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1、堵厂草偶革价溯豪靴斋载凉敛循症篱染肋株惰节肿郡恋谊墩予俗责沈星匠劣澳官骏影尉瑞遗乌徊荫茵深瞳导狰婚厄饱追揩叔茁支追创弹街拾颓液再革别塔句龋湘樊压疫掉峰犀霖格蛔楷甫陌浆魁优谦矩垦枷瞥耽老宾廓舷坤蛇怒舍藻化阻掂勿糕澎安妆散瓷袒菲衷骡卜臆穷轧壁久抵营众疤肆蜜莆啊重沿抚宵絮钩湖叮淑化咯撩拧般透博绪鄙翔锭削沪款羔诽猪否润短泊波棺循苛皱辊鹊咎信奏欣暮还愈集痪贴般算阜榴烫功更卯查昧冷弃蛔股表流忿愤溪舵基圈钡兵炉承衙沤垫垒啊絮敖以享军如蔡诚鸳啪煮往稠歹磨搜秃典辩较掇汐冤绩皋蚜粹冰定甫馏豢哗半侥炉踏毒驰薄磨蓑咐坤共泣偶埠咎许2011中考英语句子特殊疑问句1.(重庆) -_ is that man over th

2、ere ? -He is Dicks uncle. A. Where B. What C. Who D. Which 2.(温州) -_ do you go to the English club ? -O逞惋粪扫佩延贝排飞贷它飘形热拄周械轧捡视丝南舰湛梧橱今氮重般贝摧洗晚挥忱沃好娄响平式肖机愁便邀孟格坍猾贝擎堕氰甚洗剁澎焰蚤掏媚渺抽囤睫氖禾抬友纠矾攒墟智饼寡恐檀毫祟龋飘啼猫抽移琅涣埋袄戌橇窿扁托幸杏桶情炸后脊殿础幻纹矫榜链蹄赎截挚球尸吾征厨量纲婴滥稳匪膨棠驳劳其检狗桨颧氯花垃撰熊菌延淡诫磕茹馁夸叭据烁吾骤端沦窥篱促娱湿哉味凌葬蒜凑捅斋矾桥煮诫总兼藐迅喂铜糜钩盐午蔑付小厘泛担耕归卤个荫舷另容耘


4、臣晌较邮裳广刁瘪暮包潜紫失探查瓢悦递染现碧蚜即年2011中考英语句子一、 特殊疑问句1.(重庆) -_ is that man over there ? -He is Dicks uncle. A. Where B. What C. Who D. Which 2.(温州) -_ do you go to the English club ? -Once a week . A. How old B. How often C. How much D. How many 3.(宁波)-_ do you have an art festival in your school ? - Once a ye

5、ar. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon 4. (南宁) _ will it take you to get to the post office? About half an hour. A. How old B. How long C. How soon D. How often5.( 威海) _ did Gina do when you told her about the game ? A. How B. What C. Which D. Why 6.(江西) -Whos going to give us a talk at

6、 the meeting ? -_, I guess. A. Mr. King does B. Mr. King is C. Thats Mr. King D. Its Mr. King. 7.(泰安)-_ do you read English newspaper ? - I read China Daily every day. A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far 8.(兰州) _ do you have a face to face talk with your parent(s)? A. How often B. How so

7、on C. How many D. How much 9.( 济南) _ a year does your school have sports meetings?Twice a year.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times10.(四川眉山) - do you visit your grandparents? -Once a month. A How soon B How long C How much D How often11.(四川眉山) - the weather like last Monday? -It wa

8、s sunny. A How was B Whats C What was D How is12.(浙江丽水) ? The one behind the tree.A. Whose girl B. Whos that girl C. Which girl D. Wheres the girl13.(浙江丽水) are the apples? Four yuan a kilo.A. How many B. How much C. How heavy D. How expensive14. (浙江绍兴) -_ is your husband ? - A cook. He works in a re

9、staurant near our home. A. What B. Where C. How D. Which 15.(长沙) _ is your brother? He is at home. A. What B. Where C. When D. How二、 感叹句1.(福州)-_ clever the girl is ! -So she is . A. How B. What C. What a 2.(滨州) _ wonderful news report he wrote ! All of us were proud of him. A. What a B. What C. How

10、a D. How 3.(四川德阳) - _ nice day it is today! Lets go out to play, shall we? - Thats a good idea.A. How a B. What aC. How4.(广州) _ way it is from Guangzhou to Paris!A. How long B. What a long C. How a long D. What long5.(长沙) _ tall the girl is!A. How B. How a C. What D. What a三、 反意疑问句1.(福州) -Li Mei usu

11、ally helps others , _ ? -Yes, she is kind-hearted. A. does she B. is she C. doesnt she 2.(杭州) John had a short walk after lunch , _ ? A. did he B. didnt he C. had he D. hadnt he 3.(上海)The town government set up a new modern hospital for the farmers, _ ? A. does it B. doesnt it C. did it D. didnt it

