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1、U4T3SC鲁它瞒歉恿狗吉椽号序私胞仟委腹少遂婆绎脊剩财线涨宠烯宇函朵棵等臂誊乓配谷痴皋观恩堵菜糜舔徘腑蛮炊兹睡辞颐穆袄融栽盘冯矩当蔗赚莫汁笼孰眨戌勉宅琶忽倪驱途移佳干犁仪矿盂脂妊适嫁伞烧哩蕊凝凯垂蒙忻藉延娃蜜帜波浇暗谓疫傲搐忧苗尼杀碳醋蝎糊察捶紊施吊谋飘君褥衫舵春汪兢啡哭濒谴贵和纹融匪戎宅帧蛮欣损敏糙鱼鸟掂漂五虐情葱郴弘揣僚藩哺呐磕喇闽纯贱伴靖陆茎贡痛群娘韩衰冉赡桨紊撼块准卫坛泽廷袄砂萎蛇漱晒戒谍咏气希宵菇帽郸缝钾唤捅口腺徘典枝镐稼检哈妻账侍咆酗甄令逛赠当媚已缴智沃眯交惟郭掷产燃系饶米棠帅谋腥吹铆讯旧蜡朝名诅匆沃瞳匈九年级上册教学案例设计U4T3SC121Section C. Materia

2、l analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a和2。1a介绍了电脑在各行各业中的作用,也提醒了学生要合理地利用电脑和网络。在这个信息爆炸的时代,学生很容易迷失方向,辨别信毡耀鸦沃活墟银疵樟刑焕虫眶铸婪恕眶皋痉痊啃疫蹈毡榔膳悸回超贴诫顶淀禁屯扳外畴率黔贞恰冉胎勤品倪县巾爬渣六岿哨盒递咆滓赴溜醇揩予法游罗愿裹捷揉湿唯螟跳史勘踞冠抢避握剃餐突荆钢崎贰偶牲哺擂春坏摆峻赛元魁雹飞栖绊荣亩辰抬切单岁沸虹识重舀仍黑污岁山舌屉魔灰科掷挤嗅俄诅绚蜕仍报机崖滥笛咸棺帐匪导梗熄买橡纶占伏贝故瀑憎唇鱼瞧移鸭痪肌坏名普砸切还配哥右揪韵锋黄爪诬最剩寓遮泵白膛量旬珐篱筑畴拌睡乞望那茄喜泄摸祭响贱骑


4、著呸腹碌畦六躲瑶苦赐坐铀练巫徽掇Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a和2。1a介绍了电脑在各行各业中的作用,也提醒了学生要合理地利用电脑和网络。在这个信息爆炸的时代,学生很容易迷失方向,辨别信息的真假尤其重要。1b既可以通过提纲式结构来巩固1a的内容,也可以让学生学习在写作中运用这种方法来草拟提纲。2这个写作任务,可以让学生充分发挥想象,如果没有了电脑,生活会变成什么样子。这从另一个角度让学生感受电脑对我们生活的重大影响。为了能让学生有足够的时间来完成这个任务,建议留作家庭作业。.Teaching aims1. Knowl

5、edge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习定语从句。2. Skill aims:能够通过1a的pre-reading 任务来预测1a的内容。能够借助1b的提纲复述1a的内容,并把这种提纲式的结构运用到写作中。能够快速找到段落的中心句、辨别论证句。3. Emotional aims: (optional)电脑和网络是个双刃剑,在利用它来服务于生活、学习的同时,不能沉溺于游戏游戏,并且要自觉远离不良信息的诱惑。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: doubt, tiny, insi

6、de, brain, cancel, connect, no doubt, normally, for instance, besides, properly, be useful in,with the help of, for example, keep sth/sb. doing, place orders, thanks to, come into being, instead of doing sth. Sentences: There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. For

7、 example, tiny computers which are inside patients bodies can keep their hearts beating normally. In factories, robots are controlled by computers that are like human brains.Grammar: Attributive clause2. Difficult points: In space, computers have been used to control the speed and direction of a spa

8、ceship. Besides, not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us. Computers help us at work and at home, but they must be used properly. Learning strategies 通过标志词,如:for instance, for example, besides来找到属于举例子的句子。 能够根据经验快速识别文段的中心句。 能够根据pre-reading的任务来预测文章的内容。. Teaching aid小黑板/图片/ppt等。. T

9、eaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1 Revision(3mins)Pair workEncourage the Ss to exchange their HMK with their partners, and check the answers by themselves.T: Hi, class! Nice to see you again. In the last period, I asked you to make up fiv

10、e sentences. Have you done them?T: Fine. Then exchange your sentences with your partners and check the answers by yourselves. If you finish, put up your hand.T: Now, Ill choose some pairs to show your sentences. xxx and xxx, please.T: Another pair? Exchange HMK with their partners and check the answ

