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1、湖北襄阳一中 高一英语必修1 第一单元学案 Book1 unit1 知识点讲解Teaching Aims:1. Help the students learn and master the new vocabulary from the textbook.2. Help the students master more use of key words and phrases by giving specific examples.3. Help students achieve the goal of using new words and expressions freely.Learni

2、ng Goals:1. Key Words: add, upset, ignore, concern, settle, suffer, recover, power2. Key Phrases: add up calm down a series of get along with have got to have trouble / difficulty / problem with sb. / sth Its no good/ use doing sth. suffer frombe/get tired of get sth. done set down in order to on pu

3、rpose She found it difficult to settle and make it n. /adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down face to face according to fall in love join in3. Key Sentence Pattern:1) It is /was +强调部分+that (who/whom) +其他成分 2)it / this / that +is(was) +the first /the se

4、cond /.time sb has( had) done sth 4. Grammar- Indirect and direct speech5. Exercise核心单词1. add vt.& vi. 增加;加;加起来;补充说; 又说常用结构:add to增添;增加;增进 add .to .把增添到add up合计,相加add up to总数为;总计为Add more salt to the soup and the soup will taste better.向汤里再加点盐,汤的味道就会更好。If you add 4 to 3 you get 7.四加三得七。I should like

5、 to add that we are pleased with the test result. 我还要补充一下,我们对测试结果很满意。I dont want to add to your troubles.我不想给你添麻烦。Bad weather adds to our difficulty坏天气增加了我们困难He wrote down the weight of each stone and then added up all the weights.他把每一块石头的重量记下来,然后把所有的重量加在一起。The figures add up to 137. 这些数目加起来总和是137。高

6、手过招Thats all I have to say. Is there anything youd like to _ , John?A. talk B. require C. add D. deliverThat is the very coin I need to_my collection.A. add up B. add in C. add up to D. add to 2. upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的vt. ( upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦;打翻;打乱拓展归纳be/feel upset about/over/at sth.对感到心烦意乱的/不愉

7、快的upset sth.打翻;弄翻;打乱/扰乱(计划、安排等)upset sb.使某人不安、心烦、不高兴upset ones cup/milk弄翻杯子/牛奶upset the balance of trade打破贸易平衡be upset by.被 打乱upset oneself about sth.为某事烦恼Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit.她一来把我们周末的安排给打乱了。Being late,he went into the classroom upset.由于迟到,他忐忑不安地进了教室He was horrib

8、ly upset over her illness. 他为她的病而忧心忡忡。The students really upset her. 学生们着实让她烦恼。 高手过招用upset的适当形式填空The food_ my stomach.She felt rather _ on hearing the news. Is it an_ message?Dont be _ . It will be OK.3. ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely.我向她打招呼,可是她根本不理我。 He ignored

9、the speed limit and drove very fast.他不顾时速限制,把车开得飞快。联想拓展ignorant adj. (对某事物)不了解的;无知的;无学识的be ignorant of/about sth.不知道;没有意识到ignorance n.无知;愚昧;不知道be in ignorance of/about sth. 不知道某事 易混辨析ignore/neglect/overlookignore 通常指有意不顾,或不理会显而易见的事物。neglect 侧重指有意的忽略或忽视,也可指粗心与疏忽。overlook指因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见。高手过招 (1)用ignore/n

10、eglect/overlook的适当形式填空 We could not afford to _such a serious offence.He _ my warnings and met with an accident.Dont _ to pay him a visit now and then.(2)单项填空So you didnt say hello to him last night?Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he _ me and walked on. (2010杭州一模)A. Ignored B. refused

11、 C. denied D. missed4. concernn. U关心,担心,担忧;C有利害关系的事 vt. 涉及,关系到,参与;使担心联想拓展concerning prep. 关于concerned adj.有关的;担心的be concerned with sth.牵涉,与有关;参与concern oneself with sth. 关心 忙于be concerned about/for/over sth.担心;关心某事as far as . be concerned关于;至于;就而言As far as I am concerned, you can go wherever you wan

12、t.就我而言,你什么时候走都行。We read stories concerning visitors from outer space.我们读了关于天外来客的故事。I was very concerned about my mothers illness. 我很担心母亲的病情。Its no concern of mine. 这事与我无关。高手过招The meeting was concerned_ reforms and everyone present was concerned _their own interests. A. with; for B. for; which C. for

