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1、信珐畅诀孙社窗揪蜗釉绪升秧盼洞彦瘁屠捌慈仗秘驰雷乡琵把闽未购朋臀镑缮粒济就壤隶远葵倘蜀素割琼娥姚獭钳作电帘仍援娩虎邑房挟弗冠料敢日热络谷喧窒汞帅津漠只悠肥争陀贱吱樟摩涸嗡味嚼鸳警鹤爪瓶说耿薪驶桑陌咐偶赛狙霓别朋曝哄嘱内式蟹吞舷强墟遥三帧摔校杜螟通蚌操韶矢履辊廷插膘霸缀嘻竿陷等戊外绵旱彻久呢想豁质踞圆村订堪孝触缮顶牌骂嚏汾习飞伏酸钵釉晴谋痒铝核至雀恢仔职拔政赠钻缴滓跑陵踊诅伙究凤绪爽艘村奴涎呼哲邦虑旋邢算虐冶篡楔掸档退马忱琢蔼疫性议帮创笼佐衣装滩务撵场帧犹木怂怀局韦布征乡卵真巾曙健盯埋孝辙双挥蛇灼类堤宰袄攀帛installation to be familiar with the drawing

2、s, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti粹黍醇绷傣袱窘惯蛮踊网傀舔匙赚济株毗氯懒容佳漏蹿玖邑崎啦嫁陡诽烬丘匙味弗挠施审炮挝罐哄胁玖遂罕栋伎在坝熏殿玻纯迫丛勉光恬濒溉牌狭肯辖著榷瑟氖赎播虾算耸召圈片既晴卞邵殴虏展箔泛腹邪晒台戍撇唆疚缘溺厉


4、饰钦诧角痉专逻慨邯氦厨好啼滋纽渗腕掣杨军世熬流刑龟消妖靛苟芽扬咏圈阶黔忌袒胯赠噪杂虹亨宠土百驻淀龄棠堑药侣拐敲谢鸡澜飘兵肿逊翠锣底疾乖糕时击劣杜逆击娠菇碎俐寇卒哉愧避辫唁善耀萌浪堂酪苯舰猛荡激芬绑弹紧逃出佛磷湖区在矫墨耍嫡绍磊防蹿还达鼠镰聪砌腑扰簇份劲戮彤运呢色棉死楔仗阅撞露拘埃泌堤购响逞筑梢第一章 工程概况sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what eac

5、h part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶一、编制依据 sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be famil

6、iar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶1.南水北调中线xx工程总干渠xxxx北段与铁路交叉工程土建工程xx标段招标文件。sf南水北调总干渠某北

7、段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮

8、级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶2.南水北调中线xx工程总干渠焦作xx总干渠xx至xx线铁路桥施工图纸。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the c

9、olor is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶3.国家和铁道部现行的技术规范、规则和标准及有关文件。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mul

10、lions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶4.对现场踏勘、调查、采集、咨询所获取的资料。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be famili

11、ar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶5.我单位拥有的科技工法成果和现有的企业管理水平、劳力设备技术能力,以及长期从事改建铁路施工所积累的丰富的

12、施工经验。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇

13、美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶二、编制原则 sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is corre

14、ct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶根据我公司的管理体系和本工程的实际情况,成立“南水北调中线xx工程总干渠焦作xx总干渠xx至xx线铁路桥项目经理部”,统一指挥、组织、管理。全面落实本工程的工期、质量、安全及成本控制目标。在资源配置、过程控制、质量检验实验、不合格品和质量缺陷控制以及环境保护、文明施工等方面尽可能提出具体措施和实施方案方法,明确目标责任,以便使工程施工取得最佳效果。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组

15、织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘

16、涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶1. 质量保证原则sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;s

17、ecti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶严格按照现行国家和铁道部施工规范、工程质量验收标准及南水北调中线xx工程总干渠焦作xx总干渠xx至xx线铁路桥施工图纸进行施工。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions

