London is a big city,This panda is short,But that one is tall,This ship is big.,But that one is small,Its a book.,Whats this?,Its a book about London.,Its a book about English.,Its very big.,London is a big city.,Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫,英国的王宫。白金汉宫建造在威斯敏斯特城内,白金汉宫位于伦敦詹姆士公园(St.JamesPark)的西边,从1837年起,英国历代国王都居住在这里。维多利亚女王是居住在这里的第一位君主。白金汉宫宫内有宴会厅、典礼厅、音乐厅、画廊、图书馆、皇家集邮室等600多个厅室,收藏许多绘画和家具,宫内还有一座面积约40英亩的御花园,宫前有维多利亚女王纪念碑。,Its very big and very beautiful.,nice,beautiful,flower,美丽的,Queen,Queens house,Whose house is it?,small,house,This is my house.,Its close to the Queens house.,But its very beautiful.,