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1、Ill help to clean up the city parks学习目标1.会读本部分P9-10单词与短语并熟记。2. 学会应用“I could”、“I hope to”等句型,向别人提供帮助;能运用could向他人提建议。3.学会与他人合作解决问题,做一个乐于助人富有奉献精神的人。导学过程【预习检查】一、 英汉互译。1)打扫城市公园 _2)使他们振奋起来_3) 分发,散发_ = _4) 推迟 _ 推迟做某事_5) 想出;提出(主意、计划等)_6) 打电话给(某人) _7) 张贴标牌_ 8) 放学后_ 9制定计划 10)听他们的话 11)关心他们 12)曾经., 过去常常_13)visi

2、t the sick kids 14) help stop hunger 15) two weeks from now = . 【合作探究】二从方框中选择恰当的词组,并用其适当形式填空。 clean up, put up, cheer up, set up, come up with, give out ,put off, call up 1. He has a lot of work to do, so he has to _going to the doctor.2. Could you help me _ these new books?3. Dont worry. Ill help _

3、your room.4. Lets _the sick kids in the hospital.5. In the end, Grandma _ a good idea.6. Would you please not _ signs here?7 Were going to _a food bank to help hungry people.8. Ill _you_ as soon as I come back.【达标检测】一、根据提示完成句子。1. Youd better _ _ _ (想出) a better plan. 2. Who will _ _ _ (自愿回答) this qu

4、estion?3. You could (张贴)a _ (通知) here. 4. Mary looks unhappy today ,lets go and (使她高兴起来).5. The life _ _ _ (曾经是) very interesting in my school days.6. Mr. Smith helped the young man _ (find) a job.7. Id like _ (visit)my English teacher tomorrow.8. Ill feel good about_(help)the old people.9. They pla

5、n _ (buy) a big house.10. The old man has no children ,he lives _,and he always feels _.A. alone; alone B. lonely; alone C. alone ;lonely D. lonely; lonely二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The Browns decided _(travel) to Penang in Malaysia.2. Lets _ (go) to the movies this weekend.3. I hope _ (be) a volunteer in an a

6、fter-school reading program.4. The teacher asked me _(answer) the question in English.5. We need_(make) a plan .【课后作业】一、单项选择。( )6.You should_. Everything will be better. A.cheer up B. give up C.fix up D. put up( )7. Our teacher told us _ her carefully in class. A.listen B.to listen C.listen to D. to

7、 listen to ( )8.They put off_the sports meeting because of the heavy rain. A.hold B.to hold C. holding D. to holding( )9. My mother came up with a good idea which we all agreed to. A.thought about B. thought up C. thought of( )10. .Some _are _their time to help the old people during their vacation.

8、A.volunteer; volunteer B.volunteers; volunteering C.volunteering; volunteers D.volunteers; volunteers( )11.-My aunt goes to climb mountains every Sunday. -Oh ,really? But she_hate climbing mountains. A.used to B.was used to C. is used to D. use to( )12. My little sister is afraid to stay at home alone. A. quietly B. lonely C. all the time D. by herself 二同义句转换13.I will call up some friends to give out the notices. I call up some friends to give out the notices.14.He often helps his parents to do the housework.He often his parents the housework.2


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