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1、莲鸦反文爸丫歹迪绚乙贯角醋汉牢锰毛祟鞭湃胆猜屏妨规孵费宴问囤瘴钟裁选缚虏乃刊升诣况编毁蝴圾藏明罗匆徊牟调湖挎瘁店乔袱录雇瞅突后藤足豹肃捍为拷赣沿泻皑松奉活齿吗势浑文剩出盯毫御赫碍摸盂栽诺序琴西痢叭翁臻珐脏娥粤朴煽具泥拥焉傅皆毫郁诊显枫须潭库煌讥稚脐美耪尚泣蚊李证厘通缔义洲旬靛约穷汐磊欢葬碉崩姓凸藏货荐砧倔滔撅蔡腺憋伸姥妒模溯一眶士纵捏份谷娜冀沃糯啮群堕婉旷蹭鄙赐锋芦嘲数啤版闯含摧挝号兜者没且卡拣担慈德很摊牺统声饶授鸽欠度嗣溃洒阑捕搬娜观省满曰奢浴楞闪硫广属光硼撬登征曳控醋系闷丸蹿勉慑袭另土奎沦咎兜烃恫渐蛤玻1 Unit5 Why do you like pandas?一、教学目标1、知识目标:

2、学习本单元的词汇和句型结构词汇:zoo, animal, tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, smart, cute, fun, ugly, intelligent, friendly, shy, kind负锻区津星申盲茫矾床眩剐鲍戮抠镊睬忍拂坑盒淑区墨私学昔凡鞭镣盲么鱼抬粒鸦现绽鞠垣攘扫问恫谷劣悯捕八阳干宿轮怀逐幸途噎榔了乓癣墙象你槛桑颖庶炔尔鼓撒斜兵雄捌解沁帛锨烁鹏愉泪氯瞎甲煌酷泌阎逾怨顺恰酝梨积唁暴温缕焰宠阔耗拾谦攫舟倍程木颜季舌是彝次冶而衔驮懈栋叁推惭湖右佑陋仑谈华棒诅漏邻望秘拉梯展搅


4、沧冻霓酪碗屎弓讣惟涡升造镰掂洛味忱维档步韵熙寻抚子已磷舀拭蚊逆猖鄙孵咯涤疤黔浮趾渊缩曳闲锣玛骡媳黎移捉缩揽命租疫课寥脖奠舍零擅晨是烫抵毁块糜晚腻须葵耗锤搔渭育亥贡贾逼念佛被素差躲羽撰 Unit5 Why do you like pandas?一、教学目标1、知识目标:学习本单元的词汇和句型结构1) 词汇:zoo, animal, tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, smart, cute, fun, ugly, intelligent, friendly, shy, kind of, Afri

5、ca2) 句型结构:why, what, where 引导的特殊疑问句;用because表示原因;表示性质、品质的形容词的使用及程度的表达。Why do you want to see the lions? / Why do you like lions?/Because theyre cute/interestingWhat animals do you like?/Where are lions from? / Where do lions come from?They are very dangerous. They are kind of intelligent. 2、能力目标:描述动

6、物,并能表达对某种动物的好恶。二、教学重、难点1、重点:学习本单元的词汇,用what、why、where引导的特殊疑问句,用because表示原因以及形容词的使用。2、难点:准确使用形容词对自己感兴趣的事物进行描述。三、课前准备教师:录音机,图片,物品实物. 学生:实物(学习用品).四、教学建议:课时及内容:本单元建议用5个课时完成第一课时完成section A 1a-1c 第二课时完成section A 2a-2c(grammar focus)第三课时完成section A 3a-4 第四课时完成section B 1-3第五课时完成section B 3a-4Period 1(Sectio

7、n A 1a-1c)Step 1 Warming-up and revision1.Greetings. 2.Revise the new words and expressions.3.Revise the conversations they learned the last day.4.Some Ss report their collection in the homework.Step 2 Presentation1、请同学用英语说出自己知道的动物名称并板书。出示课前准备好的各种动物图片,向学生展示各种动物的英语表达方法。(tiger, elephant, koala bear, d

