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《【中考夺分天天练】2015届中考英语(人教版)总复习第三篇 题型集训(六) 完形1+阅读2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【中考夺分天天练】2015届中考英语(人教版)总复习第三篇 题型集训(六) 完形1+阅读2.ppt(29页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,.2014镇江完形填空Recently,I felt like I reached a very low point in life.My relationships werent good,I wasnt enjoying my classes,and I felt like I had nothing to _1_.My life seemed to be full of endless homework,tests and loneliness.Nothing anyone said seemed _2_ to me.I wasnt

2、 sure what to do about myself.All I wanted was to be happy again,but I didnt know who or what would _3_ that.,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,During these days,I had trouble sleeping.I had to take sleeping pills but still woke up in the midnight.I had no _4_ but to tell my dad.He _5_ the book The Secret.I immediately

3、 bought the ebook online and read the whole thing that night.Im _6_ quite a stubborn person,but the effect on my mood after finishing the book was _7_.Suddenly,I felt like life was beautiful again.I had never felt such a deep and quick _8_in my life before.,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,In fact,the books message wa

4、s very simplethink positively(积极地)The book had many success stories about how people were able to _9_ money,soul mates(心灵伙伴)and old friends back into their lives.I started learning to thank everything in my life like them.Little by little,I realized that The Secret could only work _10_ I believed th

5、ese peoples success stories.,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,Now Im sure I can bring myself happiness.()1.A.take care of Bcome up withClook down on Dlook forward to()2.A.helpful BcolorfulCpeaceful Dpowerful,D,根据上文“人际关系很糟,不愿意上课”可知此处表示“没有什么可期待的”,说明生活失去了目标。故选D。,A,句意:似乎任何人说的话对我都没有帮助。故选A。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()3.A.serve BofferC

6、answer Dprevent,B,句意:我所需要的就是再次开心起来,但是我不知道什么人或什么事能让我开心。故选B。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()4.A.problem Bidea Cneed Ddoubt()5.A.borrowed BcollectedCreturned Drecommended,B,句意:除了告诉父亲外,我没有其他主意。故选B。,D,句意:他给我推荐了秘诀这本书。故选D。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()6.A.normally BmainlyCfinally Dprobably,A,句意:通常我是一个很固执的人。这和下文but表达的转折意义形成对照。故选A。,题型集

7、训(六)完形1阅读2,()7.A.realistic BcommonCobvious Dserious()8.A.breath BnoticeCsurprise Dchange,C,句意:但是读完这本书对我情绪的影响是明显的。故选C。,D,由“I felt like life was beautiful again”可知“生活发生了迅速而深刻的改变”。故选D。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()9.A.attract BcontrolCimagine Dmention()10.A.until BwhenCunless Dbefore,A,句意:这本书有很多有关成功的故事,这些故事是关于人们如何能

8、把金钱、心灵伙伴和老朋友重新吸引到生活中的。故选A。,B,句意:我渐渐意识到,当我相信这些人的成功事迹时,秘诀这本书才会发挥作用。故选B。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,.阅读理解,A,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()1.From the passage,we cant know where _ will be held.AJay Chous concert Bthe painting showCthe fashion show Dthe magic show,A,细节理解题。从这四篇海报的内容可以看出Art Show,Fashion Sh

9、ow和Magic Show的地址均已给出。而City Concert则没有提及,故选A。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()2.Both Jay Chous concert and the fashion show will last for _Aone month B4 hoursC3 hours D2 hours,B,细节理解题。City Concert的时间是从下午7点到11点;Fashion Show的时间是从上午8点到12点,故它们都将持续4个小时。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()3.All the activities will take place in _ASeptember

10、BAugust CJuly DJune,C,细节理解题。根据四篇海报的内容可以看出时间都是在7月份。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()4.Aifei may be a _Asinger BpainterCmagic performer Dfashion designer,D,细节理解题。由标题“Fashion Show”及“Aifeis works will be shown.”可知Aifei可能是一个时装设计师。故选D。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()5.A ticket to the magic show is _ yuan more expensive than that to the

11、 art show.A30 B40 C100 D150,C,推理计算题。魔术表演的票价是150元一张,艺术展的票价是50元一张,所以魔术表演的票价比艺术展的票价贵100元。故选C。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,B 2014河北Even in early times,people could realize the importance of dreams and knew that dreams gave meaning to life.Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming.If a person ha

12、s a dream and holds fast to it,he or she will find a way to bring it into reality(现实),题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,Children do not have much experience or knowledge.However,they are natural dreamers.We should not laugh at them for being naive.With their rich imagination,they will come up with fantastic dreams.Hist

13、ory is full of examples.Many great men were dreamers when they were children.One such dreamer was Thomas Edison.He used to be ostracized(排斥)when he was in primary school,but his achievements were greater than everyone elses in his time.,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,Teenagers and young people should also be encoura

14、ged to dream.The world is full of successful teenagers and young people.They dreamt big and their dreams changed their lives and even the world.Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples.They have developed technology and brought great progress to human besides making money for themselves.,题型集训

15、(六)完形1阅读2,Older people should believe that it is never too late to dream and that human mind is never too old to make dreams turn into reality.Colonel Saunders realized his dreams at the age of 67 and set up the biggest fried chicken company(KFC)in the world.To dream is a wonderful ability which can

16、 lead to wonderful results.Olympic records were broken by players who were brave enough to dream.No one is too young or too old to dream and to make dreams come true.,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()6.People who _ could probably realize their dreams.Afind a way to dream Bdream and hold fast to themCget the meaning

17、of life Dhave very good school results,B,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,细节理解题。文章第一段最后一句“If a person has a dream and holds fast to it,he or she will find a way to bring it into reality(现实)”指出如果一个人拥有梦想并对其坚持不懈,那么他/她就会找到方法来实现它。故选B。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()7.Young people should be encouraged to dream because _Atheir dreams are n

18、atural Bthey are greater than everyone elseCthey have much knowledge Dtheir dreams might change the world,D,细节理解题。文章第三段指出年轻人的梦想应该被鼓励,因为他们的梦想改变了自己的生活,甚至可能改变世界,故选D。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()8.What does the example of Colonel Saunders show us?ASetting up a big company is a wonderful ability.BDeveloping technolo

19、gy can bring great progress.CEven older people can make their dreams come true.DPeople should be brave enough to dream when they are young.,C,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,细节理解题。文章第四段举了Colonel Saunders的例子,指出他在67岁时才实现了自己的梦想:开办了炸鸡店肯德基。这说明老年人也能实现自己的梦想,故选C。,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()9.The underlined word“naive”in the passage means“_”in Chinese.A逆反的 B幼稚的 C调皮的 D冲动的,B,题型集训(六)完形1阅读2,()10.The best title(题目)for the passage is _.AFrom Dream to Reality BGood Examples of DreamsCAchievements in History DA List of Successful Dreamers,A,主旨大意题。本文主要是讲述了梦想的重要性,指出有梦想生命才有意义,只要坚持不懈地努力,梦想终将变成现实,故选A。,


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