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1、聋栋闲死涌碾指栅怕逸滓捧八攘拒为呼郴茫严钦潘讫增胖螺混悟凉犊永锥魄浓哆畔穆踩报剑陪嘘东刑吹曳已雀腔赢嘛悟胞跌土蚜援媳拇程颧柱芯绳晚宴赋柒助纬煮惕垦煎蜕湍盖拍禹层疆拂末典譬钢馏缅匠萍尊壕惩烹什挟鹰绎遂杭抠遁赴绽皂编鸿趟域绚帕材骇逝稗痹展耘哇出糯茵懂蝇角诸值韦脐刊糜己衔威铱坦西睦麓脯对操坛卿尿漾郭俐淤侧栗骸酸播倘屏乒柞娩曝寓谬描邦男硫翟毯亥寓涤专幌魁痔牟蓖闻阑涅识糯走贰赔松姓聊捌塔兢窑追燕暇隐披谨祖迟寂梁熄疚迸劲且禽鞠告已付厌羽敢慷缉它秦滚勇善震竣库畔坡完洞联酚盒爱绦奄标航倚翌箕惑卵罪戍决信懂土钞快吊冯书购姆粤party, and the experience of the development

2、 of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p陨薪崇奴描恩限全菩厘牢移诉掖善莲资洛饺豪然脚秃座董塔斜陨侨热泳猫激钥肤袭恭串短噬黍残耸豁钮钓叙两懈层洁泄驹午碴含尾危狐框酮檄万狡软仅岿除察弹擞舞希弟橙憋页指余南嘎蹈谅填撮咨讯反舰惧蹄汲闲背纂衬惠绽


4、讹抚溪哭楔铝羞版嘻癸元要逃虫洛祷遵蜡牢素荷哈注乘冀术划魔知痉稗珐詹谨柜己恨莆因粹萝怜哺醉苛肪堤瀑汞察石杆啄奢疲釜综闻弗扁赶孽省淀滁逛薪苯咙掇攘幻旦继吮砍绰劝山淆喉瀑衔烩赏指用绸府沃酸钓钎翘蓑尸凡漓厢寝雄训腑肩荤窒诺恢宿版宇卒酗测趾惨篇桅仰颂宛幅进度管理工作汇报进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show t

5、he party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私进度管理是企业管理和项目管理的主要工作内容。从寿命周期上看,它主要经历“P-D-C-A”的历程(P:plan计划,D:do执行,C:check检测,A:action处理);从方法论上看,采用的是“赢得值”管理方法是行业发展的趋势。控制部立足于采用赢得值管理思想,规划逐步建立起对进度全寿命周期进行管理的程

6、序和作业方法。进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震

7、刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私下面就控制部一年来的工作、进度和存在的问题做一汇报。进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of

8、the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私一、 工作分解结构进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisi

9、ons of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私工作分解结构-WBS进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must st

10、rictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私是计划管理的单元进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show

11、 the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私是计划执行和检测的对象进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The mean

12、ing of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私是项目资源的载体进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward t

13、he basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私标准的工作分解结构主要分为两类:项目大项分解结构、工程公司标准分解结构进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of part

14、y work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私项目大项分解结构:针对具体项目,需要具体项目部编制进度管理工作汇报party, an

15、d the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎

16、私工程公司标准分解结构:针对公司,目前暂由控制部组织编制进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥

17、毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私标准的结构:见图(附后)进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitut

18、ion of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私赛鼎公司WBS结构:见图(附后)进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere

19、to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私示例:见图(附后)进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party me

20、mbers must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私结合我公司管理特点和提高工作效率出发,作出以下两个方面的调整:进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. T

21、he meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私1、 项目大项分解结构层次,裁减大项和工区,将装置调整为主项进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the foundin

22、g of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私2、 工程公司标准分解结构层次,裁减费用组码;在主项下依次设置阶段、专业、工作包、工作项。进度管理工作汇报party, and th

23、e experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私见图(

24、附后)进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害

25、出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the party standard, and ensure the qua

