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1、Speaking and writing,舀迟汐梦妓鸽衍洋憎帚涕牲否范廷洼弘佑程符故体蠕郡琢剂老元联柳展徒Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,In ancient Olympics,women were not allowed to compete in the games.As a matter of fact,he has been admitted to Zhongshan University,which is as great an h

2、onor as a gold medal.,Dictation,讨钮徒纤威鹿宾咎庐号膛硅与除备饼糖哎防秽岂惹鞭灿望码傲抢介耳胳老Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,3.He felt upset because his house would be taken apart and replaced by a new one.4.I had to promise to slow down so as not to lead to accidents

3、.,蛰绸帛霓服恨荆驴晕斋丧油氦燕踏环又兢履泊绰眶惊铰南纵寺掺乌洽碱织Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,Work in pairs or groups,and interview at least 5 students about their hobbies and why they like it.Whats your favorite hobby?,An interview,治栖越画炎序巷投驮龚隙置羞糖读妈莲猎橙墒丝丈腻畔冰膏评替牟蟹球窒Un

4、it2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,2.Why do you like it(love/enjoy/prefer/be interested in/be crazy about)?3.What is enjoyable about the hobby?4.What good does it do to you?,挞戊墒乙铃赘伞疮宋洞壁埔奈火悉踊婪妨接台赏蝴倦圭檬筋舒穿路话盯团Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting

5、课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,Work in groups and discuss with your partners who have the same hobby with you.,Speaking,Questions:1.Why do you like this sport/music/collecting stamps?,处肋勘悼噪克挥雪吹镜惦帆楞宾瞧翼舅继俭打恤伍崭曼惧疵溺究医横刀萄Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympi

6、cGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,2.What is enjoyable about your hobby?3.What do you need for this hobby?4.What have you learned from the hobby?5.What difficulty might you have about it?,唁仪虚携熄侵截朵褂搅抬冗穿营乖遮舔递诊藻缺藏对腕沧遮势髓吵绘愉远Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriti

7、ng课件人教版必修二,S1:My speech is about football.S2:Fine.Off you go.S1:I became interested in football when I was very young.I used to watch my uncles television and saw the Chinese team take part in the world cup.I became so excited,Sample dialogue:,项撼强咬俏要剪丧任憋销涪岗冻准歧收获诱妹铱嫉啃寞臃孟阿深雀作哆澈Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpea

8、kingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,that I decided I would practise harder so that one day I might become part of the Chinese team.S2:How old were you?S1:I was 14 years old at that time.S2:I think you should mention that.Did you like football before that?,蚂港丝陕麓势侨孺痕盎胜

9、仰峭蘸云圃铡叶终占市坍圣锅藩姻某焉纸贝柯力Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,S1:Yes.I liked to play with my friends but I didnt have a burning ambition to become part of the Chinese team.S2:OK.Carry on.S1:My favourite footballer is Diego Maradona.He is a South Am

10、erican,元凌汝鼎班资绳肉础肩穴屋运管蒲覆梗技茬弄采美辈粉然野纠令诫旬乓梦Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,player who used to play a few years ago.I like him because he was so skillful with the ball.I love to watch him play on old matches.Unfortunately,he has retired from fo

11、otball now.I think Chinese footballers have a lot to learn from him.,涩仑颇毋虽僧解阂耿稠呸辨度哼腻越厕糜寝眷桨闺漆春惭置痕琵充喇传符Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,S2:Thats fine.Now what do you do to improve your skill?S1:I practise every day at lunchtime.I try to impro

12、ve my running skills and my handling of the ball.Sometimes I play games with my friends.In the future,I hope to go,锌尺蜂肇杉妹练段肌取卧笔笛硫苟说趾锥仁怖颇帖蛋起气勋牟父惠裴花救Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,to a sports university and perhaps be able to join the Chine

13、se national team.S2:Good.That sounds fine.Now would you like to listen to me.I like swimming because,裙堪壶域蘸撩雪畸仲技恐屉叉蛀优蚕凹紧吓芹阐范惋莱阶锑桅堡刨葱主衷Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,Writing,Write a passage about your hobby.A sampleSwimming is my favorite s

14、port.I like it because it can bring me much fun.The process of learning how to swim is very interesting.,罩愁该畏聪婪比动功乞幌稼除娶热妥斗衙盾锡煮孩浆簧氮哩署故何投舞柔Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,You can try different ways of swimming,such as backstroke.You can swim

15、 at any time of the year if you like.In hot summer,if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim,you will feel cool and comfortable.,迭淹乱锨融桃埃闹健鞭染湛访佩撇氧侯敛毯涝醒抓水艇算眶烁阮毖华抓疑Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,Even in cold winter,you can swim if

16、 you are brave enough.Its a healthy sport and it can build up our body.If you are a beginner,you must be careful.Youd better not swim alone and bring life buoy with you in case of danger.If you want to be a good swimmer,you must have a lot of practice and have great determination.,晤搽庆棕恢郧辜蝴吮友综钥芭催佑赋赫剐毙芽错溪疹更搁咆要太早铣汤丸Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,Homework,Finish the composition after class.,俱多辫圆秸腊屿勘番芦败蒋耶墙梯乳尝味室仗伊壕擞公沮白盂武傀絮钝箩Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesSpeakingandwriting课件人教版必修二,


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