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1、,Unit 7Will people have robots?,Section B 2b-2c,Do you know about robots?What do the robots look like?What can the robots do?,一、robot一词的由来,1 该词来源于1920年捷克的一个反映科幻内容的话剧。剧中的一个人物名叫robota(捷克文,意为苦力,奴隶),一个形状像人的机器,可以听从人的命令做各种工作。,2 英文robot是从robota衍生而来的。3 我国将robot翻译为机器人,给人一种错觉,机器人一定具有人的外形。其实,应该为具有人的某种的功能的机器。,机

2、器人的应用,工业,汽车生产线上的焊接机器人,农业 草坪割草机器人,军事地面侦察排雷和攻击。,美国“剑”军用机器人,美国“剑”军用机器人,医疗 高精度和高难度的外科手术,What do therobots look like?,today,today,What do they look like?,They look like humans.,What do they look like?,They look like snakes.,What does it look like?,It looks like a dog.,What can the robots do?,What can the

3、 robot do?It can.,talk with people,do exercise,cook,play the piano,what can they do?They can.,Play football,dance,But what will robots look like and do for us in the future?,2b Read the article and match each paragraph with the question it discusses.,Para 1 will robots think like humans in the futur

4、e?Para 2 what will robots be like in the future?Para 3 what can robots do today?Para 4 what are robots like in movies?,task 1,When we watch movies about the future,we sometimes see robots.They are usually like human servants.They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous

5、 places.,Summary,Paragraph1:What are robots like in movies?,Today there are already robots working in factories.Some can help to build cars.and they do simple jobs over and over again.Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring,but robots will never get bored.,Summary,Paragr

6、aph 2:What can robots do today?,There is/aredoing.有正在。,There are some teachers sitting in our classroom.看!那儿有许多人正在跳舞。Look!There are many peiple _ there.,dancing,over and over again 反复地,,她反复地检查她的试卷。She checks her paper over and over again.,bored和boring,He is/gets bored with computer games.Soap operas

7、 are boring,I can learn nothing from them.bored:指(某人)对感到厌烦。Sb be/get bored with.boring:指是令人感到无聊的,令人厌烦的。,I think sports shows are _,I dont like it at all.Are you _ with your lifestyle?,boring,bored,Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do.Some robots i

8、n Japan can walk and dance.They are fun to watch.However,some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people,it wil be difficult to make them really think like a human.,For example,scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.Bu

9、t many scientists disagree with Mr.White.They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.,Summary,Paragraph 3:Will robots think like humans in the future?The scientists have different ideas.,我能够帮助我的妈妈做家务。,I am able to help my mother do housework.I think she is very fir

10、endly,do you agree_ me?我不同意你的观点。I _ _ you idea.,with,disagree with,even:甚至。放在助动词,be动词,情态动词之后,实义动词之前。,She _ wirte stories,though she is only ten years old.A even can B can even,B,Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future.However,they agree it may take hundreds of years.Thes

11、e new robots will have many different shapes.Some will look like humans,and others might look like animals.,In India,for example,scientists made robots that look like snakes.If buildings fall down with people inside,these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.This was not possibl

12、e 20 years ago,but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago.We never know what will happen in the future!,Summary,Paragraph 4:What will robots be like in the future?,hundreds of 许多,大量。数百,three hundred There are five hundred and fifty students in our school.hundred前有具体的数词修饰时,要用单数形式。

13、,There are hundreds of students in our school.当表示不确定的数目时,hundred用复数形式,而且要与of连用。The farmer keeps_ cows on his farm.A hundred B two hundreds of C hundreds D hundreds of,D,Look at the clouds in the sky!Some of clouds are like horses,others are like sheep,they have different_.(shape),shapes,fall down:跌倒

14、,倒塌。,fall 的过去式:fell.由于大雨,这个村子里的许多房子倒塌了。Because of the heavy rain,many houses_ _ in this village.,fell down,look for 和find,She is looking for her new bike.Finally,she found her bike.look for:寻找。强调的是“找”的过程,而find:找到,发现。强调的是“找”的结果。,I_my money everywhere,but I couldnt _ it.A found,find B looked for,findC