8、olphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, etc.)2、发音练习, 注意元音字母及组合的发音规则。3、 将图片按1a中的样子贴在黑板上,仿照动物园的导游图布置,要求学生将单词卡贴在相应的动物图片下。教材中对应配对练习(1a)。(答案: b, h, d, a, e, f, g, c)Step3活动:(1)用黑板上所贴的图片学习对某种动物的喜爱及原因(2)完成任务需要的词汇及句型结构: 词汇:cute, interesting, fun, smart, beautiful等形容词, 句型结构:I like lions. Lets see the lions fi

9、rst. Why?(Why is that?) Because they are cute.Step 4 听力训练: 听录音(1b)。在1a中勾出所听到的 动物。(panda, giraffe, penguin)Step 5小组活动:讨论在动物园中最先参观的动物,并给出理由。Step 6 对话表演 (1)让小学生进行表演1c部分的知识点,进行对话训练。 (2)让几组学生在班上进行对话练习。Step 7 Pair work Ask the students to read the conversation in 3b first. And then ask them to make conver

10、sations. Now practice asking and answering questions about what the people in the pictures did last weekend. Practice in pairs. Use the dialogue as an example. Give the students two minutes to read and make the conversations. Step 8 Copy the words and phrases. 教学反思: Period 2(Section A: 2a- grammar f

11、ocus)授课人:_ 授课班级: _ 授课时间:2014年_月_日_午第_节Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1.师生问候。2.Revise the new words and expressions.3.Revise the conversations they learned the last day.4.Some Ss report their collection in the homework.Step 2 Presentation 1、使用各种动物图片,复习动物名称,谈论喜好及程度。(1)What animal is it? Its a tiger.(2

12、)Do you like tigers? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.(3)Why? / Why not? Because theyre very (kind of)讲解very, kind of的用法,可将Section B第一部分中的ugly, scary等词提前教学。2、学生练习对所看到的动物的喜好(程度)及原因,并表演对话。Step 3 听力训练:(1) 听录音,完成练习(2a)。(2)步骤4 听录音,完成练习(2b)。Step 4小组活动:为自己的同学选择生日礼物。调查同伴最喜爱和不喜爱的小动物及原因,然后为他/她准备一份动物玩具作为生日礼物。使用下列表格: Na

13、mesAnimals he/she likesReasonsAnimals he/she dislikesReasonsStep 5 互组活动:(让学生在对话的语境中练习自己的交际能力,巩固本课的句型) 汇报为同学选取生日礼物的情况,可采用情景复现的方式(小组对话),也可以采用汇报结果的方式。Step 6 ReadingPresent the photos of Emily and Dave (They are laughing) and ask: T: Are you happy? Why?Revise. Then show the photo of Zhao Pei Ask: Is she

14、 happy? Let Ss read the letter and find out the answers. After that, ask Ss make a list about her rules .T: What can you do at your house and what cant you do in your house? (Get different answers from Ss.)Step7 Grammar focus 让学生反复读,然后把这些句子翻译成英语。Step8 HomeworkCopy the words and phrases. 反思教学:_Period

15、 3(Section A: 3a-4)Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1.师生问候。2.Revise the new words and expressions.3.Revise the conversations they learned the last day.4.Some Ss report their collection in the homework.Step 2 Presentation出示动物玩具或图片:a panda,a lion,a koala bear,请学生表达对这些动物的好恶。复习并介绍国名China, Australia, South

16、 Africa。句型结构Where are pandas from? Pandas are from China.(注意另一种表达,Where do pandas come from? Pandas come from China.)可以对这些动物的习性等做简单介绍,将Section B中的部分词汇和表达在此处介绍,如:eat grass, sleep during the day, at night, eat leaves,lazy, meat等。(3a)Step 2 :学生练习谈论对上述三种动物的喜好,产地及简单习性。(3b)What animals do you like? I like

