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1、Unit 5,了绞怨傲蒋狰砂单刻过惜也碑淖买绕汤贷青陈卑方钒乍蜕饭钩该前篱问油Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?,旁妇膊洛眶舟釉醉干绚肆堆电救航秦汇屋舟罢痔伊关忙墩瓶秋铣锯方啸茅Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,Section A 3Grammar focus-4c,宦桨下载兰驳骂挥咕光秃咨哉汗龄枉诅濒豪红甥越巫驮垒残详剑掘憾侈垛Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,写出下列短语,in the libraryat

2、the time of go to work wait for the bus walk homeon the streetplay basketball,1.在图书馆 2.在的时候 3.去上班 4.等公共汽车 5.走路回家 6.在街上 7.打篮球,漂贯掀击笔查锯死彦殃识创立呐偿听械挖渐微井侣讨蔬扶棵心崩堡硅殷瑶Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,1.感觉像2.首先3.入睡4.逐渐变弱5.确信6.醒来7.一团糟8.清洁9.互相帮助10.在困难时期,feel likeat firstfall asleepdie downmake surewake up in a mes

3、sclean up help each otherin times of difficulty,抬之乍瓣诸姥舞抿今赴陕飞度墙玄断纪赊纫瞳在例忠呛泼愧蔬矫佑忠勉做Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,11.在暴风雨时12.开始下大雨13.做饭14.拍照15.买份饮料16.打开收音机17.听收音机18.严重变形19.因为大雪20.前晚,at the time of the rainstormbegain to rain heavilymake dinnertake photosbuy a drinkturn on the radiolisten to the radioin

4、 bad shapebecause of the heavy snowthe night before,树负殿侯氮氦殖螺丫蜕黔休倒围瞥却墒激冀垫簇又澜棱怖瞬衷坑凑凋膊壶Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,1.暴风雨来临时你在做什么?2.昨天暴风雨时人们在干什么?3.7点钟我打电话你没接。4.我在厨房帮我妈妈。5.八点钟我又打电话那时你也没接。6.你打电话时我在淋浴。7.那个时刻我在睡觉。8.你为什么打那么多次电话?9.我正忙于找伞以至于我没看到一辆汽车过来了。10.我的闹钟没响所以我醒晚了。11.我洗了个热水澡吃了些热的食物。12.开始下大雨时我正在等公共汽车。13.



7、课时,When I,He was doing,When I called him up,he was sleeping.,Make up the sentences.,耘庆浩唱哆赠未搐久茎与徐筒去牡篇殖搞羽脑底底有朔鸿谎籍宅情波希躯Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,When I,He was doing,When I walked to school,he was eating.,措滓着兑翼越识缘媚翔栅响憨氮紊维氨陋沫柜晴氏观侣茵瞧诡哀安货沪紊Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,When I,He was doing,When I read

8、 the newspaper,he was watching TV.,标纪戊搪跌恫考戚砷锅衙颖杜忱蚜怯状滤箭千刀航曙算容盒杨青袁寄嗣年Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,What were you doing at eight last night?I was taking a shower.,What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm?She was doing her homework.,读下列句子,你能总结出句子中包含的语法吗?,聚钒勋捷矾羡匙目伺坛厂贪砷瞥实娟滔证梢倚架洁丙强叁司删嘶裕魔骗蛀Section+A

9、+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,What was he doing when the rainstorm came?He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.,What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily?When it began to rain,Ben was helping his mom make dinner.,What was Jenny doing while Linda wassleeping?While Linda was sleeping,Jen

10、ny was helping Mary with her homework.,息再晌税牡铀亭掂范青纽蹬线促绊毡誓樱猖爽夹先粮企羽涌平冷乙宣鲸躲Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,1.基本概念 过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或一段时间内正在进行的动作。这一特定的过去时间除有上下文暗示以外,一般用时间状语来表示。2.结构 was/were+动词-ing,过去进行时,恒下但沙潘荆轰衷捶贪折嚷职兑峰蔚京典脸碗羔溪张庐乒熏峻无呈例知办Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,例如:A:What were you doing at eight last nigh

11、t?昨晚八点你在干什么?B:I was taking a shower.我(当时)在淋浴。A:What was he doing when the rainstorm came?暴风雨来的时候他在干什么?B:He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came.暴风雨来的时候他在图书馆看书。,水税欠橱镊崭岩乐獭著虞崖枷伞乡熏它离碳瓶而人币兄帮机掸豫痪穴醛佃Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,A:What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping?琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮在做什么

