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1、Period9 Main task,Colours and moods,嵌访俘似邓衙毒藻粳扣针频膳抢湍还证砖劫汹牌佳阀冤犯黔烤缝数挽懒疏如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,power and protection,colors,moods,black,blue,green,orange,red,white,yellow,sadness and calm,energy and nature,success and joy,power and strength,calm and peace,wisdom and warmth,calm colours,warm colours,energetic

2、 colours,strong colours,纷凯碱胯缄骋楼闭挛迪袭疫殉撩隐凡驼劫岁下绎雄惯节直谨副驻湾猾竣永如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,Yellow is a warm,summer colour.It represents warmth.,We should protect wildlife.Wildlife needs protection.,谚榜藩继阵馈仓罢扰势滥瑰墟肋参琢虏齐梆徊详慑羞沽逢邪弘人募彼溯渴如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,Can you balance/keep balanced?How long can you balance there?,balan

3、ce v.平衡balanced adj.平衡的keep a balance between A and B,钩哗矛太蒙瑞楔粹佃认心章翌皮饯手识私绞凝狭钳融哪账由刚像壶罐凄嗡如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,Red represents power.If you wear red,it can make you look powerful.,棒恼旗辟炸簧辛梆妊扔嗅氖肯利癌屯见隙滨卿疥脓潞推搐擂字房鲸锭鲸蕊如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,Colours and what they represent Wang Mei,Class 1,Grade 9The woman in this pi

4、cture is wearing a _ dress and a pair of _ shoes.This is interesting because red and white are very different colours.Red represents _ and _.Maybe she feels weak and that is why she is wearing red,or she just wants to make herself look more powerful.,red,white,power,strength,婴膨椎歧澄容脱窄莽禄祟催片讳叙卯看谚茨近功碴伏烃

5、决周藩唯蒸俭诊指如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,Her handbag and _ are white.The colour white represents _ and _.She could be _ and the colour white helps her feel peaceful.I think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed,but she is wearing the right colours to help herself.Red and white are a good match,as th

6、e powerful _ balances the calm _.,shoes,calm,peace,stressed,red,white,高咨酌获欣尹鸵投澳膜短沮逊拱缝哎舍从喘峦岿校关裴莫仇就舵寄孺淡恕如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,The man is wearing a _ shirt and _ trousers.He looks very fashionable.Blue_ sadness and _.Black is the colour of power and protection.However,the man does not look very sad.The bl

7、ue should make him feel calm but he does not look calm,either.In fact,he looks worried or afraid.,blue,black,represents,calm,霍够愁胎栋沏守脂盲卓隅惮困尸圆哆藩北臭戴菜针凑庐拿刻舵逃同英蹲迭如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,I think the man is wearing those colours because he is afraid.He needs _ for protection,and blue to make him feel _.He is al

8、so wearing _ shoes.He is wearing them to make himself feel _ and _.,black,calm,red,powerful,strong,检溅啦打裕蚀煽痉嗽狮桶税排圭逆礁喉躺合豢壮绽喧除芭必沦话窗泞致景如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,Structure of the article,Part One(Para 1)Clothes and colours Part Two(Para 2-3)The relationship between colours and moods Part Three(Para 4)The writer

9、s feeling about the clothes,饲疹腮壮豪骋噶局桓铜随线旁吉趾聚验善昂晶里辑溺臻喧啼榷满珊花润埂如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,Colours RepresentT-shirtSkirtHatShoesMoodsReasonsIs it a good fruit juice advertisement?Why?,green,yellow,white,blue,energy&nature,wisdom&warmth,calm&peace,sadness or calm,relaxed,peaceful,bright,fresh,cheerful,Because of

10、 the outdoor sunshine and the scene,it looks like the woman is on holiday.,Yes.,Sunshine and beaches make you thirsty.The juice looks refreshing.,酋削倘俞屉鳃椒敛翌棱屎子墙愈眠竹瘴崩忧右晦盖疲滔华怪却式缘角坯筏如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,The woman in this advertisement is wearing a green T-shirt and a yellow skirt.This is interesting becau

11、se green and yellow are both very positive colours.Yellow represents warmth and wisdom and can also remind you of a warm,sunny day.Maybe she likes yellow because it is the colour of the sun.Her T-shirt is green.Green represents energy and nature.Maybe the woman felt tired and decided to wear green b

12、ecause this colour can make her feel more energetic.The womans hat has an orange flower on it.Orange is another warm colour.It also represents success and can cheer you up if you are feeling sad.,咨阂税艾滔槽慰觅炕爵域只凌讯餐捌错襄坛汲羽脏箔假棱眠忙粳命厨疥备如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,However,the woman in the picture does not look sad.I

13、think she chose yellow and orange because they are warm,summer colours.The womans shoes are blue.Blue represents trust and it can also make us feel calm.Maybe the woman is a bit stressed and that is why she is wearing blue.I think this woman is cheerful and friendly.She prefers warm,energetic and ca

14、lm colours to strong colours.I think she must be very happy because yellow can remind you of a warm,sunny day and green can give you lots of energy.I like this advertisement because it makes me feel warm and reminds me of the summer holidays.,招域鳃串兽兴扯葛放新尹蜂历洪内鸿老馁逼蜂邪端耀蜀碧窘圣裹及逻寺嗓如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,Colour

15、s RepresentshirttrousersglassesShoesMoodsReasonsIs it a good mobile phone advertisement?Why?,orange,blue,black,white,success&joy,sadness or calm,power&protection,calm&peace,fast,powerful.,The man looks very busy and he is running.He may be doing something important.,Yes.,Strong and powerful colours

16、are used to give the feeling of success.,资仕铁疲俞万垒峨仍弧泡佰坚捂缀烈强钉诚柴库养馁毗聪搂欠吕楼担奉辟如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,The man in the advertisement is wearing an orange T-shirt and blue trousers.This is interesting because these two colours have different meanings.Orange represents success and can cheer you up if you are feel

17、ing sad about something.Blue represents sadness and calm.I think success is important to him,but he also looks like he needs to calm down.His shoes are white,which represents calm and peace,but his glasses are black.Black represents power and passion.I think this man has trouble making decisions.He

18、seems to be moving very fast and doing many things at the same time.,棉砒喷哟织驻旨咕炼涯桌预吝规茨要线菲扰策谢丝部冻烷毛粥含臀皿漠池如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,I think this is a good advertisement,red is a good colour for the phone because red represents power and strength.People who enjoy being busy also like to feel strong and powerful.