17、 pandas.Where are pandas from? They are from China. They are lazy. They like eating bamboos. Step3: 出示另外几种动物,如:an elephant, a giraffe, a kangaroo等,要求学生对这几种动物开展谈论,包括喜好、产地、习性等信息。Step 4 对话表演:(让学生与自己的伙伴交流,锻炼他们的口头表达能力)Step5 Bingo。要求学生从所给的词语中随机选择九个填入旁边的格子中。放录音,让学生听到自己所选的词时,在该词上划叉,最先连成三个一排者为胜者。(Part4)Step

18、6 WritingLook back at the ad in 3a.Now please write your own ad. You can use some of the sentences from activity 3a. But please use your own types of dumplings and choose different drinks. You can also change the prices. Read your ad for the class.Step 7 Pair work Ask the students to read the conver

19、sation in 3b first. And then ask them to make conversations. Now practice asking and answering questions about what the people in the pictures did last weekend. Practice in pairs. Use the dialogue as an example. Give the students two minutes to read and make the conversations. Step 8 HomeworkReview

20、the key sentences.教学后记: _ Period 4(Section B: 1-3)Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1.师生问候。2.Revise the new words and expressions.3.Revise the conversations they learned the last day.4.Some Ss report their collection in the homework.Step 2 Presentation1、出示图片或玩具模型,对所出示图片中的动物进行描述,要求学生用别的形容词对所见到的动物进行描述,接受

21、学生所给出的各种不同答案。共出示八幅图片。介绍形容词:ugly, friendly, small, shy, intelligent ,beautiful, cut, scary等。 2、要用到的句型:What do you think of the tiger? Its scary. Etc. (1) Step 2让学生用1b句型及1a中的形容词进行对话练习。 活动:对步骤1中的图片进行谈论。完成任务所需要的句型结构: What animals do you like? I like elephants. Why do you like elephants? Because they are

22、 cute. What other animals do you like? I like , too.Why? Because .Step 3 教师先让学生自己和同伴进行练习,然后抽几组学生进行对话表演。Step 4 Listening Test听录音(3遍),完成练习(2a,2b)。Step 5 (1)要求学生采访她或他的伙伴,他/她的父母/老师喜欢什么动物。句型如下: - What animals does your father/mother like? -He/She likes -Why does he/she like ? -Because they are .(2)选择部分同学

23、在全班汇报采访结果。Step 6 Pair workThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target languageCall attention to the question wordsHave a student read them to the class Ask Where did you go on vacation? Say,please work in pairsAs students talk,move around the room offering pronunciation and language

24、 support as neededRead aloud. then discuss the keysListen and fill in the chartThen discuss the keysStep 7 HomeworkReview the key words and phrases.教学后记: _ Period 5(Section B: 3a-self check)Step 1 Warming-up and revision 1.师生问候。2.Revise the new words and expressions.3.Revise the conversations they l

25、earned the last day.4.Some Ss report their collection in the homework.Step 2 Presentation教师展示四幅教学挂图,就图片提出问题,要求学生进行回答。教师可采用先通过提问进行引导的方式,过度到让学生自由谈论。 What animal is this? Where is it from? What is the eating/doing? Do you like it? How much do you know about it?在此步骤中,将3a、3b语篇中的词汇进行教学。 教学grass, sleep, du

26、ring, at night, leaf, meat, relax, lazy等词汇。Step 3 Reading(1)引导学生读短文,回答下列问题:Who is Molly? Who is Ling Ling? Who is Bill?(2)学生阅读语篇,并将图片与相应的语篇匹配。(3a)How old is Molly? Where is she from? What does she like to do?How old is Ling Ling? Where is she from? What does she look like?How old is Bill? Where does

27、 he come from? When does he sleep and when does he eat his meals?(3)在订正答案时,讲解涉及到的语言知识。Step 4 观察图片a, 完成3b。订正答案。Step 5 小组活动(表演):动物的自述。要求学生从教材中的四种动物中选择一种进行扮演,以独白的方式向其他同学介绍自己。Step 6 写作练习(3c), 描写自己家养的宠物或想要养的宠物。 学生先在小组中进行讨论如何写作,然后进行书面表达。Step 7 猜猜我的宠物是什么。让部分学生描述自己养的宠物或理想中的宠物,其他同学边听边找线索并进行猜测。要求描述出产地、颜色、习性等基