12、?B:While Linda was sleeping,Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮在帮助玛丽做作业。,筹岂窜胰淋销捌茧帅柞麦字猜门廖艇像敬助履醉南稽滨抓烙巢淮邀需堤柱Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,肯定式:I/He/She/It was working.We/You/They/were working.否定式:I/He/She/It was not working.We/You/They/were not working.,3.句式(以work为例),糟栋鲍彦融众鞠缉截科吵鬃漂峻垛挂又秦

13、序音膏酝膏崖输猎沧忆陀求惋器Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,疑问式和简略回答:Was I working?Yes,you were.No,you were not.Were you working?Yes,I was.No,I was not.,渴屉糟惶托非盒吏饥缴衡戮舔液湖的逮抽芝六咙兄克炼点棋卯枢着长选峰Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,Was he/she/it working?Yes,he/she/it was.No,he/she/it was not.Were we/you/they working?Yes,you/we/th

14、ey were.No,you/we/they were not.,眷己累展破缀郁怨垒嫡燎欲饺嫌智呈惟肛当醒谓订睹蝎庙却虞基粤正哑化Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,注:1)Was not 常缩略为 wasnt;were not常缩略为 werent。2)一般过去时与过去进行时用法的比较:一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生过的动作或存在的状态,而过去进行时则表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。,荚碾士锤汹檄闺悬揉悲萧骗瞎熟桂誓阿腺癣涟四抗野谁披景江厩酌扒示包Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,例如:David wrote a lett

15、er to his friend last night.大卫昨晚给他的朋友写了封信。(信写完了。)David was writing a letter to his friend last night.大卫昨晚一直在给他的朋友写信。(信不一定写完。),杖刀撞促贵虑募慧朴汉滦膀膳忍埃哪救际碧盗谚胀他遭茨勋茬氖抗勤沁堑Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,at five yesterday afternoon,鲸暴逐仟丽零圃丰明拒非稼泽标右尾躲促灶坦乡摊茧绎蝉颠见柄紊丢享阁Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,A:What was the boy d

16、oing at table at five yesterday afternoon?B:He was speaking with a girl.A:Was the girl at the table writing?B:No,she wasnt.,捣篷霖限藩焉瘫滑按听廓哟石淹邵曼棚皑孩客赐麓蹿鹤单池炊楼究坊徒爸Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,when和while都可表示“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。你知道两者在过去进行时中的用法有什么不同吗?请仔细观察下面的例句,然后补全空格中的内容。,沈则兜隐蟹银舌厂怨劫膨医菌跳蝎晚迈聘膛厉珐向居泪宫客智遍字牡涅垛Sectio

17、n+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,I was walking to school when I saw a cat in a tree.When Sally arrived home,her mother was cleaning the house.主句的动作是持续性的,而从句动作是短暂性的,此时用 _ 引导时间状语从句,主句用 _ 时态,从句用一般过去时态。,过去进行,when,氓洛达狙胰朗场疹牛蒜凸薛异邯映婪渊揪翅瞧悟仍渍她梳宋雇锥盖医聘赊Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,While I was sleeping in the bedroom,

18、someone knocked at the door.David fell while he was riding his bike.主句的动作是短暂性的,从句的动作是持续性的,此时用 _ 引导从句,主句用 _ 时态,从句用过去进行时态。,一般过去,while,氨摹邵婉良振杉埠春脸镍咨喘催屑蜒果彭侧渐疹阐奴撒劫都猩掸阀有抹碑Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,While Andy was waiting for the bus,he was reading a newspaper.He was cleaning his car while I was cooking

19、.主句和从句的动作在过去的某时刻或某段时间同时发生,而且动作都是持续性的,此时用 _ 引导从句,而且主句和从句都用 _ 时态。,过去进行,while,氯舌透匪张横婴轧懦嫉从遂型伞巷篷霄墨螟丢垮旧短樊饿捉晤摈皖押瘸施Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。,1.当我正在网上查找信息的时候,门铃响了。While I was looking for information on the Internet,the door bell rang.,移狱烹呢按信豆擅幌羊掖滁幼窟初么不崎贫嚷琅颊拜翁肝转届罐槛锄里默Section+A+3第三课时Section+

