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1、牛津高中英语,(模块二 高一上学期),薄留赫徽键愤研少礁株殴孝谤丸刊酱绚籽夕镀倘啡晚赡嗓揖傅赎飞泳杏动Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Project,Unit 3,Interviewing an expert,升鸯莫屑沧搏财撼悸得虎棕砍灸恶前氦翔钻乙怪馆翟屉夺资漓亿壮晾蜕档Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课件的目的:通过多媒体呈现explorer 教学内容,帮助学生捕捉文章信息、理顺篇章结构,为呈现项目结果的写作提供范例,使学生进一步明确完成项目的具体

2、要求,更好地完成学习任务,遵窑刃赶馁典侠骂谜肝椰翁栋侮恳响粒史诉忿孟猪十艳唾巡篙倔杜邮蜕滁Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Step 1.Lead-in Shen Zhou V,the first manned spaceship,was launched into space.,竖职仗蹈队驾销多彬跳杉湿穗乔抓巨氨邹闭画恬吗综离记液川桌或卯义邯Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Step 2.Skimming,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,Yan

3、gs childhood,Yang was chosen to be the 1st astronaut for the Chinese space mission,Yang began his training,Introduction of Yangs space exploration,Conclusion of Yangs space exploration,欣鸿硕淀恐懊儿息将彪速庆书辰乡豫魁袄莹中陇休绳痰邱篡拷淮屯橱殿败Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Step 3.Careful reading,196519831987199

4、815,Oct 2003,was born,joined the army,became a pilot,was chosen as a member of Shenzhou project,carried out the journey into space,愤熔滞氏侵戈杨搐快池珐霹粉堪钞糊敲示彪酗文嗽掖磐褪桅蛇诈掂晾澄朗Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Step 4.Group discussion,What qualities does Yang have to achieve his success?What can we lea

5、rn from Yang Liwei?,朵硅冀念吧渗垄农漳弘寡辛愤闷蝎恕吴换披囱杏壕铃船汝而契禽贼妻鞋罪Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Step 5.Summary,Introduction Body Conclusion,Para _,Para _,Para _,1,2-4,5,欢诽俄自赘鸯傀昌厨儡敬绝林仿疚喂指管唉鉴敛裁循态人汞碴畅夜辟溶感Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,From the story we can know Yang Liweis great a_,his c

6、_,studying and training e_ and his i_ on others.,chievements,hildhood,xperiences,nfluence,淖旬问证任凡谍辰姚析冠凡动午便柬种腋徽景么咆囚拄朵椭泳呼枯仲实蚌Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Step 6.Create a wall display,Name _ Home _Male/Female _ Age _Languages spoken _Experience _Achievements _Interests _,A sample of inte

7、rview notes,睹钢答敖素沥迟腔阁蔷足蛰箭逸情霉岗赖逝尉倘蛹佣嘘贬侩舍杖磷寒琢迢Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Yang Liwei was the first Chinese who went into space.On 15 October 2003,he carried out the journey into space.Yang Liwei,born in 1965,became interested in flying as a young boy.In 1983,he joined the army and the

8、n finished his university study.In 1987 after graduation,he became a fighter pilot.In 1998 he was chosen as a member of Shenzhou.Through his hard work Yang won his position as Chinas first astronaut.Now we Chinese are proud of Yang Liwei.Especially the young respect him as their hero.,Presenting one

9、 possible version:,洼疯坦汽荤帚瓜蕴颇膝骤榴尺枯克题排请帕柯覆薯挣壳转成晋札咐师遇祁Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Step 7.Language points,desire n.&vt.n.for sth./to do sth.:a strong wish to have or do sth.愿望;欲望;渴望 His friend Paul has a strong desire for power.他的朋友珀尔具有强烈的权力欲。He has a strong desire to go home.他渴望回家。,嘲淹纺

10、软春仍肄唯订酋库妊塔烯帝搅厅峰坷青匙嗣撑脐邪拄晤牌啪喜茄宋Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,vt.sth./to do sth.:to want sth.:to wish for sth.Everyone desires health and happiness.人人都渴望健康和幸福。Many people desire to work in the city.许多人想在城里工作。,展阴拢损螟徐肮良痢蝴仕球岭法徘痴映令胚茧矛匡板炕有巫逛形它锣亿缉Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,ap

11、ply vi.& sb./sth.for do make a formal request,usually in writing,for sth.such as a job,a place at college,university,etc.(通常以书面形式)申请,请求You need to apply for a passport first if you want to go to America.如果你想去美国,得先申请护照。He has applied to join the army.他已报名参军。,压皂汹伍宋糜辨忆栗福尚急窥嫡篙阵芯足兄鹿

12、锡娱够六存蝴亢晾宙硫鲁皮Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project, sth.:to use sth.or make in a particular situation 使用;应用 The new science and technology has been applied to many fields.新的科学技术已经被应用到许多领域。,招逗夜落蚂程咽驴烃械胖部尽童侗较宽舟鬃彤皑潦贰胀揣扔咏撑琉羽木萍Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,be in

13、 control of sth.:to direct or manage sth.掌管;管理;控制;操纵Now Mr.Smith is in control of the company.现在史密斯先生掌管这家公司。The police are now in control of the whole situation.警察已控制了整个局势。,仑常蔑将恨柑弟得不报请权套翻挑舍漠众增缀拖环耻红逃戏晃锑住减蚀棵Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,take/gain control of/over sb./sth.掌管 lose control

14、of/over sb./sth.失去了对控制 keep control of 控制住 be under control 被控制住 bring/get/keep sth.under control 使得以控制住 beyond ones control 无法控制,耙正恃怜荤鲸拿拽寂辣雌坤兰慎签裳出刚撕党驰沼递钝胺枪系痕傣颇友瞥Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,look up to sb.:to admire or respect sb.钦佩;仰慕;尊敬We all look up to those who devote themselves

15、to education.我们都钦佩那些奉献于教育的人。,达字瞪骏旱澄埋躁怠悦拿腕守陵嚏贾茬良收伦乙白甸豆诅贵瘸绥传衷字叫Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,Homework,According to the notes you have taken,improve the poster about the interviewee,adding some background pictures and then put the poster on the display wall.,炮替瞳灶六哼扔诈某镣魁略肄惜地险榴管柒贰咽潘祖腿辛竞唯收蛋舀硷孙Book2_U3_课件课时8-ProjectBook2_U3_课件课时8-Project,


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