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1、Managing Upward,Jacintha Peeris,Author:,Contributor:,Dianna Magnani,壮后识数愧状滇袖哥橙痰慰缆族拄丰积瓤秃枢求伏邢柯萨矮颓氰馒录刽币人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,2,ManagingUpward,Agenda,Understanding the CTLs RoleKey Success FactorsTaking a Proactive ApproachKey Takeaways,芯瞻蚕佐称佯瓣镍周叮莹阵筐翼心菱燕敌贫猾枝绷棋瓦酪假汀社睛味券点人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,3,ManagingUpwar

2、d,CTL vs.VP Role,The CTLs job is to run the case on a day-to-day basis.The VPs job is to guide the overall relationship with the client and to step in at critical times to ensure the clients success.,Top of analytic pyramidOverall answer/implications;assigning workDay-to-day client issuesDay-to-day

3、PD,Top of client pyramidOverall answer/implicationsOverall cause at clientExceptional(up or down)performance issues,CTL Role,VP Role,之傲伞炬茎差辟歼创阑诧诸逼迪娄秒湛咳推鼻敦亨枕涕酮慈勿森繁挤殷杭人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,4,ManagingUpward,Mutual Dependence,The relationship between a VP and a CTL is one of mutual dependence.,Informatio

4、n Analysis/outputInsightsProactive approach to workCommitmentDependabilityTrust,honesty,and open communication,Feedback and coachingInformation on the client and the industryPrioritiesResourcesInfluence with client and within BainIncreasing responsibilities,challenging workTrust,honesty,and open com

5、munication,What Your Supervisor Needs from You,What You Need from Your Supervisor,苹愉铬浙二低羌佣嗣蚊乍报烁乖畴呕见崔轧起肚硅瘫契花判歹轿鬼丙逝饶人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,5,ManagingUpward,Mutual Success,The CTLs success will depend in part on his/her VPs success.,Your VP must succeed if you are to succeed Your VP will want you to succ

6、eed(as long as you want him/her to succeed)Your current VP has more input into your career than anyone else(more than you last VP,the senior management of the firm,the client,and former or current team members),吗囤抖笺絮敢谢拘肆骸海肚溶廓重烽象或谤庭物说隧竖烈壕第瓷随耙械投人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,6,ManagingUpward,CTL Objectives,Help

7、 Your VP Win,Make Your VP Redundant,and,As a CTL,your objectives are twofold:,淌往淄描却谷进屉滞噬俭刹悟痘粘拐程母冲柱毖眺锯宠贝屏瓶燥性番匠腥人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,7,ManagingUpward,Agenda,Understanding the CTLs RoleKey Success FactorsTaking a Proactive ApproachKey Takeaways,轴紧捞谭你快朵效先哄甚卒凄乱硼瑞嘶轴酱街每疡摘狮同仅诈惜俗界安诉人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,8,Man

8、agingUpward,Key Success Factors,VPs cite four key success factors for managing upward.,Assume full responsibility for driving the value addition processFind the right role for the VPCollaborate with the VP to improve the outputCommunicate progress and issues in a clear and structured way,骋呆维讨翅菇箔兴澳先勉

9、淤皿族迂凭杀吻祖价篱压椅爸误蛙炕杜裳眶碟讼人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,9,ManagingUpward,Drive the Value Addition(1 of 2),The best way for a caseteam leader to control a case is to drive the value addition process.,“I dont expect my team leaders to be out ahead of me in terms of intellectual leadership,yet I do want them to cont

10、inuously identify the broad set of issues to be addressed and explicitly test their importance.”,Think about the big picture.,“If I write the workplan,its bound to be more robust and cover non-critical path issues,because I wont put the thought into focusing it.”,Develop a hypothesis and a workplan

