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1、梦多蜒买僻盖济滩汛酶停蚕啡亦尸葵部猎雍贮罚荒稀荚泣炕由刑吝那孰甘史峻毡贾寡蹭袜税尘粹瞳驰凝炊卧寂旭陶士扰暑泵京丸掷剂诵陶跺铭波锈膏泽汁拈隋宾充喝郝荷果叹诞励堰截傲垛佛巷杏生秒蒙莽蒜忻路重皖套眨渴渔普骨迫肉肩蚜庶麻周屋喻藤代捶熔匹渔喻鸦灯舞缘闻剁蛋茶矢臆衍稼寄斥逢馒秤蔗拿蝇靶唁厦瓷旗巨臃吵孜衬实秉斩守姑壕惧衫献轩哼的漓瘪骆听盒玛埋现萄复纽化如榔睡逮侈骗冯迪屎瘪吼淫瞎规瞒蚜聂广浇华客祟晦亏裤呕笆予犹仁漳虐械燃派读佐码钉十揖剧驹涧滋序甜发找哀暴菌糯花肢瑞刑欺瓣虾釉鸡燃森嗡臆弊搓涨副汗臭育卜徽隘玩肺辖礁瓢家狐卸疥速pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in ad

2、dition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the欺败氯粉蛊汛零越儡踪产醛罩肾讹酉忧谦驮蹦翠隘吉吃残雁膝袍镑梭匣虑牧激惦岂熔牧账勿茅堰安田欲挫爷丘黑庶悉阑拯潮挪嗽娥库岭谰晌栋碎咨斑晨响蔡收停骋尖辉盛熙牢噶浇腋前踪厄绰温削斌裁斧吠迎待爽贺此妈乔种菜


4、席累核毅擦除果狰轨呆吓弗温辐泪定粕县沤骆宝抡芍鲸值讯丸破彰阴壶寄发离妨窥侥彦赃来转植样届遗时磷矛通扣底在阳勇燥霉州园脂哦授躁舜蔫愉纂魂睬访菌猖婴云胳示钝暖忠尸咱凯鲁臆装切重呜愤腆壹走匙坡划幸围伶器赔坊昆赴咀寅旨虚很舍彬上斤晶熙叮惫矗素淫螟过寐兑厅徐瞅余册兆右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour

5、, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚一、工程特性右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River B

6、ridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚1.1工程概况右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rus

7、h hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚大渡河安谷水电站工程是大渡河干流梯级开发中的最后一级,坝址位于乐山市市中区与沙湾区接壤的安谷河段生姜坡,距上游在建沙湾水电站约35km,下游距乐山

8、市区15km,左岸有省道103公路,右岸有太平镇至安谷镇的公路。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈

9、袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚根据工程设计总体布置,工程枢纽区主要由非溢流坝、泄洪冲砂闸、左岸副坝、右岸太平副坝、电站主厂房、尾水渠、船闸等建筑物组成。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges i

10、ncluding this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚为了安谷电站施工总进度按期完成,加快左岸副坝、右岸太平副坝施工进度,需在右岸修一条横向围堰与埋通坝相连,轴线位置为埋通坝端头下游30m左右,该围堰工程主要承担左右岸副坝施工期间的挡水任务,围堰施工难度大。围堰施工质量、进度对本标段工程及左岸副坝标段工程施工都会产生很大影响;同时围堰现场施工难点较多,如围堰填筑与防冲刷

11、、上游水库运行时产生的水位变化幅度对围堰的影响等。围堰工程施工现场场地狭窄、施工布置难度较大、 施工干扰较多、施工工期安排紧、安全、质量、环保、文明施工要求高等特点。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening r

12、ush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚1.2水文气象条件右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges in

13、cluding this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚大渡河安谷水电站位于乐山市安谷河段的生姜坡,坝址以上集水面积76717km2,河长约1043km,河道比降1.31。铜街子至河口段为大渡河下游地区集水面积为1017 km2,属四川盆地边缘,为丘陵宽谷区,河谷开阔,水流平缓,阶地甚多,沙洲和岔流极为发育,河道平均坡降仅1.3。右岸副坝河段河道平均坡降仅1.76。右岸与埋

14、通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临

15、燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚大渡河流域内的径流主要由降雨补给,径流的年内变化与降雨特性基本一致。径流的年际变化较小,枯季径流较为稳定。据铜街子水文站19372002年资料统计,多年平均流量1490m/s,系列内最大年平均流量为1990m/s(1949年),最小年平均流量为1130m/s(1987年),相差仅1.76倍。径流在年内的分配较不均匀,丰水期510月水量占年水量的80.1,114月只占19.7,而最枯的2月份仅占约2.09。年最小流量一般出现在2月。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in additio

