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1、medical care, five-guarantee, supplemented by the charitable aid, improve the social assistance system. Continue to improve the urban and rural minimum living standard security system, effective verification mechanism for the implementation of the rural and urban poor families economic situation, gr

2、asp the standardized management, information management, and urban and rural minimum living standard security system, pay special attention to dynamic management, improving household verification system. More perfect one accepted, work works, volunteered to normalization and standardization of work

3、mechanism for emergency work support platform. Keep poverty caused by disaster causes the low edge into the scope of protection, more on basic living allowances in the employment guidance, training and preferential policies related to the implementation of basic living allowances for employment to e

4、xtend for one year the low Gold release. County finance supporting funding and in full in place; to improve the five-guarantee conditions, improve the level of five-guarantee. More publicity, making full use of existing welfare institutions, improve the occupancy rate of five objects, centralized fe

5、ed rate, strengthen supervision of rural orphans, education subvention allocated by to ensure that subsistence allowances for improving the quality of life of orphans. Perfect urban and rural medical rescue system, continues to advance County Medical rescue a station type rates settlement service wo

6、rk, and in 1-2 a township carried out township level of medical rescue a station type rates settlement pilot work, actual implementation urban and rural medical rescue funds of and manpower using, further strengthening medical rescue and medical insurance, and rural cooperation medical, system of co

7、nvergence, implementation II times rescue; increased temporary rescue efforts, focuses on Yu housing, and medical, and school households of rescue. (B) strengthening the disaster emergency response system. Enhancing disaster relief material reserves, improve comprehensive ability of disaster relief

8、work. The County, Township and village levels training for disaster information. Focus grasp natural disasters rescue emergency plans of implementation, increased nuclear disaster, and reported disaster, and relief efforts; increased on relief funds using regulatory efforts, planning relief material

9、 management, and issued; continues to do disaster mitigation publicity education, improve masses should disaster knowledge of knows rate and avoidance disaster self-help of capacity, improve victims basic life guarantees capacity, solid do affected masses life rescue; active towards Burqin County re

10、lief material reserves library project, ensure early built; further do mitigation model Township, and community of declared work. (C) pay close attention to the District Social Welfare construction of key projects. Do non-Muslim funeral home project started construction; promote implementation of re

11、lief materials reserve funds for construction projects. Meanwhile, the spirit of saving resources, in the integration of funds on the basis of a new old building set conservation, child day care, counselling and social welfare as a wholeComprehensive building, promoting the construction of rural old

12、-happy assistance projects. While actively exploring the development of pension and welfare institutions of Government-owned roads, encourage and support social forces to participate in development of old-age service, rich old-age services, improve service levels南宁英华大桥工程锚碇基坑开挖及防护安全技术交底 编制: 复核: 审核: 中

13、铁四局英华大桥项目经理部二O一三年一月锚碇基坑开挖及防护安全技术交底一、 编制目的明确锚碇边坡支护施工过程中锚杆、面板及喷射混凝土施工工艺流程、工艺标准,确保基坑开挖及防护安全施工。二、 编制依据1、 英华大桥锚碇基坑开挖及支护设计图纸;2、 英华大桥施工阶段地质报告;3、 英华大桥锚碇基坑开挖及支护专项施工方案;4、 锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范(GB50086)三、 适用范围本作业指导书适用于南宁英华大桥东、西两岸锚碇基坑边坡支护工程施工。四、 施工流程与施工工艺4.1 施工流程施工准备施工截水沟土方开挖喷射混凝土施工钻孔锚杆施工锚杆加工钢筋网施工细石砼搅拌喷射混凝土施工图4-1 施工工艺流

14、程图4.2 施工准备(1)熟悉设计图纸,掌握设计图纸意图,正式施工前,对施工队伍进行全面技术交底,对关键部位、特殊工序进行强调(坡面清理、比如锚杆施工、喷射混凝土施工)。(2)施工过程中所需的材料按设计要求进行试验,合格以后方可进场,所需的机械设备应认真检查,做好设备的检修与维修机制。4.3施工工艺4.3.1施工截水沟锚碇基坑边坡开挖前,先进行施工放样,放出坡顶截水沟、及防护围栏位置、根据设计交底施工截水沟及防护栏。截水沟采用砖砌,根据现场地形,设置相应坡度,使地表水通过截水沟汇入排水系统或者直接例如邕江内。防护栏采用483mm钢管立杆,立杆长度为1.5m,插入土中30cm。立杆水平间距为2m

