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1、05-3,说课,05-3,说课,Module 4 Reading and VocabularyTeaching Explanatory Notes,外研版高一英语第三册(必修3),05-3,说课,教材简析,Reading and vocabulary:介绍亚洲沙尘暴的情况 引入与沙尘暴及环保有关的词汇,1,05-3,说课,教材处理,理论依据:课程目标:.着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力.“写是输出的过程,是在前面多方式、多渠道的足够可理解输入的情况下,而达到的自然输出。”-克拉申的输入假说,教材处理:阅读课中心任务:,以训练阅读微技能为主、听说能力为辅,最终以写作

2、为途径,解决一个实际问题,Write a news report on sandstorm,目标,05-3,说课,语言知识目标阅读技能与信息能力目标能力发展目标学习策略目标文化意识与情感态度目标,1,05-3,说课,阅读技能与信息能力目标,理论依据:高中英语课程标准 强调用英语获取和处理信息的能力目标:1.能从文章中获取主要信息并摘录要点 2.能理解文章主旨、作者意图 3.能提取、筛选和重组文章中的信息 4.能利用上下文猜测新词汇,3,05-3,说课,能力发展目标,理论根据:多元智能(Multiple Intelligences)目标 培养和发展学生的语言智能,逻辑-数学智能,视觉-空间智能,

3、身体运动智能,人际关系智能,自我认识智能,自然观察智能等,4,05-3,说课,学习策略目标,词汇归类在阅读、英语互动、完成任务过程中进行有效自我调控通过各种途径获取相关信息,辨别并运用有效资源,5,05-3,说课,文化意识与情感态度目标,了解亚洲沙尘暴的状况增强环保意识,重点,05-3,说课,教学重点与难点,重点:了解沙尘暴;阅读微技能训练难点:运用所学词汇和短评,围绕主题进行讨论及写作,方法,05-3,说课,教学方法,理论依据 高中英语课程标准;整体语言教学具体方法 1.任务型教学(以意义为中心,尽力调 动各种语言和非语言资源,完成任务)2.开展自主性学习的小组活动,合作探 究与独立思考相结

4、合,1,05-3,说课,教学模式,“PTP”自主学习立体模式,设计,05-3,说课,教学设计与反思,TASKWrite a news report on sandstorm,1,05-3,说课,1.brainstorm,2.watch and write,1.predict,2.read,3.live report,4.discuss&write,display,分解,05-3,说课,多元化评价方式,、阅读格式卡,US=useful sentence,多样化答案,自主选择,自我发展,适应个体需求,05-3,说课,2.形成性评价通过同伴对小组成员的听说读写语言活动的表现进行综合评价教师贯穿整节课

5、的对学生的即时鼓劲与表扬,是极有效的评价,05-3,说课,3.写作评价 家庭作业是写一篇关于沙尘暴的报告强调激励、反馈与调整 通过有效评价,使学生在学习过程中不断体验进步与成功、认识自我、建立自信、调整学习策略,促进学生综合语言能力的发展。评价也能使教师获得反馈信息,对教学行为进行反思和调整。,05-3,说课,Thank you&Good bye!,Purpose:感知、理解部分新词汇,Brainstorm:Get Ss to come up with as many words as possible while looking at the picture.,mask cycle cycl

6、ist dust citizen frightening sandstorm,Watch a video about a sandstorm sweeping across a city.Then fill in the blanks with words just learned.,Discuss and write Try to fill in the blanks with the new words just learned.,During my trip to Inner Mongolia,I was c_ in the s_,with strong winds which c_ s

7、and blowing everywhere.I tried to c_ to a park.I was advised to be equipped with glasses and a m_ over my face to p_ me from the storm.As a result,I survived.A_ the weather station has f_ the coming of the sandstorm,the s_ _ of it still surprised me.It was really a f_ experience.,Purpose:即时运用、内化部分新词

8、汇,05-3,说课,设计反思,阶段 任务前阶段 激趣、引入;识本节课总任务、扫清认知障碍信息能力 激活已有信息以准备接受新的信息多元智能 自然观察智能;视觉空间智能 形象化辅助教学手段把教学内容视觉化,有助于记忆与理解,同时最大程度地调动了学生的学习兴趣。,Prediction:If you are to write the article named“Sandstorms in Asia”,how many parts will you include in it?What will you write in each part?,Purpose:预测与事实相同,产生良好学习定势;不符,则进

9、行自我调控;均刺激学习动机,part I:,part II:,part III:,fast reading,Activity I:Fill in the diagram with one proper word.,part II:,Part I:,disaster,Part I:,discrip-tion,cause,measures,Purpose:以图形方式形式构建对全文的总体内容的把握;根据内容将信息分类,Central Asia,North America,Central Africa and Austria are the main places suffering from san

10、dstorms.The government is taking measures to fight against sandstorms.Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries.Desertification results in sandstorms in China.Beijing is affected by sandstorms.,Detailed reading,Activity I:True or false Decide if the sentences are t

11、rue or false.Decide which paragraph they each belong to.,Purpose:了解重点细节;寻找相关信息;学会归纳段落大意,Detailed reading,Activity II:Fill in the form,sandstorms,measures,Detailed reading,jigsaw reading,Purpose:阅读微技能:理解细节并做文字摘录;口头重述,description,cause,influence,suggestion,05-3,说课,设计反思,阶段 任务环阶段(输入)为完成任务而进行的听说读的综合训练(略读

12、、详读)信息能力 对信息进行分类、理解和重组 多元智能 逻辑数理智能(提问策略、开放性问题、预测和推测)语言智能(师生、生生的语言交流过程),Two reporters(Mr.Li&.)(1)Ask citizens questions about their experience and feelings.(2)Ask experts about the cause,the danger and the measures.Group One:Citizens.Experience and feelings.Group Two:Experts.Cause,danger and measures

13、.,Activity III:Live Report,Purpose:在“做”中学,在“学”中用,05-3,说课,设计反思,阶段 口头输出活动的优点 学以致用、实践语言知识;学生学习的小检测 学习过程中,10%的知识是从读中学到的,20%从听中学到的,70%是从读、看和说的协同中学到的,90%的知识是通过一边肢体动作、一边说学到的多元智能在采访、纠错过程中,产生批评与自我批评,开发其自我认识智能、人际交往智能及语言智能活动的难点教师组织课堂的能力,Activity IV:Discuss and writeSuppose you are the chairman of the Green Mov

14、ement,what measures will you take to fight against the sandstorms?,Purpose:拓展阅读内容;利用已知信息构想和创设新信息,Way I,Way II,.,Fill in the blanks with one proper word,so as to help Mr Li,the reporter,to finish his report on the sandstorm in Beijing.,Purpose:在实际情景中运用所学知识;提供写作范文,Beijing-Beijing was affected by the s

15、andstorms which have lasted for a whole week.The s_of it surprised c_ in the capital.People wake up t_an orange world.People can not breathe without a m_on.“T_ have been c_ in a sandstorm was a f_experience.”Mrs Zhou,a worker,said when she was trying to c_ to her workplace.D_ appears to be getting more and more serious as a r_of c_ changes and environmental disruption.H_,the government is taking measures to fight against it.,05-3,说课,设计反思,阶段输出;完成及展示任务 不是课文简单的重复,而是能力的扩展、知识的再生与运用 整节课输入的过程帮助学生构建了写作信息框架,从而达到自然有效输出,


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