事”,make的被动语态要带to,故选C。,Unit 13 易错点针对训练,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 14 Have you packed yet?,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 14 基

14、础知识梳理,基础知识梳理,重点单词,.根据汉语提示写出单词1手巾;毛巾_2浇灌;浇水_3木头;木材_4点燃;点着 _5农场;农庄 _6成功且轰动一时的事物;打击_7出现;露面;(公开)演出 _,towel,water,wood,light,farm,hit,appear,8诗;韵文 _9邮件;邮包;邮政_10政府_11南方的;在南方的 _12村民;乡村居民 _13坚定地;坚决地 _14目的;意图 _15步;脚步;步骤 _,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,poem,mail,government,southern,villager,strongly,purpose,step,.根据英语单词写出汉语

15、1guidebook_2suitcase_3chop_4well_5anyway_6award_7wave_,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,手册;指南,(旅行用)小提箱;衣箱,砍;劈;剁,井;水井,不管怎样;不论用何种方式,奖赏;奖金;奖品,波浪;波涛,8scene_9lead_10cupboard_11ancestor_12root_13overseas_14homeland_,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,舞台,(戏剧、电影等中的)主角,食橱;碗橱;衣橱,祖先;祖宗,根;根源,海外的;国外的,祖国;故乡,重点短语,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,把下面的短语译成英语1游泳衣;泳装_2清除;把

16、打扫干净_3过一会再与某人通话_4遛狗_5和某人聊天_6生火做早饭_7获奖_8几年来_,bathing suit,clean out,get back to sb,take the dog for a walk,chat with,light the fire for breakfast,win an award,over the years,9出了一张轰动的唱片_10在排行榜前十名_11主唱者_12来日;将来某一日_13离开;走开_14盼望;期待_15到目前为止_16幸亏;由于;因为_,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),make a hit CD,in the top ten

17、,lead singer,some day,be off,look forward to,so far,thanks to,英语新课标(RJ),巩固应用,.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空1Our school provides paper _(towel)for the children to dry their hands.2Mrs Green asked her neighbour _(water)the plants while she was away.3He _(light)the fire and the room was comfortably warm soon.4My mo

18、ther can still recite the _(poem)she learned at school.5We asked some _(village)the way to the farm.,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,towels,to water,lit,poems,villagers,英语新课标(RJ),6Danny has _(feed)the pet but he hasnt watered the plants.7You cant imagine that the book was _(write)by a tenyearold girl.8Tina _(win)an

19、award in the history competition.9They _(strong)believe their children should make choices for themselves.10Hainan is in _(south)China and is the second largest island in China.,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,fed,written,won,strongly,southern,英语新课标(RJ),.根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式完成句子1The Spring Festival is around the corne

20、r.Wed better _(打扫干净)the house this week.2Im busy at the moment.Can I _(过一会儿通话)you a little later?3I want to travel around the world _(将来有一天)4I must _(离开)now;or Ill miss the early bus.5._(到目前为止),we have learned about 2,000 English words.,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,clean out,get back to,some day,be off,So far,英语新

21、课标(RJ),6._(幸亏)the computer,I finished the job quickly.7Thanks for considering my application and I _(期待)your reply.8Would you mind _(关)your radio?Its too loud.9He didnt _(生火),though it was cold.10He has made much progress _(在过去的两年里).,Unit 14 基础知识梳理,Thanks to,am looking forward to,turning off,light t

22、he fire,in the past two years,英语新课标(RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 14 能力提升训练,.单项填空()1.Mike is _ honest man.I_ him.Aan;believe on Ba;believe in Can;believe in Dthe;believe()2.He_here in 1980 and he _here for 31 years.Acame;came Bhas come;has come Ccame;has come Dcame;has been,C,D,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 14 能力提升训练,()3.What a

23、re you going to do this weekend?I _ yet.Ahavent decided Bwont decide Chave decided Ddidnt decide()4.Oh,sorry.Im late.I couldnt remember _.Thats all right.Come on.Awhere is your house Bwhere your house is Cwhere was your house Dwhere your house was,A,B,()5.How long _ you _ here?For about two years so

