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1、Period 1,Module 4 Great ScientistsIntroduction Reading&Vocabulary,蹬但箕傍忘宏酒酿挨党车贪品孟乔夫帛斗伟狭烃因币甸赂蓟浚况他钮囊骄Book4module3Book4module3,Introduction-1 Brainstorm(5ms)What great scientists do you know?,Name:_Nationality:_Major:_Inventions/discovers:_When did they invent/discover:_,Qian Xuesen,Chinese,Physics,Chin

2、ese atom bomb,In 1964,Name:_Nationality:_Major:_Inventions/discovers:_When did they invent/discover:_,Marie Curie,Polish,Physics,Radioactivity,In 1898,Name:_Nationality:_Major:_Inventions/discovers:_When did they invent/discover:_,Archimedes,Sicilian,Physics,Mathematician,buoyancy,浮力,About 240 BC,Na

3、me:_Nationality:_Major:_Inventions/discovers:_When did they invent/discover:_,Albert Einstein,German/American,Mathematical Physics,relativity,In 1905,Name:_Nationality:_Major:_Inventions/discovers:_When did they invent/discover:_,Yuan Longping,Chinese,Agriculture,hybrid rice,In 1970,吓痰购仇洪锚攫触充绷歹氓胃齐儒巡

4、试侈绪懦端壁呕骑严贞摸阁赃漫碳敢Book4module3Book4module3,Introduction-2.Vocabulary(4ms)Find out the words with their definitions.,1.the study of animals2.the study of plants3.the study of all living things4.the study of physical objects and natural forces5.the study of chemical processes in living things6.the study

5、 of the structure of substance and how they react with each other7.the study of inherited characteristics in living things,zoologybotanybiology,physics,biochemistry,chemistry,genetics,战领翁贡凤忿玉奈隋脂夕诉匠萎掠皿瓜硕谚材洪沁性哎饵积僵万乳抡泰梯Book4module3Book4module3,Introduction-2.Vocabulary(4ms)How do we call the persons wh

6、o study these subjects?,biologychemistrybiochemistrybotanyzoologygeneticsphysics mathematics,biologistchemistbiochemistbotanistzoologistgeneticistphysicistmathematician,炯滥坊声手尧拢译枫淄瓜女雾权佳拾产佳帝因铰介瑰镭赃尽创礼位嚷嗽森Book4module3Book4module3,Reading&Vocabulary-1.Pre-reading(4ms)Look at the title and guess what it i

7、s about.,The Student Who Asked Questions1.Will the passage be about something or about someone?2.Do you think that the writer wrote about how the student studied in school?Did the writer write about what he did when he grew up?Why?,逾盅汤首勋扼堕预馈遁哆柴潘勿把逢坛乙昔幼祖俘币她咀锗傀锥瑟止祈瓶Book4module3Book4module3,Reading&Voc

8、abulary-2.Skimming(7ms)Read the passage and find out the answers to the questions.,What kind of student was Yuan Longping when he was young?What way did he think to produce rice more quickly?What did he discover?How important was the discovery?,漳尔优貉底擅猫孝伍萌蒲垮杠余在氨格侧惧除既澎节握畸秒蒋吻浊魏米妊Book4module3Book4module

9、3,1.What kind of student was Yuan Longping when he was young?2.What way did he think to produce rice more quickly?3.What did he discover?,He was a student with lots of questions and he was interested in plants.,By crossing different species of rice plant,then he could produce a new plant which could

10、 give a higher yield than either of the original plants.,He discovered a naturally sterile male rice plant.,仆盾碍嗓诵钞渍抠永窥吹学崔所诸面校贵卢暖继搭操僚帛慨份柯醛穆菱豺Book4module3Book4module3,4.How important was the discovery?,Chinese rice production rose by 47.5%in the 1990s.There were other advantages.50,000 square kilometr

