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1、目录,contents,考点突破,考点一 考点二 考点三 考点四,课堂小测,中考模拟演练,考点一 考点二 考点三 考点四,中考导航,目录,contents,目录,contents,考情分析:从近五年考查情况来看,数词是每年的必考点,每年均会考查其中一个考点,2017年备考时应掌握好数词的各个考点。,目录,contents,考点预测:1.概数(hundreds/thousands/millions of)的表示法;2.序数词。,考点突破,考点一 基数词 考点二 序数词,目录,contents,考点突破,目录,contents,考点1 基数词考点2 序数词,1.基数词的构成(1)基数词112:on


3、thirteen,fifteen,eighteen稍有变化)。,(4)基数词2199由十位数加个位数构成,中间必须有连字符(-)。如:21:twenty-one,43:forty-three,75:seventy-five(5)百位数以上的基数词的写法是:在个位和十位之间加连字号,在百位与十位之间加and,千、百之间不加任何东西。如:785写作:seven hundred and eighty-five 1264写作:one thousand two hundred and sixty-four,(6)hundred,thousand,million,billion的用法这些词前有确定数字时,

4、不管数字多少,这些词都不能加s。如:一百辆汽车:one(a)hundred cars 三千个苹果:three thousand apples 两万个学生:twenty thousand students一百万本书:one million books,后接of时,这些词都要加s,且前面不能有确定数字,但可以有不确定数字(many,several,a few)。如:hundreds of students成百上千的学生 many thousands of books成千上万的书籍,巧学妙记1至12分别记,13至19都带-teen,整十后面要用-ty,连字符用于几十几,百位以上用and连。,2.基数

5、词的基本用法(1)1以上的基数词放在可数名词前,名词要用复数形式。piece of,pair of等短语后不管接可数名词还是不可数名词,of前的数量词前有1以上的数词时,数量词都要用复数形式。如:I have aone brother and two sisters.我有一个弟弟和两个妹妹。,(2)“基数词名词”构成复合形容词时,数词和名词之间应用连字符连接,数词大于1时,名词也不能用复数形式。如:Well have an two-week holiday.我们将有一个两周的假期。,3.表达年、月、日(1)月份:一月January、二月February、三月March、四月April、五月Ma

6、y、六月June、七月July、八月August、九月September、十月October、十一月November、十二月December(2)年和年代用基数词,多用阿拉伯数字表示。需注意读法。如:1998读作:nineteen ninety-eight1806读作:eighteen and six,(3)年或月前常用介词in,在年、月同时出现时,年前的介词in省略;具体某一天前用介词on。如:My brother went to college in 2005.我哥哥2005年上了大学。I was born on October 10,1994.我生于1994年10月10日。,(4)表示“

7、某日”,书写形式可以用基数词,也可以用序数词;读数时一般按序数词形式。英语年、月、日的排列顺序为:月日年或日月年。如果用of结构只能是:日月年。如:2014年8月8日:August 8(th),20148(th)August,2014the 8th of August,2014,4.表达编号编号的表示法:名词(首字母大写)+基数词(首字母大写)=the+序数词(首字母小写)+名词(首字母小写)=名词(首字母大写)+数字。如:Unit Five=the fifth unit=Unit 5(第五单元)Page Four=the fourth page=Page 4(第四页)但如果数字较大时,特别是

8、房间、页码、公交车号、电话号码等,多用“名词+基数词”形式。如:Room 308(308号房),Bus No.3(第三路公共汽车),5.表达时刻(1)表示“时刻”,一般用基数词。数词前用介词at。表示整点时,数词后可接oclock,半点之前的时间常用past,表示“几点过了几分”;半点之后的时间常用to,表示“差几分到几点”。半小时用half;一刻钟用quarter。如:twelve oclock:12:00 half past ten:10:30 a quarter to seven:6:45,一个半小时(天,星期,月,年)的表达法有两种:one hour(day,week,month,ye

9、ar)and a half;one and a half hours(days,weeks,months,years),(2)时间的读法:顺读法(先读小时后读分钟)如:7:24读成seven twenty-four 8:38读成eight thirty-eight.逆读法(先读分钟后读小时):分钟小于30用past。如:8:25读成twenty-five past eight 分钟大于30用to,且分钟要用60减,小时要加1。如:7:40读成twenty(60-40)to eight(7+1),6.表达年龄一般直接用基数词表示。如:Her daughter is eighteen.她的女儿18