15、。水平杆采用16mm螺纹钢筋连接,上下个设置一道。护栏骨架定位牢固后,采用密目网封闭。4.3.2基坑开挖锚碇基坑边坡开挖前,先进行施工放样,放出坡顶线和坡脚线以后再进行开挖,开挖时应分层分级开挖,西岸锚碇基坑每层开挖高度1.5米,东岸锚碇基坑每层开挖深度为3m。开挖开挖过程中应严格控制,禁止多挖、错挖、漏挖。边坡预留20cm 厚土层人工休整,开挖过程中经常用坡度尺检查边坡放坡坡度是否满足设计要求。同时每层开挖到设计深度时,用全站仪检查基坑坡脚线是都满足设计要求。每级边坡开挖完成喷护以后再进行下一层开挖。4.3.3搭设脚手架支架系统采用483mm扣件式钢管脚手架,根据工程需要搭设双排脚手架,沿锚


17、。横杆与立杆的边接应使用扣件链接牢固。为满足锚杆、土钉施工技术要求,后排横杆必须高于前排横杆,具体高差根据现场机械及锚杆倾角确定。(3)脚手板本工程采用3cm厚木脚手板,采用松木或杉木制作,长度为4m,宽度为2025cm,单块重量不大于30Kg。施工作业层脚手板必须铺严、铺稳,不得有探头板、飞跳板。 钢管支架侧立面 钢管支架正立面(4)安全防护各施工作业的工人、机械操作手高空作业时必须系好安全带,穿防滑鞋及佩带安全帽。4.3.4 钻孔本工程支护锚杆采用压力注浆锚杆、普通锚杆及中空锚杆三种,锚杆按设计位置布置,压力注浆锚杆及普通锚杆锚孔采用潜孔钻机钻孔,中空锚杆采用振动冲击方法将花钢管钻如土层中


19、套筒套在钻杆上,钻杆在套筒内钻孔,利用钻头冲击器的冲击力和钻机的静压力将护壁套筒送入孔内。套筒规格108*4mm,每根长度一米,使用时可循环使用,并注意对套筒端部的丝口进行保护。跟管到达孔底后,立即将锚杆和注浆管送入筒内,退出套筒后立即压浆。在钻进过程中,应合理掌握钻进参数,防止埋钻、卡钻等各种孔内事故。一旦发生孔内事故,应争取一切时间尽快处理,并备齐必要的事故打捞工具。钻孔结束以后,采用高压风(风压0.20.4MPa)进行清孔,确保孔内无残质泥土和岩粉,以免降低水泥砂浆与孔壁岩土体的粘结强度。4.3.5 锚杆施工压力注浆锚杆采用32螺纹钢筋,钻孔孔径为110mm;短锚杆采用18螺纹钢筋,钻孔

20、孔径为50mm;中空锚杆施工采用48*3的带孔钢管,管壁注浆孔孔径为1cm,沿钢管长度方向间距为20cm,呈螺旋式上升布置。中空锚杆端头加工成60度的圆锥形锥头。钢筋的下料应按设计长度下料,钢筋进场以后应做好表面的防锈、防腐蚀、防弯曲的处理,需要用套筒连接进行接长的锚杆,两端头的丝口必须平整光滑,丝口长度符合规范要求,在进行套筒连接时,应保证两端的丝口完全旋入套筒。锚杆下锚前,应焊上定位钢筋,定位钢筋应保证其设计高度,确保锚杆下锚后处于锚孔的中心位置。锚杆下锚后,用钢尺量测孔外露出的锚杆长度,计算孔内锚杆长度(误差控制在50 mm范围内),确保锚固长度。图4-2 锚杆大样图4.3.6 压浆压力



23、为保证砼质量,要求空压机风量不小于17m3,风压不小于0.5MPa;速凝剂用量不大于水泥用量的3-5。坡面每l0-15m设一条伸缩缝,缝宽2cm,缝内填塞沥青麻絮。钢筋网绑扎过程中注意坡面混凝土保护层厚度,钢筋保护层厚度最小为4cm。按照开挖-喷砼-钻孔-按照锚杆-面板钢筋绑扎-喷砼的顺序完成基坑支护。4.3.8 喷射混凝土施工(1)喷射作业前检查工作主要内容基坑土方开挖后,喷射前应对开挖面尺寸认真检查,清除松动危石,欠挖超标过多的先行局部处理。将岩层坡面清理干净,必要情况下,喷射前用高压风或水清洗受喷面,将开挖面的粉尘和杂物清理干净,以利于混凝土凝结。埋设喷层厚度检查标志,一般是在石缝处打铁