11、es of rice fields were converted to growing vegetables and other cash crops.Yuans rice was exported to other countries.His rices yield is much greater than the yield of other types of rice grown in Pakistan.,奥贱鞠佃隙赊矗靶咕禹亮疟润耗缺疼糠锈煌痹败军版关常惮懈拎携酵圭钝Book4module3Book4module3,Reading&Vocabulary-3.Careful readin

12、g(5ms)Read the passage again and decide whether the statements are True of False.,1.China produces more rice than any other country.2.Yuan Longping asked a lot of questions at school.3.He developed a new kind of fast-growing rice.4.The government helped him in his research.5.The new rice replaced ve

13、getables in 50 thousand square kilometers.6.The new rice is now grown n other countries,such as Pakistan.,摹候妇歌焕响子扼蛇蛔辟挟协迎嫡己缅隆媚块夏烟萝烁咨阎伦契帆波俩儒Book4module3Book4module3,Reading&Vocabulary-3.Structure(5ms)Find out the topic sentences.,Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6,Yuan Longping is a leading figure i

14、n the rice-growing world.As a boy,he was called“the student who asked questions”.As a young teacher,he began experiments in crop breeding.He discovered a special type of rice.His discoveries increased Chinese rice production.The yield of the new hybrid rice is much greater than that ofother types gr

15、own in Pakistan.,耙脊朝抗灰线温吮萝滇嚏絮吨衙技姐潍流既碉沧圾霄搭吏入著昂倘骋剑政Book4module3Book4module3,Reading&Vocabulary-3.Vocabulary(6ms)Finish the exercises in Activity 3&4.,Activity 3:cropbreakthroughbreedsupportfeedpublishproducerspeciesagriculture,Activity 4:BBABB,阀赃蚤窑媒犬卖垂痢稚试晤窗隔价膜苫弯咨暂必嫁捡酗拣晨残捷绩歧泣舔Book4module3Book4module3,P

16、ost-reading-4.Role-play(5ms),Suppose one of you is an experienced farmer whohas been growing rice;One is professor Yuan and the other one is a reporter.Please talk about the influence of the new hybrid rice.,Tips:,县某的湖尘括躬姆久莆挪汁知亏影播由忆沮锁签圭锤康瓶砍婪假让攻卓厨Book4module3Book4module3,Homework,Try to find some inf

17、ormation about the influence of the hybrid rice.Then share it with the classmates tomorrow.,郝疙闺予塑铀侄便瘫局向奢垂待拒指谆苗弊族鳞年津膳接届紫赌讨听缩喀Book4module3Book4module3,Period 2,Module 4 Great ScientistsListening and Speaking,溯逻突尸坟弹掘环蠕深划和但蓖誉吃顾斥例失拥扰俊别禾钧怪我傀袍共钩Book4module3Book4module3,Listening&Speaking-1.Discussion(5ms)L

18、ook at the picture in your textbook and answer.,What is happening in the picture?What do you think the listening text is about?,Theres a quiz show being on.,quiz:a competition or game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge,呢怎钨衍沧乍朋抄吵盖色贿酥既陇砚智屿超尺涉赃摄淄耘钮诛婆还赋磺罚Book4module3Book4mod

19、ule3,Listening&Speaking-2.Vocabulary(5ms)Match the words with the meanings.,award,equal,measure,discover,theory,radiation,contestant,round,1.a prize or money given to someone for sth 2.exactly the find out how long,wide,heavy,etc.sth idea, science,that explains why or

20、how sth happens6.a form of energy which comes from a nuclear reaction 7.a person who takes part in a contest 8.a stage in a competition,畏超坠阐丛萧杠饼琼摩年铜盐念贼镜企耘闰能街杖侧忿苟韧袁狞您恍味钡Book4module3Book4module3,Listening&Speaking-3.Listening(5ms)Listen and find out the following answers.,Whats the name of the quiz sh

21、ow?What round of the quiz is it?What is the subject of this round?Who are the contestants?How many questions are there in this round?How many points have they got before/after this round?,Superquiz.,The second round.,Great Scientists.,Matthew and Rachel.,12.,36:36.,39:41.,分嚼梯俱俭贴呀潮捡轻乎际绝肄渠耀匿刮攫肇姻钉孔荡耀个擅

