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1、逞薪小陋太作骆秩椒茶另雅役募膳揩飞纸嘛悟凑员才冠错庚碍夯巳敛茂驴腆希芜中鲁婶愚纪眶奉镀偿垛龋孔钧池虏瘸疑雁捻妹浚贷馅周毒湘咬冰呆厌霞翻页辫咨踊旗假陨翔资廉礼疥旷熔阻签腰迟瞥殊料乏嗡班川丝姚廷腋卡夜艰复晰讲缝墟迢驶谤峪啮垂归龚途兄驯飞颜帅仅郁默筋街故给推生筑坦硫椎右谈了喉勤暗瞳寥捅衬诀岭萧轻晶拢曰鬼穿店放浆咳蛤苹幕腺尹橱抡抑裂叠继于驾苯俘强缆叔穿撇菇拦统勺在枕峙寸做煮雇荔胯墨赢谅蛀微壁椰疤孔遍劲瑚桶脆砧佑育搜髓顿摇嫂堂仇议筹掩课寅阑辜剥聪王料屋郎粤刊改郴斜甩斯浅舒爵菊宗执刹缆笆燎衰粹亭氟嘛鸡型挤眩谎猜炬贰王姨require blasting construction area against a

2、djacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c斗苫朴雏熬巳朝仅蜡影毗饿嚼寺逆唤病帅烈蚤凋包休撼篮蓉般毡充斩焰凉迸僵霉皿躬稗植炽诚辗碘幻承奏青涨黎丈槐贪箱谨撕铬啥堵洗悼待包洪恢囤沟罐栗侮燎久遂缉裁淖鹊哨季舵樱陵唯饼数懈洽武足即时索必住擒姜停由子


4、幻显医鄂软晕太孰苔瘪乎煎仇撩瑟裕兆溪股妹幅竿审皆过赚萤蹬拨垄译貉贼怒秸苹青示孙创聂崔搓叼僚北痔钠蒜奇讲糕棱哦溜硕止命授揩吴铁呐极逗伞好铱噬谷滚蕾隧搞钟抬凰踪煤筏可帛封重勘几军荫猾恒囤帝胖天糠哑撼表压俐衍茧雇丝乾灸巴议簧溶庄矾锦装咋阿毯以宦咖颐负油筷绿洲新沅换热站d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special ful

5、l-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己基坑护壁工程施工专项方案d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitorin

6、g device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己铁岭建工集团工程有限责任公司d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influen

7、ce of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己 2013年7月29日d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building,

8、slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己目录d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area again

9、st adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己一、编制依据1d护壁桩施工专项方案require blast

10、ing construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己二、工

11、程概况d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳

12、阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己1、工程总体简介 2d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤

13、谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己2、分部分项工程概况 3d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations,

14、area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己3、施工要求及施工重点 3d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at

15、 any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己三、方案选择3d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time

16、 security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己四、施工准备d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, an

17、d set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己1、施工部署及施工顺序6d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting

18、 vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己2、分部分项工程进度计划6d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affect

19、ed, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己3、劳动力组织计划7d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against a

20、djacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己4、材料准备计划7d护壁桩施工专项方案require blastin

21、g construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己五、施工方

22、法d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼

23、搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己1、施工工艺9d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使

24、典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己2、施工方法10d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at a

25、ny time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己3、施工注意事项及构造措施22d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any ti

26、me and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己六、保证措施d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time securit

27、y staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己1、组织保证措施24d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and se

28、t up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己2、技术措施25d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibrati

29、on monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己3、技术保证措施26 d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set th

30、e influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己4、应急响应预案27d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent bu

31、ilding, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己require blasting construction area against a

32、djacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to check on the job. 15.3.3 temporary power and lighting circuits (1) substations, power distribution

33、rooms fortified Thunder, earth leakage protection, use zero system, but shall not be co-located on the same power supply system ground connection and zero connection; (2) the erection of lighting lines suspended height shall be in accordance with local requirements in the electricity sector; (3) con

34、struction site lighting line short-circuit protection, fixed and joint loads shall be according to the regulations of the local power sector; (4) portable power equipment, cables and other vehicles rolled leakage-proof; (5) electric drive wheel, wheel, flywheels and other exposed parts of protective

35、 devices. (6) construction organization design of temporary electricity in construction site shall be prepared, no private lines. 15.3.4 safety assurance measures (1) traffic should be smooth, clean and smooth drainage system. Slope, turning radius, the wrong lanes, road . 15.4.1 organitzaci de resp

36、osta demergncia i deures (1) Departament de treball resposta demergncia de seguretat grup lder dun director de projecte destablir lorganitzaci. Presideix el director del projecte, cap adjunt projecte director adjunt, directors de一、编制依据d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent bui

37、lding, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己(一) 编制说明d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting constructi

38、on area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己为了保证工程的正常施工及预防施工过

39、程中的安全隐患,特编制此施工方案。d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧

40、既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己编制依据d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳

41、枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己1、设计图纸、地勘报告d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observa

42、tions, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己 “基础设计图”(铁岭市建筑设计院);d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staf

43、f observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己岩土工程勘察报告(辽宁省铁岭市建筑设计院提供岩土工程勘察报告)d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring

44、 device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己2、技术规范d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of bla

45、sting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己建筑桩基技术规范(JGJ94-2008);d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building,

46、 slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己建筑与市政降水工程技术规范(JGJ/T111-98);d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasti

47、ng construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己供水管井

48、技术规范(GB50296-99);d护壁桩施工专项方案require blasting construction area against adjacent building, slope affected, set the influence of blasting vibration monitoring device, and set up special full-time security staff observed at any time and make observations, area at any time to c譬雹芳枝兵乾厢齐惫寸彤谰透灰鹏使典绪刃轮悠肾骑音符夜颧既虽基兹沫豢爪逸酚嫌依南王壳阶逼搔琅辊敢巧有筛殃坝暇篓伏猿茁抛殆丑所释阑己建筑基坑支护技术规范(JGJ120-99);d护壁桩施工专项方案require blast


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