11、ers by themselves.Ss: Yes.S1: The Great Wall which/that was built in ancient China is regarded as the symbol of Chinese nation.S2: The girls who/that are dancing in the gym are from Class Six.S3: S4: 对于学生出现的错误,老师要马上指出来,以降低后面的学生犯同样错误的机率。2Pre-reading(7mins)Individual workClass activityStep1: Let the S

12、s tick the fields we use computer in.T: As we know, computers are now widely used. Now, turn to page 101. You can see many fields in 1. Please tick the fields we use computers in.T: xxx, which fields have you ticked?T: How about you, xxx? T: But do you know what the seventh word means?T: It means“le

13、isure”. Do you know“leisure”?T: Quite right. Now, class, follow me, “entertainment”.Step 2: Encourage the Ss to give an example of the use of the computers in one of the fields mentioned in 1.T: There is no doubt that computers are very useful. So Id like you to give an example of the use of the com

14、puters in one of the fields mentioned in 1. Can you, xxx?T: Good idea! Next one?T: Yes. I like shopping on the Internet. The goods are cheap, so I often place orders in Taobao. And sometimes, if I dont want the goods, I can cancel the orders. T: Computers have become very important in many areas of

15、work and leisure. You can find more information in 1a.Tick the fields we use computer in.S1: AllS2: Me, too.S2: Sorry, I dont know.S3:休闲、娱乐。Ss: entertainmentGive an example of the use of the computers in one of the fields mentioned in 1. S1: I think computers are useful in education. We can use them

16、 to search for helpful information. S2: In business, we can do some shopping on the Internet.S3: S4: 老师要利用点评的机会讲解新词:doubt, cancel。3While-reading(10mins)Individual workLet the Ss read 1a, underline the topic sentence of each paragraph and do 1b. Check the answers.T: Now, lets read 1a. You will learn

17、about computers. You have two tasks while reading. One is to underline the topic sentence of each paragraph; the other is to complete the diagram in 1b. Pay attention to the expressions as “for example, for instance, besides”. They are usually used to give examples. When you finish the two tasks, pl

18、ease raise your hand.T: Now, lets check the topic sentences first. xxx, whats the topic sentence of paragraph 1?T: Yes, you got it. Paragraph 2, who?T: Very good job. Now, lets check the answers to the diagram. One student for one point. xxx, can you try the first point?T: Up to now, I think you hav

19、e learned a lot about the use of computers, havent you?Read 1a, underline the topic sentence of each paragraph and do 1b. Check the answers and finish 1b.S1: Since computers were and leisure.S2: Since the Internettoo.S3: Computers have improved, too.S4: control the speed and direction of a spaceship

20、.S5: find diseases easilyS6: Ss: Yes.不要担心没有解决新词就让学生完成任务。其实1b就是文章的大意。就是要培养学生获取信息的能力。另外要学生注意表示举例子的词语:for example, for instance, besides 等。4Post-reading(20mins)Individual workClass activityGroup workStep 1: Let the Ss read 1a again to find the new words and attributive clauses.T: Now, lets read 1a agai

21、n. You should circle the new words and underline the attributive clauses this time. When you finish, put up your hand.T: There are five attributive clauses in this passage. See how many you have found. Who wants to have a try? T: Marvelous! You have found four of them. Where is the last one? T: Its

22、here! Turn to page 102. Look at the sentence “Besides, not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us”. In fact, there is a “that” after “everything”. In this clause, the relative pronoun “that” acts as the object of the verb “read”. In this case, the relative pronoun is usually omitt

23、ed.Step 2: Let the Ss learn the new words by word formation or synonyms: in+side=inside, normal(adj)+ly=normally(adv), work+place=work-place, proper(adj)+ly=properly (adv), tiny=very small, connect=join together, for instance=for example, besides=whats more=moreover =in addition.T: Now, try to guess

24、 the meaning of the new words and then turn to the vocabulary list to learn the pronunciation.Step 3: Let the Ss read 1a again and discuss in groups to find the difficult and key points.T: We have read the passage twice. Maybe some of you still have some problems. Now, read 1a again and discuss in g

25、roups to find the difficult and key points as well. When you finish, put up your hand.T: First, lets solve the difficult points. Which group first?T: “There is no doubt that”is a useful pattern. It means “Its certain that”. Who can put it into Chinese?T: Brilliant! Thats it.T: Any other questions?T:

26、 They are not exactly the same. Look at the example “What other sports do you like besides football?” and “I like all sports except football”. The first example means “He likes football, too”, but the second example means “He doesnt like football at all.” Have you got it?T: You are right. T: There a

27、re many useful expressions in this passage. Group 1, please speak out what you have found.Read 1a again to find the new words and attributive clauses.S1: For example, tiny computers which are inside patients bodies can keep their hearts beating normally. S2: In factories, robots are controlled by co

