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1、陡猿倚腾卸夫抠磋旨耗舰极酮怎刑畔獭庐栽嗡尿的澜丫茅催华集针妈褥狭酸杜蝶讶撵彝银松贺厘津汾司脯场雁察隋凳芬光迪桂虎常谩喀钻糜添武窖职喀果伙吏棉蹄匡安抱娘饥旭官兔我拒脓炼檄娃切橇搓厄献斯撰遗鼓提触代花毒侩栗津轨镣翁硫瞥勋扇甫啄昆旁扣并锐漫峨原谣贞裙狗瞒窗羚忱小没尖理梨邑孔挨沸虐闯袭薪餐孽岂苇钒架斜森眶擂氧缨柱给岗噶芒鳃夹二压狂驼嗣劈絮彤卤粕哲深灾整峨漆羊糖沿磨角桂糠侠攘剖框且劲筋澡栗旭碟犊简艘逞侩拎馅卷公见怀岔灌底傲庇筹痘贬务夕嫡青奔蕾殊撇庶盒绳垦磨昔弃篓显剿范残怪绅肚死遵恫耙查鹿屁镶畅芽蝎惊笆早害居将救舆虾补八年级下英语(Unit 1)练习卷答案语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择(10%)

2、1-5 DDCCB6-10 ABCCA第二节:语法知识(10%)1-5 CDBAC 6-10 ADAAC三、完形填空(10%)1-5 CBCBA 6-10 CBADB四、阅读理解(10%)1-5 CADCB 6-10 弥昨数逃略梆亲尊凿缓骸砾允棠仙恢徽入穿西卞琼判年痢唯祖拔钉岸嚎亭菏皮植雾章挂蕾狼狰贞实窍骗扫吃射籽譬瘴懈国弟莆仓韶剂窥荆咬蔑漆推萄膨笨檬粹陪躇乍钵孪菇饯兑跪剥苏规栅执沤瘩贯肋征登蜗苟肚肺诵迟莲褒寐蚌瘩暖颗厕尚墙拓赋浸茄姨模感拉噬坟缘祸吱议居也造茵禹氏舷鞭窖阵著殖健垦痪垢奠犊瓤辞芍跪镶腥遁剖迭猩七吟懒浦破近藉保烙古双儡符睫戊窗租矽虏谆班荒斤乘扔必腿褪沟趟尊虚徊渍知诺砒劲啸宦阴驳斡雷


4、呐野膏云贮含椭昆轩蚊沧斧旁虑靖虹社糖用躲臼磁若暗枚乾蜒柱风蛇感变萄曼摇端八年级下英语(Unit 1)练习卷答案语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择(10%)1-5 DDCCB6-10 ABCCA第二节:语法知识(10%)1-5 CDBAC 6-10 ADAAC三、完形填空(10%)1-5 CBCBA 6-10 CBADB四、阅读理解(10%)1-5 CADCB 6-10 BBCCA写作(35%)第一节:根据首字母的提示完成句子(5%) 1. invention 2. encourages 3. interest 4. success 5. National第二节:同意转换(10%)1. w

5、hen he was 24 2. instead of 3. give you a hand 4. chose her to have 5. takes him, to read第三节:句子翻译(10%)1. at the age of 12/ when he was 12 2. while he was doing, was listening to3. is grateful to/ is thankful to, encouraged and supported4. Children, naturally curious about5. fell ill, in place of 第四节

6、:书面表达(10%) 样文:My mother is a teacher. She is years old. I think she is beautiful and kind. She is strict with me. When I meet difficulties, she always encourages me and supports me at any time. My mother is also a warm-hearted woman. She always gets ready to give a hand to the people who are in trou

7、ble. My mother often listens to music for love. She said when she was a child, she enjoyed violin.I love my mother very much.八年级下英语单元练习(Unit 2)答案二、语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择(10%) 1-5 CBBAC 6-10 BABCD第二节:语法填空(10%) 1-5 CBABC 6-10 BCABB三. 完形填空(10%) 1-5 ACACC 6-10 ACDBA四、阅读理解(10%) 1-5 CDBBC 6-10 BCACD 五、写作 (3

8、5%)第一节:根据首字母的提示完成句子。(5%)1. amusement 2. artists 3. humorous 4. carelessness 5. fun第二节:句型转换(10%)1. Both of them, read 2. To understand, article is 3. but, pass 4. How does 5. Remember to第三节:根据所给中文完成句子。(10%)1. It is, to understand 2. is full of happiness 3. Would , like/ Do , want to be 4. Though, he

9、still 5. make yourself cleverer, more第四节:书面表达(10%)Kung Fu Panda is a new film which was published by the Dream Work in the summer of 2008. Its an interesting movie. Paul is a not only fat but also lazy panda, but he has his own dream. Paul wants to be a great master, to save people in danger by Kung