28、喷射混凝土的强度均匀增长,减少或防止混凝土的收缩开裂,确保喷射混凝土质量,应在其终凝12h后进行洒水养护,养护时间应不少于14d。五、 施工机械主要施工机械机械名称规格型号型号数量锚杆潜孔钻机KQG-100B4kw4空气压缩机XK0B-01021.5 m3/min2浆液搅拌机JJS200型2便携式注浆泵QB152型2搅拌机JS750750L2喷浆机钢筋切割机CQ40型2.2KW1钢筋弯曲机GW400-型3KW1六、安全及环保要求6.1安全要求洞身喷射混凝土工序的危险源辨识及应对措施要求见表6-1表6-1危险源辨识及应对措施表序号危险源辨识应对措施要求1机动车触碰伤害所有司机必须持证上岗,车辆保

29、养要及时,严禁车辆带病上路;2触电伤害电线包皮应完好,开关应装在固定闸刀盒内并上锁;非电工人员严禁触碰闸刀3坠物伤害现场坚持安全员24小时值班制,喷混凝土作业时安全员必须现场监控,发现异常时及时通知撤离4喷浆管爆裂伤害每班结束时必须对喷浆管进行清理;开始前必须对喷浆管进行检查,有破损的及时更换5喷浆管接头脱落伤害每班开始前由安全员对喷浆管接头进行检查,以确保接头牢固6浆料或粉尘对操作员皮肤或眼部伤害加强通风,喷射混凝土时,所有操作工人必须带安全帽,防尘口罩,防尘工作服,雨靴,橡胶手套。7高空坠落伤害每班作业前检查安全员必须检查台架是否座牢,台架自身有无损坏,作业人员必须佩戴安全带6.2 环保要

30、求环境因素辨识及环保要求见表6-2:序号环境影响因素辨识环保要求1粉尘污染1、在拌合场地及洞内施工位置洒水降尘;2、加强通风,改善洞内环境;2噪声影响车辆夜间和清晨在途经村庄时严禁鸣笛3施工污水污染每循环施工完毕后严禁在现场或路上清洗混凝土输送车,必须回到拌合场地内清洗,生产污水必须经过沉淀过滤后方可排放;, carrying out pilot work. (D) full implementation of the special care and placement policy. In-depth carried out Shuang Yong activities, continue

31、s to grasp Festival during condolences activities, continues to implement implementation good special care and preferential treatment policy, timely cash conscripts family preferential treatment gold, on time by standard issued various special care and object of pension set fill gold, constantly imp

32、rove special care and object life quality; ensure retired soldiers placed rate up 100%, veterans skills training rate up 100%; continues to do involved army personnel of stable work, increased contradictions troubleshooting efforts, highlight grasp policy explained and contradictions resolve work, m

33、aintenance good social stable. (E) strengthening the management of special social affairs. Continue to promote reform of funeral and interment, sound development of the cemetery and meet the needs of funeral sites. Strictly funeral law enforcement, specification funeral activities, upgrade funeral m

34、anagement level; continues to increased specification marriage registration work, constantly implementation law administrative; strengthening civil organization cleanup reorganization, on not meet conditions of community organization for cancellation, while vigorously foster development industry ass

35、ociation, and rural community social organization and public, and service of social organization, completed 8% of assessment index, further increased social organization party work specification management efforts; strengthening division names work, completed wide Stack Xiang withdrawal Xiang built

36、town work, Complete new urban and rural place name signs, installation work, finish the zoning boundaries of various indicator tasks. (Vi) do well the general supervision over the work of villagers Committee to guide the work of its ninth session. (G) the refinement of the township (town) appraisal

37、of the home work, promoting grass-roots home work. (H) the continued effectiveness, and standardization of work, cultural and ideological progress, national unity, party building and other work into the home business work, and strive to complete temporary and periodical work assigned by the County p

38、arty Committee and Government. (IX) continue to improve the registration of marriages, welfare Lottery archives, safety, confidentiality, and other items, and create a new situation of home. (J) to strengthen themselves and promote development. With three represents important thinking and guided by

39、the spirit of the party 18, thoroughly implement the scientific Outlook on development, strengthening the construction of rules and regulations, improve the supervision mechanism, strengthening the construction of the independent Commission against corruption Building and construction of ideological

40、 style, lasting to carry further the fight against corruption, efforts to put the home team into a style of thought is, professional, efficient and clean of dedicated home service team. Animal disease prevention and control center in 2015 2015 is the summary report material Twelve-Five the final yea

41、r of the plan. XX animal disease prevention and control center of the work in the area of animal husbandry and veterinary Bureau leadership and under the authority of the parent business unit, centering on early signed work objectives and tasks, the actual, carefully organized, firmly grasping practicality, to further promote honest educational practice. Under the joint efforts of all


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