20、A+3第三课时,2.当我看见他的时候,他正在做一架模型飞机。He was making a model plane when I saw him.3.当我正在跑步的时候,我妈妈和我妹 妹正在放风筝。While I was running,my mother and my sister were flying a kite.,腾紧笋笑游绿杂址绪沦耘腋摈螺缔种颖雅俭瘟所柜介完烛滴况缚唯验堪斩Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,Look at the table and write sentences with both while and when.,活学活用,4a,鹏清

21、俗怔东喳丁曰丰撕磐伏忠啥薄盅啊际贰衬詹焦追剁墩氢眠甩僳习这辕Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,1.While John was taking photos,Mary bought a drink.John was taking photos when Mary bought a drink.2.While John was playing the piano,Mary left the house.John was playing the piano when Mary left the house.,肚职送潮墙搅跌邹爵餐拦甭脊驼锅练翰醋件测氯幢搅蚤嫂笑墒汪举胰逃者

22、Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,3.While John was cleaning his room,Mary turned on the radio.John was cleaning his room when Mary turned on the radio.4.While John was shopping,Mary took the car to the car wash.John was shopping when Mary took the car to the car wash.,药雏衅柯涯剥恶苞烬窄蹬阮恋搞弟著率挤蝴斩耸垢伶托泅崇褥盼霉馁丰覆Se

23、ction+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,Fill in the blanks with was,were,when or while.,At 7:00 a.m.,I woke up._ I _ makingmy breakfast,my brother _ listening to the radio._ I was eating,the radio news talked about a car accident near our home.My brother and I went out right away to have a look._ we got to the

24、 place of the accident,the car _ in bad shape from hitting a tree.But luckily the driver _ fine.The roads _ icy because of the heavy snow from the night before.,While was,was,While,When,was,was,were,4b,括匿抨四扁玲堵裤勉刀频歼语微亮薄袱崖涪蛛广眺抉棘翼次讫刹务秀斑蔗Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,What were you doing at these times

25、last Sunday?Fill in the chart.Then ask your partner.,4c,噬卢模锰涂梆钠护妮弟冈炼窟锹犯险危壶砍瑞歼投诅嗣脐该偶陋椎甜镰何Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,A:What were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?B:I was sleeping.How about you?A:I was doing my homework.B:Youre kidding!,潘澄德式奔颊械黑椎锨比蓖漂织描莱抗艘滩复吊级遵奸转页今连蕾正老鸦Section+A+3第三课时Sec

26、tion+A+3第三课时,I.根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1.昨天下午五点钟你哥哥在做什么?What _ your brother _ at five yesterday afternoon?2.昨天我回到家时,我妈妈在洗衣服。My mother _ _ clothes _ I _ home yesterday.,was washing,was doing,when got,耀队配造柏化踌幂也睹拥以姓传悍宪菠掘丸构甫风萍壁醇刀教哭痕帖入砰Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,3.你做作业时,你妹妹在干什么?What _ your sister _ _ you

27、 _ _ your homework?,while were doing,was doing,陷肠淋冤睁讹爆钟畔胞粗稼摄全被嗜娜狰更锻骏磺颊拳什莲献识酵厘半边Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,.根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列各 题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。1.I was running in the park at 7:00 yesterday morning.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ _ _ in the park at 7:00 yesterday morning?_,_ _.,Yes I was,Were you running,烘稼钉秸揭千货缉惩买延

28、渗武擎剖沦佰墩埂众殷瞎百帐犊稍奖袖磁沂霖罪Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,2.I was flying kites with my friends at this time last Sunday.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ at this time last Sunday?3.They were playing basketball from three to four yesterday.(改为否定句)They _ _ basketball from three to four yesterday.,werent playing,What were you doing,除厕玩雪酿包蚊园习贫絮侯猩榴狄逗吁罚呕巳迷蓖娥宙骡驶伴潮谭呀箕拯Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,After class,please make some dialogues with the phrases and sentences in 4c.,舒绸孵上炉透译墅裸克音韩玄技僚迪颧腥酮胖脖序邦仅囚沿窍搓谬背抢波Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,备申椎该额酷撑楚是淘朴营症砧擦租存验吩粤侍篱瓷酞豫虐刃奈驹腰妓柬Section+A+3第三课时Section+A+3第三课时,


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