24、 far.Ahave;studied Bdid;live Cdo;stay Dwere;swimming()6.How long_the woman_?Two years.Ahas;died Bdid;die Cwas;dying Dhas;been dead,Unit 14 能力提升训练,A,D,英语新课标(RJ),()7.Wheres Mr Wang?He _ Shanghai.Agoes to Bwent to Chas been to Dhas gone to()8.These football matches in Germany are wonderful.So be sure _

25、 them.Anot miss Bof no missing Cnot to miss DMissing()9.Henry speaks Chinese very well.He _ in China since 2002.Astays Bstayed Cis staying Dhas stayed,Unit 14 能力提升训练,D,C,英语新课标(RJ),D,()10.Its your turn _ the classroom today.Aclean Bcleaning Cto clean Dfor you to clean()11.They are looking forward _ f

26、rom Mr Wang.Ahear Bto hearing Cto heard Dfor hearing()12.Shes _ for nearly an hour,_ she?Aleft;has Bbeen away;has Cbeen off;hasnt Dgone;hasnt,Unit 14 能力提升训练,C,英语新课标(RJ),B,C,()13.Would you like to go and see Kung Fu Panda with me tonight?Thank you very much,but I _ it already.Asee Bwill see Cam seein

27、g Dhave seen()14.How long have you _ this stamp collection?For three days.Aborrowed Bkept Clent Dbought,Unit 14 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),D,B,()15.We need friends to _,or we will feel _.Achat;alone Bchat with;lonely Cspeak;lonely Dtalk with;alone,Unit 14 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),B,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1我期待他的来访。I am _his visi

28、t.2到目前为止,成千上万的学生成了志愿者。_,_students have been volunteers.3我来北京一年了。I _ Beijing for a year.4他从来没有去过新建的动物园。He _the newlybuilt zoo.5我需要清理一下冰箱了。I need to _the fridge now.,Unit 14 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),looking forward to,So far,thousands of,have been in,has never been to,clean out,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 14 易错点针对训练,()1.W

29、ill you please go to see the movie Guanyinshan with me?No,I wont.I _ it already.A.saw B.have seen C.see D.will see,易错点针对训练,解析 考查动词时态。由否定答语和下句中的“already”可推测“已经看过这部电影了”,因此用现在完成时。句意为“你愿意和我去看电影观音山吗?”“不,我不去。我已经看过了”。already一般用于现在完成时。,B,()2.China develops so fast.Thats true.It _ a lot already.A.changes B.c

30、hanged C.will change D.has changed,D,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查动词时态。句意为“中国发展如此迅速。”“是呀。它已经发生了很大的变化。”表示发生在过去对现在仍有影响的动作。所以,判定为现在完成时。故选D。,Unit 14 易错点针对训练,()3._ you _ the movie Kung Fu Panda?Not yet.Ill see it this Sunday.A.Did;see B.Do;see C.Have;seen D.Are;seeing,C,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查动词时态。答语是现在完成时的标志。句意为“你看过功夫熊猫吗?”“还

31、没有。我这个周日将去看”。故选C。,Unit 14 易错点针对训练,()4.May I speak to Lin Tao?Sorry,he is not in.He _ to Changsha.A.has been B.has gone C.went D.goes,B,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查词义辨析。have been to 与 have gone to 的区别。have been to 指“去过”,have gone to 指“去了”,即不在说话者所在地。根据句意,“我可以和林涛说话吗?”“很抱歉,他不在。他去了长沙了。”可知选B。,Unit 14 易错点针对训练,()5.Where

32、 is my sister,mum?She _ to the library.She will be back soon.A.has been B.is going C.has gone D.will go,C,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查时态的用法和动词的含义。根据句意“妈妈,妹妹去哪了?”“她去图书馆了,一会儿就回来。”可知本题用一般现在完成时时态,has been to表示去过,has gone to表示去了。故选C。,Unit 14 易错点针对训练,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 1