13、; about D. about; with5. settlevi. 安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居;安排;解决Both wanted to settle their scores.双方都愿意尽弃前嫌。常用结构:settle down 镇定下来settle in 在定居He settled his child in a corner of the compartment.他把孩子安顿在车厢的一个角落里。The family has settled in Canada.这家人已定居加拿大。高手过招Do you know anyone in Paris?No. Ill make friends o

14、nce _ A. Im settled B. I have settledC. Ill be settled D. Im settlingThe brake of your bicycle has come loose. Youd better_it . A. settle B. fix C. pick D. correct 6. suffer vt. 遭受;忍受;蒙受 vi.后接from/for意为“受之苦”,“患疾病”常用结构:suffer an attack/a defeat/losses/pains遭受打击/失败/损失/痛苦He suffered hard pains from the

15、 accident.他忍受着事故带来的痛苦。Do you suffer from headaches? 你经常头痛吗? Shes suffering from loss of memory. 她患有遗忘症。联想拓展sufferer n. 受苦者,受难者suffering n.痛苦,苦难 高手过招In the countryside there are many dropouts(辍学者).I think the difficulty_the poor economic conditions.(2010浙江嘉兴一轮检测)A. lies in B. result inC. leads to D.

16、suffers from 7. recover vi.& vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得,常与介词from 连用。 归纳拓展: recover from从中恢复过来 recover oneself使自己恢复到正常状态 recover ones balance恢复(身体)平衡She has covered her health. 她已恢复了健康。I think he will recover from his bad cold soon. 我想不久他的重感冒会好的。Jane recovered her lost wallet. 简找到了丢失的钱包。8.power n. 力量;权力,能力,支配力。拓

17、展归纳come to power开始掌权be in power执政beyond ones power(某人)力所不能及within ones power在某人的权力/能力范围之内take/seize power夺权have the power of doing/to do sth.有(做)的能力Finishing the task is within my power.完成这项任务在我的能力范围之内。Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。The party came to power at the last election.这个政党是在上次大选中入选执政的。易混辨析power,

18、energy,force,strength(1)power指做某事所依靠的能力、功能;人或机器等事物潜在的或所能发挥出来的力量、职权、权力等。(2)energy指物理学上的功能概念或生理上的精力。(3)force主要指自然界的力量、暴力、势力以及法律、道德或情感的力量、军事的力量等。(4)strength常指固有的潜力。指人时着重指“力气”,指物时着重指“强度”。高手过招 用energy,force,power,strength填空(1)He had so much _ that he could do the work of three.(2)He pushed against the ro

19、ck with all his _(3)Its beyond my _ to help you.(4)The thieves were taken away by _.9. 易混辨析calm,quiet, still, silent(1)calm 主要指气候、海洋等风平浪静的;也可以指人,表示安静的、镇静的。(2)quiet 指没有吵闹声的、没有噪音的。它强调声音很低、很小或全然无声。(3)still 可以指环境的安静,也可以指姿势保持一动不动。(4)silent 强调不发表意见,也可指“寂静”,强调没有声音或沉默不语。高手过招 用still,quiet,silent,calm填空(1)Sta

20、y _while I take photos of you.(2)One must keep_ in the face of danger.(3)Be _ when you are at the concert.(4)The library is a_ place for studying.重点短语:1calm down使平息, 使平静calm down平息/平静下来,镇静下来The crying child soon calmed down.哭闹的小孩不多一会就安静下来。It was a long time before he managed to calm himself down. 过了

21、很久他才努力使自己冷静下来。We tried to calm him down, but he kept crying.我们试图让他平静下来,但他仍不停地哭着2. a series of +pl.一系列 He has read a series of reports about space. 一系列有关太空的报导。3get along/on well with sb. 和相处得好She gets on well with the workmates. 她和工友们相处得挺好。get along 进展,进行How are you getting along with your English? 你

22、英语学得如何?4fall in love (with sb./sth.) 相爱,爱上fall in love with sb. 强调动作, 不能与一段时间连用。be in love with强调状态,可接一段时间。We fell in love with our school. 我们爱上我们的学校。Theyve been in love with each other for one year. 他们相爱已一年了5.have trouble / difficulty / problem with sb. / sth. 做某事有困难have trouble / difficulty / prob