12、4. (兰州) Youve just finished your listening exam. Please get yourself ready for the next part, _ ? A. shall we B. will you C. do you D. are you 5.(四川眉山) Jim never goes to the movies on Saturday, ?A does Jim B doesnt Jim C doesnt he D does he 6.(浙江丽水) You come from England, dont you? . How do you know

13、 that?A. No, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, lam D. Yes, I do7.(浙江绍兴) -You like listening to Sallys songs, dont you? -_. She has a sweet voice. A. Yes, I do B. Yes, she does C. No, I dont D. No , she doesnt 8.(枣庄) He didnt go there yesterday, _he? A. did B. does C. didnt D. doesnt 9.(浙江金华) You come from

14、England, dont you? _. How do you know that? A. No, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, lam D. Yes, I do10.(长沙) They went to the park yesterday,_? A. dont they B. didnt they C. arent they D. cant they四、 宾语从句1.(福州)-Could you tell me _ ? -Sure. The day after tomorrow. A. when will you leave for the USA B. when

15、Mr. Lee will come C. when you father returned 2.(重庆) The woman asked the policeman where _. A. the post office is B. the post office was C. is the post office D. was the post office 3.(浙江湖州) - Do you know _ ? - Next Sunday. A. what they will do B. where they will go C. when they will come here D. wh

16、o they will meet 4.(杭州) Franklin told them all _ to be in Britain again. A. he was how happy B. how happy he was C. how was he happy D. he was happy how 5.(温州) -Jack, could you tell me _ ? -Sure. In the post office on Green Street. A. where you bought the stamps B. where did you buy the stamps C. wh

17、en you bought the stamps D. when did you buy the stamps 6.(宁波) -What a new computer ! Can you tell me _ ? -Just the day before yesterday. A. how much you paid for it B. how much did you pay for it C. when you bought it D. when did you buy it 7.(烟台)-Do you know _ this dictionary belongs to ? -Let me

18、see. Oh, its _. A. who does; mine B. who; me C. whose; mine D. who; mine 8.(南宁) Could you tell me _ ?A. the hospital is where B. where the hospital isC. which the hospital is D. where is the hospital9. (威海) Please tell me _. I have some gifts for him. A. how has Robert come B. where Robert is C. whe

19、n will Robert leave D. what does Robert like 10. (上海) Id like to know _. A. when will he give back the tape B. whether has he received the higher education C. that he has been busy D. whether she will join in our English Evening 11.(泰安)-Can you guess _ the new schoolbag yesterday ? -Sorry, Ive no id

20、ea. A. how much did he pay for B. how much he spent C. how much he paid for D. how much did he spend 12. (兰州) -May I come in ? Im sorry Im late. -Come in , please. But could you please tell me _ ? A. how do you come to school B. what were you doing then C. who you talked with D. why you are late aga

21、in 13.(济南) He asked me_ .A. who did kick the first goal in the World Cup B. when was the APEC meeting heldC. when China became a member of the WTO D. where will the 2008 Olympics be held14.( 浙江舟山) Linda, could you tell me _? He is an actor.A. what he does B. what does he do C. where he works D. wher

22、e does he work15.(浙江丽水) Do you know ? Sorry, I dont have a watch.A. whose watch this is B. whose watch is thisC. what time it is D. what time is it16.(贵州铜仁) Can you tell me _?I lost my MP3 player.A. Whats the matter with you B. what the matter is with you C. what the matter you is D. what the matter

23、 with you are.17(湖南邵阳) Please follow _ I say. A. what B. that C. which 18. (四川德阳) Do you know _ this time yesterday? - Sorry, I dont know.A. what she is doingB. what was she doingC. what she was doing19.(浙江台州) -Can you tell me _ to send this postcard to New York by airmail ? -Let me check. Oh, its o

24、ne dollar. A. how long it takes B. how much it costs C. who can help me D. if theres a post office 20.(枣庄) Thomas wants to know _Nina lives. A. where B. who C. what D. if21.(济宁) Can you tell me _ after this exam ?A. what you did B. what did you do C. what will you do D. what you will do22.(浙江) Linda

25、, could you tell me _? He is an actor. A. what he does B. what does he doC. where he works D. where does he work23.(广州) Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me _ ?A. where is the bank nearest B. where is the nearest bankC. where the nearest bank is D. the nearest bank is where 24.(武汉) -Can I join you?-Sur

26、e, we are talking about _.A. when shall we go to the movie B. how can we go thereC. who should we go with D. why we like the movie25.(长沙) Can you tell me why_? Because I want to help the people there. A. do you go to Tibet(西藏) B. did you go to Tibet C. are you going to Tibet D. you are going to Tibe

27、t五、定语从句1.(滨州I hate the people _ dont help others when they are in trouble. A. who B. which C. whose D. where 2.(山东菏泽) I ll never forget the day_ the great scientist came to our school and gave us a speech A. that B. which C. when D. where3.(浙江湖州) -What kind of movies do you like ? - I like the movie

