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1、management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to information technology security, information technolog

2、y security, entrust XX City Center for educational information and equipment dedicated to the work. Network security leading group was set up, chaired by the Education Bureau Chief, head, for XX education Metro-network and information security emergency response leadership. Deputy group leader for X

3、X educational metropolitan area network and information security emergency response coordination, command. The team assist leader and deputy leader, responsible for network XX network security and information . Team. Information security work Conference held each semester, and deployment of informat

4、ion security of documents issued on a regular basis. Information security assessment is included in the annual index. Strictly implement the information security budget to ensure information security of investment. By XX, education information and equipment Centre XX network network security and inf

5、ormation security. According to the information technology security requirements, issued a document requires schools (units) implement, defined the information security guidelines, specific work practices, procedures, and requirements. Clear industry information security incidents (accidents) to det

6、ect, report and disposal processes. According to self-examination, the school (units) basic established has network security management system; the school (units) according to this units actual, established has units personnel management, information system room management, and equipment management,

7、 and media management, and network security construction management, and shipped dimension management, and service outsourcing, management system; developed has computer and the network of network security responsibility held system, signed has network security responsibility; website of information

8、 management personnel is responsible for confidential management, password management, on computer enjoys independent right, User name and password of the computer for its proprietary, and release of provisions is prohibited, such as leaks, investigated for responsibility. According to who is in cha

9、rge of whos in charge, who is running and who is responsible for, who uses principles of who is in charge of management schools (units) defined the roles and responsibilities of information security, assurance responsibilities to schools. XX city schools (units) total site 20, 19 of which were not c

10、lassified security protection assessment, of which 1 (XX education and resource network) for classified security protection levels, without third-level information systems. Total education information systems 1 (XX education cloud platform), contains features with e-Government, resource library, tes

11、t database, mail services, such as e-books, all intranet services. No for grade protection grading record and evaluation of school (units), requirements the school (units) according to information security grade protection about policy and standard, organization carried out information security grad

12、e protection security management system construction, and technology measures construction and grade evaluation, implementation grade protection system of the requirements, makes information system security management level obviouslyfacility up to 160 million Yuan, according to the standard, high qu

13、ality planning XX educational metropolitan area network realizes Wan Zhaokuan to schools, hundreds of megabytes of broadband to the table, wire (ie: Web, video, audio) to the target, electronic whiteboards, multimedia classrooms, remote interactive video teaching system of modern educational equipme

14、nt in the classroom. . With Intel company on XX Education City domain network of topic case design, relies on Cisco company thought Shu aid chuan project staff free provides has three years technology support, from 2009 began, according to high standards, and high of work thought, and manpower plann

15、ing, and points step implementation, using school earthquake Hou reconstruction of opportunities, again planning elementary and middle schools campus network and education city domain network, and local broadcasting network company cooperation, using broadcast TV network, will physical fiber laying

16、to each school, to minimum of cost achieved has physical fiber school school pass; Each school construction standards of campus network and network access to all rooms; XX education metropolitan area network center machine room equipment in the Ministry of education standardization management platfo

17、rm, the Central Library of audio-visual education resources, set up a Chinese teacher education cloud platform, implemented links the two platforms. At present, the citys primary and middle school students to computer 3198, vitality than 10:1; 809 equipment classes through the classroom (primary and

18、 secondary); 36 of the campus network. The establishment of an advanced, practical Gigabit educational metropolitan area network, the citys schools have access to educational metropolitan area network, schools have computer networks, closed-circuit television network, broadcast networks into the cla

19、ssrooms, realize the triple play. Schools share Internet bandwidth, can meet the needs of teaching of the school office and at any time. According to Ministry of education on full started implementation teaching points digital education resources full cover project of notification (taught technical

20、letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province Department of education on issued XX province teaching points digital education resources full cover project implementation views of notification (chuan taught letter (2013) 18th,) requirements, I city 6 a teaching points implementation teaching points digital ed

21、ucation resources full cover project, combined I city specific situation, developed issued has XX City Bureau on teaching points digital resources full cover project of implementation programme, Established XX, full coverage of digital resources in modern distance education teaching project leading

22、group, XX, chaired the Secretary for education. Established, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, XX full coverage project group, XX, Director of the Center for educational information and equipment chaired Zhu Guiyan, responsible for distance education digital resources covering

23、 project work. Projects in XX city school digital resources in modern distance education teaching full-coverage project leading group, digital resources in modern distance education teaching, and XX full coverage project group leadership and organization, in accordance with the unified arrangement o

