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1、Notes To The Instructor,The Preparation Slides,with the VSM PREP icon in the upper left corner,are intended to help the Instructor prepare for the VSM Workshop.Review and implement the recommendations on the Prep Slides to help assure a successful VSM Workshop.Read the VSM Pre-Event Workbook and the

2、 notes with the VSM Workshop slides prior to the event.The Pre-Event Workbook contains the Floor Packet of references for when the teams create their maps.A copy the VSM Workshop slides with the notes may be helpful while training.Know the Highland mapping information.,VSM PREP,墅聋尤盛潜爬律瞪街双哑倦掐嘴愿示靶著世卢届

3、危懒宠焚其脊液寝旷另蠢VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,VSM Instructor Qualifications,In general,the VSM Workshop Instructor needs to have a broad background implementing and facilitating DBS Tools and should have participated in at least two VSM workshops and facilitated at least one team before atte

4、mpting to train and facilitate a VSM workshop.It may also be helpful to re-read the VSM Pre-Event Workbook prior to training.It may be a good idea to conduct an informal VSM workshop as practice before facilitating the formal workshop.NOTE FOR VSM MASTER BLACK BELT CANDIDATES:For Master Black Belt C

5、andidates attending the class,follow the VSM training with a copy of the VSM Workshop slides with notes(including VSM PREP slides)so that additional comments and reminders can be added as needed.,VSM PREP,牡见碌微粗韦陕镜臃示他族赦舰照艘松某杯稽颜如妙啥槐俺峨试褂奸益吃VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,VSM Workshop Site Pr

6、ep,The VSM Workshop Instructor needs to communicate with the host site DBSM in advance of the workshop to assure that value streams are selected properly,customer demand is available,the student list is finalized,facilitators and guides are available,all facility preparation work is completed and th

7、at team member assignments are finalized.The host facility should identify product families that are important to meeting their business objectives and are complex enough to provide a challenging learning experience.Value streams containing transactional(office)processes can also be selected.A visit

8、 to the facility by the Instructor may be required if preparation is not progressing.At a minimum,the VSM Instructor and other team facilitators should walk the value streams prior to the event to familiarize themselves with any specific challenges the team will face.,VSM PREP,痈匠寻疯这卢礁活搏丸菩决宵窒幸椽忙叶檬揩锥禾

9、家俘合嚏翱茁由莉丰涨VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 4 OF 131,VSM Workshop Teams,A VSM workshop should have from one to four teams with a team size of 4 to 7,resulting in a class from 7 to 28 people.More than 4 teams usually creates too many action items for the host site to manage.The number o

10、f teams may also be limited by how many team facilitators are available.Effective value stream improvement requires the involvement of top management.The ideal team members for a sites initial VSM workshop are executives and managers with the responsibility and authority to implement future-state va

11、lue streams.In many companies there is no single individual responsible for managing a value stream because of departmental or functional responsibilities.This means that before,or soon after a VSM workshop,the host site should define all of their product families(value streams)and assign responsibi

12、lity for VSM and DBS implementation for each product family.,VSM PREP,敲苫喀桔疼尉滚歉锡箍辛朝蚕茎耙越拣寅遇瘸订迸漆蝶寻炒鳞欠幌隔碳遣VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 5 OF 131,Team Facilitators and Guides,Each team must have a team facilitator who has VSM experience and can direct a teams efforts.They often come fro

13、m outside the host site until the site has VSM experience.Facilitators must keep the team from digging too deep into data gathering.The VSM Workshop Leader normally acts as facilitator for one of the VSM teams.Each team must have a tour guide who is from the host site who can direct the team to peop

14、le that can answer questions about the value stream and who can assure a safe environment for the host site and the team members.The tour guide is typically a manager,supervisor or engineer from the value stream.The tour guide should not answer the VSM teams questions,but should direct the team to a

15、ssociates with first-hand knowledge of the work in the value stream.,VSM PREP,趟捌避抉骏朵笺桥九格零裔很逝虽抿民双随源隙哑硫罩宇趴虫汀强登铸哆VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 6 OF 131,Workshop Preparation,Provide VSM Pre-Event Workbooks to all participantsAssure that they read and do the mapping exercise.Remind part

16、icipants to bring their workbook to class.Align Workshop ScheduleIt is important to align the hours of the VSM event to the work hours of the associates in the value streams.The task of gathering information for the current-state map needs to be completed before the shift ends so that associates are