11、to test it.Dont expect(or let)the VP do it.,“Caseteam leaders seem to think that I have all the answers.Id like them to come to me and tell me what should be done.”,“Search out feedback from the manager/VP,but drive the process yourself.”,Comments from VPs,Strategies,调属酒露舶颁虞廷疑剥吟粤澳贤可盟忱碟鞋嘎老贫核宁夏般这纱翱育叁衍

12、人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,10,ManagingUpward,Drive the Value Addition(2 of 2),“When given an assignment,CTLs mistakenly take it as a commandment,instead of asking,How does it add value?or Why are we doing this?”,Filter out bad ideas and prioritize good ones.,“Caseteam leaders say yes to everything,even st

13、upid creative ideas.”,“The CTL needs to keep in mind whats possible.If I ask for too much,he/she should be creative in prioritizing and redefining work to get to the answer efficiently.”,“Dont knowingly over commit-you are in a better position to assess what is doable.”,Comments from VPs,Strategies,

14、酥稍年风篙锹踞吃与刷狸哪索障沟腿戍赔宣摸饭镁椿揖估达碱铬补邑砚摹人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,11,ManagingUpward,Find the Right Role for the VP(1 of 2),“Caseteam leaders on the edge of promotion try too hard to demonstrate they dont need help.”,Dont try to do all the work yourself.,“CTLs,driven by promotion angst,over-assume what their job

15、is.They try to make everyone redundant.”,“Youll get no credit for trying to be a hero and doing it all yourselffind the right ways to fully involve your boss on the most important issues collaboration will optimize the end product for everyone.”,Comments from VPs,Strategies,As the driver of the valu

16、e addition process,the caseteam leader is in a good position to suggest an appropriate role for the VP.,颖饲蹬枉尖寻怀呵槽忽傣达洼烧初段屯励鞘佛遣内抓闰咨拇邻誉柴讼尾星人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,12,ManagingUpward,Find the Right Role for the VP(2 of 2),“Define my role.You cant do everything yourself.Part of the CTLs job is to figure out

17、how to get maximum effectiveness out of the resources to crack the case.”,Leverage the VPs expertise.,“CTLs consistently dont consider how to use and leverage me,particularly in handling clients and reviewing material.I might not help with detailed analysis,but I know the overall client situation.”,

18、“CTLs do workplans well,but I can add value with the ultimate outputs(what we want the client to do).”,Comments from VPs,Strategies,怕李狭熊燎鉴啃亦遍戚窥杯侨义梧橙精耻申齿婶危贱仍啊曼缺弊蓟姑篓议人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,13,ManagingUpward,Collaborate,“Offer a point of view but be a sponge for coaching Put forth your perspective(its im

19、portant since youve had more time with the data and are presumably closer to the issues),but then accept input Do not unfailingly defend your point of view-put it our there and then collaborate with your boss to optimize Assume that your work will be improved,if it isnt youre not collaborating.”,Be

20、open to ideas.,“My challenge to team leaders and managers is put yourself in your VPs shoes-think about how to help solve their issues(as you would a clients).Too many people I work with are looking to me to solve their own problems with the work ing to me having thought about alternative approaches

21、 to supporting my objectives or the clients objectives.”,Comments from VPs,Strategies,Put yourself in your VPs shoes.,Caseteam leaders should work with VPs to improve their teams output.,剪坪恋备锁跋贰衍锌丸脯谐诚剂沏氛剥糖靠搓执会队烤仑飘精懦趁幅遭她人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,14,ManagingUpward,Communicate Progress and Issues,“I like pe

22、ople to come back the day after a meeting and play back,This is what I think you wanted.”,Update your VP frequently.,“Manage my expectations through communications.I hate surprises.If I get nothing but reassuring phonemails,I know things arent going well.”,Comments from VPs,Strategies,Be honest abou

23、t difficulties.,By keeping the VP informed,the caseteam leader can minimize the chance that the VP will step in unexpectedly.,“I want to know whats going on regularly,particularly on client issues.”,“CTLs always say everything is going great.I know nothing is ever perfect,so I have to root around an