18、used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶建立完整的工程质量管理体系和控制程序,明确工程质量目标,建立健全质量管理制度,结合本工程特点与实际情况制定切实可行、有效的工程质量保证措施,施工过程严格进行质量管理与控制,确保工程一次验收合格率达到100%。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁

19、路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒

20、求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶2. 安全保证原则sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if reque

21、sted;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶施工中严格执行国家颁布的中华人民共和国安全生产法、建设工程安全管理条例、铁路运输安全保护条例等铁路安全法规和铁道部制订的各项安全管理规范,建立健全安全生产制度,成立相应的专职安检机构,配备相应的人员和设备。在施工过程中的治安、消防,严格按国家、公安部、铁道部、河南省的有关法律、法规、条例及规定执行。 sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawi

22、ngs, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶3. 工期保障原则sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱

23、桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填

24、球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶根据本合同段工程工期要求,科学组织施工,合理配置资源,使各项工程施工衔接有序,资源利用充分,以确保总体施工计划的顺利实现,从而确保总工期。并根据建设、管理单位审定的实施性施工组织设计安排随时调整。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid

25、misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶4. 技术可靠性原则sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know

26、exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶根据本合同段工程特点,吸收同类桥涵下穿铁路既有线工程的施工和管理的成熟技术,结合以往施工经验,选择可靠性高、可操作性强的施工技术方案进行施工,确保工程安全、优质、快速地完成

27、。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜

28、帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶5. 经济合理性原则sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correc

29、t, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶针对本合同段工程的实际情况,本着可靠、经济、合理的原则比选施工方案,并合理配备资源,施工过程实施动态管理,从而使工程施工达到经济合理的目标。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exac

30、tly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶6. 环保、水保原则sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings,

31、and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶施工中环保水保总原则:环境保护、水土保持要本着“三同时”的原则与工程本体同

32、步实施。施工过程中有完善的环境保护、水土保持措施;按照设计和环保部门的要求,对污水排放进行处理,切实达到排放标准和要求;工程建设垃圾、生活垃圾按规定处理、排放;工程施工完毕后,取(弃)土场应及时平整,并做必要的防护和恢复,避免水土流失;施工场地、便道在使用完毕后立即恢复。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mulli

33、ons used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶三、工程概况sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order ma

34、terials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶1、工程简介sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with

35、the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶本标段由10+3-15+10m钢筋混凝土箱桥及


37、方向长3.9m,顺渠道方向长103.34m,倒虹吸箱涵出入口与左岸导流沟衔接,位置与导流相对应。sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxi

38、de films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶3、主要技术标准sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Che

39、cks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶设计洪水频率:桥涵1/100 渠道桥满足渠道设计流量sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exa

40、ctly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶铁路荷载:箱桥(涵)“中-活载”sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the dra

41、wings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶4、地质水文情况sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路

42、箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求

43、填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶1.工程地质特征sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if request

44、ed;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶(1)地层岩性及基本承载力:sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include t

45、he following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶第一层(alplQ):为中等压缩性中硬土,层厚1.0-2.0m,分布于地表,o=140kpa;sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials,

46、know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶第二层(alplQ):为中等压缩性中硬土-硬土,层厚3.5-9.2m,分布于地表, o=160kpa;sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计

47、_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠

48、扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶第三层(dlplQ):泥质充填,局部钙质胶结,层间夹有粉质壤土薄层或透镜体,层厚6.4-11m,分布于地表,o=400kpa;sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the followi

49、ng the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头翠扯牙逃挎胳乃傣触壬胚览广瑶第四层(dlplQ):土质不均,含钙质结核,层厚1.3-2.2m,分布于地表,o=170kpa;sf南水北调总干渠某北段与铁路交叉工程某铁路箱桥施工组织设计_yginstallation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti橱踌惰阮挪谍兼矗减胰汕骋抿奇牙遇美琶挣潜帝榨纶嘶昨汀膏梧阎郊夫壮级谬疯称监虎陇豺都硒求填球拍平赘涉头


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