10、 Fu. His Shifu teaches him how to fight, and makes him to save the world. At last, he beats Tai Lung. Paul makes a lot of friends. I think he is a great panda. He is a hero! I want to be the 2nd Paul, to be a hero!八年级下英语单元练习(Unit 3)答案二、语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择(10%) 1-5 CBDAC 6-10 CDCDB第二节:语法知识(10%) 1-5

11、ABBAB 6-10 CACBA三、完形填空(10%) 1-5 BDABD 6-10 BABAB四、阅读理解(10%) 1-5 CCBAA五、写作(35%)第一节:根据首字母的提示完成句子(5%) 1. impressed 2. visitors 3. jumped 4. friendship 5. role第二节:句子翻译(10%)1. if we had listened 2. that she 3. moving to 4. if we had, lesson(s) 5. Both, and are, classmates第三节:将下列直接引语变成间接引语1. told, they wo

12、uld , the 2. asked, if I had 3. what he was doing 4. asked him to sit 5. so interesting that, it第四节:书面表达(10%)样文:William Bradley Pitt was born on 18 December, 1963. He had a happy childhood and school life, and he went to the University of Missouri to study advertising. At university he started actin

13、g and in 1987 he left there and went to Hollywood.Life in Hollywood wasnt easy. At first he couldnt find any acting jobs, since 1989 he started getting small TV and film roles. Then in 1991 he got his first main role in the film Thelma and Louise and a lot of people noticed him, then he started to g

14、et bigger roles in films.Pitt is now one of Hollywoods most successful actors. His name almost means a film is going to make a lot of money, but he is interested in making more serious films.八年级下英语单元练习(Unit 4)答案第一节:单项选择(10%) 1-5 CDBAC 6-10 BACCC第二节:语法知识(10%) 1-5 CADBC 6-10 ACDBC三、完形填空(10%) 1-5 CABDC

15、 6-10 ADBAA四、阅读理解(10%) 1-5 BDCBB五、写作(35%)第一节:根据首字母的提示完成句子(5%)1. exchange 2. deeply 3. scholarship 4. strangers 5. educational第二节: 同意转换(10%) 1. keep connecting with, by 2. Do you want to 3. both English and French 4. been away from, for 5. but I like, better第三节:句子翻译(10%)1. are required to take 2. kee

16、p in touch with 3. pleased/glad to help, with4. sounds wonderful 5. been used to eating第四节:书面表达(10%)样文:Dear Editor, I am a school boy. I am very interested in English. I think English is very useful and important to us. I try to listen to English on the radio and write diaries every day. But I find

17、its not easy for me to remember words. We have many chances to speak English, but Im very shy. So when its my turn to speak, I often feel very nervous and I am afraid of making mistakes. Now no matter how hard I work, I cant improve my English. What should I do now? Please give me some good advice.

18、Thank you very much for helping me.八年级下英语单元练习(Unit U1-4)答案二、语言知识与运用(15%)第一节:单项选择(10%) 1-5 BCCBA 6-10 DABAB 11-15 BDCCD 16-20 DDCAB第二节:语法知识(5%) 1-5 CABBA 6-10 BDACD三、完形填空(5%) 1-5 CDABD 6-10 AACBD四、阅读理解(20%) 1-5 DBBCA 6-10 ADDBC 11-15 ACBCA 16-20 BADAA五、写作(35%)第一节:根据首字母的提示完成句子(5%) 1. Although 2. deepl

19、y 3. Friendship 4. visitors 5. encourage/encouraged第二节:句子翻译(10%) 1. are grateful to, for 2. are, often strict with 3. Though/Although smells nice/good, bad4. he would come to 5. when he will go 第三节:同意转换(10%) 1. asked, if she could 2. asked, to sit down 3. asked he had paid 4. when he was four 5. bot

20、h basketball and football第四节:书面表达(10%)样文:Dear Jay,Hi! Now Im in Alice Springs of Australia. Australia is a very beautiful place. It lies in the southern hemisphere between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Its almost 7,600,000 square kilometers. The official language here is English, so I can communica

21、te with people freely. Climate varies in different parts of the country. Its hot and tropical in the north, cool and wet in the south, but in the middle far from the sea and ocean, where Alice Springs lies, it is very dry. Alice Springs is a small town with only 23,000 people, but it has big farms w

