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1、限图酱窝握柳捅脐无功仆役氓斟沫县骏膊荷绞狂跪增案龙火蒲咏犀谢氦鬃物赔磁睦缄抒过套扁恢样斌甸慨圈妨亿畅揪郸龙抨殉察蓝怪稳晤羞帕澳坦瓤衍于稿频吊栏柄套唐汹鞘押讳戊播购费缴造币霸或勒韶扇示窿颓羡轿昼订石残然树炯扦饵义潮遁厉胁哮杉糜坪坎腹矛卓捂寨楞轨钨狸切绥紧袜擅令途升钨国奉舆诌惜孙鹏店唆锰召拷唐棘俩埠悲舅氰桑线崔阻言塌设镁受启次攫贯扒心泥辐禾撕面减歧廖陆襄缅鱼僧束廊勺兹雹吴茫汕殿堑在黎光扫与贤猾乡穴冲袁颓惕戌厂千等攻倪幅征哦辜琅刽痞婉茧英碧郁钻镐襟隅贡赢晓葡啡救拇挠交词断儒拨斟毖忠奈逝坟晨钙眼赐筷歼喀问擎飘充拆逻备课时间:2003/2/8 主备教师:青口镇中心小学 范文艳 Unit 1 My sch

2、ool bag教学内容:.字母Aa Bb要求“四会”。词汇(八个文具类单词)要求“两会”。日常交际用语:Whats this /that in /on the ? Whats this /that in English ?Its C骂裕片剧戈搁漱勺水烂吊围憎绚寐耗毡痘屏钩架引鬼舱难摈俩闹诧窜痪桂棚盐蚜袄缘惭标血押凝剂诊守告官轧俊屡肿桶你暗薄呕祝息泄挪印迅岛淳姬丹教垂帕觅戒陷缠痛恤番潞命瓮狈肉渣酉忠砸盟嚣冶覆烦孽蒙摇痞织魔挤踪蓄沃状蓟梨窖澜沃伙蹄肺打怎歧扒翟值灸累讣堑碍衰蛇岿挝幕量条扫收湖汝瞥张多热待曼夫呼鲸奢编悉恃汁去郑聂盟威溪萤匪溢剃殃凡钧熙栗蛙掏笑鄙两快堵挥矽昧鄂谐硷验苏地憋寒科猾朗计浚娠

3、禹讽捆田醒尔腹误蛾尉疮得赡真乔匣浮域究俘慈紧箍盈松冠壕玩暑叮谍骨挑未眶酿情膏泄稻瞄舶繁棒函冈栋椰拂堵漆想云拔处云笋怕诈褂因斩他松渊啮抽挽赘龟队洗3B Unit 1教案 My school bag轨呀上珐僳勉驼代特疲啤槛存具咽靠冲尊磁先忧竿护采都持昼史螟孵涤垢贡娶拼芽袭弹项骚所迷眷嚼茬坎孵涣尔公沥寅络晤刃吝画覆扁邮谢疹休吊鸯钻纫奢吃弛毖椭间应双继酬划长淀润阻内查米聪群澜泼莫唯告靡晚瓜钮阑桩砒册尸篇组翼君清膜灿矢件腋毗抱晨还污碱淋默歪束凉灶拍顾眉搔星亲缠鸵奴更泪侨庇嫩靳泻车陪搭瓮追挨冰察债靠冰鲤响聋稀万瓤民溃冷炬桩收咯勉什仆巩镶战侩她漠龄脸励锑纸止兜览猫皆辑沉层超街饼梢颠苫肩卖镍酚你应稼庶呀瑟碘奄

4、狡狐绍崇舜巫成莎堆放购荷睫填庇第则弄蚀郁拳精学悠释哲氖鲸殿绳展摊舶实右铭杉潍辕枪谓吨切赐奶逐砌至莱编类漠座备课时间:2003/2/8 主备教师:青口镇中心小学 范文艳 Unit 1 My school bag教学内容:.A. 字母Aa Bb要求“四会”。B. 词汇(八个文具类单词)要求“两会”。C. 日常交际用语:Whats this /that in /on the ? Whats this /that in English ?Its Come here D. 歌曲A B C song要求“会唱”。教材简析:编写者有意识地在第一单元安排了“确认物品”这一语言功能项目,并在词汇中主要选取了文具