33、5 基础知识梳理,基础知识梳理,重点单词,.根据汉语提示写出单词1称;称重量 _2磅 _3极小的;微小的 _4词语;表达方式;表达 _5建造;建筑(过去式和过去分词)_6拉;拖;拨 _,pound,tiny,expression,built,pull,weigh,英语新课标(RJ),7多余的;空闲的 _8模型 _9商业;生意 _10塑料(制)的;塑料 _11自豪的;骄傲的 _12旗;旗帜 _,Unit 15 基础知识梳理,spare,model,business,plastic,proud,flag,Unit 15 基础知识梳理,.根据英语单词写出汉语1furry_2enormous_3pla

34、yful_4aggressive_5gray_6spotted_7swamp_8feed_9polluted_10suitable_,英语新课标(RJ),毛皮的;似毛皮的;长有毛皮的,巨大的;庞大的,顽皮的;爱玩耍的,侵犯的;挑衅的,灰色(的);偏灰色(的),沼泽;沼泽地,有斑点的;有点子的,动物的食物;饲料,被污染的,合适的;适宜的,英语新课标(RJ),11educate_12urge_13recycle_14stuff_15glue_16roof_17discard_18president_19inspiration_20material_,Unit 15 基础知识梳理,教育;培养,强力需

35、求;竭力主张,再循环;回收利用,原料;材料,粘贴;胶合;胶水,顶;屋顶;房顶,丢弃;抛弃,总统;总裁;会长,灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物),材料;物质;原料,重点短语,Unit 15 基础知识梳理,把下面的短语译成英语1拯救海牛_2濒临灭绝的动物_3在我的一生中_4反对做_ 5适合于_,save the manatees,endangered animals,in my life,be against doing,be suitable for,6关心;关怀;照顾_ 7强烈要求某人做某事_8拆除_9教育公众_10在某人空余时间_,Unit 15 基础知识梳理,英语新课标(RJ),care for

36、,urge sb.to do sth.,pull down,educate the public,in ones spare time,英语新课标(RJ),巩固应用,.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空 1Your fruit and vegetables will be _(weigh)at the checkout.2Anns baby weighed eight and a half _(pound)at birth.3These old houses were _(build)of stone.4He _(pull)the heavy box across the floor to th

37、e door.5We _(certain)dont lead a rich life but were not poor,either.,Unit 15 基础知识梳理,weighed,pounds,built,pulled,certainly,英语新课标(RJ),6._(flag)of all the participating countries are flying outside the stadium.7We were _(give)ten minutes to talk about the topic.8There is no doubt that _(recycle)saves e

38、nergy and reduces pollution.9Rain is nothing _(usual)now,and often lasts two or three days.10I am against your _(spend)too much money on stamps.,Unit 15 基础知识梳理,Flags,given,recycling,unusual,spending,英语新课标(RJ),.根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空1Mark spent many years _(照顾)his sick uncle.2We feel excited when we se

39、e the _(国旗)of China.3Many old houses along the street _(拆除)last month.4Bob likes playing chess_(在空余时间).,Unit 15 基础知识梳理,caring for,national flag,were pulled down,in his spare time,英语新课标(RJ),5We are looking for a place which _(适合于)vacation.6All of them _(反对)pulling down the old house.7This kind of cak

40、e _(由制成)milk.8The fence _(用建造)used bottles.,Unit 15 基础知识梳理,is suitable for,are against,is made from,is built out of,英语新课标(RJ),能力提升训练,Unit 15 能力提升训练,.单项填空()1.Hes never got a new bike,_ he?Ais Bisnt Chas Dhasnt()2._ they _ to school by bike?AAre;used to go BDo;use to go CUsed;to go DDid;use to going,C

41、,C,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 15 能力提升训练,()3.Most manatees are about 10 _ long.Afoot Bfeet Cfoots Dfeets()4.Great changes_ in my hometown since 1980.Ahave happened Bhave taken place Chave been happened Dhave been taken place()5.Are you for or _ our plan for the vacation?Aopposite Brefuse Cagainst Dnot,B,B,C,()6.