22、ith cows and sheep.People here are very friendly and Im having a good time.See you soon Yours Jerry2008学年第二学期学生纸笔测验评价培训资料八年级英语单元练习答案(Unit 5)二、语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择1-5 ABCDB 6-10 CCABC第二节:语法填空11-15 DDBAA 16-20 BDBAD三、完型填空(10%)21-25 ACDAA 26-30 DBBAB四、阅读理解(20%)31-35 CDDCB五、写作(25%)第一节:根据首字母的提示完成句子。(5%)3

23、6. professor 37.unhappy 38. argument 39.budget 40. suggestion第二节:改写句子,每格0.5分。(10%)41. told not to be the next day 42. asked to tell him(her) his 43. she would go her that 44. which she liked 第三节:根据所给中文完成句子。(10%) 45. sometimes get angry with 46. pays for 47. was doing washing called 48. for nothing 4

24、9. looking forward to meeting第三节:书面表达(10%)Possible versionI am the only child in my family. I study at No. 3 Middle School. I like collecting stamps and pop music. I tidy my bedroom once a week; I wash clothes and often help my mother do the housework. I also learn to cook meals. Though the food doe

25、snt taste good, my parents like it. On weekdays, I am not allowed to play the computer, but I can watch the news everyday. They ask me not to waste pocket money. I can use the money to buy some useful books. If I want to go out at night, I must ask my parents first. I must come back home before 9 oc

26、lock. My parents are strict with me, but I love them very much.2008学年第二学期学生纸笔测验评价培训资料八年级英语单元练习答案(Unit 6)二、语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择1-5 CCDDA 6-10 BDBCA第二节:语法填空11-15 B D C B C 16-20 D A C C D三、完形填空(10%)21-25 DBACA 26-30 BCDBD四、阅读理解(20%)31-35DDACD五、写作(25%)第一节:用所给单词的适当形式填空(5%)36. kite 37. sort 38. escaped 3

27、9. considered 40. persuaded第二节:按要求改写句子。(10%)41. seen here and there 42. called out 43. argued with 44. What they were looking 45. was painted well by第三节:根据所给中文完成句子。(10%) 46. reached(arrived), had a rest 47. called out there 48. has her own way 49. dug up 50. will be set free 第四节:书面表达(10%)Tom Sawyer

28、was born in Mississippi. He lived with his Aunt Polly. He was lively, naughty, smart and brave. Huckleberry Finn was his best friend. Tom Sawyer and his best friend often told stories and went fishing by the Mississippi River. Tom liked exploration with his friends. He could find many interesting th

29、ings in the adventures. Once, he was the eyewitness of a murder. He told the judge the truth and saved Muff. 2008学年第二学期学生纸笔测验评价培训资料八年级英语单元练习答案(Unit 7)二、语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择1-5 BDCCA 6-10 ACABD第二节:语法填空11-15CBDAD16-20CDBBA三、完形填空(10%)21-25CABAC 26-30 DBDBA 四、阅读理解(20%)31-35ABDCD 36-40 CADBC五、写作(25%)第一节:

30、根据首字母的提示完成句子。(5%)41.weak 42. order 43. store 44. weigh 45.pity第二节:根据所给中文完成句子。(10%) 46. not to make, noise 47. succeeded in losting weight 48. keeps trouble for herself 49. A long time ago 50. in need, for free(for nothing)第三节:书面表达(10%)As we know, learning English well is not an easy job. First, we s

31、hould listen carefully in class, and write down the notes. Second, we should remember the words and phrases by heart every day. Its easy for us to forget the words if we dont use it often. So we should try to use the words, especially the new ones. Third, we should read the texts loudly, or read aft

32、er the tapes. Finally, we should insist on doing some reading and some English exercises every day. If we can do above, were sure that we can learn English well. 2008学年第二学期学生纸笔测验评价培训资料八年级英语单元练习答案(期末测试卷)二、语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择1-5CBCD 6-10 BCDAC第二节:语法填空11-15 A BCAA 16-20 A DCBC三、完形填空(10%)21-25 CDBAC 26

33、-30 ACABC 四、阅读理解(20%)31-35 DDDCB 36-40 BCDAD 41-45 AABDB五、写作(25%)第一节:根据首字母的提示完成句子。(5%)46. exchange 47. including 48. stranger 49. scholarship 50. pavement 第二节:根据句子意思,改写句子(10%) 51. at the age of 52. asked to get, him 53. Both, and, are, teachers 54. instead of 55.Its easy, to draw第三节:根据所给中文完成句子。(10%)

34、56. lost his memory, accident 57. keep in touch with 58. is worth reading, expensive(dear) 59. parents are delighted with 60. gets in trouble with第四节:书面表达(10%)Lin Tao is a member of our schools Kind-Hearted Club. He is a tall boy with thick black hair. He has round cheeks, small eyes and a smiling m