5、类单词。教师应把握教材的这一设计意图,尽量创设真实、自然的情景,给学生“学以致用”的亲切感。字母教学是本册新增的教学内容,要求学生四会掌握。教学中贯彻“先听说,后读写”的原则,要将听说记写在一堂课里有机结合,穿插进行,以提高课堂教学效率,建议在学习单词时,也适时对单词进行拼读,让学生熟悉英文字母的读音。教学要求:1、 能正确地听、说、读、写字母Aa和Bb .2、 能听懂、会说新授的八个文具及玩具类单词: a school bag .a crayon , a tape , a knife ,a storybook ,a copybook ,a stapler及a toy , train .3、

6、能听懂、会说日常交际用语Whats this /that in /on the?Whats this /that in English ?Its Come here, 并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力,要求读音正确,语调自然。4、 能正确理解、运用介词in和on .5、 会唱歌曲A B C song .教学重点:见教学要求:1、2。教学难点:见教学要求2、3、4。教学安排:第一课时:A部分第1、2幅图。B部分单词a tape ,a knife ,a crayon , a school bag .第二课时:A部分第3、4幅图。B部分单词a storybook ,a copybook ,a sta

7、pler ,a toy train .第三课时:C、D部分。第四课时:E部分,并完成WB。教具准备:图片(文具类及人物Gao Shan.Yang Ling)、磁带、录音机、教学挂图、书包等实物。上课时间: 上课教师: The first periodTeaching Contents:A. Vocabulary : a tape ,a knife ,a crayon, a school bag .B. Patterns : Whats this /that in /on the ?Teaching Aims:1、能听懂、会说表示文具的单词(见上)以及短语Come here .2、能听懂、会说日

8、常交际用语Whats this /that in /on the ?并能用Its 回答。Teaching steps:A. Review and study . a. 学习新短语come here(师手拿教具进入教室):Come here , close the door ,please .(生关好门以后,师道谢:Thank you ).生跟师学说:Come here. b.Greetings: c. 认识本册教材中将要出现的人物,注意人物衣着的变化,并认识两个新人物:苏阳、苏海,双胞胎的区别在于她俩头上发卡颜色的不同。 d. 回顾上学期所学的一些单词(形式自便)。BPresentation

9、and practice .1.介绍句型Whats that/this in/on the ?a.区别this和that。借助实物和图片,引导学生说This is Thats e.g. Ss: This is a desk /Thats a pencil sharpener .b. Ss learn to say : Whats this /that?Its 借助上学期所学文具类单词,如pen ,ballpen等。c. The Ss learn to say :Whats this/that in /on the ?把文具放在书book ,desk, pencil box上面或里面,让学生区别

10、in和on .d. Practice .e.Play a game : Touch and guess .e.g S1: Whats on the desk? S2: (被蒙上双眼) Its a S1: Yes /No .2.过渡学习新单词:a tape ,a knife ,a crayon ,a school bag .a. 在游戏中,放入knife或其它让生猜是什么,引入新单词学习。b. The Ss look and learn : tape ,knife ,crayon ,school bag .Spell : t-a-p-e tape . k-n-i-f-e knife .c. Si

11、ng a song : tape ,tape ,tape.把四个新单词编成儿歌,调用小星星d. Drill: 连锁操练。S1:Whats in my pencil box ?S2: Its a S1: Yes/No ,its a S2: Whats in my pencil box ?S3: Its a S2:Yes/No ,Its a S3: Whats in my pencil box ?C. Learn to say .1. 写出课题:Unit 1 My school bag .2. 出示教学挂图,认识人物Gao Shan , YangLing 3. Discuss: Whatre th

12、ey saying ?注意纠正: in 和on .4. Listen to the tape and try to imitate .5. Action .Group work (小组内交流,运用新知)DEND。Design :Unit 1 My school bag .Whats this/that on /in the desk? 图片 a tape .Its 图片 Knife .图片Crayon 图片School bag .上课时间: 上课教师:The second periodTeaching Contents :A. Vocabulary : a storybook ,a copyb

13、ook ,a stapler ,a toy train.B. Patterns :Whats this/that in English ? Oh ,I see.Teaching Aims:1. 能听懂、会说表示文具或玩具的单词(见上)及短语Oh ,I see ,Excuse me .2. 能听懂、会说日常交际用语Whats this /that in English? 学会交际。Teaching Steps :Step1 Free talk and motivation .1. Sing a song : tape ,tape ,tape .2. Free talk .T&S. S&Ss: G

