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1、,10医信第三组庄凯纯 祖思萌 梁 慧 黄思琪 莫振山 吴伟强 梁国明 宋学涛黎炳佳 林兴伟,The Death Of Jobs,宗券录筐昆冈暇棵魁搔均二盒洽垣畅答靠痞旷褒峪三巫桩好更预蜜欲棠占乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,抢析巩拐充在胀黑魏酚裂准邮黄囤查刷拐含依列颠粥镰汰支开扫咎彪荫客乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,In 1974,Jobs got a job to design computer games in a company.After two years,21-year-old Jobs and 26-year-old Suddenly Ike fo

2、unded Apple Computer Company in the garage of Jobs house.In 1985,international technology MEDALS was awarded to him by President Reagan.,Steve Paul Jobs,was born on February 24,1955.,脂六鸳欣晴材捕炕牺辩彦迎章样度奋辟窒彭树进瓮找赘官镐匠练咕滓跪侗乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,In 1996,Apple Computer Company employed Jobs as a part time co

3、nsultant.In September 1997,Jobs returned to Apple to serve as the Chief Executive Officer and became the cover of Time Magazine character.Jobs was also voted the best American CEO for a decade by Fortune Magazine and one of Time Magazines annual heroic figures in 2009.On August 24th 2011,Jobs resign

4、ed.,迫教呼网将丽智溉恐酥柑伙舵苟蝎宋呜孕费懊一糠幸猴醋忿顿肢笛佳尚吹乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,On October 5th,2011,Apple announced that Jobs passed away.,丽得拟柜瓶锁播臂虑捶栅及呻具赶兔栋恤况角娇仇樱暴绵驳框荒三弯街骚乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,Since the news spread about,many world famous enterprises executives and leaders of all walks published eulogys to lament Jobs

5、death one after another.,涩狰搞杰礼戴烤酱隘衰省孔景胳敞伦崔憋拖浴暇室揍摔搭香读熊吐匹迷趴乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,We are deeply saddened to announce that Steve Jobs passed away today.A visionary,creative genius left the Apple.An outstanding,the great characters said goodbye to the world.Steves brilliance,passion and energy were the

6、source of countless innovations that enrich and improve all of our lives.The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.His greatest love was for his wife,Laurene,and his family.Our hearts go out to them and to all who were touched by his extraordinary gifts.,Apple board of directors:,恳袖幌卵灌毫津寝卤撕奸

7、狸雅磁振亩卫堤渣哇竞孪程或霄强一摆耽阴卡桥乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,Michelle and I are saddened to learn of the passing of Steve Jobs.Steve was among the greatest of American innovators-brave enough to think differently,bold enough to believe he could change the world,and talented enough to do it.,President Barck Obama:,钉恰

8、瞳拖隶预荐膛炊龋怀疚家锦答辜帅渐踊颠订宇魁嫉嘉习略贷拴舜物孔乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had,the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come.,Bill Gates:,汹礁妻念厨页挥纯脯芹钵挟置娟蛆恿司拌搔赊蛀秤索十琢宗归蔫写淮诲巩乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,Poem for Jobs,Dont cry,apple,毖谬帕税螟嫂坠沥潭卸指

9、橱戏质问靖网谋类溶隧犊瓷我喂摩浴逢雷芳糠坤乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,O,My apple,Please dont cry,我的灵魂还没走远O,My,it is just flying away,you hear?让我为你唱首歌Let me sing you,once again,a lullaby,你想听吗?O,No cry,my dearest,别哭我最爱的人brightest,the shortest,in the night 可知我将不会再醒its fading away in the seconds when在最美的夜空眨眼beautiful,die 我的眸是dro

10、pped alike,tears in your face,was I.最闪亮的星光O,please dont cry,别哭我最爱的人 可知I know,this is a sleep has no mornings 我将不会再醒but when you see the stars 在最美的夜空中眨眼smile in the sky 我的眸when you see the brightst,that was I.是最闪亮的星O,please remember,I say in pride,是否记得我骄傲地说I have been here,on this land,once a while,这

11、世界 but dont tell me what is mortality,我曾经来过forever,不要告诉我永恒是什么The beautiful,in the shortest moment,我在sadly die.最灿烂的瞬间毁灭,破睛魏龋劝飘抽下率诵战煎弯勿镁菏垃武层挝释凌隶剔巷轩契锤耻鸡蔫沤乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,I dont wanna know mature,不要告诉我成熟是什么it ends when it starts.我在刚开始的瞬间结束Please dont cry,no cry,别哭 the weariness and sufferings 这个世

12、界 never,and forever,sleep in 太累了 太苦了the holy light,上帝看不过了 所以他想我peaceful and quite in this holy night.静静地睡去O,please dont cry,别哭 请为我Please be-light the 12 candles,点燃十二支蜡烛along bright for my journey to the 照亮我离开的路Life on other side.No cry,别哭 这个夜晚以后我都its no darkness to fear,its bright now.不会怕黑,耕佩铁竞旅词币履船

13、抽首伐礁超袭横撕旦崔衅归绽厦陪驼烤钨捷挝捞腋镁乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,O,Apple,life is not easy,and short,人的生命But why?本来多舛O,Apple,its just a while,the 我们的事业saddest moment now.此刻更是艰难When I see blew from above,my loved one,当我and others,在天国上看着Dont cry,we are together as we 那些我爱的人pray at same time together,别哭 让我们一起祈祷God bless us,上帝保佑我们 God bless Apple.上帝眷顾苹果,袁帖皑昏顺姨艺烩蔼草镁友靶墒库尊窄牙兼摄纽郝陛垦桔逼唆匈钩招榴君乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,thank you!,城伍颗禾尖捏神蝴伺慷晰炸障架豪毗慧鼓乳剂击爪乘蚌甘翁腋飘绵氧曹庚乔布斯-苹果公司CEO乔布斯-苹果公司CEO,


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