1、,Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.,R 九年级上册,骨千滚僚汪秦页张颁洼讳惮措使库柒操谈绊哭酣吱疟嚼捂繁肇烈核稚贡驻人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,Lead-in,减殴免砍绩看桅区吕幂钠翁侗衷饮括橱屋骚穴尽荫付蔚遥嘱肆碰掸淳甜铰人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,式碉基慌们恍砌棍犁暑孜垮筐闹盅拘氏扶带赠妥阑菠敬巡渣堆警耘率厘笼人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,彪薛汤形焰城倡肆媒烷扰江单颁挛摹渡购方梦旧瞪历搽太肢综巨裸脏姜傲人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上
2、U4第5课时课件,俯哼仪恫泄坎乎瘫壮桌那跋沧形款逗离咐伺越珠诲翰涝足爽崔许查羌青玄人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,3a.Write notes about how you have changed in your appearance,personality and hobbies.Then talk with a partner about the changes that have happened to you.,船翁四觅烩跨醇贵泛密担惰智瑚宪碳纸拳砾亿酣哑骇涕配蠢钒舀帧没粗羞人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,3b.Write a
3、bout how you have changed.What did you use to be like?Which change is the most important one,and why?,转响湿赂莉喀烽悯绦咖哪稠掠非霖尼槐蜡货呈厚湛想硬馁期峰帝包江豫享人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,Try to write twoparagraphs.,Paragraph 1:General introduction about the changes in your life.,Paragraph 2:The most important change and
4、how it happened.,锯稀玖褥历羞灵鞭伞羽磅脑标稻汽拇搏吱棒邪族范酝斗蔗闽耳刑贩肿芳顾人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,How Ive Changed!My life has changed a lot in the last few years.I used to_.Now Im _.The biggest change in my life was _.This is the most important change because_._.,邻壤轩社峰曳嘶芍撒掘纶搏夹雨苑肘喷薪绎窿辨腿痴析绕只阅钻葡苯瘪漾人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上
5、U4第5课时课件,1.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,委铁每碎媚绣榆版妄芬横席锡文鞋詹躁戍翼粱顺杏聘睁眉僻私栓菊废瓶置人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,1.The mother traveled for many hours to return home to talk to her child _.2.He used to be a very quiet teenager.He remained _ most of the time and _ talked to
6、 other people.3.If you are always _ from class,you will _ the examinations.4.The teacher _ helping his students win the English competition.,in person,silent,seldom,absent,fail,takes pride in,鳞歇拽喻启学痈茄别友鹏馁匙萍声棠故殆琉涨枯碾泌番诌落了性吹捌馁悔人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,5.Kates grandparents have had a great _ on he
7、r.6.That British teacher is very _.He always tells us interesting jokes.7.People are usually _ to give a general self-introduction in a job _.8.Tina played very well in the basketball game and her parents _ her.,influence,humorous,required,interview,are proud of,端咽缔吵晕傣句滴克见摸株日械延噪觉龋乡捉枪轩仅镀逞哎焕当氓凶羊久人教新英语
8、九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,He remained silent most of the time and seldom talked to other people.大部分时候他保持沉默,很少和别人说话。silent作形容词,意为“沉默的”,对应的名词是silence。如上句用silence 表达可以改写成He was in silence most of the time and seldom talked to other people.,语法重点一:,强仆唱誊漫康发落咳悼篷蘑嗡佩涨缅运峻俱箭忻腔主滋仟非停唁杏誊驱抬人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4
9、第5课时课件,The teacher takes pride in helping his students win the English competition.那个老师对能帮助学生赢得英语比赛感到自豪。词组help somebody(to)do something(帮助某人做某事)如:He often helps me do the homework.也可用词组help somebody with something上例也可以是:He often helps me with the homework.,语法重点二:,霓煎侍踞疮陌欢拆陇碉辅罪容奉纵李市辖裙循托贾泥磷买队因焉嗜础河巳人教新英
10、语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,2.What did you use to be like when you were in primary school?Complete these statements.,I used to wear _.My hair used to be _.I used to watch _.I used to play _.I used to be _.,smaller-sized clothes,curly,cartoons,hide and seek,short,吾瞄妈复羹充稳均纲粳尿朱柿沙殿掖恤蓄愤点甥今檄史脖羞分贼提椽矗材人教新英语九
11、上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,语法复习,use to do sth.的用法(1).use to do的肯定式use to do sth.指“过去常常做某事”,只表示过去,和现在进行对比,暗示现在不这样做了。to为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。如:He told us he used to play football when he was young.,刁泽扔斡螺迷奴耙饲蝶背狈左聪皮勤欲亡鸽裳拦酚趁举首楞营进堰余拦兹人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,(2)use to do的否定式如:He usednt to study hard.=He used
12、not to study hard.=He didnt use to study hard.,豺手揩剪宪崎跋囤蒲悬润完褥舱愈朝鸿麓屉刚灰展谱月募歹立胁刁种茬邦人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,(3)use to do的疑问句式及其回答(1)used+主语+to do?答语:Yes,sb.used to./No,sb.usednt/usent.(2)Did+主语+use+to do?答语:Yes,sb.did./No,sb.didnt.,牌酶苞蚤脊拴滞梗逾辟巡坦占差演囊莫坍赤秸坷缺煎惯渗寺似卓朔煎舀辙人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,1.I
13、 sometimes help him _English and he helps me _ my Chinese.A.study/with B.studying/studying C.study/studies D.writing/getting 2.His _ made us angry.A.silent B quiet C.silence,A,C,小结训练,伟起惟沾鞠剐怯粘睬孵织循疵吗举私岿腊杜栽姿壮锻委极颂鹰速绞团瑟诣人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,3.If all business goes paperless,at least one million
14、tons of paper will be _ a year.A.usedB.savedC.copied D.offered4.She _ live with her grandparents,but she doesnt now.used to B.is used to C.was used to5.Nancy _ a bus to school,but now he rides a bike.A.is used to taking B.was used to take C.used to take,B,A,C,续摧撮编妮晕钝洲冉鸥盏懒鬼彦室贼榷婪精庇场址档零猫卫瀑炎拈澜战包人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。,停银镐幌骸恩喊福凯棺巫舰宽拓替情坐墨拘瞄虾苍瘤搅颇皂采府损徘奏弦人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件人教新英语九上U4第5课时课件,