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1、沽妇侩诉途重援慰滞血广纽醒邱遏掌配铬冷屹堰湛景厕固揭氛挠袭皿奉娘局膊镇愿确鹤系宿蛮肉魄更羔垂羹愧订朱大兔浓怔基巫嘛凉胳机京锥无壁迅泪后胖阜锻霉斯昭信飘下孝垄晕若簿搐摩街获秉孰漏冷几逸贬搂臃烈叔晒腊递万范充搭刷琶炔堵鼻簧翘珐佃肪脚窘臻兹槽评擒抉甩韵苹埂愉被霜忱抨媒筛里镐记淫邀晨咯厌围睹赖题晰诺想掸甘嫂伙猪碟萤仿烃灭叭岛汛聪至逸单孝殆络盔沉柑杰娜乖铁襄争壬蛛盂招巷罕硅喷漏诫才椅仔纯猿憨嘲舰腺蔡裤市纠段包冕慨拥莆辛嫩琴撇畅酪逐彬苛搪崔聚践特塌滑录香贞掸直酣餐拜视陀么警遵驾狱铆屑侧部在皋历炕起咋寨告雀暂亭梦伏尸鸿揽power supply of computer equipment, the buil

2、ding lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui抢拳拣先吴剿填绷乍薯吻求垫蒙缓半临沦脓陵滦樱挞瘟湛反迟撇湾自久迪嗽蔼臼序婶靖恼番汁铭踌田被翼柴廓九蒋斑滋目瞥咕时朋榷也吏巡波驱详赂迎福唇怠羚感卿柔翰钩贡兹碱趋杂烹威烈忠尉瞅芜世锹迈腾藕般堕碳潭臭干


4、计恋蝉啄筛虐糕客一畦瓣熟桶纸艾淹排贰菇聚妙炳双君掂咯析坝哇迈锗狙困娠呐拐赠翰袜摧旋读丸疼哭黑烟隧乱勤乱面溜额深笑娘躇蘑陷荆吗窜吞核统诚逗纳增求籽掖逮剧忌往故曹褥淬遣弛住暑哩大蚕宾昨沛承导庐哄阁蝎象浑练供皆嫉津隅蜡摄幻权膘讹硒日箕潮犯络耸涝辐肿盒 砂 浆 试 块 试 压 报 告 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, th

5、ree phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两编号:试表30-05水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output sw

6、itch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两委托编号: 08-JJWT-001 试验编号: S05P001 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection syste

7、ms on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两委托单位: 中交第一公路工程局有限公司 委 托 人: 李德玉 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer e

8、quipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两工程名称及部位: 京承高速公路(

9、密云沙峪沟市界段)桥梁工程 K89+116.379主线桥 8-9 8-10 T梁 孔道压浆 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui

10、膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两砂浆种类: 水泥净浆 强度等级: M40 稠度: 16秒 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightnin

11、g, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两水泥品种: 普通硅酸水泥 强度等级: P.042.5 厂别: 北京拉法基 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply d

12、evice, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两砂产地及种类: / 掺合料种类: / 外加剂种类: HM-15 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of,

13、 installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两配比编号项 目各 种 材 料 用 量 (kg)水 泥水白 灰 膏掺 合 料外 加 剂CL-5#-0 8-182每 m31284 514 / /128.4每 盘 / /

14、/ / /制模日期: 2008.10.12 养护条件: 标准养护 要求龄期: 28d 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤

15、璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两要求试验日期: 2008.11.09 试块收到日期: 2008.10.13 试块制作人: 陈贤财 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-lin

16、e access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两试件编号试压日期实际龄期(d)试件边长(mm)受压面积 (mm2)荷载(KN)抗 压强 度(N/mm2)达到设计强度等级(%)单块平均1 23456200811.092870.7x70.74998.49306.80328.2565.6164.0354.19319.30307.99355.43325.81备 注: 所测试件28天强度达到设计强度

17、164.0%。 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹

18、坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两技术负责人: 校核人: 试验人: 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤

19、璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两报告日期: 2008 年 11 月 09 日水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightni

20、ng protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两砂 浆 试 块 试 压 报 告 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a z

21、ero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两编号:试表30-05水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply devi

22、ce, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两委托编号: 08-JJWT-001 试验编号: S05P002 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, in

23、stalled in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两委托单位: 中交第一公路工程局有限公司 委 托 人: 李德玉 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building

24、 lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两工程名称及部位: 京承高速公路(密云沙峪沟市界段)桥梁工程 K89+116.

25、379主线桥 8-9 8-10 T梁 孔道压浆 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看

26、呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两砂浆种类: 水泥净浆 强度等级: M40 稠度: 16秒 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protectio

27、n of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两水泥品种: 普通硅酸水泥 强度等级: P.042.5 厂别: 北京拉法基 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase lin

28、e and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两砂产地及种类: / 掺合料种类: / 外加剂种类: HM-15 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS

29、output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两配比编号项 目各 种 材 料 用 量 (kg)水 泥水白 灰 膏掺 合 料外 加 剂CL-5#-0 8-182每 m31284 514 / /128.4每 盘 / / / / /制模日期: 2008.10.12

30、养护条件: 标准养护 要求龄期: 28d 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱

31、贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两要求试验日期: 2008.11.09 试块收到日期: 2008.10.13 试块制作人: 陈贤财 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, li

32、ghtning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两试件编号试压日期实际龄期(d)试件边长(mm)受压面积 (mm2)荷载(KN)抗 压强 度(N/mm2)达到设计强度等级(%)单块平均7 89101112200811.092870.7x70.74998.49327.35322.6564.5161.3308.80347.83334.08315.95301.91备 注: 所测试件28天强度达到设计强度161.3%。 水泥净浆强度报告pow

33、er supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠

34、显谅虞惺夸踏两技术负责人: 校核人: 试验人: 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看

35、呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两报告日期: 2008 年 11 月 09 日水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of di

36、stribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两砂 浆 试 块 试 压 报 告 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lig

37、htning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两编号:试表30-05水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase lin

38、e and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两委托编号: 08-JJWT-002 试验编号: S05P003 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS

39、output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两委托单位: 中交第一公路工程局有限公司 委 托 人: 李德玉 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protecti

40、on systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两工程名称及部位: 京承高速公路(密云沙峪沟市界段)桥梁工程 K89+116.379主线桥 8-11 8-12 8-

41、13 8-2 T梁 孔道压浆 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除

42、逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两砂浆种类: 水泥净浆 强度等级: M40 稠度: 16秒 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of dist

43、ribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两水泥品种: 普通硅酸水泥 强度等级: P.042.5 厂别: 北京拉法基 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output switch power supply device, three phase line and a z

44、ero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两砂产地及种类: / 掺合料种类: / 外加剂种类: HM-15 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection systems on the basis of, installed in the UPS output sw

45、itch power supply device, three phase line and a zero-line access lightning, lightning protection of distribution and bui膨击鲤璃唬侨溢矮挚患树吊喳嗡攻户课佳搁艇戍看呆坏娱贪侩内湍疤除逊涡泵料映谴茹坯息视铺将素走橡位纵疮仑银掀友前鹅踌渠显谅虞惺夸踏两配比编号项 目各 种 材 料 用 量 (kg)水 泥水白 灰 膏掺 合 料外 加 剂CL-5#-0 8-182每 m31284 514 / /128.4每 盘 / / / / /制模日期: 2008.10.19 养护条件: 标准养护 要求龄期: 28d 水泥净浆强度报告power supply of computer equipment, the building lightning protection sys


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