17、 available to answer questions.,VSM PREP,平顾蔽疼漫泊姨古酞抿钒乡脆穆茄鬼舶旬赏徘歹舀擞淡宠蓑媒屡磐矫致冰VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 7 OF 131,VSM Preparation Checklist,Finalize Agenda(Make or modify a slide)Ensure exercises match work hoursReview Product Families for mapping PQPR to define product families Walk

18、 the value streams prior to event Review complexity for time available VSM areas match team membersCreate Data Sheet for each Product Family List of end items in each product family Customer demand by end item Available work timeTeam Assignments(Prepare a flip chart)Team Members by Value Stream Tour

19、 Guide&Team Facilitator Advise host site associates of the VSM event Prepare classroom and breakout rooms,VSM PREP,胃点醛头屁图尖仓拍猴心艰怂劝窗灵姻际可宁八蝗撇筹篱胸吵磁漳氨伦雌VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 8 OF 131,VSM Workshop Materials,For Classroom PC projector&Overhead projector Large Whiteboard with marke

20、rs Flip Chart with markers Classroom table layoutFor Team Members 11”x17”ledger-size paper(A3)Pencils and erasers Stopwatches&Calculators Large Whiteboard with markers Blank transparencies Printed slides w/notes for MBB Candidates Extra copies of VSM Pre-Event Workbook,VSM PREP,升琅聚东液忻出秆娟瘟今肃嚣模懒纳紧献吾玛蠕

21、皖胯虎断嗅验碴兼壬疮搜VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 9 OF 131,Things to Stress During the VSM Workshop,Study and improve the product families that are most important to meeting PD and business objectives.If it doesnt support the needs of the business,dont focus on it.VSM is a means to an end,n

22、ot the end in itself.Achieving the future-state by eliminating waste is the goal of VSM,not completing the maps.Value stream maps should be completed at a pace that allows the site to implement the Kaizen Action Plans and future-state.Do not do VSM unless the organization will implement the improvem

23、ents.Do not do VSM for all product families at one time.Leadership must assure DBS focus and sustainability of the improvements.Organize by value stream and set up value stream metrics to track improvement.,VSM PREP,团背窜袜近哇瘩护上银棚戎选海常仕贝楚酮右铜抉吧仕轮羡荤遵嗡粳句羌VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 10 O

24、F 131,Value Stream Mapping Workshop,Kaizen!,2005 Danaher.All Rights Reserved,患趋霞荚强菲络牌筋埔攻痘副富烷叮僻棋焰石焊丙曝粒渣嫌鼎哺稻速玻蓄VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 11 OF 131,FOR SUGGESTIONS FOR MODULE IMPROVEMENTS,PLEASE SENDE-MAIL TO,动亚奉瀑肚湖按誊统捐踪蚁敖且抱撤链星廷穴辣挎笑锅千因师幸涣吏福譬VSM coaching materialVSM coaching materi

25、al,PAGE 12 OF 131,Follow along with this sessionin your VSM WorkbookAll corresponding workbook page numberscan be found in lowerright corner of each slide,HERE,剑祈谰愉炯筋涵所赤正傅悄炕雌腮遗燃狸们幕樊妹獭函侍性匙荧敛连废瓷VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 13 OF 131,Introduction to VSM Workshop,Recognition of LEI an

26、d TSSCHistory of VSMPurpose of VSM WorkshopTo introduce VSM so participants can use VSM in their business.To create value stream maps that provide useful information to the host facility.To develop participants ability to identify waste in a value stream.To help the participant better understand how

27、 DBS Tools fit together to help meet business objectives.Instructor&Participant IntroductionsRules for VSM WorkshopQuestions welcome at any time!,4-6,聋伏亡吝掇效痰逝包童稻互兰骄啄翅抱甄屑犁爱可雾赖磨吹晰猾石粕骗髓VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 14 OF 131,Value Stream Mapping Workshop Agenda Day 1,Introduction30 mi

28、n.The VSM Process30 min.Creating the Current-State Map1 hourFloor ExerciseMap the Current-State 3-5 hoursReport-out on Current-State Map1 hourA Lean Value Stream30 min.,Plus breaks and lunch,偏陛击卿琵叠择贺蝇哮惑诈晤侈威敷凛疫翔遮缕疏薪缝狱攀借骡儿铀养滓VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 15 OF 131,Value Stream Mappin

29、g Workshop Agenda Day 2,Creating the Future-State Map1 hourFloor ExerciseMap the Future-State3 hoursReport-out on Future-State Map1 hourImplementing the Future-State30 min.Wrap-up and Close10 min.,Plus breaks and lunch,泄呕鬃协繁麦副惶珊祥铃裴侗灭游斡阔衷析泻肚喊回谩是兄洞川恬搭代衡VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 1

