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1、Unit 7,Will people have robots?,人教版八年级英语 上册,Section A(3a-3c),lets predict our future.,Lead in,The helicopter cap of the year 3000 will get you aroud faster and easierthan your bike.,By the year 3000,your clothe will automatically change themselves to stay in fashion.,Fill in the blanks with more,les

2、s or fewer.,3a,1.In the future,there will be _ fresh water because there will be _ pollution in the sea.2.In 100 years,there will be _ cars because there will be _ people in the cities.,less,more,more,more,3.There will be _ jobs for people because _ robots will do the same jobs as people.4.I think t

3、here will be _ cities because people will build _ buildings in the country.5.In 50 years,people will have _ free time because there will be _ things to do.,fewer,more,more,more,less,more,Complete the predictions with what you think will happen.,Kids study at school now.In 100 years,_2.I sometimes se

4、e blue skies in my city,but in the future _,Kids will study at home on computers.,I will often see the blue skies.,3b,3.People now usually live to be about 70-80 years old,but in the future _4.Families usually spend time together on weekends,but maybe in 200 years _,People will live to be 200 years

5、old.,Everyday can be weekend,because they have robots to do everything.,Draw a picture of what you think a city in the future will be like.Then describe it to the class.,3c,I think there will be more tall buildings,and there will be fewer cars and more buses.,1.-Will people use money in 100 years?人们

6、在100年以后还用钱(消费)吗?-No,they wont.Everything will be free.不,人们将不会使用钱。所有的东西都将是免费的。,(1)这是个以 will 开头的一般将来时态的一般疑问句,形式为:Will+一般陈述句?,(2)in+一段时间表示“在(将来的)一段时间以后”,常用于将来时态。如:,-How soon will you come back?你多久后回来?-I will come back in a week.我将在一周后回来。,Language points,(3)everything 是不定代词,意思是“每件事”,every 和 every 组合的一些不

7、定代词,常用个体概念表达整体含义。如:,Everything goes well.一切都好。,(4)be free 这里指免费的,还可以表示“空闲的,有时间的”,相当于have time。如:,Are you free this evening?=Do you have time this evening?你今晚有空吗?,2.Will there be world peace?将有世界和平吗?Yes,I hope so.是的,我希望如此。,(1)peace意为“和平,和平时期”,是不可数名词,常用于单数形式,也可表示“治安,社会安定”,当指人的心情或抽象事物时,还可表示“安心,平静,安静”。如

8、:,I wish that there would be peace and harmony in the world.我希望世界和谐太平。,Shes never at peace with herself.她总是静不下来。,(2)I hope so意为“我希望如此”,so用作副词,意为“这样,如此”。常与动词连用,以避免重复。常与so连用的动词有say,think,speak,believe,do等。如:,I dont think so.我认为不是这样。Im afraid so.恐怕是这样。,(3)在hope,believe等后面用so表示肯定,用not表示否定。如:,I believe s

9、o.我相信如此。I believe not.我相信不会这样。,3.In the future,there will be less fresh water because there will be more pollution in the sea.在未来,新鲜的水将会更少,因为在海洋中污染将会更多。,(1)in the future意为“将来,未来”。如:,The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future.这个男孩想在将来成为一名哲学家。,(2)in the future 和in future 辨析:,in the future意为“将

10、来,未来。”如:,We learn from the past,experience the present and hope for success in the future.我们从过去中学习,体验现在,展望未来的成功。,in future意为“以后,今后”(=from now on),也可意为“不久的将来”(=in the near future或soon)。如:,My dearn will come true in future/soon.我的梦想不久就会实现。,4.People now usually live to be 70-80 years old.人们现在通常活到70 到 80 岁。,“live to be+基数词+years old”意为“活到岁”,years old 可省略。如:,Two thousand years ago,few people could live to be 70 years old.2000 多年前,极少有人能活到 70 岁。,Language points,Homework 1.完成课时作业。2.熟记Section A 部分的已学的词汇 及句型。,Thank you,状元成才路 祝你快乐,


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