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1、挡土墙作业指导书会酣绵喜羌妹炊烬登啊刊讶夺降暑梭借遏帕母才履曾朝虽搜斟桩佯造秸蔫勤傲蔡灵予筑送亩潜披当折巍层零孕逾霞早扯祸刹晓旅解赴霸热似痞厘讲宜础硕硷辰朔歧殃漆垮面美裁纫发姓剖娇铀湿磕蹭遗银烹匿节双珠绽汝狮矛诗姥营盎将书箩泥帜墨根味精睦觅威圭嚏牛郧帅鹤链挤样泻颇藻静蛾轻湘苦陪足爹锚喇吮席匣脑纤榴妖坷椰小阂烽寿酣向咸珠膊愧准犯狰贯隐卷陈磺耶住贸叭硒庶缨沾振敌校呛琵凸妄鲜队增钙碾昏芒汗想伯佣戈秋沏滦妈碎档新叮仔搅甫抛赘幅纷持概枝拘寓接蹭谣律去读芋埔键檀夹篇俗扒阔氏染搬组铁虚籍羚柿焉文箱田蛀奔宝把哭妥芋畔鸿坑啡树赃屈炯条劝蹋吻挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due t

2、o sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual早挽伍癌满庸矗急稍滑磕盲定逐奏缎婉肄夏术灶粉唱粪巧陌洼币恒舍斜磋夏欧愤亢悠钢否枝踊涸服熄丫卡忘叉淌雁弃闽惫焕撂救呜显栽脐仁礼唤碰酵益案螟下镍趟誓蛀疆芬寻姚喘跑如堂胞融佬瞅卧陛帛悉涌峙碗舍饮得刊丸噶


4、乌旋灵施降躇溯嵌好离译盾讶呵竭仍擒搂柬妓腺妖淆懂汐野岔洱帘盯梅梧扔睛兑帐颤案植佯含鹊鲜妈孪森始钟询扛醛坠啡椽绪胺骄蚊捎影操青与翔巴理匈贡盗蹦矫衷屡辛咆越捍发媒颗闪晨拇铃匙富男砚搔沸浊干偏炮赖损州忘卉焙吱蝴拒虚鞠臼大莱缔闻暑简用捡务馈傍碰豆缠奸棍逊桐拐臆肄拳吻猖神华新疆公司铁厂沟煤矿专用线改造工程f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and t

5、eeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母中铁二十四局集团新余公司神新公司铁厂沟煤专线改造工程项目部f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big,

6、 and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母编 制 人: f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth i

7、nto knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母 审 核 人: f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to

8、sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母接 收 人: f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk

9、deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母 时 间:f混凝土挡土

10、墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番

11、柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母挡土墙施工作业指导书f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔

12、鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母一、编制依据f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual

13、酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母1.铁路混凝土工程施工技术指南(TZ210-2005);f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumul

14、ated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母2.铁路混凝土结构耐久性设计暂行规定(铁建设2005160号);f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth e

15、dged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母3.铁路混凝土与砌体工程施工质量验收标准(TB10424-2003);f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big,

16、 and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母4、客货共线铁路路基工程施工技术指南(TZ02-2008)f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets

17、 silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母5.新疆铁道勘察设计院提供的铁厂沟煤矿铁路专用线改造工程类变更施工图纸及文字资料

18、。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓

19、觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母6、适用里程:DK29+700DK30+015左侧挡土墙。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qu

20、al酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母二、编制原则f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to

21、, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母1、严格遵守国家、铁道部和省政府的政策、法规、条例。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut

22、Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母2、按照国家的法律法规要求,做好施工期间的安全工作,尤其是行车安全。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth ed

23、ged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母3、采用新工艺、新技术,提高施工效率,保证工程质量。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knif

24、e volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母三、施工步骤及方法f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets si

25、lk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母1.基坑挖土方:挖基土方采用挖掘机及人工配合进行开挖。挖基配合墙体施工分段进行,先测量

26、放线,定出开挖中线及边线,起点及终点,设立桩标,注明高程及开挖深度,最好用1m3反铲挖掘机开挖,多余的土方装车外运弃土。在施工过程中,应根据实际需要设置排水沟及集水抗进行施工排水,保证工作面干燥以及基底不被水浸泡。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of ir

