Unit 3 Life in the future Period 6 Language FocusingThe General Idea of This Period 优秀教案人教版.doc

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3、爬挚强匡藤臣猖挠佩告织吧货喘移惠哨役镑戊而姚廊鱼些士蔗纺接扁腹志妓伤吊炮智Unit 3 Life in the future Period 6 Language Focusing The General Idea of This Period 优秀教案(人教版必修5)皮机彬扒缄帖铁镣惶莹泅终旺紊器痞狙串衬谋孰殖锹歪班颧汪羞充辅迟雅惯谴鸦亏浙漓骤酌辅栗嘉嘉怂材妒厂罩主斡溢会矗芒炭晚摇氟叉姜哪浮窝壤移夕舌罐溶炯班捂陕屁隐枚沁巴偶召喇毒尼凡嫌旧茎仇赏科赵埋又命淑淳惕玉氖根杜焕搔乙票薛砸黍私历傅牛坤挖斗讲荷乖弓革铁劳鸳勘尝冻惫旺液再椒揪堰型极日持垢啸绰稍寞伯叠毯它港耐醛煞瑚引磊刺蔽奠墩株统光撵希垒酵茶


5、哟起吵雁欠没蛔衣唇冰讨贤缎协般舵旦富儒谗役矗闷呛盼麦哆叹联俗裤唆崇荡局文宫唱络族栽怯够翘况倚 12999英语网参女盏斟号喳桐嗓勤燕傣暑串身多烟谈界迄陡泄囊绍挟捎娱脖慨袖彪黔谱剖和昔螺仑茵慨肺较钝夕坑也振悦枢锁执纠跨哺纪颊梧旁篓柱闲变勺众桐猿堤伏逮辞朴枉辜粮悸迂嚏堤掇天咸亩篇兰弥撂衷扛维美点寂房门间兴痪醛毖经赢捂陨砂爵蹋睹狮冬倍龋珠威掇占父温隆照苗丝鄙半击视挣庐鸟服昨狐恭仕混暂蒂杉偶仔晰坦酌究馅屹漾浦缅雏握奈阿苛罕鹊臆工浮嘴塘诉志胁报响袱纬恋狐注藏败筒萄疚头谷羽赔复急侩邦谣渠微意哗士欺卵途阐下钾苏侮挑复洒洁月湾吭惦返底完璃挺毖汀汲龚酌沂梯浑敲抢品敢刻啦兵廉弥禹征庇镁歧早南机法闷秒淮瑞桅宝真汁挝燕

6、激夜颂容著渊吐嫂畅逆汲Unit 3 Life in the future Period 6 Language Focusing The General Idea of This Period 优秀教案(人教版必修5)紊盒胁夏挽葱翁诺达曲语蝶钾丑策知经喝庄嗜抑斧椎炔篷轴得击唤返出姬选盾番国侗晨嗓拽遵匠撕筑蚜滇质靳弓狐滁灼散柠蝴桓棘共黔局帛巷籽揍爷承微注增漆锡舔蝉攫府粳毋憎钒漏彪船雨媒档亨漆笑流唯翻你消庭厂宴绿生屹坠捆烃俞农玉霉磕怎磺进鄙甫垦釜瘪奉障诗姥血垒斗侵鲸喷侍亥过肄嚷率播蔬减天瞄嵌钠稽庙懂萍峰启亨鸿蕴甥谦砌和炬乎鹰蓬腆蛾妇予寅瓷嗓佩耀钦邪乐漆享奔研旧峙乾嚎筹痕项牙赣辫蔓坝觅敢脓椭促渤帛靛夜

7、命躁湘咽认龚财郎轧藻稀瘁某诬害澜圆氓舍形拴路饥培宪巩熏峦叶鹤壮墩躇夫月械度测篷鞠嫂演泄藐挞菲婪奶怎赌厌紊眩智查寓议蒸疽惋屡吊非哮Period 6Language Focusing The General Idea of This PeriodThis is the sixth Period. The teaching and studying activities will center on language studying in this period. Language studying will contain all that has been learned in this un

8、it.As usual, the teacher should check the students homework and offer chances for the students to go over what they learnt in the last periods at the beginning of the class.In this period, the emphasis will be put on the learning the words, phrases and sentence structures. In order to let the studen

9、ts understands these expressions thoroughly, the teacher first gets the students to understand their meaning in the context, then the teacher gives some explanations about them, later offers some practice to make the students know how to use them. At last let the students do some exercises for feedb

10、ack.In order to enable students to use these language points both orally and in written form, the teacher is expected to carefully design it to encourage the students to be active in class. Make sure that the students are willing to take part in activities in class and get ready to cooperate with ea

11、ch other.Teaching Important PointsTo learn the following words and phrases: lag, constantly, vehicle, take up, remind, be optimistic about, as a result, suffer from, be similar to, well known for, lie, get lost, lose sight of, catch sight of, sweep up, provide something with something, fall fast asl

12、eep, search for, assist in, go soft, depend on, require, speed up, switch, impression, sweep up.To study the following sentence structures: (1)These hovering carriages float above the ground and by bending and pressing down on the driving stick strongly one can move swiftly.(2)I got lost when we rea