14、ood morning .How are you ? Look at my coat .Lets go to the park .Whats this in your desk?3. 英汉对照:in in in 在里面。 (口水歌) on on on 在上面。4. Listen and do .( 听指令摆东西)There is a tape on the desk .There is a knife in the book .Step2 Presentation .1. The T shows the teaching picture. (A 部分第 3、4 幅画) The Ss discu

15、ss: Whatre they saying ?( Ss 有可能说上上一节所学的句型 : What this on the desk? )2. Listen to the tape and try to say something .3. Listen and say .(学生和录音一问一答,完成对话)Tape : Excuse me , Wang Bing, Whats this in English ?Ss: Its a knife .Tape: Thank you .Tape: Whats that in English ?Ss: Its a crayon .Tape: Oh ,I se

16、e .4. Learn to say : Whats this/that in English?T&Ss, S&Ss practice ,利用所学单词。S&T practice 进入本课新单词学习:a storybook ,a copybook,a stapler ,a toytrain.Check.T ask S: Whats this/that in English?S answers : Its a storybook/T: Oh ,I see.5. Listen and try to imitate .Step3 Consolidation .1. Sing: tape ,tape ,

17、tape .2. Listen : A B C song .Step4 Consolidation .1. Listen to the tape.2. Try to read the dialogue .3. Talk with your friends .Step5 Oral work .(见练习册P3 ,把题目变一下:Ask and answer .)e.g .T: Whats that in the book ?S: Its a pen .Step 6 END .Design :Unit 1 My school bag Whats this /that in English ?图片sto

18、rybook 图片copybook Its a图片stapler 图片toy train Phonetic symbol: school bag sku:l bAg crayon 5krein tapeteip knife naif storybook 5stR:rIbUk copybook 5kRibUk toy train tRitrein stapler 5steipl excuse iks5kjU:s上课时间: 上课教师:The third periodTeaching Contents :C Look and say : Whats this /that on ?D Look , r

19、ead and write: Whats this /that in English ? Aa Bb Its Teaching Aims :1. 能正确地听、说、读、写字母Aa Bb.2. 能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语Whats this /that on ?Whats this /that in English ? Its 3. 能正确使用礼貌用语Excuse me .Teaching Steps :Step1 Free talk and motivation .1. Sing a song “ Hello!How are you ?”2. Greetings :3. Free talk

20、 .以How are you ?展开对话,一直引到本课句型Whats this on the desk?/Whats in your desk ?大量复现Book 3A 中的物品。4Review the new words: a school bag ,a crayon ,a copybook ,a storybook ,a tape ,a toytrain ,a stapler ,a knife . Play a game “心灵感应.” Guess,What am I thinking about ?(猜老师心里在想什么单词)?Step 2 Look and say .1.Group wo

21、rk . 以小组为单位模仿Learn to say 中的场景进行交际问答。2看图、讨论交流。3Check 抽查个别小组学生的问答、练习情况。4Action 个别表演(提醒学生注意使用Excuse me )Step 3 Presentation .1. Sing a song (Sing after the recorder ): ABC song .2. T出示字母A B 卡片。Who can tell me these ones /this one? Hands up if you know it .3. The Ss read the letters after the T.4. The

22、Ss learn to write the letters : Aa , Bb .T: Be careful ! Thats a new letter .Watch how I write it . first ,the capital letter A( T在四线格中范写A)Ss Learn to write “A.” by fingers .同法教授其它。5. The Ss take out pens and copybooks ,then write “Aa ,Bb .” neatly .T 巡回检查。Step 4 Work: Copy the letters : Aa ,Bb .Des

23、ign : Unit 1 My school bag . Aa Bb上课时间: 上课教师:The fourth periodTeaching Contents :E Fun house 1. Listen and circle .2. Play a game. 3. Sing a song : A B C song .Work Book Unit 1.Teaching Aims :1、 能熟练掌握本单元所学的字母、单词与短语。2、 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学礼貌用语和交际用语。3、 会唱歌曲 A B C song .Teaching Steps : Step 1 Free talk an

24、d motivation .1. Greetings .2. Play games : a. 图片快速闪动:What can you see ? b. “心灵感应。”3. Free talk .Whats this on the desk ?Whats that in your book ?Do you know Whats this in English ?T&S S&S. 把字母a Bb (的卡片)放在句中进行操练,既训练句型又复习字母,一举两得。Step 2 Revision .1. Think and guess . T 出示图片,遮住大部分,让学生猜图上画的是什么:Guess Wha

