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1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum学习目标1.掌握本节课重点单词和句型:weigh,birth,adult, at birth,up to, An adult panda weighs many times more than a baby panda.2.通过学习本课,学生能够描述动物的特征。导学过程【课前预习】 默写下列的短语短语1. 最有趣的博物馆 、2.大得多 、3. 用如此快的方法 4. 下象棋 、5.比人类更好 、 6.能够 、7. 如此的不同种类的 8.在将来 、9. 鼓励做某事 10. 思考 、11.茶艺表演 12. 泡一杯完美的茶 、1

2、3. 和 一样令人愉快的 14.收集茶具 、15、数以千计的 _重要的东西 .某个不同的地方 度假 【合作探究,精讲释疑】1Its unbelievable that 意为“难以置信的是”。2progress v. 进步;进展【拓展】progress n. 进步;前进。为不可数名词。make (much/great) progress 取得(很大的)进步make progress in在某方面取得进步3unusual adj. 特别的;不寻常的 反义词为usual,意为“通常的;平常的”。【拓展】usually 是频度副词,意为“通常”,在句中常位于be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前

3、。4encourage v. 鼓励 encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事5social adj. 社会的 society n. 社会;协会6think about (doing) sth.考虑(做)某事7collect v. 收集;采集collection n. 收藏;收藏品 collector n. 收藏者;收藏家8hear of/hear about 听说9German adj.德国的;德国人的作名词时,意为“德语;德国人”,其复数形式Germans。【达标检测】题组训练一_ _encourage的用法.单项选择。()1.My sister encourages m

4、e _ a pet dog.Araising Braise Craise Dto raise()2.Parents should encourage their children _ outdoor activities.Ado Bdoing Cto do Ddoes()3.Jessicas parents always _ her to speak out her opinions.Aencourage Bmake Clet Dsee.根据汉语提示完成英语句子。4Is the teacher pleased with your English study? Yes. He _(鼓励我取得更大

5、的进步) in it next term.5I _(鼓励她努力学习) and to try for the exam.题组训练二 it,its和itself辨析 .单项选择。()1.Mike has a beautiful pet bird._ _ name is Polly.AIt BIts CIts DItself()2.The baby cat hurt _ when it fell from the tree yesterday.Aitself Bit Cits Dhimself()3.I cant find my ticket.I think I lost _ yesterday.A

6、it Bone Cthis Dthem.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。4The little cat can look for food _(it) now.5. Whats the matter with the dog? _ (it) eyes are blind.【课后作业】: .根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1Practicing makes _(完美的),as the famous saying goes.2Keep trying and Im sure youll get _(进步)3My uncle has _(收集) more than 200 coins.4My father

7、 often_ (鼓励) me to work hard.5Its not_ (特别的) for the young men to finish the hard work in such a short time.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6Mr.Wu talked about some _(society) problems.7The old man loves living in the_ (peace) countryside.8Would you like to come and see her_ (perform) in the school hall tonight?9Th

8、e house_ (it) is very beautiful.10What do you think about Liu Qians magics?They are wonderful and _(believe).单项选择。()11.My parents often _ me to study hard for the future.Akeep Blet Cencourage Dmake()12.All of us sometimes make mistakes and nobody is_.Aperfect Bcommon Csafe Dshy()13.Wang Ying is inte

9、rested in _ English tapes.Alistening Bfinding Ccollecting Dseeing()14.The world _ is becoming smaller and smaller because of the Internet.Ait Bhe Citself Dhimself()15 .Kitty,will you go to see the movie with us this evening.Sorry,I _ the film.Asee Bsaw Cwill see Dhave seen.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。16难以置信的是他通

10、过了所有的考试。_ _ _ he passed all his exams.17科技以快速的方式进步了。Technology has _ in such a _ way.18我们考虑过去欧洲旅行。We _ _ _ to Europe.19你曾听说过迪斯尼巡游吗?_ you ever _ _ a Disney Cruise?20我没去过中国的其他省份。I _ _ _ other _ in China 语法部分 .单项选择。()1 .Have you _ been to Hong Kong?No,Ive _ been there.Aever;ever Bever;never Cnever;neve

11、r Dnever;ever()2.He is never late for school. _.AMe neither BNeither is him CSo am I DSo is he()3.John _ to Disneyland. He is still there.Ahas been Bhas gone Cwent Dgoes()4.Have you ever heard _Disneyland before?Aat Bto Cwith Dof()5.My best friend is _India girl.She gave me _ unusual gift.Aa;an Ban;

12、a Can;an Dthe;a()6.Julia isnt going to the cinema with us because she _the film.Asees Bsaw Cwill see Dhas seen()7. I like _ coins.I have got more than two hundred coins now.Thats a good hobby.Adrawing Binventing Cbeating Dcollecting()8._of the students in our class _ money to the disabled people the

13、se days.ATwo third;has raised BTwo thirds;has raisedCTwo three;have raised DTwo thirds;have raised()9. Could you lend me your _?I want to take some photos.Of course.Here you are.Awatch Bradio Ccamera Dtelephone()10.Why are you worried?Im expecting a call from my daughter.She _New York for three days

14、.Ahas gone to Bhas been in Chas been to Dhas come in.词汇运用。A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。11My brother has _(进步) in English this term.12Excuse me,where is the _(厕所)?13I live in Hubei _(省)14China is developing in such a _(快速的) way.15In _(春天),all kinds of flowers come out.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。16That was an _(usual) stor

15、y.17My grandparents like living in the _(peace) village.18The table _-_(it) has four legs.19Bill can _(simple) speak a little Chinese.20Mr.Liu used to _(live) here.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。21Have you heard of the story?(作否定回答) _,I _.22Susan went to the space museum yesterday.(用twice 代替yesterday 改写句子)Susan _ _ to the space museum twice.23Gina started to learn the piano seven years ago.(改为同义句)Gina _ _ the piano for seven years.24Its fun to visit such a wonderful place.(改为同义句)_ such a wonderful place is _.25I have been to Disneyland three_times(对画线部分提问)_ _ times have you been to Disneyland?6


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