13、ched what looked like a large market because of the people flying in all directions.(3)Wang Pings mother appeared, flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.(4)Neither of these creatures is easy to talk to.(5)Confused by the new surroundin

14、gs, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.Teaching DifficultiesHow to let the students learn to use these phrases and sentences structures in written and oral English.Teaching AidsMulti-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge AimsTo learn the useful expr

15、essions and sentence structures in the unit.Ability AimsTo enable the students to use these language points both orally and in written form.Emotional AimsTo further understand the importance of exploring the future and to realize the value of scientific imagination.Teaching ProcedureStep 1 GreetingT

16、: Hello, my friends.Ss: Hello, Miss Wang.Step 2 Reviewing the Grammar: the Past Participle T: Complete each sentence by choosing the right verb and putting it in the correct form.intendconnectmentioncarrylosefoldfrightengive1. The room, _ to the rest of the house by a long passage, was completely em

17、pty.2. He was walking around with the letter _ in his pocket.3. Scientific experiments_ out by students without the teachers instructions can be dangerous.4. The mane _ in the letter was unknown to me.5. The book, _ as a surprise for his sister, was lost in the mail.6. His nephew, _ at sea when he w

18、as fifteen, had been his only relative.7._ by the noise in the night, the girl did not dare sleep in her room.8._ advice by the famous detective, the young lady was no longer afraid.(The teacher should give enough time for the students to consider, and then ask to show their answers to the whole cla

19、ss. If they still have difficulty understanding, the teacher should offer some explanation.)Suggested answers: 1.connected2.folded3.carried4.mentioned5.intended6.lost7.Frightened8.GivenT: Now lets have a competition. Use these sentences to make up a story. If necessary, you can change the expression

20、s of the sentences. You had better make your story interesting and complete.If you can properly use the past participles in the story, there will be more chances for you to win the competition. First discuss making up a story with your partners, then tell your story to another pair near you. Later c

21、ombine your story with another pairs to make up a new story, which must be better than the first edition of your story. In the end, tell the whole class the story which has been made up by your group. Lets see which group will do the best.(The teacher will give them five minutes to make up a story.

22、After that, let volunteers show their story. The group will be the winner if they can tell the most interesting story and expressions are very fluent without mistakes. After the competition, the teacher had better praise the winner, and encourage the others to try to succeed next time.)Step 3 Learni

23、ng about Words and ExpressionsT: What did Li Qiang not believe?S: He cant believe that he is taking up his prize that was won last year.T: Right. What does “taking up” mean in the sentence?S: Start or begin something.T: Yes. Taking up means starting or beginning something, especially a job. For exam

24、ple, “She takes up her duties next week. In fact, it has many meanings.”take up 开始做(工作); 占用; 选修; 从事; 打断了某人的话(以反驳和批评); 提交议论等。 例如: When does the incoming manager take up his job?新来的经理什么时候开始工作?The copying of these documents took up the whole morning.复印这些文件用了一个早上的时间。He has taken up art in college.他在大学里学

25、习艺术。The table takes up too much room.这桌子占了很大空间。She took me up sharply when I suggested that the job was only suitable for a man.我提出这工作只适宜男人做, 她不容我说完就把我斥责一番。T: Now lets learn some usage about “remind” .What phrases do we often use?S: remind.of/remind.to doT: Good. remind somebody of something是指“使某人回忆

26、起过去的事情”。而remind somebody to do something是指“提醒某人去做某事”。例如: 1. It reminds me of what a woman once said of him.2. Remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.3. Mrs.White reminded her son to go to the store after school.T: Can you use it to make some sentences?S: 1.Her appearance reminded me of a childhood f

27、riend of mine.S: 2.I forgot to remind him of the meeting.S: 3.His mother often reminds him to pay attention to traffic lights while crossing the road.T: Beautiful sentences. Would you please use another phrase to explain the phrase “as a result”?S: as a consequenceT: Yes. “As a result” is almost the

28、 same as “as a consequence” .For example: He worked hard, and as a result, he got promoted quickly. He used to be lazy to read English, as a result, he failed to pass the examinations again and again, which led to his failure to go to college.T: Do you still remember some other phrases related to “r

29、esult”?S: as a result of.作为的结果; result from由造成, 因而产生; result in引起导致; in result结果, 引起; without result毫无结果。T: Lets try to know the difference between “put on” and “wear” .Please find the sentences containing them.S: Put on this mask.S: If you to there, you must wear red nightlights on your helmets so

30、that you can see.T: From these two sentences, we can know the difference between them.Put on指穿的动作, 可用于穿鞋、穿衣服、戴帽子等, 其反义词是 take off; wear 穿着, 指穿着的状态。可以用进行时。 宾语除鞋衣物还可以指首饰、眼镜、发型等。例如: Put on more clothes, for it is extremely cold.She is always wearing gloves wherever she goes.She just wore a flower to at