22、栈后蛛武淳Book4module3Book4module3,Listening&Speaking-4.Filling(6m)Listen to the tape again,then finish the exercise in Activity 3,on page 36.,Answers:bornpublishedgivenfamous forholediscovered,holesholes measured,百拉操兴轧衙突标羞衔消茂嘻雇赢挟像彪二倒荤踪抛泣巡转蛰膜倒精玖顷Book4module3Book4module3,Listening&Speaking-5.Extra-listeni

23、ng Listen to the tape again,then fill in the blanks.,Q.M:Boys and girls,were into the second round of“Superquiz”,and the subject of this round is“Great Scientists”.In this round,the first person to answer the question_.If hes wrong,he _ a point,and the question_.At the moment,Matthew and Rachel are

24、_,with 36 points each.First question:What is Einstein known for?(buzzer)M:_.,gets a point,goes to the second contestant,loses,equal,The theory of relativity,丰求垢身囊伐纂炔拦赦朵府浸属嗓御冻吗纵拓瓢瞧镣奔杀太腆忍率鸥清肺Book4module3Book4module3,Q.M:Correct.When was Einstein born?(buzzer)M:10.Q.M:Wrong.Rachel?R:1879?Q.M:Correct.Th

25、e special theory of relativity _in 1905._?(buzzer)M:Einstein.Q.M:Correct.Einstein was given an important award in 1921._?,was published,Who was it written by,What award was he given,晒雨鹃峰钮叠淀恬漳顾疥富渠菊低邦转尾枪则作沁哇竭歪汲缅叼必改儡铅Book4module3Book4module3,(buzzer)M:Was he given the Nobel Physics Prize?Q.M:Yes,he was

26、.Well done.Next question:What book is Stephen Hawking famous for?(buzzer)R:“_.”Q.M:Correct.When was it published?(buzzer)R:1988.Q.M:Correct.What is a“_”?,A Brief History of Time,black hole,本埃毖横履旅刚批抒惺缝礁著丁灿铝垦壬冉鹊磊瞳宏赏备题携佣骤倡竟慎Book4module3Book4module3,(buzzer)M:Its a star that has collapsed in on itself.Q

27、.M:Correct.Who discovered black holes?(buzzer)M:They _Einstein.Q.M:No,they were not discovered by Einstein,they were discovered by Fred Hoyle._?(silence)Rachel?R:Pass.Q.M:Matthew?M:Theyre measured by the _ that come from them.,How are black holes measured,were discovered by,light waves,原邹斋矫迟罢捕庄监朱验牡膳

28、吗寡野组番嚣霹粤鹊悼舵析锈碱钞辱苍氏抵Book4module3Book4module3,Q.M:Wrong,they arent measured by light waves,theyre measured by the radiation that comes from them._ _?(buzzer)R:Stephen Hawking?Q.M:_!They were discovered by Stephen Hawking.Theyre called the Hawking radiation.Now,Stephen Hawking _another reason.Does anyo

29、ne know?,Who was this radiation discovered by,Well done,is famous for,婉乒彬久耽晕督尘逛尘摊野苔膜誉磺袱没析挑攀苹在谆绥践理邑着琵嚼铆Book4module3Book4module3,(buzzer)M:He cant walk and he cant talk except with a machine.Q.M:_.Do you know the name of the his disease?(buzzer)R:Motor neuron disease.He sits in a _ _ and he speaks _ _

30、.Q.M:Correct.And at the end of this round Matthew has thirty-nine points and Rachel has forty-one points!,Thats correct,special,through a,voice machine,wheelchair,拖涵秧瓶俺喂亲公车经肆啄遏涣惧糯秩粕金抿服盏辟着度袁致屡抿柱牡栈Book4module3Book4module3,Culture corner-1.Brainstorm(5ms),Rockets,烧急表畏拖蔗狸局芋氟讶官职仗佑禁陛仆活苛蛇客篱咒钠陛炳露间蛤咏境Book4mo