23、lem (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难He has no trouble with English grammar. 他在英语语法方面没困难。I have some difficulty in finding the rabbit. 我难以找到那兔子。6. Its no good/ use doing sth. 做某事时没用的。Its no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.观看这些已不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必

24、须亲身体验的。7. go through 经历;经受;检查;浏览;用完The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。Shes gone through a bad patch recently. 她最近经历了一段困难时期。Have you gone through all your money already?你把所有的钱都花完了吗?I went through the students papers last night.昨晚我仔细阅读了学生的试卷。拓展归纳go across 走过;经过go back 回到;回忆起go of

25、f 离开;爆炸go against 违背go after追求;追赶go ahead 前进;请说(做)吧go by走过;(时间)过去go in for爱好;从事go out 外出;(灯,火)熄灭go over 越过;复习go through with 做完;完成go up 爬上;(价格等)上升His grandfather went through a lot of hardships during the war.他爷爷在战争中受了很多苦难。Shes been going through bad luck recently. 她最近很不走运。I went through all my pock

26、ets looking for my keys.我翻遍了所有的口袋找钥匙。He went through all the money in one week.他在一周之内花光了所有的钱。高手过招Wed better try to _ with the experiment, I think. Now lets _ with it.A. go through; go on B. go on; go overC. go over; go through D. go on; go throughIf a person has taken too much medicine by mistake, y

27、ou should make the person_. A. go up B. rise up C. throw up D. set up 8.suffer from 患病; 受苦痛;遭受Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam. 世界上大多数大城市都交通堵塞为患。9. be/get tired of 对感到厌倦 厌烦Ive got tired of looking nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.10.get sth. done (状态的改

28、变)get作系动词,相当于be让别人做某事/使得某事被做,与have sth. done句型的用法一样。拓展归纳:get sb./sth. doing使某人/某事物起来get away逃脱;离开get by维持生活;通过get down to sth./doing sth.开始认真做某事get in进站;到达;收集get off下来;下车get on上车;进展;进步get in ones way挡路,妨碍get used to doing sth.习惯做某事get involved in涉及get in touch with和取得联系get it了解,懂得,明白高手过招The final ex

29、amination is coming up soon. Its time for us to_our studies. A. get down to B. get out C. get back for D. get over11.make it n. /adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. 使.做某事.He made it easy for us to understand the text.12. She found it difficult to settle and 她发现很难安定下来find it + 宾补 + to do I find it difficult to

30、 talk with you about anything serious. 我觉得很难同你谈任何严肃的事。I think it necessary to tell them all about the matter.我认为有必要把事情的全部告诉他们。13.Mum asked her if she was very hot with so many clothes on.with+名词/代词(宾格)+分词/形容词/介词短语/不定式/副词在句中常作伴随状语。动词形式的选择取决于宾语同动词之间的逻辑关系。The murderer was brought in, with his hands tie

31、d behind his back.14. set down 放下;记下;登记Passengers may be set down and picked up only at the official stops.乘客只有在正式车站方可上下车。联想拓展set about (doing sth.) 着手(做某事)set out (to do sth.)开始,着手(做某事)set aside留出,把置于一边;不顾set back(把钟等)往回拨;推迟set free释放;解放set off动身,出发(去某地);使爆炸,引发set out动身,出发;安排,组织set up开办;建立;设立set an

32、 example to树立榜样set fire to .= set . on fire纵火烧be set in以为背景The bad weather set back the building programme by several weeks.由于天气恶劣,建筑计划延误了好几个星期。We need to set about finding a solution. 我们得着手寻找一个解决办法。I will set down the story as it was told to me.我将把这故事照我听的那样子记录下来。Rules have been set down and must be

33、 obeyed.规则已经制定,必须遵守。 高手过招For all these years I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill _ my own business someday.(江西高考)Aturn up Bfix up Cset up Dmake up15. in order to 为了(1)in order to do sth.在句中作目的状语,语气比to do sth.强烈得多,若把动词不定式的逻辑主语表示出来,可构成in order for sb.to do sth.结构。(2)in order to与so as to 都表示:为