30、6 OF 131,Chapter 1 The VSM Process,Value Stream Mapping,10,厉漏稿体滦趣旅恐宋吠食康绑氧晓荡吨文灯哮拴摧颧嚷掠弟侮按欧沉皂仗VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 17 OF 131,What is VSM?,What is a Value Stream?A value stream includes all of the process steps(both value added and non-value added)that are required to complete

31、 a product or serviceWhat is a Value Stream Map?VSM is a method that visually shows the material and information flows that help complete the product or service,11,九吁取粱坦巫虫萨和拦已聊圃阳际棒遁坏蜂吞瘩孕吧措莎成窟蕊招溅队趾VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 18 OF 131,Value Stream Improvement&Process Improvement,V

32、ALUE STREAM=All steps,both VA and NVA,required to bring the product from raw material to customer,STAMP,MACHINE,ASSEMBLE,PROCESS PROCESS PROCESS,RawMaterial,FinishedProduct,Customer,11,刽朗屡驮帖叠蛆精昆函矩孟笔横踞恢愚含班礁涝躺嫩埂刀涩豁赞亏愧触钉VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 19 OF 131,Levels of Value Stream,Si

33、ngle Plant(door to door),Process Level,Multiple Plants,Across Companies,Kaizen events,Value Stream Mapping,Macro VSM,11,首殆朔存獭挽应着饭怒北花唾桐壕茨具硒慕荐掉篮倡侠铡旭膜滋激辅蘑闷VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 20 OF 131,Mapping a Value Stream,Follow a products production pathfrom end to beginning,and draw a v

34、isual representation using icons(current-state map)of the material and information flows.Then draw a future-state map of how valueshould flow.,14,勇链互吁折隘巍棕雅倒墓依思晌捶垃馈夸酥蝉戴贼憋探弊宫业盂锚毗狼香VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 21 OF 131,14,隔烷然展椒底烬拣抢裂缀撼磋钢抱勉荡虱躇髓升羡簿谎厢括趾跳捎蜀材腹VSM coaching materialVSM coac

35、hing material,PAGE 22 OF 131,Selecting a Product Family for VSM,Use PD and VOC to identify important product families requiring improvementA family has similar process steps,equipment and sequenceMerely being a group as viewed by end users or distributors does not,by itself,constitute a product fami

36、lyIf it doesnt follow the same process route it is not a product family,14,问庐急洼梳印密惦勉狭是婉缅谜活谈我臆噎粉臻梁裤立荔坷求攘速韶瞬绢VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 23 OF 131,PQPR,Example:,15,踪裹涡粤寞荔姿玛晃镀撩属匝蘸觅甄蕾荤绿滚郑兴洛镜瘩怀丙口卓哺妻姻VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 24 OF 131,PQPR Form is available on my

37、danaher,DBS Forms,15,皋媚峰硷垢寥糯帘靛弟艰淌膏苇傀浇扶鬼湖逼铺蛛柠查贼达牡仁栅堆植练VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 25 OF 131,Each Value Stream Needs a manager,Customer,For Product ownership beyond functionsAssign responsibility for future-state mapping and implementing lean value streams to people withthe capabil

38、ity to make change happen across functional and departmental boundaries.,Manager of the value stream,16,辕管众债绥仇续愿渠感有消检拥研撩变用蜕薪蛀佃佃伞歹渣著九竞蒋豌徊VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 26 OF 131,Product Family,Current-state map,Future-state map,Kaizen Action plan,Implementation,VSM Process Steps,1-1/

39、2 to 2 days,18,笺楔闭陌饿坯兢杏厄躇翘廓鞠疤崔聘竖辽照终跨夕可笨码最嚷丘间逃脓惭VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 27 OF 131,VSM helps point out waste in a value stream,and then identifies the Kaizen events and projects that can eliminate the waste.,What VSM Does,20,炯呵瞧琴佑骑柿跳箩敖梳删举炊焉熬嘶泰汾挺概支翔符瓣柴茬疫戍昌幻翁VSM coaching material

40、VSM coaching material,PAGE 28 OF 131,VSM does not improve the value stream by itself.VSM does not replace Kaizen events that drive improvement.VSM does not replace leadership of the improvement process.,What VSM Does Not Do,20,鸥蹬哨务助春讨馁蜡甫井葫沥练奇巷尚庞入狡贝营勺诈浪骗点磁撞仲费坏VSM coaching materialVSM coaching materia

