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1、1.在以前2.捎一程3.(与)成一排4.出现,露面5.到末为止6.愚人节7.化装舞会8.卖光9.穿好衣服10.和某人开玩笑,重点词组复习,by the time givea lift in line with show up by the end of April Fools Day costume party sell out get dressed play tricks on sb.play jokes on sb.,11.减肥12.以做 而告终13.邀请某人上节目14.有一个快乐的结局15.而不是16.在广播节目中17.在地球上,在世界上18.成千上万的19.用光20.从逃跑,lose

2、 weight end up doing invite sb onto the show have a happy ending rather than/instead of on the radio program on the earth thousands of run out of run away from,Grammar Focus,过去完成时一、概念过去完成时表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成或结束,也可能是早已完成或结束,即“过去的过去”;也可以指过去的动作延续到过去的某个时刻。二、结构“had+动词的过去分词”,三、用法 表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完

3、 成的动作或存在的状态。句中常用by,before,when,until等词引导时间状语。它是以过去某一时间为起点,所以过去完成 时是一个相对的时态,表示的是“过去的过 去”。只有和过去某时间或某动作相比较时 才能用到它。例:Most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party.当他到达晚会时,他发现大多数客人已经 离开了。,2.过去完成时还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生 的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或持续下去,常与for,since等词连用。例:When Jack arrived,Mary had been away for almo

4、st an hour.当杰克到时,玛丽已经离开快一个小时了。,1.By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the shower.by the time 在以前,常引导表示过去的时间状语从句,主句常用过去完成时,即had+动词过去分词e.g.By the time I got there,he had already left.在我到那儿之前,他已经离开了。,Language points,2.So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out the door.rush o

5、ut 冲出去,冲出e.g.Henry rushed out the room and disappeared in the rain.亨利冲出房间,消失在了雨中。Julia rushed out and didnt return.朱丽叶冲了出去,再没回来。,3.Luckily,Carls dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.give a lift 捎一程e.g.Could you give me a lift,please?请问你能否捎我一程?Jim gave me a lift on my way home yeste

6、rday.吉姆昨天在我回家的路上捎了我一程。,4.I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.be about to 忙于;即将做某事。侧重于表示动作马上就要发生,常与when引导的从句连用,但不与具体的时间状语连用。e.g.One of my friends is about to have her second baby.我的一个朋友马上就要生第二个小孩了。,5.I went to my favorite coffee place even though it was two blocks east from my o

7、ffice.even though 即使,虽然,尽管,用于引导让步状语从句。block n.街区 e.g.Hes the best teacher,even though he has the least experience.他虽然经验最少,却是最好的老师。,6.We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning building.stare v.盯着看,凝视 表示看得比较仔细,有时候也带有吃惊的意味去看,常与at,into连用。e.g.Dont stare at me like that.别那样盯着我看。in

8、 disbelief 不相信,疑惑,怀疑e.g.Tamara stared at him in disbelief,shaking her head.塔玛拉一边狐疑地盯着他看,一边摇着头。She looked at him in disbelief.她全然不信地看着他。,7.I felt lucky to be alive.alive 一般作表语;也可以作后置定语或宾补。“活(着)的;在世的;(继续)存在的”;反义词是dead。e.g.Do you know shes alive?你知道她还活着吗?People alive should try their best to live bette

9、r.(后置定语)活下来的人应该尽力生活得更好。Tom was kept alive in the big fire.(宾补)汤姆在这次大火中活下来了。辨析 alive,living,livelyalive“活着的”,在句中常作表语或定语。作表语时,常可与living互换;作定语时,常要放在被修饰词之后。living“活着的”,在句中用作表语或定语。lively“活泼的”,在句中可作表语或定语。,8.But by the time I got to the airport,my plane to New Zealand had already taken off.airport n.机场 tak

10、e off 脱掉;起飞 e.g.He took off his hat and bowed as he passed.他经过时脱帽鞠躬。We eventually took off at 11 oclock and arrived in Venice at 1:30.我们终于在11点起飞,1:30 到达威尼斯。,9.The other kids showed up.show up 露面,到场;(使)看得见;e.g.We waited until five oclock,but he did not show up.我们一直等到了5点,但是他始终没有露面。,10.Many April Fools

11、 jokes may end up being not very funny.end up(doing sth.)(以)结束;最终成为;最后处于 e.g.Every time she tried to argue with her husband,she ended up crying her eyes out.每回她试着和她丈夫争辩,她总是以流泪结束。end up sth.表示“结束某事”。e.g.The scientist ended up his speech at last.那个科学家最后结束了演讲。end up with sth.(以)结束e.g.The students began

12、 with speaking English,but ended up with speaking Chinese.同学们以说英语开始,却以说汉语结束。,11.above,on,over的用法,above,over,on,a.above的意思是“在之上;高于”,表 示相对高度,不一定是在正上方,它的反 义词是below.例:Theplaneflewabovetheclouds.飞机在云层上面飞行。b.over的意思是“在之上”,表示在垂直之 上,其反义词是under.例:Thereisabridgeovertheriver.河上有座桥。c.on的意思是“在上面”,表示与表面接触。例:Heput

13、thebookonthedesk.他把书放在课桌上。,一、根据汉语意思完成句子。,1.当我到车站时,火车已经开走了。_Igottothestation,the train_left.2.长大后,他会离开这儿。He_herebythetimehe_up.3.他捎我去车站。He_tothestation.,By the time,had already,will leave,grows,gave me a lift,Exercises,4.有时,坏事可以变成好事。Abadthingcanbe_agood onesometimes.5.你知道飞机什么时间起飞吗?Doyouknowwhenthepla

14、newill_ _?6.房间里全是学生。Theroom_students.,turned into,take,off,is full of,二,根据汉语提示写出下面句中所缺的单词。,1.IgotupearlythismorningbecauseIdidnt wantto_(错过)theearlybus.2.Thedropinpriceswasquiet_(出乎意料的).3.The_(工人)felldownandgothurt.4.Theplanewasflying_(在上面)the clouds.5.Therivergoesthroughthecityfrom_(西)toeast.,miss,

15、unexpected,worker,above,west,1.By the end of last month,he _ in the club for two years.(2013年诸暨)A.joined B.has joined C.has been D.had been2.-We all went to the cinema except you last night.Why didnt you come?-Because I _ that movie twice.(2013年襄阳市)A.have watched B.had watched C.was watching D.would

16、 watch,中考链接,3.Mr Brown always makes his class _ and keeps his students _ in class.(2010镇江市)A.alive;interesting B.lively;interestingC.alive;interested D.lively;interested4.Congratulations!Your English teacher told me you got an A this time.(2010咸宁市)Thank you.She is very.A.impressedB.embarrassed C.ter

17、rified D.frustrated,5.Another new fiction by HanHan is being printed and it will soon _.(2010荆门市)A.come out B.set out C.sell out D.work out 6.-Jack,could you help me _ when the plane will take off on the Internet?-Im sorry.My computer doesnt work.(2011泰安)A.get out B.look out C.take out D.find out,Thanks,


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