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1、 在自主探究中发展 在合作创新中提升眉县常兴中心小学“三四四”模式本土化研究工具单 _五_年级英语组研制Lesson25 What Do We Need for the Trip?授课班级Grade 5 Class 课 题Lesson 25课 型新授课授课教师Zhao Lifang课 时 one period授课时间Teaching aim学习目标1、我能听说读写单词ticket(s),clothes,jacket及衣服类名称。2、I can prepare for the trip.(为旅游出行做准备。)【预习案】1、自读课文,圈出本课自己认为难读或不会的单词或短语(组内解决,组内解决不了的

2、,可全班解决,或教师指导)【扫除障碍】(找出课文中出现的衣服名称) 预 习 收 获预 习 困 惑 自评:_ 组长评:_ 家长评:_【学习案】1、Have a free talk to talk about the weather、the clothes and something else.2、Work in groups to talk about what clothes we need for the different weather.(小组讨论不同天气所需什么衣服)3、Help Li Ming to prepare for his trip to Beijing.(李明为去北京的旅行

3、做准备)S1:Does he need a?S2:Yes/No.【探究案】请仔细看: a pair of 的用法 类似的表达还有:a pair of pants 一条裤子 a cup of 一杯 a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 a glass of 一玻璃杯 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 a bottle of 一瓶Answer the questions for the text: Q1:How do they go to Beijing? Q2:What do they need for the trip? Q3:Does Li Ming need a pair

4、of pants?【积累运用】Help Li Ming to fill in the blanks: Hello,Im Li Ming.Tomorrow Jenny, Danny and I _ Beijing.What do we need? We need train_. We need train tickets_Shijiazhuang_Beijing. I need to pack my suitcase with my_.Do I need a dress?No!Do I_a pair of pants?Yes! Word Listtickets leave for clothes

5、 need fromto【拓展训练】( )1.Li Ming will go a trip to Beijng. A. for B. on C. to( )2.He need a ticket Shijiazhuang_Beijing. A. from.to B.to.from C. from.in( )3.Tomorrow the weather is !A. sun B. sunny C. suny( )4. he need pyjamas.?A.Do B. Is C. Does ( )5.Li Ming needs a pair _pants for his trip. A. off B. of C. on【布置作业】Homework:Do you want to go on a trip? Where do you want to go? What do you need?Please talk with your friends.Model:I want to go on a trip to_,it is _.I need a _ticket.I need a _,a_and_.小组长评价老师评价校长寄语:我有理想,我在努力,我能成功! 审定人 卢明侠


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