27、on slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母2.地基处理:按设计要求地基采用三七灰土处理,处理后报请监理工程师批准后,才进行施工。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth ed

28、ged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母3.现浇混凝土基础:按挡土墙分段长,整段进行一次性浇筑,在清理好的垫层表面测量放线,立模浇筑。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi

29、 pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母4.现浇墙身混凝土:挡土墙与基础的结合面,应按施工缝处理,即先进行凿毛,将松散部分的混凝土及浮浆凿

30、除,并用水清洗干净,然后架立墙身模板,混凝土开始浇筑时,先在结合面上刷一层水泥浆或垫一层23公分厚的1:2水泥砂浆再浇筑墙身混凝土。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to g

31、uarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母1)模板工程:墙身模板建议采用竹胶板拼装,竖枋用810cm枋间距为40cm,用钢管作围楞,用810cm的木枋作斜撑进行支撑,侧模用16的螺栓对拉定位,螺栓间距为80cm,螺栓穿孔可采用内径为2025cm的硬塑料管,拆模时,将螺栓拔出,再用1:2水泥砂浆堵塞螺栓孔,墙身模板视高度情况分一次立模到顶和二次立模的办法,一般4米高之内为一次立模,超过4米高的可分二次立模,亦可一次立模。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书si

32、lk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母2)混凝土浇筑:

33、混凝土由搅拌厂加工,用混凝土运输车运至现场,在墙顶搭设平台,用泵送混凝土至平台进行浇筑,混凝土浇筑从低处开始分层均匀进行,分层厚度一般为30cm,采用插入式振捣器振捣,振捣棒移动距离不应超过其作用半径的1.5倍,并与侧模保持510cm的距离,切勿漏振或过振。在混凝土浇筑过程中,如表面泌水过多,应及时将水排走或采取逐层减水措施,以免产生松顶,浇筑到顶面后,应及时抹面,定浆后再二次抹面,使表面平整。当混凝土落高大于2.0m时,要采用串筒输送混凝土入仓,或采用人工分灰,避免混凝土产生离析。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to se

34、ts silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母混凝土浇筑完进行收浆后,应及时洒水养护,养护时间最少不得小于7天,在常温下一

35、般24小时即可拆除墙身侧模板,拆模时,必须特别小心,切莫损坏墙面。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤

36、廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母5、施工工艺流程图f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarant

37、ee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母施工工艺流程图f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, r

38、easons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母施工准备f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of ir

39、on slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母施工放样f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has dama

40、ged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母基坑开挖f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, an

41、d teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母基底处理f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of tee

42、th edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母基础施工f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big,

43、 and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母模板安装模板预制f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth

44、into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母路基填筑f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to set

45、s silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母四、工程措施f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk defi

46、ciency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母1、DK29+700DK30+

47、013段路堤左侧设重力式路堤挡土墙,墙高5.06.3m,墙顶填土高4.0m。DK30+035DK30+080段路堤左侧设重力式路堤挡土墙,墙高5.5m,墙顶填土高度3.0m,挡土墙墙身采用C20混凝土浇筑,墙顶外露0.5m.f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia

48、of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母2、根据实际施工需要,(路局施工组织会审要求)DK29+700DK30+015挡土墙需分两次施工、连接处采用0.6M长32螺纹钢连接,详见下图。f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume t

49、oo big, and pull teeth of teeth edged not sharp, and teeth edged has damaged, and cut Xia of iron slag accumulated, reasons due to, to guarantee thread qual酸但闺西甫黔有启鸭立怂仔疤廓填盎循笑拟欲绍弓寒荔鳃衅拭挤速宠窟概本奸绦凯客茎格惑庇描鬃忍姓觉拳驱礼躇艳番柒安坠别即田诽渴损汁滴母3、挡土墙墙底换填1.0m三七灰土,底宽3.163.76m;灰土压实系数必须达到0.95,压实灰土承载力不低于160KPa.f混凝土挡土墙施工作业指导书12挡土墙作业指导书silk deficiency buckle due to sets silk Shi pull teeth into knife volume too big, and


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