34、了前者可放于主句前,也可置于主句后,而后者只能放在主句后。若不定式的逻辑主语与主句的主语不一致,则改用so that或in order that从句。In order to catch the first bus,we started out early.为了赶上第一班车,我们很早就动身了。(3)in order that与so that两者皆表示“为了”,引导目的状语从句,可通用,且从句中常用情态动词。in order that从句中多用情态动词may,might,shall,should。(4)in order to/so as to的否定式均为在不定式符号to前加not。I got up

35、 early in order not to be late for school.为了上学不迟到我起床很早。16.happen的用法点拨happen不定式,表示碰巧做某事。可转换为It happens/happened that从句。主要有以下三种情况:(1)happento do 碰巧I happened to be there when the accident happened.It happened that I was there when the accident happened.当事故发生时,我碰巧在那里。(2)happento have done碰巧已做过某事。to hav

36、e done的动作表示在主句动作发生之前已发生。I happened to have read it when they were talking about the book.It happened that I had read it when they were talking about the book.当他们在谈论那本书时,我碰巧读过。 (3)happento be doing 碰巧正在做某事。to be doing 的动作表示在主句动作发生时正在发生或进行。When the teacher came in, I happened to be doing my lessons.It

37、 happened that I was doing my lessons when the teacher came in.老师进来时,我碰巧正在做功课。17. on purpose 故意The boy broke Jacks window on purpose. He wanted to frighten Jack.那男孩是故意打破杰克的窗玻璃的,他想吓一下杰克。联想拓展purpose n. 目的,用途;目标;重要意义for the purpose of 为了to little/no purpose 作用不大/徒劳The purpose of the book is to provide

38、a complete guide to the university.这本书的目的是全面介绍这所大学。高手过招He didnt do it _ . What was your_ ? ?18. join in 参加;加入They didnt have enough time to join in the activity.他们没有足够的时间来参加这个活动。联想拓展join sb. in sth.与某人一起做某事join up入伍;参军join up with sb.与某人联合;会合join hands with sb.与某人拉起手来;合伙;联合Will you join me in a walk

39、? 你愿意和我一起散步吗?Let us join hands in friendship.让我们携手共建友谊吧。易混辨析join in/join/take part in/attendjoin in 参加正在进行着的活动。如游戏、讨论、辩论、谈话等。join 参加某组织或团体,并成为其中一员;来和某人待在一起。take part in 参加会议或有组织的群众性活动,并在其中发挥一定的作用。attend 正式用语,指参加会议、仪式、婚礼、葬礼、上课、上学、听报告等,句子的主语是去听去看,自己不一定起积极作用,相当于be present。高手过招用join/join in/take part in

40、/attend的适当形式填空(原创)I decided to _ the club to have dance training.Would you like me to _ the game?I _ a meeting last month.I will have to _ his funeral next week.重点句型1.I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with the nature.

41、我不知道是否因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。分析:its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that 是一个强调句式,强调的是一个由because引导的原因状语从句。强调句型是一个常考句型,现将其用法归纳如下: it的句型:It be+强调部分+that+其他部分 强调物 强调人 It is /was +强调部分+that (who/whom) +其他成分 强调除谓语以外的句子成分只能是单数 强调 :It is they that/who will have a meeting in

42、the hall tomorrow.强调 :It is a meeting that they will have in the hall tomorrow.强调 :It is in the hall that they will have a meeting tomorrow.强调 :It is tomorrow that they will have a meeting in the hall.使用it的强调句应注意的问题:1). 主谓一致It is your father who is wrong this timeIt is his parents who have come to C

43、hina.主语 谓语:保持一致总结归纳:主谓一致:被强调部分作主语时,其形式与谓语动词在人称和数上保持一致。2)人称一致l It is I who am wrong.l It was her whom I saw in the street just now.总结归纳:人称照应:强调主语用主格,强调宾语用宾格。强调句的判断:把“It is/was - that”去掉,如果剩余部分句子结构仍然完整,那么这个句子就是强调句;如果句子不完整,则不是强调句。如:l It is true that he once went to America.l It was at 8 oclock that he came back. 特殊用法:not . until 的强调句为:“It is/was not until+被强调的部分+that .”相当于“Not until . did (does, do, is .)+主语 .”意为“直到才”。It was not until s


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