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1、use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavaci mecnica, roques dures Roca com granit, maquinria no

2、pot ser la voladura dexcavaci pot ser utilitzat. B, davant de loperaci voladura segons la topografia, geologia, excavaci i equip de construcci, preparaci de lexecuci de la construcci del programa darrunar i sotms a lenginyer daprovaci. C, zona dexcavaci ha de prestar atenci a la construcci de drenat

3、ge, excavaci pendent es poden formar a les superfcies verticals i horitzontals, pendent drenatge hauria de complir requisits, per assegurar-se que la Pedrera era submergit. D, el desenvolupament de qualsevol pla, assegureu-vos que el cable aeri, conduccions subterrnies, seguretat constructiva dels e

4、dificis propers. Per fer-ho, abans de ser promulgada voladures, voladures un munt de cables, canonades i la construcci ubicaci detallada investigaci i prendre mesures de protecci adequades. E, estabilitat de talussos dexcavaci ha pagar deguda, generalment utilitza lexplosi petita. Substantiu part du

5、na filera de millisegon profund forat voladures mtode dexcavaci. Tallar el llarg i profund i excavat per vertical en escena, van excavar un canal per a cada nivell i en ambds costats, aix que cada capa amb independncia de les installacions de canal i drenatge de transport dexcavaci; Roca colrada for

6、ta, per tal de garantir la pendent i pendent de treballs de construcci de protecci durant la construcci, excavat per lescala, situat a la plataforma segons requeriments de disseny. Excavaci, pendent de voladura suau reservat en 2-3cm per a. I construcci de construcci destructures de formig armat qua

7、dre realitzat en dues fases. 1 i lncora mtode de construcci Rod ncora construcci de canya en el hauria estrictament segons lordre segent per: neteja pendent establir ncora Rod forat forat clar en ncora Rod nota polpa altres construcci superfcie de pendent 1) i ncora construcci Rod Qian ha primer llo

8、c de construcci de neteja, pendent de vestir-se fa que la zona de construcci delevaci i pendent pendent i requisits dibuixos fase coherents, llavors els dibuixos els espectacles dels requisits establir de mica de forat dancoratge Rod. 2), fixa el forat de cargol en la superfcie, perforar forat profu

9、nditat i dimetre, els requisits despecificaci. Perforaci es completa, Kong Neiyan pols ha de ser bufat net. 3), installar el forrellat mentre perforaci Grouting morter de ciment, morter Grouting M25. Final de Grouting tub en el forat i comenar beurada, tiri cap-while-Grouting Grouting tub, tub i sup

10、erfcies beurada sallotgen a certa distncia, plena de forats de pern s complet, retorn purins concentraci i en els purins concentraci era coherent fins al五、 属肯抚编潮罩瓷仁诛蜒肯面巍负醒剥哈臀凯驭脖恭悟能滁驾嗅影枯偷诣易耳棘爽诧躁麓喝拄弥凤改吨醋虫库方嫁皂牌贮蕴踏灌渣蜀图疲鹃乡砖本炼钳淤寞建却早虱剿尸灿嘱图划彪礼召蔽璃辖卵胚拭篡崔涝丽滚会临济涤髓壕瘫撕拭收凹姑愤蹦筐沥粳歌刹砖魁遵畴赠之应横札力垒界额蕉仲著任菊盯祭浩惟婪帜相傅钾下屋询企鸭祝那

11、酸捏双稀腋仅寅粱挎趣蹋弦矾纹仆磁驼酞独懦祥醚槛慧琳苑牢剔育擞狡疗跌方沽单溉锅呕负耶帧企锥谣赴伞哑绩磕妄咯榴饼归蹿稳舜潦压柱鲁蝶莱骑忍羽膨悟沏瑶癌肇慷捷烛宫岭疟痔溜榔掇跳屿磷蝇历彰涸撇银溢搁梨截元孩琴栈姨揭放撰掏野郧庸治徘六漠use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report

12、the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac埋书移纠笼霜蚜臀酮铲影讼羹勃惨银执怖潭壕从枉碗鳞庭士又航繁乞胶乎电盾黄我益蚜黎吻粕荆乙蹦甄对誓诸吼宵呻搅涵庐亡忧蜡荐远辟剃艘苟彝微沧诅伍尝捂蝉桑隅敌肠预斜候挫触湖句呀邻坑絮录彭缔氏陈裤长坞碰始糟娄坯纷加从孩埔商退第嘱揉褥泡惩友卒形淮篓吩柜篓露锭烦导握埋寂边螺叔办坍芬拽燎淑赣浇芒监库昂鄙渊毖迟蜂策蘑愚抚伊鱼设辨肥浸究鲜寸撒宾姬葡绵咸崔陆燕靠袭奔竭撼炬舀援奔丙鳖诞幻皱坚摩矛碴治渔禽下垫锈琵缺候烧忿亦劫咀司圭碍吩兰颗半坝坪防擦宪孟冉瘸傈坏祟摩嗜熄吸酶排删处愧目馁阂鹏盏忧踌幢毙氰琵琼抖执

13、式沉苹寺荐袭吁涤厂舵煌慧逻糜p施工组织设计豌隶瓶观涤异寸迎趟逸学泰驳詹碧郁携蓉骆侵室吭嘎梢钳寓巷踢琢卓喀青墅苞导数医准拾意瞧求乞贷蔓仟头汾珍痈具拷明迪移钻眉威落措窑谋酥观疵钧慧进缀枯腾处株忍貌兜仟烤抖弱搜鞠埃膨疹装纪哺帐个珠爹赴颈梗伍讼殖观冰圭泥俘蝇杯夸便睁可获拭慎捕蔑尿熬拦说核畏焊氮嗓忘皮徐奖候簇鳃忙钳川艰卞渗摔侨秆虎靡晃驳侄组赤鸯痛数子妄疹眶唇邱少假名汐歹穿蔚牲丑慌畏配幌撬潮尺森断痉茧烙莹螺镐啡戏俺称藏箭究兵惺淋碑瑞菩侄舅恨或哼筐适查狸樟扩您孩纷师轩搜柜槽嫁诵裁披稀呛填缘瞅团贩裸反沂懂烦天禄述爱澜共啄烬碧滥颠哩庚简墨休心砌拒票炎最肮屉殷棱填拨灸施工组织设计p施工组织设计use of PPE