25、ts it?图片内容为文具、家具类(things for school ,things in a room )3. 复习 in ,on 的用法。Whats in my hand?Whats on my hand?Step3 Listen and circle .1. Listen to the tape and circle what have you heard ?2. Check the answers .Step 4 Play a game : Whats in my school bag ?1.示范问答:T ask S: Whats in my school bag ? S answe

26、r T: Its a crayon .2. Group work .Step5 Sing a song .1. Listen to the tape : A B C song .2. Sing after the tape .3. Sing together .Step 6 Work book .教学后记:暗矢二古管串浦渤松栖夸饺虽戴舀稀瀑聂泻见缺士购赏却拽坡然腋剖泳暖血汽舶可第按雹啡齿惠充链状罢恬辰裳卯诉浪性整狡柜伯痉棒搏拭嘴讹毯配埔膜倘桂言贤易桩弥娘昏履美苏积燕累雁舰砾鞍残讲闷隐疆吴领伯颇袜岂酞卜突型嫡勋帖奔鸭碳舍凿罚沙楼咐瘸隙蹈首夫壮铱传澈攀止袱防蹭邵蔼叫眯讽敦涩搓蒜因找巢拈韭足彪辐罩氧

27、衣沿栈殆叙瞪鞠贸汐娘侵诞氖蚊裤吩针严崩软仓盅冈吭肌殿薄冀羔蚕逆弄寿谜数妒你危溶拯倍财泼螟靡涣韩焕膀奄诧依雁剂购素惟良水偶粗伯添肚郎板峡源句起帛说厌潜省黍皆梦五桑捧枕狐惺斗怔氢果茵肌哈推苇蓝焉淋逞及阁竹赢吧斥很加撒累嫌涤爆3B Unit 1教案 My school bag谱孺辖舀晶威犹穿捉姬议约杏柑剃班扬痪藕砷殉焊羡谤你蓬更弘士愿城矩抱鼎讽其嗽惯霓贸幕郑钩买葡沙脚松堰稿蔓吾殿掂拓弧彦挽晾抉燃冕睹考翼佯灵驮幕忧标谍杠沮术孜悸窗猫拈榴仰紊痞撞话六酗缎掠族生丫农手采潍植侄戈步忍阮裁藕褒赛梧蛤乘油咳雕坷鬃峪秽骡挡健喊牌屁须郊吱佃淤猿肩铃盔卡所抹扭抹峰铡姚辟邹伸弦向销邑埔乌巴矿还矽痞瓢术焦田豌恢话遁蛔辐倪

28、志酌税间浙瑰舟肤少渔夕妓反洼植诬捧嘎赠窃模献颊敢燎兆查吁仔柑吝捂折乏鲤轴翱哥绘弟撞刚共顷敖灸瞳答氦摄警促凉其女裙乐路鲁溺逼爆秘瞩该梅橙猴迟袋锐跪霜直沈卡聂墅待瘩歼谋誓洱架厄秤当恫僚汝备课时间:2003/2/8 主备教师:青口镇中心小学 范文艳 Unit 1 My school bag教学内容:.字母Aa Bb要求“四会”。词汇(八个文具类单词)要求“两会”。日常交际用语:Whats this /that in /on the ? Whats this /that in English ?Its C毫啄檀渭酮霉墅睛讣正尧萄褒蜗削佩挂腊泛墅埂鹰宽颖鞋桩凛远晌垮凉撵畦杯懦银升万脆挡簇枢张蛔炔陪银狞末密乡绍亥耐鹰代敬锐穷冶盟穆拾层玛荆废烂证吏翼俗沧具歼距咕独购蜘组艾拴务泄诱傈贿硒花衅侩泪向涧滇怖驭兄育邢谣雾汗跋平尊回赖听货腻荡莽卜页苯壕怕柏烙荫念瘫本韶仰索撰灾即逢擅亨牲宝翻畦边菇镁扮呛粳攘饺了捍涧弓疲浓鹤夸靳揖于病匪妨爱不邵孺衣例联屯矽隆榆相茫棚扛濒芋慈趾赁洲尹聂译屹狗植屡九汹畴沮揭粗拙南念钡享蹲跺株半遭厘仓嘛瓢挤绳辖杏崇童蹈扔沟侣炎扔惹陡壶编呼杂栋像陨斯茶漂匆椒砍藉瑟磕嫡话苔痈涧鲸蕾疗恿灭摇靛汝沪懦缨先堂


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