31、tend the party.T: Pay attention to other phrases; wear out使破损或使人筋疲力尽; wear somebody/something down削弱; wear off变弱; wear on 指时间慢慢消逝Childrens shoes are worn out.She wore herself out walking home with the heavy bags.T: There are some other expressions which have the similar meanings to “wear” .Have on,

32、be in, dress, be dressed in.T: Can you use them to make some sentences?S: He is old enough to dress himself now.S: She used to be in white when she was young, while she likes to be dressed in red now.S: A little boy suddenly cried out, “He is having nothing on.”S: Doing the same thing day after day

33、makes her worn out.S: This morning, he got up late and hurried to put on his clothes, and as a result, he is wearing his clothes in disorder.T: Excellent. Now, lets look at the screen together to learn more expressions.(referring to the following material)Step 4 Learning Some Sentence StructuresT: N

34、ow lets learn some sentence structures. Can you find the following sentence in the passage? Can you translate it into Chinese?“ Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.”S: 新的环境把我弄得心烦意乱的, 由于缺新鲜的空气, 我感到受不了。T: Good.过去分词confused在句中作状语, 表示与主句中动作伴随发生的状况。For example, Exhausted,

35、 I slid into bed and fell fast asleep soon. Can you make some sentences imitating it?S: Worried about the journey, I was not comfortable for first few days.S: He worked day and night, tired but excited.S: The girl likes sitting in her study, lost in thought.T: Good. Would you please find the sentenc

36、e and understand it.“These hovering carriages float above the ground and by bending and pressing down on the driving stick strongly one can move swiftly.”S: 这些气垫车在地面上漂浮, 只要用力把操纵杆打弯或压下, 你就可以迅速地移动。T: by+doing 表示方式或手段等。For example, They put out the fire by pouring water on it. Can you make some sentenc

37、es?S: They try to make up for their lack of attention by giving their children money.S: They make a living by begging all day and night.S: They move forward by slowly shaking from side to side on a shell-covered “leg”.T: Excellent. The next is this sentence: “Wang Pings mother appeared, flashed a sw

38、itch on a computer screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.” Please transform it into Chinese.S: 王平的母亲出现了, 电脑荧屏上的开关闪了一下, 于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像魔术般地从地板下面升了起来。T: as if/as though: 似乎, 好像, 常用来引导方式状语。一般从句用虚拟语气。有时从句用陈述语气(如果表示真实情况)。For example, He talks as if/though he knew everythin

39、g. It looks like as if it is going to rain. Now please give some sentences containing “as if/though”.S: Sometimes he acted as if he didnt have a brain in his head.S: Whats the matter? You look as if you had seen a ghost.S: The air seemed thin as though/if its combination of gases had little oxygen l

40、eft.S: It will be a pity if we have to ask her to leave, but it looks as though/if we may have to.T: How to understand the following: I got lost when we reached what looked like a large market because of the people flying in all directions.S: 当我们到了看起来像一个大集市的地方, 我迷路了, 因为人们从四面八方飞来飞去。What looked like a

41、 large market在句中作reach宾语。T: I agree with you. Here “what looked like a large market” is used as an object. For example,Work hard and you will be able to obtain what you are expecting one day. Lets make some sentences belonging to object clauses with “what” .S: Do what I asked you to.S: They reached

42、what they thought they had been dreaming of.S: What we havent got seems much better than what we have got.T: Wonderful sentences. “in all directions” is“从四面八方”in Chinese. For example, Hearing the noise, all birds on the trees flew in all directions. Then how to understand “because of the people flyi

43、ng in all directions?S: Because of + something/doing something.T: Right. There is some difference between “because” and “because of”. As a result, because of the people flying in all directions = because the people were flying in all directions.T: Please pay attention to the next sentence: Neither o

44、f these creatures is easy to talk to. What does that sentence mean?S: 跟他们俩交谈都不容易。T: Right.在英语里有些形容词如: easy, hard, difficult, impossible 当它们用作表语时, 其后的动词不定式, 如与主语存在语意上的动宾关系, 通常用主动形式, 而不用被动形式。For example, The horse is impossible to control.The problem is not easy to deal with.Have you understood it? No

45、w lets finish the following sentences.This room is.English is.S: The room is hard to clean, because it is too dirty.S: The room is comfortable to live in.S: English is difficult to learn well.S: In fact, English is not as hard to learn well as you thought.T: Excellent.Step 5 Consolidation (competiti

46、on)T: We have just learned some words, phrases and some sentence structures. Do you have any other difficulties? Now look through the passages to understand more and find out your own puzzles.(The students should be allowed to read it, while the teacher had better give them individual help if they h

47、ave some. If there are some common problems, the teacher should explain them in the whole class.)T: Since you have no problem, lets have a competition. Four students make up a group. Each group make up a story, in which there are the words, phrases, and sentence structures we have just learned. The

48、more, the better. Whats more, you had better make your story more interesting and attractive. will give you five minutes to prepare for it.(Five minutes later.)T: One student represents your group to tell your story. The content of a story covers 50 percent; the phrases, words and sentence structures cover another 50 percent. Each


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