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1、Unit 1 My names Gina.,一教学目标,学会如何做自我介绍;2.学会问候他人;3.能从对话中获取对方的基本信息;4.建立班级电话簿;5.学会制作个性名片;6.能向他人简单介绍自己名字的含义。,教案示例,.导入新课 视频(14”)板书:What are they talking about?.课程学习 音频素材(section A 1b)文字资料(section A 1b答案)音频素材(section A 2a)文字资料(section A 2a答案),教案示例,.课程学习 音频素材(section A 2b)文字资料(section A 2b 答案)文字资料(section A

2、 2c)文字资料(section A 3a)文字资料(section A 3a答案)文字资料(Grammar Focus)音频素材(section B 1a)音频素材(Section B 1b),教案示例,.课程学习(说明:本册课程学习中的section A、section B和教案示例里的顺序一致,基本都是按照书本上的先后顺序完成)文字资料(section B 1b答案)音频素材(section B 2a)文字资料(section B 2a答案)文字资料:(section B 2b)文字资料(section B 2b答案)文字资料:(section B 3a)文字资料(section B 3

3、a答案),Listen and number the conversations1-3,(2),(1),(3),Listen and number the conversations1-3,Listen to the conversations and number the pictures.,Listen to the conversations and number the pictures.,AnswersPicture 1=Conversation 3Picture 2=Conversation 1Picture 3=Conversation 2Picture 4=Conversati

4、on 4,Listen again.Circle the name you hear.,Tony Tom Jenny Bob Mike Jim,Listen again.Circle the name you hear.,Tony Tom Jenny Bob Mike Jim,PAIRWORK,A:Hello!Whats your name?B:My namesA:ImB:Nice to meet you!,A:Whats his name?B:His name isA:And whats her name?B:Her name is,Read the list of names.Write

5、F for the first name and L for the last name.,Tony 6.JackGreen 7.Smith3.Miller 8.Brown4.Mingming 9.Zhang5.Gina 10.Mary,Read the list of names.Write F for the first name and L for the last name.,Tony 6.JackGreen 7.Smith3.Miller 8.Brown4.Mingming 9.Zhang5.Gina 10.Mary,L,L,L,L,L,F,F,F,F,F,Whats your na

6、me?My names Jenny.Im Jenny.Whats his name?His names Tony.Whats her name?Her names Gina.其中:Whats=What is Im=I am names=name is,如果我们想询问别人叫什么名字该怎么说呢?可以用下面的句型:,Listen and repeat.,0 zero 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten,Listen to the conversation.Listen again and writ

7、e the telephone number.,-,Listen to the conversation.Listen again and write the telephone number.,278-6926,Listen and match the names with telephone numbers.,Tom _ a.929-31_ _Linda _ b.398-61_ _Bob _ c.278-79_ _Mary _ d.555-80_ _,Listen and match the names with telephone numbers.,Tom _ a.929-31_ _Li

8、nda _ b.398-61_ _Bob _ c.278-79_ _Mary _ d.555-80_ _,C,D,B,A,Listen again.Complete the phone numbers.,Tom _ a.929-31_ _Linda _ b.398-61_ _Bob _ c.278-79_ _Mary _ d.555-80_ _,Listen again.Complete the phone numbers.,Tom _ a.929-31_ _Linda _ b.398-61_ _Bob _ c.278-79_ _Mary _ d.555-80_ _,60,49,28,42,L

9、ook at the picture.Find the last names and write them below,Gina_Nick _Linda _Jim _Alan _,-Gina Green,-Linda Brown,-Jim Smith,-Alan Miller,-Nick Hand,Look at the picture.Find the last names and write them below,Gina_Nick _Linda _Jim _Alan _,-Gina Green,-Linda Brown,-Jim Smith,-Alan Miller,-Nick Hand

10、,Green,Hand,Brown,Smith,Miller,美国人姓氏趣谈,一、以职业为姓 美国人多以职业为姓,这点与我们很是不同。如:Blacksmith铁匠,Carpenter木匠,Taylor裁缝,Miller磨坊工,Butcher屠夫,Baker面包师,Harper竖琴师,Archer弓箭手,Locker保管员等。,美国人姓氏趣谈,二、以地点为姓 美国人很多是以居住地的地理位置或环境特点为姓。如:Kent肯特郡,Bedford贝德福郡,Bridge桥,Brook小河,Ford浅滩,Cape海角,Hill山。另外,姓氏中以-gate,-bridge,-field,-wood等结尾的,也

11、属此类。,美国人姓氏趣谈,三、以动、植物为姓 由于人们对动、植物的喜好,就以它们的名称为姓。如:Lion狮子,Swan天鹅,Wood森林,Wolf狼,Flower花等。不过,姓 Wolf,Lion可够吓人的。,美国人姓氏趣谈,四、以颜色为姓:这可是美国的大姓,如:Black黑色,Red红色,Brown棕色,White白色,Pink粉色,Silver银色,Green绿色。,美国人姓氏趣谈,五、以父亲、祖父名字转作姓氏 居住在美国西北部地区的人,常在名字后加-son充当姓氏。如:Addison,Richardson,Robinson等,均是以祖父、父亲名转为姓的。,美国人姓氏趣谈,六、其他的还有以

12、绰号和器物为姓的,如:Stout(胖子),Arm strong(大力士);以器物为姓,如:Coffin(棺材),Stone(石头)等,真是有趣极了。,.选词填空,_your name?2.Her first name is _.3.Please count to _:one,two,three,four.4.Hello!_Jim.,Whats nine BenWashington ShesEmily her Im four Hows,.选词填空,_your name?2.Her first name is _.3.Please count to _:one,two,three,four.4.H

13、ello!_Jim.,Whats nine BenWashington ShesEmily her Im four Hows,Whats,Emily,four,Im,I am Tony Smith.I am twelve.I am in No.101 Middle School.Im in Class 2,Grade 7.My good friend is Jim Green.He is an English boy.He is twelve,too.He is in my class.He can speak good Chinese.Jane is in Class 2,too.I thi

14、nk she is a good girl.My Chinese teacher is Mr.Wang.His students like him.He is very cool.,1.Tony _ twelve.His last name is _.2.Tony and Jim are _ the same _.Jane is _ Class 2,too.3.Tony and Jim _ good _.4.Jims _ is very good.,.阅读理解,I am Tony Smith.I am twelve.I am in No.101 Middle School.Im in Clas

15、s 2,Grade 7.My good friend is Jim Green.He is an English boy.He is twelve,too.He is in my class.He can speak good Chinese.Jane is in Class 2,too.I think she is a good girl.My Chinese teacher is Mr.Wang.His students like him.He is very cool.,1.Tony _ twelve.His last name is _.2.Tony and Jim are _ the same _.Jane is _ Class 2,too.3.Tony and Jim _ good _.4.Jims _ is very good.,.阅读理解,is,Smith,in,class,in,are,friends,Chinese,


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