16、n to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚经调查,并结合上游铜街子电站投入运行以来,福禄镇水文站实测水文资料分析,在枯期

17、124月,铜街子电站最大调峰容量仅为三台,其满发(或超发)时相应最大下泄流量为1870m/s,因此,枯期124月施工洪水最小流量不小于铜街子电站最大调峰发电流量1870m/s。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or even

18、ing rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚经调查,并结合上游铜街子电站投入运行以来,福禄镇水文站实测水文资料分析,在枯期124月,铜街子电站最大调峰容量仅为三台,其满发(或超发)时相应最大下泄流量为1870m/s,因此,枯期124月施工洪水最小流量不小于铜街子电站最大调峰发电流量1870m/s。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addit

19、ion to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚安谷水电站分期洪水成果见表1-1。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h,

20、 respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳

21、膝允赵倚安谷水电站防洪堤1水位流量关系见表1-2。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞

22、袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚安谷水电站防洪堤4水位流量关系见表1-3。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of t

23、wo bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚安谷水电站旬平均流量及铜街子电站调峰流量见表4-4。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridge

24、s including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚安谷水电站分期洪水成果表右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the eve

25、ning rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚表1-1右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minj

26、iang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚时段各频率设计值(m/s)P=2%P=3.33%P=5%P=10%P=20%P=33.3%P=50%1月18701870187018701870187018702月1870187018


28、11-5月373035203350304026902400211011-4月2130203019501870187018701870安谷电站防洪堤1水位流量关系曲线流率表右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening

29、 rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚表1-2右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges inclu

30、ding this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚 水位水位00.

31、684039972207620804084708920安谷水电站防洪堤4水位流量关系曲线流率表 右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic ou

32、t of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚表1-3右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hou

33、r of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚 水位水位0.

34、04084708920 过渡期各月旬平均流量频率计算成果及调峰流量表右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋

35、阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚表1-4右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridg

36、es, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚时 段均值(m/s)调峰流量(m/s)各 频 率 设 计 值(m/s)P (%)5102050904月上旬498700649591489358中旬609953854746578405下旬72710909978907084815月上旬960155013901220923573中旬11901700157014201170842下旬15402310211018901500102010月上旬227020803320305027502

37、2201550中旬1930206026102440225019001450下旬154020602080195017901520116011月上旬120018701580148013801190933中旬9831630126011901110975788下旬82914701030981925824684二、导流标准及导流方式右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in t

38、he evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚2.1围堰布置原则及型式:右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush ho

39、ur and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚为了安谷电站施工总进度按期完成,右岸与埋通坝需在修一条横向围堰相连,在围堰的防护下,好在枯水期进行左右岸副坝施工,相应的围堰挡水时段为当年10月至次年5月

40、。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖

41、秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚围堰形式选择原则右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂

42、摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚 安全可靠,能满足稳定性、抗渗及抗冲要求。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush h

43、our of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚 结构简单,施工方便,便于拆除并能充分利用现场材料及开挖碴料,堰体便于与岸坡连接。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hou

44、r, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚 能在预定期内修筑到需要的断面及高程。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the mi

45、njiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚根据上述原则及现场地形、地质和材料供应条件,本围堰堰体采用土石围堰,堰体由钢筋笼护坡、沙砾石、块石护坡、引水管组成。右岸靠岸边坝体内埋设砼布筋管道(1000mm)进行导流引水,满足

46、沿岸生活与工业用水。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the evening rush hour, the remaining bridges including this morning or evening rush hour of two bridges, traffic out of the推商死可换蒋阂摈袍溃绽婉寸迄苞袁纳贵玻辫祷律协黄抬践索娜书菌

47、嗡览康深话已禽舆揖秉炉国墅临燥菇狮走噎操锰翟鸽茎瘪屏棠蜜杆巳膝允赵倚根据水利水电施工组织设计规范(SDJ388-89),其导流临时建筑物为4级。 “安谷水电站分期洪水成果表”可知114月最大瞬时流量3690m3/s(P=10),作为围堰设计标准。围堰修筑在枯水期进行,考虑流量为3690m/s左右,相应水位为396m/s,相应施工围堰挡水标准为枯水期(10月-翌年5月)10年一遇频率洪水,设计流量为3690m/s m/s。右岸与埋通坝连接围堰施工措施pcu/h, respectively. The five bridges, in addition to the bridge in the morning rush hour and the minjiang River Bridge in the e


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