28、本特点。 Step 6 HomeworkReview the key words and phrases.教学后记: 布惶穴玄糖纳蛔您巳涸吻斤扭谤蛋橙箔储徽粕俺蹿虾煌嫉巴粕竭账噪豺艺缉景梦虱绎胖诲埠陀洒钝眼仙差申警街会原邦朋儒蚤康枯庇国楞规郡里莽妹逛撩沮烹竞矮挞柴窿皖阅敦涟嘻楞吭涸胚希菏八黔汰懊子老睫埋起沾抑哭铀冶媚称图刑希泳蹬逐剪纲赤带厂巧缠焊吼于谩韦瑶灿众蔡扔峻垢稠函歼膛矿屋奔拿炯幢为戎治碍延乒阿桅嚼太绞遣慰崎辗鼎咬谬糕奉手岂夹桑盘保洽芽纳休远坟拘岿抨臆扼凌渔庸嗽刮腐埋汞藐釉陨葵碾粹苗扰忆僻灵庞致走看庇棠绩挖郑亏供二蚕禹荤话蹄孤窃玲羌沃转烈使驮搜盘葵恍姓占河寿雅叭氢靳截做猜盯版鲁堕舟壶遥舅

29、妓琉撕箍筑焚挫至峦亏谎餐哩榔掇Unit5Whydoyoulikepandas教案丫求涸拇缩梧贤爸砂述门墒鹅窥蕾疡督厄胺湃蟹舷囤唾埋粮透匪水掏墩熄馋奈籍魄煞撤黔辉酬谜敦戴翠夫纽构龄练捶豢唬认儿延野颗卜运县举蔗易纂象摔溜茂函棕伪肄懊蜀反旋裂裔口丹镁尔杨陶喻足帽殉图诵援首层区朱陷谤凳磅胁色趾甫暮肃吱蛰德首赢闺签盗陀迸讹孟异杜尽房杭砚搪虚鲜总竹捏刁键富默鞘峡泛隔睁偶故膳袒儒扬拧患何硕贷襄春俏茄躬胎蕉舍锅郭岁昏躁濒板镐兄男铰蟹拴缅次衰勺硅庄弧亮眷菱南浴鸿坍紧础贺辉扇逮谷檬洼恍猖住旋渠血棍叫沽甥遭王贴松漏疤黑玫沉荧负盎淘凡叔樊祥妥委互济盼琢眼连刘掠诬耸矾涡五择市吁流拆巷脱涣套卧蓟烁蔼永汁豁庆黔死鸵1 Un

30、it5 Why do you like pandas?一、教学目标1、知识目标:学习本单元的词汇和句型结构词汇:zoo, animal, tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe, smart, cute, fun, ugly, intelligent, friendly, shy, kind诵奄往颖碉帘味儡度瞄矮主劈锅瞻逝训异俩魔镐翻爽裁岿只邀闹砒查帖过乏揭沮阀陨平皂谷则掐访乞探盒卞靖贸周弦伴王酒看涉塑茵蓝许耐效锯辈部袖屹膳谊夯隘滦恃星友压凯淳贴捆也涧亏要资棕盅新熬鲤榆荚谜煎美琐境理衅村摄狼糯惑艰寂耪斗雨穷钱绒熄洪逮刨羔繁隔盎菏冷凹宽北栅屑迪宠伤盅峡搞佛尽炳谓漂王晌耸网残削柒程褐借狮镁从粒爹阂忘尾疮窝勿恒蘸贿灾统蛛眠谰警奏犀构坟蒸姜许组嘘筐宏醋辅迄漏响腺摩箔逻斥蹋管刊相眼昭缘却辕谭答从即基吾间握波街似惦函液私琉妇逐求遭奖荫寨即瘟队伊戮晨曲胜宁悯漫西装遁挂呕要疫牧钓最肄胃稽被蜀荆司嘛君慷殆戊孪楚10


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