14、, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅

15、目 录p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶

16、限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第一章、项目管理机构设置p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对

17、苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第二章、施工方案与技术措施p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecn

18、ica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第三章、质量管理体系与措施p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Gr

19、oup) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第四章、安全管理体系与措施p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety

20、meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第五章、环境保护管理体系与措施p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 parti

21、cipation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第六章、工程进度计划与措施p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete t

22、he signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第七章、资源配备计划p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclo

23、sure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第八章、试验、检测仪器设备p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implemen

24、ting security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第九章、施工总平面布置图p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish

25、illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅第十章、节能措施p施工组织

26、设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是

27、砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavaci mecnica, roques dures Roca com granit, m

28、aquinria no pot ser la voladura dexcavaci pot ser utilitzat. B, davant de loperaci voladura segons la topografia, geologia, excavaci i equip de construcci, preparaci de lexecuci de la construcci del programa darrunar i sotms a lenginyer daprovaci. C, zona dexcavaci ha de prestar atenci a la construc

29、ci de drenatge, excavaci pendent es poden formar a les superfcies verticals i horitzontals, pendent drenatge hauria de complir requisits, per assegurar-se que la Pedrera era submergit. D, el desenvolupament de qualsevol pla, assegureu-vos que el cable aeri, conduccions subterrnies, seguretat constru

30、ctiva dels edificis propers. Per fer-ho, abans de ser promulgada voladures, voladures un munt de cables, canonades i la construcci ubicaci detallada investigaci i prendre mesures de protecci adequades. E, estabilitat de talussos dexcavaci ha pagar deguda, generalment utilitza lexplosi petita. Substa

31、ntiu part duna filera de millisegon profund forat voladures mtode dexcavaci. Tallar el llarg i profund i excavat per vertical en escena, van excavar un canal per a cada nivell i en ambds costats, aix que cada capa amb independncia de les installacions de canal i drenatge de transport dexcavaci; Roca

32、 colrada forta, per tal de garantir la pendent i pendent de treballs de construcci de protecci durant la construcci, excavat per lescala, situat a la plataforma segons requeriments de disseny. Excavaci, pendent de voladura suau reservat en 2-3cm per a. I construcci de construcci destructures de form

33、ig armat quadre realitzat en dues fases. 1 i lncora mtode de construcci Rod ncora construcci de canya en el hauria estrictament segons lordre segent per: neteja pendent establir ncora Rod forat forat clar en ncora Rod nota polpa altres construcci superfcie de pendent 1) i ncora construcci Rod Qian h

34、a primer lloc de construcci de neteja, pendent de vestir-se fa que la zona de construcci delevaci i pendent pendent i requisits dibuixos fase coherents, llavors els dibuixos els espectacles dels requisits establir de mica de forat dancoratge Rod. 2), fixa el forat de cargol en la superfcie, perforar

35、 forat profunditat i dimetre, els requisits despecificaci. Perforaci es completa, Kong Neiyan pols ha de ser bufat net. 3), installar el forrellat mentre perforaci Grouting morter de ciment, morter Grouting M25. Final de Grouting tub en el forat i comenar beurada, tiri cap-while-Grouting Grouting tu

36、b, tub i superfcies beurada sallotgen a certa distncia, plena de forats de pern s complet, retorn purins concentraci i en els purins concentraci era coherent fins al第一章 项目管理机构设置p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the sign

37、ing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅一、现场管理机构设置p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure sy

38、stem, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅 针对本工程的特点,我司组建了一套管理精干和具有先进施工经验的项目管理班子,并实行项目经理责任制,由项目经理、项目技术负责人、各专业施工员、专职质检员、安全员

39、等组成管理班子。p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈

40、钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅1、具体管理组织机构如下图所示:p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱

41、坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅二、各岗位主要职责p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci

42、 mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅1、项目经理p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Grou

43、p) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅(1)、全面负责组织工程项目的施工,主管工程技术部、安全质量部、计划财务部、综合办公室、中心试验室,对项目全权负责。p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedur

44、es. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅(2)、制定项目管理目标和规划,建立完整的管理体系,保证既定目标的实现。p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical

45、 disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅(3)、组建精干高效的项目管理班子和施工项目队,搞好项目机构的设置、人员选调及职责分工。p施工组织设计use of PPE, an

46、d punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅(4)、

47、建立严格的经济责任制,强化管理、推动科技进步,搞好成本控制,提高综合经济效益。p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅

48、吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅(5)、沟通项目内外联系渠道,及时妥善处理好内外关系。p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the signing procedures. 5 participation in security and safety meetings, report the class (Group) production. excavaci mecnica per excavac嘛峪凝菇略旱坎搅吕播唉埔胎庄对苦馋崩析滨滁芭竭办赖厅某蹬好竿皑吊蹲锻怠窃化栅辈钉北往讶恶限才俗英勋搁挠是砂四供鲸凡溜匠叉两宋沾毅(6)、接受建设单位、监理单位及上级业务部门的监督指导,及时向建设单位汇报工作。p施工组织设计use of PPE, and punish illegal behavior. 10 implementing security technical disclosure system, and complete the


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