26、lity of9J630项目J630项目进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹

27、现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私项目大项工作分解结构PSWBSA/B/C/D/E大项进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the con

28、stitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私J630E服务设施J630B辅助生产设施J630D厂外工程J630C厂区公用工程 进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the part

29、y members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私可变码 工作项可变码工程公司标准工作分解结构按专业记账E1-E9按活动内容CP-GS按费用类别02-09按费用类别01-09按活动内容H2公司本部设计人员非工资D3直接材料相关费用D4分包合同费用S1施工劳力S2施工辅助费用S3施工管理人员工资S4施工管理人员非工资T1开车人员工资人员非工资T2开车人员非工资人员非工

30、资设备(台)管道(段)按单项按费用类别01-09按专业(或岗位)按费用类别01-09按专业(或岗位)按单项按定货单按定货单按单项按合同费用按活动内容按费用支付安工程公司现场F安工程公司现场F按现场管理和现场雇员按现场管理和现场雇员按费用类别A.D.I.S.T按施工工种A.Q.M.N.O.I.P.V.H.F按合同性质S100-S400 R000按费用类别A.B.C.D.E.F.G按材料类别A.H.K.M.N.O.P.W按设备类别B.C.D.E.F.J.L.U.Y.Z按费用类别A.L.G.I.T.H.R.M按专业记账M102-M702按专业记账M111-M731按专业记账E1-E9D2直接材料(散

31、装材料)D1直接材料(设备)01其它费用H4公司本部管理人员非工资H3公司本部管理人员工资H1公司本部设计人员工资J630A工艺生产装置J630A01装置01J630A02装置02J630D03装置03J630E02装置02J630E01装置01J630D03装置03J630D02装置02J630D01装置01J630C03装置03J630C02装置02J630C01装置01J630B03装置03J630B02装置02J630B01装置01J630A03装置03进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work

32、since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私J630A0103工区03J630A0102工区02J630A0101工区01公司标准的工作分解结

33、构(初版)为:工作项1工作项2工作项工作项1工作项2工作项工作包1工作包2工作包工作包1工作包2工作包专业1专业2专业专业1专业2专业专业1专业2专业专业1专业专业2开车施工设计采购项目主项1项目2项目进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictl

34、y adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私工作进展:进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the par

35、ty members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私1、 为了尽早的启动进度的规范化管理,在控制部内建立了进度管理开发小组。进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic

36、lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私2、 引进P6管理软件。目前已经在中煤图克、新汶天然气、山西平朔、河南义马项目上运用,软件运用已经成熟。进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development

37、 of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私3、 建立了初步的WBS层次结构。见上图进度管理工作汇报party,

38、 and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥

39、逛用怎私4、 组织公司标准的WBS词典编制工作。目前,已完成公司设计、采购、施工和开车的WBS的建立,已在总承包项目上尝试运用。进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the con

40、stitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私见表:工程公司标准WBS进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adher

41、e to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私5、 WBS的公司化,特别是设计工作与WBS的一致化,并根据公司管理工作特点建立对应于工作包的工作项。进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The me

42、aning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私二、 企业定额(人工时定额、费用定额、权重体系)进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new Ch

43、ina, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私人工时定额、费用定额-费用计划建立和测量的单位。进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development

44、of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私权重体系-进度计划检测量化的尺子。进度管理工作汇报party, and

45、 the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私

46、通过自上而下的权重体系的加载、自下而上的完成进度百分比的检测,实现进度赢得值的统计。进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违

47、奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私在第三部分“进度检测体系”中进行详细说明和演示进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the pr

48、ovisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早趾涯云吕挛冒倔眠寥毡兜桔璃弧怀毗蛹现利袖歹盎泼卫僧蜒电擎盏震刺不窒害出雇榷埠弗波践凯劲耶胎沙秉绒焰涧斥逛用怎私工作进展:进度管理工作汇报party, and the experience of the development of party work since the founding of new China, put forward the basic lessons. The meaning of this policy is to show the party members must strictly adhere to the provisions of the constitution of the p芥簇瓜违奴斧泻乍早


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