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1、Unit 5,I am watching TV.,HUANG XIAOYUN,1.The analysis of the teaching material(教材分析)2.The analysis of the students(学情分析)3.Teaching methods(教法)4.Studying ways(学法)5.Teaching procedures(教学过程)6.Blackboard designing(板书设计),Six Parts,1.Status and Function(单元地位与功能)This unit is mainly about describing people

2、s activities.Let the students talk about what people are doing now.The content of this unit is closely related to students daily life,so its easy to encourage them to communicate with others by using what they have learned in this class.,Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material,Part 1 The analys

3、is of the teaching material,2.Teaching Aims(教学目标)Knowledge Aims(知识目标):New Words:playing,walking,swimming,dancing,cleaning,lying etc.New sentence patterns:What are you doing?I am watching TV.Ability Aims(能力目标)Emotional Aims(情感目标),Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material,Key points(重点)Learn and ma

4、ster several present participles.(学习并掌握生词的现在进行时形式)Ask and answer by using Present Progressive tense.(会用现在进行时进行提问回答)Difficult points(难点)The usage of the Present Progressive tense.(现在进行时的用法)The correct spelling of the present participles.(正确拼写现在进行时形式),Part 2The analysis of the students,Teaching method

5、s,Audio-visual teaching methodCommunicative teaching methodTask-based teaching method,Studying Ways,Observation-imitation-practice-production,Teaching procedures,Step 1.Warm up(热身)Step 2.Match the new words and the activities(学习生词)Step 3.Listening house(视听小屋)Step 4.Teach the Present Progressive Tens

6、e(现在进行时教学)Step 5.Summary(总结)Step 6.Homework(作业),Warm up,Greet the studentsAsk and answer What time do you go to school?When does your mother make breakfast every morning?Do you do your homework in the evening?What time does your class begin?,playing,swimming,walking,dancing,cleaning,lying,Listening

7、to the tape in 1b and fill in the blanks in 1a.,A.Introduction of the Present Progressive tense(介绍现在进行时态)B.Forming rules of the present participles(讲解现在进行时的变化规则),go do watch wait eat clean,going,doing,watching,waiting,eating,cleaning,Find out the rules!,writetakehavemakecome arrive,writing,taking,ha

8、ving,making,coming,arriving,sitshopcutstopput get,sitting,shopping,cutting,stopping,putting,getting,C.Using the Present Progressive tense(现在进行时的应用),I am You areHe is(not)playing;She isIt is,We areYou are(not)swimming.They are,Am I writing?Yes,you are.No,you arent.Are you dancing?Yes,I am.No,Im not.,

9、Is he/she running?Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isnt.Are they reading?Yes,they are.No,they arent.,D.Pair work(小组活动),standing,sitting,running,washing,jumping,E.Do the exercise and make self-assessment,-Whats Li Lei doing?-He_.(read)-Whats his mother doing?-She_.(write)-What are they doing?-They_.(play socc

10、er)-What are David and Mary doing?-They_.(have dinner)-Whats Jenny doing?-She_.(run),Step 5 Summary,Check what the students have learned in this class.Summary the whole class.,Step 6 Homework,Look at the pictures and answer the questions.Make a conversation with your group aboutwhats happening in the pictures.,Make a dialogue with your partner by using the Present Progressive tense.(与伙伴利用现在进行时编一段对话。),Part 6 Blackboard Designing,Unit 5 I am watching TV.New words New sentence patternsplaying,walking,I am watching TV.swimming,dancing,What are you doing?cleaning,lying,


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