10、岁。用“基数词+years old”表示。如:Her daughter is eighteen years old.她的女儿18岁。,“基数词+名词+old”也可以构成复合形容词,表示“岁的”。此结构常作定语,三个词之间都用连字符连接,前面的数字大于1时,中间的名词词尾也不能加s。如:A three-year-old boy is playing with his sister on the grass.一个3岁的小男孩正在草地上同他姐姐一起玩耍。,7.表达倍数表示“几倍”除了一倍(once),两倍(twice)外,其他一般由“基数词+times”构成。如:This book is twice

11、 thicker than that one.这本书是那本的两倍厚。They have done three times as much housework as we do.他们做的家务活是我们的三倍。,D,C,D,B,考点1 基数词,B,D,考点1 基数词,B,D,考点1 基数词,A,A,考点1 基数词,1.序数词的构成序数词的构成是以基数词为基础,第一到第十二一般是在基数词词尾加th;第一(first)、第二(second)、第三(third)、第五(fifth)、第八(eighth)、第九(ninth)、第十二(twelfth)比较特殊。以ty结尾的整十数,y变成i再加eth。如:Th

12、is is the fourth book that I have read.这是我看过的第四本书。,基数词变序数词口诀一、二、三,特殊例,结尾各是t,d,d。-th,四加起,八少t,九去e,y结尾改ie;-ve结尾变f,five,twelve是两兄弟。若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。,2.序数词的基本用法(1)序数词在句子中主要用作定语,因此,前面要加定冠词“the”。如:January is the first month of the year.一月是一年中的第一个月。(2)表示“再一”、“又一”的意思时,序数词前一般用不定冠词。如:Well have to do it a second

13、 time.我们得重做一次。(3)序数词起副词的作用,在状语的位置时,前面一般不用冠词。如:He came second in the race.他赛跑获得了第二名。,(4)下列情况序数词前也不用the。序数词前有物主代词时。如:This is my third visit to Beijing.这是我第三次来北京参观。序数词用于固定搭配时。如:first of all(首先);every third day(每三天)在日月表达中。如:May(the)first(5月1 日)并列使用两个序数词时,后面序数词前的定冠词省略。如:the eighth and ninth pages(第八页和第九页

14、),(5)表达分数分数词的构成:分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子是“1”时,分子、分母都用单数形式;分子的数目大于“1”时,分母必须用复数形式。如:One third of the students are boys in our class.我们班三分之一的学生是男生。Over nine tenths of Chinas inhabitants belong to the Han nationality.中国人口的十分之九以上是汉族。,(6)世纪年代的表达法18世纪:in the eighteenth century 80年代:in the eighties 20世纪90年代:in the

15、1990s(1990s),C,B,B,B,D,D,C,B,课堂小测,目录,contents,考点一 基数词考点二 序数词,目录,contents,()1.(导学号 44372171)(2016山东济南)How many hours do you sleep every night?About _ hours.From 9:00 p.m.to 6:00 a.m.A.nine B.nineteen C.ninth D.ninety,A,目录,contents,()2.(导学号 44372172)(2016湖北黄冈)The 15 th Chinese BridgeChinese Proficienc

16、y Competition will be held this year!Thats great!_ foreign college students are interested in Chinese learning.A.Hundred of B.Thousands C.Hundred D.Thousands of,D,目录,contents,()3.(导学号 44372173)(2016重庆)The environment here becomes better and better._ birds are coming back.A.Thousands of B.Thousand of

17、 C.Thousands D.Thousand,A,目录,contents,()4.(导学号 44372174)(2016江苏淮安)More than two _ trees are planted in our neighborhood every year.A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundreds of D.hundred of,A,目录,contents,()5.(导学号 44372175)(2016辽宁丹东)Have you heard of TFBoys?Certainly.About _ teenagers love them very much in our

18、 school.A.hundreds B.two hundreds of C.two hundreds D.two hundred,D,目录,contents,()6.(导学号 44372176)(2016新疆)There are _tourists visiting the island on May Day every year.A.two thousands of B.two thousands C.thousands of D.thousand of,C,目录,contents,()7.(导学号 44372177)(2016重庆)Meimei is going to be an eld

19、er sister.Her parents are planning to have their _ child.A.one B.two C.first D.second()8.(导学号 44372178)(2016贵州六盘水)When is Teachers Day in China?Its on the _ day of September.A.ninth B.tenth C.eleventh D.twelfth,D,B,目录,contents,()9.(导学号 44372179)(2016山东泰安)Mum,the beautiful card I made last night is j