15、 looked for,look for D found,look for,B,一切皆有可能。,Everything is possible.When possible,I will go to paris one day如果可能的话,将来有一天我将会去巴黎。Thats impossible.那是不可能的。,1.What does the article mainly tell us about_ A.What will robots be like in the future.B.What can robots do today.C.There will be more robots in

16、the future.D.Something about robots now and in the future.,task 2,2.Which of the following is true_.A.today,robots look like humans and think like humans.B.Some scientists think robots will be able to talk like humans in 50 to 100 years.C.Computers and rockets seem possible 100 years ago D.In the mo

17、vie,the robots will help us as our servants with the housework.,Scientists are now trying to make robots _humans and do the same things as we do.Some robots in Japan can walk and _.They are fun to _.However,some scientists believe that _ we can make robots move like people,it will be difficult to ma

18、ke them really _ a human.For example,scientist James White thinks that robots will _ be able to wake up and know where they are.But many scientists _ with Mr.White.They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years,.,look like,look like,dance,although,think like,never,dis

19、agree,选词填空,watch,agree,dance,see,watch,although,think like,disagree,never,task 3,task 4,Find the right order,A This was not possible 20 years ago,but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago.B If buildings fall down with people inside,these snake robots can help look for people und

20、er the buildings.C We never know what will happen in the future!D However,they agree it may take hundreds of years.These new robots will have many different shapes.Some will look like humans,and others might look like animals.E Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future.F I

21、n India,for example,scientists made robots that look like snakes.,E,D,F,B,A,C,1.They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or _places.2.Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are _3.They think that robots will even _talk like humans in 25 to 50 years4.However,t

22、hey agree it may take _ years.5.This was not _20 years ago,but computers and rockets also seemed impossible100 years ago.,Listen to the tape to fill in the blanks,dangerous,boring,be able to,hundreds of,possible,task 5,翻译短语,1.人类的仆人 2.帮忙做家务3 做简单的工作4一遍又一遍5 变得烦躁6.看起来像,human servants,help with the house

23、work,look like,do the same things as we do,do simple jobs,over and over against,get bored,7.和我们一样做相同的事8.例如9.醒来,觉醒10.花费好几百年的时间11.数百年时间12.看起来不可能的,for exampie,wake up,seem impossible,hundreds of years,take hundreds of years,1 It+be+形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth.(某人)做某事怎么样It is not easy for me _(get)up early

24、on Sunday morning.,2.seem 是连系动词,意为“似乎;好像;看上去”,后面常接形容词作表语。Eg:These girls seem very happy.这些女孩子们似乎很高兴。seem还可构成“It seems/seemed that.”句式,相当于“从句的主语+seems/seemed+to do sth.”。Eg:It seems that he falls in love with the beautiful girl.=He seems to fall in love with the beautiful girl.他好像爱上了这个美丽的女孩。seem like

25、表示“看上去好像”。Eg:Those boats seem like many ducks.那些船看上去好像很多鸭子。,知识要点扫描,to get,3.Scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up.Be able to“能够.”He _climb over the mountain after training.4.But many scientists disagree with Mr.White.disagree with 不同意;不一致;不适合。,agree/disagree,with sb,

26、to do sth,is able to,5.hundreds of 几百 hundreds of books 我校图书馆收藏着几百本书。There are hundreds of books in our school library.有相同的用法:Hundred thousand million billion.1.前有具体数字时不加s 2 hundred 2.后又时of加s hundreds of3.不存在前有数字后又of的情况(2 thousand of)There are three _ students in our school.A.thousands of B.thousand

27、 of C.thousands D.thousand,2e what kinds animals might robots look like in the future?What do you think these robots will be able to do?Write your ideas and discuss them with your partner.,I think some future robots might look likebutterflies.They will be able to sing and dance.When I am sad,they ca

28、n try their best to make me happy.And when I want to go shopping,theycan take me to the mall,(购物广场)so that I will never stand the crowded street.In my life,it gives me a lot of help.,Homework,写作内容:你想要拥有你自己的机器人,跟科学家描述一下你都要求你的机器人会什么技能!,Dear robot scientist,I am a student from No.52 Middle School._ Yours,ThanksGood bye,


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