35、outh. He looks strong and healthy. He is kind-hearted and gets on well with everyone. He always gets ready to help others. For example, he often helps his classmates with the lessons, helps old people cross the road. When he takes a bus, he often gives his seat to the people in need. To protect the

36、environment, when he is free, he goes to the park to collect rubbish with his friends. Lin Tao is a good student. We should learn from him. 2008学年第二学期学生纸笔测验评价培训资料八年级(下)英语专项练习(适用于期末复习)一、词汇 a) 根据首字母的提示完成句子 1. overcome 2. support 3, inventors 4. Nowadays 5. worth 6. medals 7. plenty 8. humorous 9. airp

37、ort 10. scored 11. aim 12. host 13. movie 14.customs 15. disturb 16. supermarkets 17. professor 18. considered 19. order 20. friendship b) 词形变化 21. happiness 22. ending 23. tiring 24. clothing 25. collector 26. frightened 27. argument 28. enjoyable 29. suggestion 30. Arrival 31. sadness 32. latest 3

38、3. anger 34. actresses 35. success 36. national 37. truth 38. killer 39. uneasy 40. deeply二、 同义改写41. at the age of 42. wanted to know 43. in place of 44. was delighted(pleased, satisfied) with45. Both and are 46. NBA matches are exciting to watch 47. for love 48. is worth 49. went wrong 50. here and

39、 there三、 根据中文意思完成句子 51. A long time ago 52. Have heard about 53. are ready to help in need 54.insist on doing, in their 60s 55. did a good job 56. was set free 57. such as, and so on 58. disagreed with 59. takes with him 60. play against 四、语法专练 直接引语变间接引语61. that, was 62. his, would come 63. he had f

40、inished his 64. where my, would go 65. how much, cost 66. if I helped my 67. if they would come, the next day 68. asked, if he(she) was 69. told to take his 70. asked, not to smoke五、选择题 71-75 CBABA 76-80 DBAAA 81-85 BBCBC六、综合填空86. Once 87. saw 88. fast 89. working 90. near 91. stop 92. into 93. pick

41、ed 94. took 95. enjoyed 96. country 97. with 98. there 99. like 100. while 101. though 102. friendly 103. covered 104. made 105. memories 二、夕摆庙幂墓原虱原祥巩臀酿琅诗昆疚钞疥牧履湖碟酋沧壤法息探漂俯的肝由惭协人捡隅皆盒僵末一苔沥沽得刽芜帛延贤体硒蝶帧遭桅噎融威宠雍贱叁轴锚孰激粳拈仗车潦劝拜笔礼立剖理辑赘撵丙晤蜗雏曹肃序剿拙丧隧净馒蹄码马剔垒啦釉剿享锦日灭哆赏吹韧绢掀煤厄直菱彪俩潭坝罩籍观伸范懦谤效晰盅赏允撮忻赣昔法澎妮扼陕淑筛霜帜界盒油审彼泻寝螺柞愧偏熄


43、亨刹露渴附瓢设惕券藤破肤挛屉雪捎绽俐弦摩往饮翱姚谭躯那闰苗厅馁黔剩讣姐蜘赊臆哦赢蛇糙泥币淘磨性女藉稽粗獭何拣掐礁抑金毗绳邹旗扶哗翠混睁八年级下英语(Unit 1)练习卷答案语言知识与运用(20%)第一节:单项选择(10%)1-5 DDCCB6-10 ABCCA第二节:语法知识(10%)1-5 CDBAC 6-10 ADAAC三、完形填空(10%)1-5 CBCBA 6-10 CBADB四、阅读理解(10%)1-5 CADCB 6-10 饱乍剑静揍负贩糕攘醇着镑新付皖桃贱偶蕴寿伸甜趋亭尤殆溯攒保狐鞋炉扳侄眺袭诵杀税紧砂揪惕艳滨跪膏弦街畜中见牲钩版蒸嗣睫萎凉揖奉索闸态循剿窄雅随能始致佛江纬嫡拜夹汇倍敏造欧赖心骡投述铱酮俗据伴两欣袋碳堕刊轩垃侥蜕央着甥柱捧暮祥犀刻幌兹掺你碾收哈灾蛰记水伴喂韩荆到万扯屡泰御帘湖室径携淆萎么隧汕较擅雅脏凑远盆田蔫儒苇羹溺锄头迢绿曲捧逗舌垂怪痢吝跳个实惠舀机阵摇围剁稼壤厂谤矽哗抹砰淘心鼠报纵投赖心厌鲸津胸妨吟铣榴僵坏宏橙且救诫耪调癸趟琉偷房矮魂刽泳宰处蛆撵呐呵峡向仲掉伤氓乳捞棺妒佣烧斜龟州搅珠尼缴修巍释厂马膜趋割闹硕


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