41、l,PAGE 29 OF 131,“Continuous Improvement With a Purpose”Eliminate Waste Improve Quality Improve Delivery Reduce Cost Results in Significant,Measurable Improvement,What are we striving for?,21,泛纱饼踪蓄隘汞火沉歇忿索喇湃彦秆葬漳真采蛮伎塌叼元念顺币清恤林烯VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 30 OF 131,Kaizen with a Purp

42、ose!,“Kamikaze Kaizen”“Hit&Run Kaizen”“Horizontal Kaizen”,VS.,“Kaizen with a Purpose”“Vertical Kaizen”,Dont create islands of success in a sea of Waste!How?Follow the Improvement Process,21,刃拐各月慌煞矫顾邹腻古袖善洗毡遵档瘫套三樊沤旗返寐予钵掖搜灶点联VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 31 OF 131,Steps of the DBS Imp

43、rovement Process,Identify Primary Product/ServiceFamiliesDevelop Value Stream MapsImplement CellsStabilize CellsCombine CellsImplement Pull SystemImplement Level LoadingExpand to Next Product Family,VOC,Map the Value,Create Flow,Establish Pull,Perfection,22,梨超搔腿灿农蜒娥缸套欢穴狙贸熟椅淌宇苔剖韧搜砰景鲸仍醉胁英维圃喂VSM coachi

44、ng materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 32 OF 131,Step 1.VOC,Identify Primary Product FamilyDriven by PD or customer issuesQualityDeliveryCost DBS ToolsPart Quantity Process Route(PQPR)Pareto Charts,Pareto Chart,a b c d e f g hA 1 3 2B 1 3 2 4 5C 2 1 3 4 5 6 D 1 3 2 4 5,22,衰科攘弹盎诸趴曝独沿附民射蔗凰缨躺淹葵拧帐陪誉收卤侄税裁

45、埔析浪艺VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 33 OF 131,Step 2.Map the Value,23,眶穿猫凡橡设坞州材斧棉菊客则奋俏驱肌诱才祖榴慕辱片绚圭崇脑挞犊庄VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 34 OF 131,Step 3.Implement Cells,Use Kaizen Events to get from Current to FutureDevelop One Piece Flow Within CellsDBS ToolsStd.Work,S

46、MED,DMP,5-S,etc.,23,拱逢铭涡硷碘秆报野姬险侯哉美靴惯匣嚷错毁玖团扰泞妮二镑酷月喻萌使VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 35 OF 131,Create“U”Shaped Cells to Achieve Future-State MapBatch Operations May Still Remain,Step 3.Implement Cells,cont.,24,忍赠葬芝逾淌羊秆蓖胁佣黍峪麻章碟释习秘达霜淳根绚得印俏灸肖秉共从VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,

47、PAGE 36 OF 131,Lean Tools5S/Visual ManagementStd WorkVariation ReductionTPMSMED,Step 4.Stabilize Cells,24,歧蚊偿鄙峻秒道甥城戎卢静雌剿骗切自屯段摘教寿子和卡禹朴菜孔横俗拥VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 37 OF 131,Develop Cellular Processes from Batch(Engineering)Lean Tools to link cellsStd Work,DMP,3-P,VRK,Visual Mg

48、mt,Step 5.Combine Cells,25,傀显潜县卵哈络冈厄参龟账没藏购黎巧庚吴拥唤茎绩宗俱蓬钠鬃擦簿炒境VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 38 OF 131,Implement Pull throughout entire streamLean ToolsLMPStd Wk,Step 6.Implement Pull System,25,赐坤诺纤纂幅吏等簧敢妥共仑杖芍揣寨震竖朝鸳燕筏矾杠班纂掠苟躯宦腥VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 39 OF 131,Ru

49、n mixed model in CellReduce Lead TimesReduce InventoryLean ToolsSMEDLMPHeijunka,Instead of running lots of400A,200B,200CRun Mixed ModelA,B,A,C,A,B,A,C,Step 7.Implement Level Loading,26,汰昂纸瘟涧冗驼灼筷涪扑唱似壬经抑呵支兵铬疫进轨线拱菩惦液蝉普死妆VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 40 OF 131,26,筏览洒刻蔷遏疮阴鳃反泼劳赔艾据敢睡统刻簿溪疹

50、升鄂编真店蕊萨霄怨带VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 41 OF 131,Chapter 2 Creating the Current-State Map,Value Stream Mapping,驰跟拎茂芋镣霖颜努翅宋况鹏翘石姥座廷系侣峨迅蒋愧捶侩度冠辜烙长面VSM coaching materialVSM coaching material,PAGE 42 OF 131,“Highland Manufacturing”Data Set,Data Set sheet for this case study is located i


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