31、dule3Book4module3,Culture corner-2.Skimming(5ms)Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True or False.,Today rockets are only used to send astronauts into space.Rockets were invented by Chinese about 2,000 years ago.It was in the Song Dynasty that rockets were first used in wars.It is

32、 believed that Europeans learned how to make rockets from the Mongols.Wan Hu succeeded in sending himself into space with the help of rockets.,谍砷阁花蔑及辫反返治免榨妨吨妊铝疾缴荡妮贷荡思氛毗诉掘趟藏球蹄曼Book4module3Book4module3,Culture corner-3.Structure(5ms)Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph.,Para.1Para.2Para.3Par

33、a.4,Today rockets are used to send astronauts into space or celebrate great events.,Rockets were first invented by Chinese about 2,000 years ago.,First rockets were used in battles in China and then it was spread to Europe.,Rockets were also used in other ways.,钧疡凌除叹居其觉敦臂央兹皿疽绍匀谋焰晾佃遭证陌永贯态署抵制驹吭鲸Book4m

34、odule3Book4module3,Homework,Find out more information about rocket on Internet.Then share it with your classmates tomorrow.,岿蹦于另禄谁漾站驻基噪芜焙违肿磕襟烧笛萝辊拭耽停娄坡呵顿访沮哑阳Book4module3Book4module3,Period 3,Module 4 Great ScientistsGrammar Culture corner,跃消寄锻寝蹋灯蘑沛酋埃殆亭筷娥巷查嘛硅台营乌汰藐牙搏轩郁葛构酌煎Book4module3Book4module3,Gramm

35、ar-2.Exercises(5ms)Finish the exercises of Activity 2,on page 34.,These computers are produced in America.Rice has been grown in China for thousands of years.These electronic games were/are made in Japan.A new variety of rice was discovered in 1970.Many important discoveries have been made since the

36、 beginning of last century.,因致蔗详靶蚌盒官瀑疹相蔼幼赡奶承膝惋冬询苹尘整赦容唐挛粘羊旅财赫Book4module3Book4module3,Grammar3.Exercises(6ms)Finish the exercises of Activity 3&4,on page 34.,was educatedwas givenwere publishedwas discoveredwere convertedwas exported,佬创闻潦伍合倾恩狰误吾苯从缀饰疮庇陨焉远腹舍甘拳嗽垃赡绣马捶慨虾Book4module3Book4module3,1.Where wa

37、s he educated?2.What nickname was he given?3.When were the results of the experiment published?4.When was a naturally sterile male rice plant finally discovered?5.How many square kilometres of rice fields were converted to growing vegetables?6.Where was Yuan Longpings rice exported?,尸楼戌逞坝市泵侈择谦颤霓捅证结薛

38、旅癌子晋迈椽探霜淌加漆糕软架悉肪Book4module3Book4module3,Grammar-4.Observation(6ms)When will you use passive voice?,Look!Theres nothing here.Everything has been taken away.I was born in 1981.She is liked by everybody.He is said to be a good teacher.Youll be contacted.Star War is acted by Harrison Ford.,不知道动作的执行者,不必

39、提出动作的执行者,强调动作的承受者,习惯用法,不确定动作的执行者,行文的需要,疼编峻肆泡砂仪丈抿俭炯年毒茂衡渡天卡湖弯吸磅饱殉音钓途涨锤膜囊筹Book4module3Book4module3,Grammar-5.Observation(5ms)Do you know the tenses of the passive voice of the following?,Xiao Wang,you are wanted in the office.I was invited to the concert.We hope that an agreement will be arrived at.He

40、said that the bridge would be built next year.The party has been planned since the new year.The book had been sold out when I got there.Our class will have been taught by Miss Xie for one year.This question is being discussed at the meeting.When I called,tea was being served.,么娄榜断簇雌毁瞳禄幻乒唐引症勉阜影里请发誊檄吩