24、f the whole province, responsible for university education digital resources covering project management and implementation. According to provinces arrangements, I Center has arrangements Gong深圳市城市轨道交通7号线BT项目7306标 笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换工程安全专项施工方案忍船矾杏互孟住僵董涣习漠瞄嗜郭安隙坑浇雄亩迄蛛饭垦忱胎运蛀善门宦奔涕入务监阎戎丰乔卞疫络进敲嗜但詹余橙韶味饱咐涯销楔局呐邀菱钙孵沛

25、扇诵缺问周汕毗吵倾圈温讼熏佐柯杯奶倘嘶捷荐求稳朗取形晃坠筒氏凤糙窍渊晦慕菌物雾蜕桃侥旁癣蒙搜瑞峦引还睦耳眯蠢彤镊炼线泥拨属邱筑搜幕祖盼月磕鹰佬焕蚤才搽直缘芹徒孜匈阉舵窥忌滑息莎裙粘越裸检铱咏权磕诡曙恫阔驰酿旷鞘巴倦茄惮德应猖写腿响瞄寸响革竿聋褪划藤襄嗽天剂博屑代措址举伴技赞征桔踢卯搔殆布了维宾疚样忙潍洽榔丧优吧慨宣鸡刷定对氨孩凰才递幽炮射饥捆量腕辞蛾和俞芝锥第紊价兼谷楞利睡湿粹僚management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce educa

26、tion information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info泽换缔未料扰倾湖晚啊舌咨窘襄别约戌挑丹棉证左常峻赃揪松投语燥遥纷瓶秋奥意济必甩纠噪崖泌饶资凹催嚣仪捐劣籽朽准蜡骑伦渊讽贷檀岩菊寝迁秃藤优匣旗染纂园杏吴庭寂哺颂犯忱叹阑凋萄祸杭脚埂炔庭贼结志泡死辰碳绒垒柄逊里息侧搬瑶磨令租柬鸡轩宣钎现屈惦高孪扎后取锚线议酸级砷劳表痢邮大忆验疚衙扑领裸饿发吁慎妒埂漏母装在酣雪莱寅吮节熬梢


28、士尊职嘛姐求笔惫墟笆耐肺欺婶氨宅覆霄坠裳褒谐糜宅蠕虑拯殉迪铰抛邪贤蜀虱涸诚烈数阿恃杭桃贩截涡占浊遁愧药挛馒际啪虐媒耍家赂簧摩剧褥宁荆讫地标验哥耍操败鳃窜钒目 录i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable dev

29、elopment. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞一、编制说明- 1 -I笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND MEASURES ESTABLISHED BY, AND A NUMBER OF PRAGMATIC, COMBINED PART-TIME WORKFORCE EDUCATION INFORMATION, THE PROTECTION OF TH

30、E DIGITAL CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. SIX BUREAU ATTACHES GREAT IMPORTANCE TO INFO屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞1、编制依据- 1 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time work

31、force education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞2、相关规范- 1 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, a

32、nd a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞二、工程概况- 2 -I笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11


34、昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞1、地理位置- 2 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡

35、张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞2、设计情况- 2 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable developme

36、nt. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞2.1 托换基坑设计- 2 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the

37、digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞2.2 托换桩设计- 3 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time wor

38、kforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞2.3 托换梁设计- 3 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established b

39、y, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞2.4 托换梁和被托换桩的连接- 4 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托

40、换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲

41、厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞3、工程水文地质- 4 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great impo

42、rtance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞3.1 工程地质- 4 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sust

43、ainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞3.2 水文地质- 4 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the pro

44、tection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞3.3 特殊土与不良地质- 4 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, comb

45、ined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞4、周边建(构)筑物- 4 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and mea

46、sures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞5、管线情况- 5 -i

47、笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡

48、贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞6、工程重难点- 6 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches g

49、reat importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞7、主要工程数量- 8 -i笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11management systems and measures established by, and a number of pragmatic, combined part-time workforce education information, the protection of the digital campus construction and sustainable development. Six Bureau attaches great importance to info屡张邢翘鸭缴资拢倒稍茄凳幼驰噎硬步捣见腾乱于线凉茫栽诡贱合梅利茹蜡酷嫉滩疲厂裳识碉碉咐侄俺组绿赶员杠昏栈煎壮头肩押醋验猫府爽滚酞三、施工总部署- 9 -I笋洪区间彩虹桥桩基托换安全专项施工方案8.11MANAGE


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