24、d find problems.”,“Please,no surprises.”,退貌蝗刮根小熏痹场欲叮扶乱迹当庸慕珍泊埃晶杖加军捷氧绣唁怪烷吹荆人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,15,ManagingUpward,Agenda,Understanding the CTLs RoleManaging Upward Key Success FactorsTaking a Proactive ApproachKey Takeaways,苍糜方敏最权酬撒堵宋近玛碌挛赂窄迢借差悉尔赠寸忍诸如膨拴炽阐选梨人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,16,ManagingUpward,Take Re

25、sponsibility,*Paraphrased from The Servant as Leader by Robert Greenleaf,It is less demanding to act based on a set of rules regarding what is expected than to consider your response individuallyIt is easier to criticize a system than to work to improve it,Too many people are obsessed with dissectin

26、g what is wrong rather than with seeking opportunities to improve the environment around them through their own thoughts and actions.*,Take responsibility for managing your relationship with your VP.,胀静溜伊戚侥惭叔恰妮杀邱父事晤矾挪宗渴杯止孵趴弊崩撅描宠友直缎晴人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,17,ManagingUpward,Agree Upon How the VP Should

27、Manage You,Review assignments and deliverables and VPs performance expectationsFor each assignment:assess your Development Levelappraise your performance trajectoryagree upon the most effective Situation Leadership style for managing you establish checkpoints,Agree with your VP about how he/she shou

28、ld manage you.With your VP,帘羊模蒋峙逝走剪俯既撩赎撤悟吗滞噬旅冒并状要斥尾辅吱繁花膜匣何爽人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,18,ManagingUpward,Adjust Based on the Circumstances,Your VPs styleThe length and strength of your relationship with your VPThe nature of the caseThe urgency of the situation,Adjust your degree and style of upward managem

29、ent based on the following factors:,When in doubt,proceed with caution and focus on acting productively.,莱陶郭骏奔蓝弥似伦逝郁幌得宜筷窝沛唆执展索濒艇蛆灸嗅薪褂缘荔铲矢人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,19,ManagingUpward,Agenda,Understanding the CTLs RoleManaging Upward Key Success FactorsTaking a Proactive ApproachKey Takeaways,碰嚏屿梁善它雅围哮储支说漠足

30、夕锋红斤绢苍钟鼻群桃侣钞演和肝规朽米人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,20,ManagingUpward,Key Takeaways(1 of 2),The CTLs job is to run the case on a day-to-day basis.The VPs job is to guide the overall relationship with the client and to step in at critical times to ensure the clients success.The relationship between a CTL and a VP

31、 is one of mutual dependence;a CTLs success depends in part on the VPs success.The CTLs objectives are to help the VP win and to make the VP redundant.VPs cite four key success factors for managing upward:,1.Assume full responsibility for driving the value addition process.a.Think about the big pict

32、ure.b.Develop an hypothesis and a workplan to test it.c.Filter out bad ideas and prioritize good ones.2.Find the right role for the VPa.Dont try to do all the work yourself.b.Leverage the VPs expertise.,耕踏摈铁釉采被确了簧证在朋若蔷秃餐份七迷森杭秋柳摇幻喀缺博陌活恐人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,21,ManagingUpward,Key Takeaways(2 of 2),CTLs

33、 must be proactive in managing their relationship with their VPs.Take responsibility for managing the relationship.Agree with your VP about how he/she should manage you in relation to each aspect of the work.Adjust your degree and style of upward management based on the circumstances.,4.Communicate progress and issues in a clear and structured way.a.Update your VP frequently.b.Be honest about difficulties.,3.Collaborate with the VP to improve the output.a.Be open to ideas.b.Put yourself in your VPs shoes.,须菊滁碎揍橡乌贬菱爸懊印遥翘毒侯毋码麦氧家窟鸿朗岔藤徐扑悦甩康绒人力资源岗位职责分析人力资源岗位职责分析,


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