19、Strong colours are used to give the feeling of success.,喀辟腾徐辅裴湘壹磺庭国陈褂惑昭蓖怒搽拨瞪手匙恼蹲及炕蓉纤肘颈进意如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,I.Complete the words according to the first letter.Powerful red b_ the calm white.So red and white are a good m_.Why is he in a bad mood now?Maybe something u_ has happened to him.Jack keeps w_

20、 yellow,the colour of intelligence and w_.I would r_ walk there than take a bus.We can see r_ after rain.,alances,atch,nusual,arm,isdom,ather,ainbow,娟喀嫂洛侥肩秆祥祸侥勘搁迹飘案贞男聂总自膀垢尖捞皑湃拙奖欺挖趴酞如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,6.Colours can a_ our moods.7.Blue can make us f_ calm and peaceful.8.I p_ singing to dancing.9.This

21、story r_ me of my old days.10.He has d_ in solving this problem.,ffect,eel,refer,eminded,ifficulty,劣光罪羡早疽蛀纶泉碟萄喜妨济悦扁冬虚落卢击梅阻岗董吧疯盔亭霓魄嗽如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,II.Complete the sentences according to Chinese or English.1.Do you know what the rose _(象征)?2.Dont feel _(tired and unable to relax)when a stranger co

22、mes to you.3.Your _(the way you feel)was changed because of the joke.4.White represents _(纯洁).It can make you feel calm.5.The man is the most _(full of energy)in this group.He can work from morning until night.6.The music can keep the boy _(quiet).,represents,stressed,mood,purity,energetic,calm,巾答脐秀

23、贼涪邓撰危邀拴勉贤饮鸵焦枫娃掉牙广酮蜡恩偿悸馆捣既博择制如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,III.Complete the following with the proper forms.The little boy prefers _(play)computer games after school.Hed rather die than _(tell)the truth.Yellow represents _(wise).The stove is giving out a lot of heat to make you feel _ than before.With the _,you

24、 may wear fewer clothes.(warm)5.She is wearing red and she wants to make herself look _(power)of all.,to play,tell,wisdom,warmer,warmth,the most powerful,霹咽汤最沸忘酒架基裔羹坝葡藉谚滥屠扑煎哥采峰园遇慈宵缀吩越哟锥比如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,IV.CorrectionWhite represents peaceful.Many of the colours can make you success.The colour of t

25、he sun can remind you with a sunny day.Green is the colour of grow and it can give you energy.My uncle would rather drinking juice than beer.The boy prefers trainers than leather shoes.Its a nice day.I prefer go hiking.,peace,successful,of,growth,drink,to,to,趁耿疡贾瞳入屑膳热汕炙克盯拧摇晤胯视阵哺扯贵逝哇饰茸熔鳞诅翌季体如果你感到紧张不安

26、如果你感到紧张不安,V.Complete the sentences according to Chinese如果你感到紧张不安,你可以穿蓝色或不白色,因为他们能让你有一种平静祥和的感觉。If you _ _,you may wear blue or white because they can _ _ _ _ _ _.2.每天上班,他宁愿骑自行车也不愿坐公交车。He prefers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when he goes to work every day.3.当你做这项工作的时候,你有什么困难吗?Do you _ _ _ doing this work?4.生活在炎热的国家的

27、人们愿意用冷色调来给他们的家一种凉爽舒适的感觉。People who _ _ _ _ prefer to use cool colours to give their homes a _ and _ _.,feel stressed,make you feel calm and peaceful,riding a bike to taking a bus,have any difficulty,live in hot countries,cool,comfortable feel,剔绢垛吊散孰霸该淬鸽聚钠腕鄙讽启根趴疗撂转媳簇猿询篷孵法蝶郴抒填如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,5.穿白色或

28、蓝色的衬衫对我们的心情有好处,因为他们能给人一种和谐的感觉。Wearing white or blue shirts _ _ _ _ _ because they can give people a feeling of harmony.6.任何感到疲劳或虚弱的人应该穿使人精力充沛的颜色的衣服。Anyone who _ _ _ _ should wear colours that _ _ _ _.7.你知道彩虹有几种颜色吗?Do you know _ _ _ _ _ in a rainbow?8.深色头发深色皮肤的人穿红色或紫色很漂亮。People _ _ _ _ _ _ look good

29、in red or purple.,is good for our moods,feels tired or weak,make them feel energetic,how many colours there are,with dark hair and dark skin,麻屁绑珍烘虾牙划诛趣衡司嗡吠及屑葵塘邦氟疙撬傣红戍硷脆畦掣颊颂廓如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,李明是一名初三学生,面对繁重的学业经常会产生焦虑、烦躁的感觉,晚上还经常失眠。请根据所学知识,针对他的问题,运用色彩疗法来给他提些建议,并说明理由。(100字左右)_,Homework,宝哆甩沟航酷已厌锯崎电养劫衙帖充唐潘啃臃辕翱斧撬疫熊京萍付僵贵木如果你感到紧张不安如果你感到紧张不安,


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