42、You should _ the gas after you finish cooking dinner.Aclose Bturn down Cshut down Dturn off()7.Its kind _ you _ so.Afor;saying Bof;to say Cwith;say Dto;to say()8.He has _ many friends that he doesnt feel _ at all.Asuch;lonely Bso;alone Cso;lonely Dsuch;alone,Unit 15 能力提升训练,D,B,英语新课标(RJ),C,()9.Jim wi

43、th his parents _ many places in China.Avisited Bare visited Chas visited Dhave visited()10._ you practice,_ you will be at your English speaking.AThe more;the more BMore;better CVery much;the more DThe more;the better,Unit 15 能力提升训练,C,D,英语新课标(RJ),()11.You_ to the meeting this afternoon if you have s

44、omething else to do.Aneednt to come Bdont need come Cdont need coming Dneednt come()12.My jacket has _ color _ yours,but mine is bigger than yours.Athe same;as Bsame;as Cdifferent;from Dthe same;to,Unit 15 能力提升训练,D,英语新课标(RJ),A,()13.At last,Lucy made the baby _ and the baby began to laugh.Astop cryin

45、g Bto stop crying Cstop to say Dto stop to cry()14.Mrs Green _ to Lin Tao,“You _ very good English.”Asay;speak Btalk;say Cspeak;talk Dsaid;speak()15.We can _ hear the teacher.It is so noisy outside.Aalmost Bhardly Cnearly Dnever,Unit 15 能力提升训练,A,英语新课标(RJ),D,B,.根据汉语意思完成句子1这条鱼约30厘米长,4磅重。This fish is a

46、bout 30cm long,and _ about 4 _.2汤姆从树上摔下来,腿伤了。他几乎不能动了。Tom fell off the tree and hurt his legs.He could _.,Unit 15 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),weighs,pounds,hardly move at all,3丹尼认为动物园为濒临灭绝的动物提供了干净、安全的地方住。Danny thinks that zoos _clean and safe places _ endangered animals _in.4这座塔是用冰做成的。The tower _ice.5这种酒是葡萄做的。T

47、his wine _grapes.,Unit 15 能力提升训练,英语新课标(RJ),provide,for,to live,is built out of,is made from,英语新课标(RJ),Unit 15 易错点针对训练,()1.The more you smile,the _ you will feel.A.happy B.happier C.happily D.more happily,易错点针对训练,解析 考查比较级的用法。“The比较级,the比较级”意为“越,就越”。feel为连系动词,可接形容词作表语,不能接副词。句意为:你笑的越多,你感觉越快乐。故选B。,B,()2

48、.Funtawild Adventure is very popular and _ tourists visit it year by year.A.more and more B.fewer and fewer C.less and less D.more or less,A,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查形容词比较级。“比较级and比较级”结构意为“越来越”;可排除D;tourists是可数名词,可排除C;根据句中的Funtawild Adventure is very popular可判断出A为正确答案。,Unit 15 易错点针对训练,()3.Its very nice _ you

49、to help me carry the heavy box.A.of B.for C.to D.at,A,英语新课标(RJ),解析“be形容词of sb.to do”是固定句型,of前的形容词多表示人的品质、性格等。,Unit 15 易错点针对训练,英语新课标(RJ),阶段综合测试卷三(Units 115),英语新课标(RJ),阶段综合测试卷三 易错点针对训练,()1.We should never_till tomorrow what we can do today.A.put on B.put off C.give up D.give away,易错点针对训练,解析 考查动词短语辨析。p

50、ut on 意为“穿上”;put off 意为“推迟”;give up 意为“放弃”;give away 意为“捐赠”。由题意“我们不应该把今天能干的事情推迟到明天”可知选B。,B,()2.Do you know _?Next Sunday.A.what they will do B.where they will do C.when they will come here D.who they will meet,C,英语新课标(RJ),解析 考查宾语从句。由答语“Next Sunday.”可判断问句中的宾语从句的引导词应当是对时间进行提问的,排除A、B、D三个选项。故选C。,阶段综合测试卷


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