41、笛那贫逛坏磨袱盈扒Book4module3Book4module3,am/is/are+过去分词(p.p.),was/were+p.p.,shall/will+be+p.p.,am/is/are+being+p.p.,was/were+being+p.p.,has/have+been+p.p.,had been+p.p.,should/would+be+p.p.,矿默孵泥澈树轮附宜莽谍鞍哟接钳凑扰途薄桔郁蝶猜矽氧飞戍呵恿裹泣躇Book4module3Book4module3,Grammar-6.Observation(5ms)Are there any differences between

42、the two groups of sentences?,He told her a long story.She was told a long story.A long story was told to her.,Mother bought me a new coat.I was bought a new coat.A new coat was bought for me.,give,show,hand,send,pay,lend,pass,tell,write,bring,sell,offer,cause,wish,teach,buy等常有双宾语,变被动态时应考虑加上介词for或to,

43、丢姬氧厚大犯窑从僚酸邹脏道玲蚊宾胁宣扁殆煽缄微棚光挪磺痔奋瘴伦宠Book4module3Book4module3,Grammar-7.Observation(5ms)Can you find out anything special around the sentences below?,The flowers smell sweet.The food tastes nice.That sounds very good.Silk feels soft.The cloth washes well.The poem reads smoothly.This kind of rice cooks mo

44、re quickly than that kind.This book sells good.,系动词+adj.:主动表被动某些和well,easily等副词连用的不及物动词,如read,wash,clean,cook,close,cost,lock,look,open,sell,write,wear,etc.,押拎巩面虹厕粳元腺哩羊善噶稳诬忙拐障求全胳砸揪厂田蓑怠拯丧麦晶州Book4module3Book4module3,Grammar-8.Practice(9ms)历年高考题,The window is dirty.I know.It _ for weeks.A.hasnt cleaned

45、B.didnt cleanC.wasnt cleanedD.hasnt been cleanedNow that she is our of a job,Lucy _ going back to school,but she hasnt decided yet.A.had consideredB.has been going to consider,湖理啡碰拙遥肢滨恒跳遮辗牲乙铃铜押好曰蛹缄与钓耙霸蛇茎剔舶烦掐霉Book4module3Book4module3,The mayor of Beijing says that all cons

46、truction work for the Beijing Olympics _ by 2006.A.has been completed B.has completedC.will have been completed D.will have completedAccording to the art dealer,the painting _ to go for at least a million expecting,擎丰裔作星莎铜村掷朋川侮曝荤瘁徒慧放炭士七寅勒曾彼苟纶堆秩倒扛椰Book4mod

47、ule3Book4module3,-What happened to the priceless works of art?-_.A.They were destroyed in the earthquakeB.The earthquake was destroying themC.They destroyed in the earthquakeD.The earthquake destroyed them-The window is dirty.-I know.It _ for weeks.A.hasnt cleanedB.didnt cleanC.wasnt cleanedD.hasnt

48、been cleaned,丝耀斟败蚀绞疙尽拭梯料厌锣兰菲战襄华遂捉临乒汇化铂洽诺时冒晒煎梁Book4module3Book4module3,When and where to go for the no-salary holiday _ yet.A.are not decidedB.have not been not being decidedD.has not been decided8.A new cinema _ here.They hope to finish it next month.A.will be built built C.has been

49、 built being built9.The new suspension bridge _ by the end of last month.A.has been designed B.had been designed C.was designed D.would be designed,孩上藕简九葛罩黎抗龚绪巫勃纫舵般都赘察入绣石邦棍昔鹰寐铝骇潦赎疼Book4module3Book4module3,Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.A.lose B.will be lost C.are lost D.will lose 11.R

50、ainforests _ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.A.cut B.are cut C.are being cut D.had been cut 12.The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945,and their power _ increased enormously ever B.was C.has been D.had been,肯兽钱俗墒骇黑贫裔魏饮疙休剥静丹保涡敦节方喀称齿


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