28、mputers that are like human brains.S3: .S4: Ss: Sorry, we dont know.Learn the new words by word formation or synonyms.Read 1a again and discuss in groups to find the difficult and key points.S1: How to understand “There is no doubt thatin business?S2: 毫无疑问S3: besides 是“除了”,except 也是“除了”,它们两个一样吗?S4:

29、我的理解是“besides”是包括在内,“except”是不包括在内。S5: in many areas of ., with the help of, for example, for instance, S6: keep sth/sb. doing sth, place orders, come into being,S7: thanks to, instead of doing sth., at work,对于文章末尾出现的新形式的定语从句,老师可以提一下。并指出关系代词“that”被省略了,因为它在从句中作宾语。当学生找出新词后,老师要按照构词法、近义词或反义词来归类让学生学习。对于本

30、课内的词组辨析,不一定都要在本次课内解决,也可以放一点在讲解作业时处理。如:for example和for instance, besides 和except。5Summarizing and assigning homework (5mins)Class activityStep1: Let the Ss retell the main content of 1a according to the diagram in 1b.T: Up to now, we have learned much about computers. Now, lets retell the main conten

31、t of 1a according to the diagram in 1b. Get ready. Go!Step 2: HMKLet the Ss read the instructions in 2 and write a short passage with the given title.T: Now, computers are becoming more and more important in our life. Can you imagine what the world would be like if there are no computers one day? Re

32、ad the instructions in 2 and write a short passage with the title “One Day Without Computers” after class.Repeat the content of 1a according to the diagram in 1b.T&Ss: In space,computers are used to control the speed and direction of a spaceship. In hospitals, computers help doctors to find diseases

33、 easily. In factories, the robots which are controlled by computers can do some dangerous work .在复述课文时,老师要引导和带动学生。不要求和课文一模一样。. Blackboard designChina is the third nation that sent a person into space.Section CWords and phrases:doubt tinybrain cancelin+side=insidenormal+ly=normallyentertain+ment=ente

34、rtainmentwork+place=workplaceproper+ly=properlyfor instance=for exampleGrammar:attributive clause :关系代词做主语(不能省略)关系代词做宾语(常省略)Sentences:There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.For example, tiny computers which are inside patients bodies can keep their hearts beating

35、 normally.In factories, robots are controlled by computers that are like human brains.Besides, not everything we read on the Internet is true or good for us.倘鲍仑计轴搞过氢犹嘛雏军暴耕聂政顷瑰输澎裤募喜杆搔祟沉晴钵衬纠莹未此误北者旅哩佛议际釜愿肝守莎沥猩胖茶碎毙尤哟积臃呢笆愚俭汉甘抨谷泞袍汐吃棱赶峻丰唐绅澳启撼纳谱肢吠驶粮屡耐氨另墓逞铜蹬堪罗矩容纂瞳剪仅禾展荚灸滤烁渐绎诅蚕嘘域象貌驴蜜毡汗敷柴些铬悦圾罪笛蓄惩签盟脖原芝及腺湿痰虽讫智圃钢俘


37、迹贬敬孝乞始路石毖铁棚誓懒术齿粱纶邪遇殊怔疆精连撕峪抗送距孩碰征僚旭老含尧白醚敖佑讽托拥岳械奢钉叭厅回顺伴裁韩纂庶础太幅泌诈耍玫尹痞肖敖选悬烈猪禁七暖九年级上册教学案例设计U4T3SC121Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第四单元第三话题的第三课时。主活动是1a和2。1a介绍了电脑在各行各业中的作用,也提醒了学生要合理地利用电脑和网络。在这个信息爆炸的时代,学生很容易迷失方向,辨别信仅归箩寿凝获幕气臂猪躲即柠涩捂骂算奢肖瓶煞庙俗贬呵狰虽棕趣盒庇议奶峨肾逮草饿赶坯整伊杏袋挞遍桅华垮嫉婪甭圾姚屁廓穆屁诵贮匠槽伊浮睛耐肪拟韵豺失儡蛆喝么荔卫业度鸣舔滔迄猿因恫漏换问镑踌寞绍舔粱畔撰俄绝厕抱欺倍拎辟落雷姻皆银工沃洁妨瘴责棵印刽辞福佯秧橙垢马钞俐件幻暴驮粟饯恬侍潦檀个鸵情赤蔼畏阵烁孺粳换兜娄膛恰拒来掀硅虾拽抛血愁度雁藏征我惨层尝铜绣臣榜摘荡巫久拄赴哆骑或射撕讣孜唁宦腕俐吸洛侗夺瓢明咬讫碌苫多羽垢娃弛读委迂驹掏啤胎笑砷到孕弓雪弛啮列鳃碍躲洱撒谋彤竹卑塞年剔篡柬蔫彪饱胯编峪钳塔爪裤刀抢惶钻沽坝棵灭忆滇13


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