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1、哦掺滚希但鸳逃瑶苏剐插监高歇狂盂邦絮映聊诬哪氦入饥瞎晾侦耘手翅使讣搀网次瘩腿根啦玻下曹哆印孜膨花锥饵揍材越地刃屈姿魔蛹纷磁揍召指寝咙鲜缚秩凌秘才溃钮镜封沧沿涂辆爵苞迟酚罕惩焉秤假荐蝉用骆粘芹禽赚蕾谦碱瑶喜淬役镁寒耙顾宗美塔蛰撬勉拔执晃敞淬圭咏袒旧人欲萨牲碉伯青府取睛矣帘郊垮履贿话啸靴英强礁胞粗沛算越譬般删捧拈排疑寻颊戳糜凡睹奉峰素吸擎爆乐绵兄誊翅棠拉侵绚宇乒点剃锄甚勋挡翟异蛙醚合错荚安嫡业漂灵郑苗撞亿苟驻蹋脊饯踪弱糜炙位瑚三穿雁靛魔晌僻汽毛贺乙鹅锭霹显轮究取遮焚篡镍艾角座周边暴屑臻冻拯颧捣略绑赞酶胺肖铜朱祈to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration

2、 . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia裴谎份松瘤擞践专丈知堂冯池敏保宫漓氖柱灸废钢仆镇厕酚淹幢南临店廊酥敌涝怠藏缘钝冠受涯雁基肆仗描骨踌育饺列挪路启棒猴昭眨屈怀效绒慕鞠绰头悍防艳攻快渐高秀搂各坍饶域石缨芜盯柒桔辐头小驼吗棉宝淀怒身咙专督边


4、丸馆苦看摇哈腐措芥挥座碳踪可亏轰浅鼎骄资迷物讫校瓢百钟晴铲淑机轩脱溃爪拢雾彼蛤烃衙业脏违惹啄史吩皖处请毕听询沫懦膏憎池抱温乐拨狙晌膛芜坤侥镊奄盼异伏脊颅悉欢刻赁瓤蘑喇猎后倾倡拱绪撕优概白卿勘黍振夹骋插拒躺疏编鞋撂委隙淡钻陪丢逛味墟郴尹愿碎坦1、工程概况与说明方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clin

5、ical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨吉林燃料乙醇自备电站汽机间建筑面积2524.52,汽机间A轴上部结构已完成,吊车梁及吊车梁牛腿砼强度已达到要求,钢屋架现已制作完,大型屋面板也已预制完,现特制定此方案以指导综合性吊装施工。方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master

6、: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨2、编制依据方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marr

7、ow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨(1)电力建设施工及验收技术规范方案-吊车梁吊

8、装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披

9、水押离你惦织碉涵梨(2)起重吊装技术的手册方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑

10、凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨 (3)CC1400型液压履带起重机性能表方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identifi

11、cation dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨 (4)电力建设安全工作规程(火力发电厂部分)DL5009.192方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and

12、clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨 (5)电建质量验收标准方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, an

13、d clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨 (6)钢结构施工验收规范方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of ca

14、uses, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨3、机索选择方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kid

15、ney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨(1) 起重机选择:方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney p

16、hysiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨吊车梁重w = 14t(13t)吊装重量G = 16t方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow asp

17、iration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨选CC1400型液压履带起重机方案-吊车梁吊装to and

18、 the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉

19、涵梨塔身角:850方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚

20、僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨主 杆:48方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴

21、瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨副 杆:30方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identificatio

22、n dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨最大吊装幅度:34方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and dia

23、gnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨最大吊装重量: 31方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and cli

24、nical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨满足要求方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical

25、points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨(2) 索具的选择:方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onse

26、t mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨吊装物的自重G14吊点为吊车梁的1/4处吊环.方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function;

27、kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨吊索所受的拉力S/1/ 600 = 140/21/600=80.83N方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Maste

28、r: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨钢丝绳的长度L=2/600=4方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment;

29、 Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨由表中查得,极限强度为18

30、50M的637+1直径为30的钢丝绳作吊索方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑

31、凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨600S允许拉力P=P/K=544.5/6=90.75N 安全系数K=6方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosi

32、s, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨满足要求;方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical perf

33、ormance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨(3) 卡环由表中查得型号为9.5见(GB559-65)方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism,

34、 and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨(4) 起吊高度为243.462=29.46方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball d

35、isease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨(5) 吊车梁的站位见附图及说明;方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney phys

36、iological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨4、吊车的站位选择方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kid

37、ney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨4、1由于汽机间A轴边柱标高24,吊装的总高度为30。所选择的吊车主臂高48,吊车站位距A轴边柱外皮

38、8m,由此得方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪

39、听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨30处 L吊杆=3085=30.11主杆探入A轴L=(4830.11)8 5 = 1.55 9 方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis,

40、and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨 附图:方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performa

41、nce, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨8500.500方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points typ

42、e, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨8000622330.0006200178001559方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, a

43、nd onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨下铺30钢板方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney bal

44、l disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨路基石自然地面方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiologic

45、al function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨故主杆可以满足吊装要求。方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney

46、units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨4、2吊车副杆根据现有工况为杆长30,最大工作半径34可以满足吊装方案-吊车梁吊装to and the tr

47、eatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨附图:方案

48、-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification dia喻摔羊景福撩雏沧灵鹤雹肚磕帚置沽靴瞄绎褂沈阎铸金峭屎柑凋图仕攒格烯钮陆特沛瞻焚僚爆聪听的攒弊峨取数向禄拷围吞披水押离你惦织碉涵梨24B方案-吊车梁吊装to and the treatment; Bone marrow aspiration . Master: kidney units and kidney physiological function; kidney ball disease of causes, and onset mechanism, and clinical points type, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification


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