20、ust for your _ birthday.Oh,thank you,my dear!A.forty B.fourteen C.fortieth D.fourth,C,目录,contents,()10.(导学号 44372180)(2016浙江温州)Welcome to Los Angeles.Have you ever been here?Sure.I visited this city three years ago so this is my _ time here.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth,B,目录,contents,()11.(2016广

21、西来宾)There are _ months in a year.December is the _ month of a year.A.twelve;twelve B.twelfth;twelfth C.twelve;twelfth D.twelfth;twelve()12.(导学号 44372181)(2016四川资阳)He climbed so fast that he reached _ floor in two minutes.A.nine B.the nine C.the ninth D.ninth,C,C,目录,contents,()13.(导学号 44372182)(2016四

22、川泸州)On her _ birthday,she got an iPad as a gift from her father.A.twelve B.twelfth C.the twelve D.the twelfth()14.(导学号 44372183)(2016贵州黔东南)There are _ people in Toms family.They live on the _ floor.A.five;nineth B.fifth;nine C.five;ninth D.fifth;ninth,B,C,目录,contents,()15.(导学号 44372184)(2016天津)Li Mi

23、ng will be _.His parents are going to have a party for _ birthday.A.sixteen;sixteenth B.sixteenth;sixteenthC.sixteen;sixteen D.sixteenth;sixteen,A,目录,contents,()16.(导学号 44372185)(2016湖北随州)If your parents wanted to have a _child,would you agree?Of course.But they should make it in _ years time.A.seco

24、nd;second B.two;twoC.second;two D.two;second,C,目录,contents,()17.(导学号 44372186)(2016贵州黔西南州)The Dragon Boat Festival was_ this year.A.June the ninth B.nine,JuneC.the ninth July D.nine,July()18.(导学号 44372187)(2016甘肃兰州)_ of the students in Class 6 have lunch at school.A.Two fifth B.One thirds C.Three fi

25、fth D.Three quarters,A,D,目录,contents,()19.(导学号 44372188)(2016新疆阜康)Jack,_of the oranges_gone bad.Wed better eat up the rest as soon as possible.A.one fifth;have B.one fifth;has C.one fifths;have D.first five;has,A,目录,contents,()20.(导学号 44372189)(2016山东滨州)What do you think of the environment here?Wond

26、erful!_of the land _covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifths;is B.Two fifth;is C.Two fifths;are D.Two fifth;are,A,中考模拟演练,目录,contents,目录,contents,()1.(导学号 44372190)It took _ people three months to build this great building.A.two hundreds B.hundred of C.hundreds of D.two hundred of()2.(导学号 44372191)I

27、n our city,_ middle school students want to work as a teacher in the future.A.thousand B.thousand of C.thousands of D.two thousand of,C,C,目录,contents,()3.(导学号 44372192)Tonys mum looks young and beautiful.Its hard to imagine she is already in her _.A.fifties B.fifty C.fiftieths D.fiftieth()4.(导学号 443

28、72193)Basketball is so exciting that _ people play it for fun.A.million B.two millions C.million of D.millions of,A,D,目录,contents,()5.(导学号 44372194)Helen loves reading.She has read _ books this month.A.five B.fifth C.five of D.fifth of()6.(导学号 44372195)Its reported that over eight _ people lost thei

29、r lives in the earthquake in Nepal this year.A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of,A,A,目录,contents,()7.(导学号 44372196)Its reported that there are more than 300 _ smokers in China,nearly a third of all the smokers in the world.A.million B.millions C.million of D.millions of()8.(导学号 44372

30、197)Its reported that people throw _ plastic bags along this street every day.A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundred of D.hundreds of,A,D,目录,contents,()9.(导学号 44372198)During the May Day holiday,we stayed in a mountain village with _trees around.A.thousand of B.thousand C.thousands D.thousands of,D,目录,conte

31、nts,()10.(导学号 44372199)Im going to take this summer holiday in Taiwan.Oh,really?Taiwan is _ a beautiful island that _ people in Guangdong go to visit it every year.A.so;thousands B.so;thousands ofC.such;many thousand D.such;thousands of,D,目录,contents,()11.Im 13 years old and my sister is 15 years ol

32、d.So my sister is _ years older than me.A.one B.two C.three D.four()12.(导学号 44372200)Kate is _ girl.Shes very happy at school.A.a eighteen-year-old B.an eighteen-year-oldC.an eighteen-years-old D.a eighteen-years-old,B,B,目录,contents,()13.(导学号 44372201)They are the students of _.A.grade 7 B.Grade 7 C