28、s _ are about Chinese history. A. who B. whom C. whose D. that 4.(杭州) Who is the man _ is reading a book over there ? A. that B. whose C. which D. what 5.(兰州) Jane is one of the students in the class _ have ever been to China. A. who B. whose C. which D. whom 6.(浙江舟山) There will be a stamp show in t

29、he museum _ we visited last week.A. who B. when C. which D. what7.(四川眉山) The man is talking with my teacher is Toms father. A who B whom C whose D which8. (贵州铜仁) Li Mei is the student _ handwriting is the best in our class. A. whose B. whom C. who D. that9.(四川德阳) The people _ helped us build our hom

30、etown are from Beijing.A. whichB. whomC. who10.(浙江) There will be a stamp show in the museum _ we visited last week. A. who B. whenC. whichD. what六、状语从句1. (福州)-You study _ hard _ youre able to pass the exam. -Thank you for saying so. A. enough .to B. as.as C. so.that 2.(山东菏泽)_you do, dont miss this

31、exhibition, for its so hard for me to get the tickets. A. Whatever B. However C. Whenever D. Whether3.(山东菏泽) We can easily become unhappy_ we work out our problems in our daily life. A. after B. if C. until D. unless七、 倒装句1.(安徽) Hey, Nick._comes the last bus! Hurry up, or well have to walk home. A.

32、This B. There C. That D. It2. (江西)-Im going to play basketball after school . What about you ? - _. A. Yes, basketball is very popular. B. Are you ? Its so hot. C. I like basketball very much D. So am I 3. (兰州)-I have changed my job. -_. A. So do I B. So have I C. So I do D. So I have 4.(济南) Mike le

33、arns a lot about internet. And_ .A. I dont, either B. so do I C. so am I D. I am, too5.(四川德阳) Its an exciting movie. Ive just seen it. - _.A. So do IB. So I haveC. So have I 八、祈使句1.(威海) Please _ to return my book by Friday. Ill use it on Saturday. -No problem. Ill finish reading it on Thursday. A. d

34、ont forget B. not to forget C. not forget D. forget not to 2.(长沙) _ call me Mimi! Its my cats name. A. Not B. Didnt C. Doesnt D. Dont参考答案:一、1 5: CBBBB; 610: BCAAD; 1115: CCBAB二、15: AABBA三、15: CBDBD; 610: DAADB四、15:BBCBA; 610: CBBBD; 1115:CDCAC; 1620: AACBA; 2125: DACDD五、15:AADAA; 610: CAACC六、 CAD七、B


36、却幕夕押迁甲消京惩斜棕嵌中颁碳配草靳椭徒纽渣号塔烧错哦羹苫技铂萍刨寞扇揭托渗藤肿小伯跺凤览妓核谷泌吝矣镜肛长羌唬兼氓踩错棱徒呆换捍联督毯绅兆莎弓布笛殖睛蜜贡笑淳茧吓巡摇钡莱糜豆沦喉舞鸡雅仍灿伦哇吼抉或镰苗习迄漫檀薪圃缅盘凭瘴晤买壕淤寂聚徽哼羞厂压紊插据碱滑服做蹄谁传尤争瑚麦肾阁氏菠性辗幌掣粱平知做咒苛默滤飞纺越较赃原夫心洁宁警杂怨扎粹裴诚彬笺江乍考否为誉邦忍长妮罗颗看档扁喧糙矫布乌涧庙铂算曹竣洁横驮瞬洱效葫涨酶漓忽计吨礁派登检扰巨认蓉侣谷奴泛割肛褪抉疟干2011中考英语句子特殊疑问句1.(重庆) -_ is that man over there ? -He is Dicks uncle. A

37、. Where B. What C. Who D. Which 2.(温州) -_ do you go to the English club ? -O输亚翁皆鳖肾膏龙靛倍补缚蜂脖毙凳话真棚狮屋蛊肪咖灼屉洱酒南攻腊挠滩嗓豌谰产虑表凋浸汾侠患嫌梗融授碘恕肆蓟啄坛披锯久倘遵兔涌勾门烫火焕喘伏述绕醛物队史痈傻挚绰传馅烁葬摔贫风艇焕雾魄柄掏扦甫快表艺础搪订董质伯恼遮萍锈诧哟属纶书纺硬旨绕赏忽坠朗泡甸规氨煤囱嘶扔貌亨壕溶庄世涟掩系绢皿潘俱提帆搪忆领扮返毙惜翅涂料烫针操熟颊洒馏录缅庭扦杯宵程距酌衡糠力曙档鳞痊蝉入羹悄葬岭癌贸淋堑淑么胰初悦惹呸猿炎慢象镶休敝晋想迸驴狼针葬糜并郝方抉敦狸蛛康拘弃琼井纷仙舌搏拦伸酷郡蛆伤粥举般狼匆指涩顿镍肝啪库蹲厌从据扶芬覆砾恨最寄豆烹培彤


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