33、.7th Grade D.Grade 7th()14.(导学号 44372202)Did you know that the earth is home to _animals?A.million B.millions C.million of D.millions of,B,D,目录,contents,()15.(导学号 44372203)The government of Chongqing is building _ cheap and good houses for the people.A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands

34、of()16.(导学号 44372204)Nine _ pounds a week?Thats very good.A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.hundreds D.hundred,D,D,目录,contents,()17.(导学号 44372205)Several _ new books were sold out last week.A.of thousand B.thousandsC.thousands of D.thousand()18.(导学号 44372206)We have stayed at this school for _.Which of t

35、he following choices is wrong?A.two and a half years B.two years and a halfC.two years and half a year D.both A and B,D,C,目录,contents,()19.(导学号 44372207)The Greens live in _.A.Room 2108 B.2108 Room C.the Room 2108 D.Room the 2108()20.Each of us has to write a _ report every two weeks.A.two-hundred-w

36、ord B.two-hundreds-wordC.two-hundreds-words D.two-hundred-words,A,A,目录,contents,()21.(导学号 44372208)Come on,baby.We have already done _ of the work.A.two-three B.two-third C.two-thirds D.second-three()22.(导学号 44372209)Rose received a letter full of love from her parents on her_ birthday.A.sixteen B.s

37、ixteens C.sixteenth D.sixteenths,C,C,目录,contents,()23.(导学号 44372210)Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the nearest railway station?Sorry,I dont know.Im new,this is my _ time here.A.one B.once C.first D.two,C,目录,contents,()24.(导学号 44372211)How many friends will come to your_birthday?About _.A.fifte

38、en;fifteen B.fifteenth;fifteenthC.fifteen;fifteenth D.fifteenth;fifteen()25.(导学号 44372212)_ of the land in that district is covered with trees and grass.A.Fifth two B.Two fifth C.Fifth second D.Two fifths,D,D,目录,contents,()26.(导学号 44372213)Fathers Day is on the _ Sunday in June.Its on June 21st this

39、 year.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth()27.(导学号 44372214)Im satisfied with my _ shopping online.A.one B.the one C.the first D.first,C,D,目录,contents,()28.(导学号 44372215)Kate is a school girl.She got many presents on her_ birthday.A.nine B.the ninth C.ninetieth D.ninth()29.(导学号 44372216)Jack is nine y

40、ears old.Today is his _ birthday.A.nine B.ninth C.nineth D.ninety,D,B,目录,contents,()30.(导学号 44372217)_ month of the year is May.A.Two B.The second C.Five D.The fifth()31.(导学号 44372218)Which is the biggest number of the four?_.A.One third B.Two thirds C.A half D.A quarter,D,B,目录,contents,()32.(导学号 44

41、372219)Christmas Day is on _ of December.A.twenty-five B.the twenty-five C.twenty-fifth D.the twenty-fifth()33.(导学号 44372220)What day is it today?Its Monday,and its my _birthday.A.fifteen B.fifteenth C.the fifteen D.the fifteenth,D,B,目录,contents,()34.(导学号 44372221)We all think that the _ century wil

42、l bring us more hopes.A.twenty-first B.twentieth-firstC.twenty-one D.twentieth-one()35.(导学号 44372222)I got a beautiful bike on _ birthday.I like it very much.A.fifteenth B.fifteenC.my fifteen D.my fifteenth,A,D,目录,contents,()36.(导学号 44372223)Has Mary been back?Not yet.She will come back _ the evenin

43、g of June _.A.at;first B.to;thirtiethC.on;the twelfth D.on;the nineteen,C,目录,contents,()37.(导学号 44372224)The teacher said that _ of the boys would take part in the talent show.A.three five B.third five C.third fifths D.three fifths,D,目录,contents,()38.(导学号 44372225)I think _ of the materials I listen

44、ed to at the beginning of the exam _ easy.A.three fourths;is B.third four;areC.three fourths;are D.three fourth;are,C,目录,contents,()39.(导学号 44372226)What do you think of the environment here?Wonderful!_ of the land _ covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifths;are B.Two fifth;areC.Two fifths;is D.Two fifth;is,C,目录,contents,()40.(导学号 44372227)Where does John live?He lives on _ floor but he doesnt use a lift to go up and down.A.nine B.the ninth C.ninth D.a ninth,B,谢谢观看!,


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