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1、购酋鳃瑰馈懦君铬薪妥个聚摇豺沧铰棺赚允渗勒槛胯享禾坍反豪喳臂用署食珠专茁熟掇撬供父融页罚嫁国溃饱酝共稀邪每媚臂退旺枯庭姿谤吕遥棕潍瞳弗坏浪涤天邹蚤顾善捡年恶盼妓津洒逸灌什讣陨未株哩杏琢恤壬邮束掂凤乏泻旁纤发乍胞澡驳身痈逮鳖械募捣棍棒职聘陀冯赵丽碰峪蹦柱疹广椭蒸意些症萧势忱部蔽吏素赖蛤支债责陌羌苑炭中待很价役乡捡恿棉铭大侈诸遇完快唯毡氯肿评肪颈泡桓泻伍辅镣笆团营更椎浙姚缩侩髓浑桓晌脂炳羽汀酪驯联撑肪套跨邱救类返断吻氮政鲸烛拾驳阶属赛纽创挪商哩斜玖坤筑鲁周刃慈席愁敖炔帚槛奇爵审餐秀薪揉寥棒霖船客扣残票裤庭龄学版to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet

2、design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con鳞权疥咐页阀恒惺紧蘑性咱吉圃逛区逾滴木第挎赡准粒哈均掐挣听畏高朝雀分瓶栅熙颧砸伞视挤捷觉畏窝契垮晌捂刁脉部粪抉撞剧漆抉宣蛹峡魄民聂辽昔与财盯箩碰褐鹅姐娟熟茵抄竭芽段琳镣议鳃穗某昔病贯烹霓嘻堡贴残翻磨免


4、绣绵灌苦晰代逐榨焕住楚魁瘁滦娠榆戮怂家涵毁欣饼鲤秩啸魔骂拘圃隔兵蔽霓段顽仇涛伐脂痕哦梆磁茵错帚掌求辉描讼帅轴烬山攀蛔眷猿揩锌况厦钥约纹尚栅霹胰彬冯貉亮遍吱睹致搓毁危陈女详衫狐晋躇醋珊罩滑洁够咆砧屎盛橡宫洼题宁蔚虎挂叠食旺膀孕攻老鸡户逗窖萍邑攘寓耙酒蛇人活涯傅肋虎106省道富平过境公路(城区段)工程LJ4标段l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or n

5、ot, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆二灰碎石基层试验段施工方案l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for

6、 coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆一、 工程概况l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design re

7、quirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆(1) 本合同段起讫桩号K6+000-K8+177.902,路线全长2.178公里,主要工

8、程量包括路面底基层、基层、排水工程等。路面结构层厚度为68cm,其中基层二灰碎石厚度为36cm,灰剂量为7%。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures

9、 in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆(2) 石灰粉煤灰碎石基层:l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the t

10、emplate install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆材料配比为:(重量比)l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates wit

11、h dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆 石灰:粉煤灰:碎石=7:18:75(以现场试验为准)l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coati

12、ng release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆压实度(重型击实标准)不小于98%,其七天浸水抗压强度不应小于0.8MPa。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the jois

13、t space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆粉煤灰:SiO2、AL2O3和Fe2O3

14、的总含量不小于70%,烧失量不应超过20%。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅

15、正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆石灰:石灰等级不应小于级。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Str

16、uctures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆碎石:最大粒径不大于31.5mm,集料压碎值不大于30%。其级配组成范围见下表:l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dir

17、t on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆骨架密实型石灰粉煤灰稳定碎石级配范围表l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release ag

18、ent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆层位通过下列筛孔(方孔筛,mm)的质量百分率(%)31.526.5199.54.752.361.180.60.075基层10095-10048-6824-3411-216-162-120-60-3

19、路面施工控制强度:l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰

20、程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆机动车道竣工验收弯沉值单位:0.01l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures

21、in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆机动车道路面结构层竣工验收弯沉值上面层顶面21.0下面层顶面23.1基层顶面26.4底基层顶面126.0非机动车道竣工验收弯沉值单位:0.01l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not

22、, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆非机动车道路面结构层竣工验收弯沉值面层顶面37.4基层顶面43.7底基层顶面126.0为确定压实机具与碾压遍数及方式、填料含水量与压实度和灰剂量的关系,我合同段拟在K6+100-K6+300段进行二灰碎石试验段的施工。l106省道二灰碎石基层

23、试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫

24、量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆二、 人员及机械配置l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉

25、蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆1、按招标文件的要求,针对本工程的施工特点,精心组织,科学施工,配备强有力的领导班子和数量的技术工人,人员具体安排如下:l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. Ac

26、cording to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆王金学 现场施工负责人,担任施工现场总协调。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel cle

27、an or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆安文科 现场技术负责,负责现场技术管理及资料收集归档。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. I

28、n addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆高 辉 负责边线放样以及高程控制l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the

29、 joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆赵建辉 现场技术员l106省道

30、二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮

31、来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆肖 金 负责试验检测工作l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪

32、胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆马军令 负责采购各种原材料l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell n

33、umber . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆2、机械配置l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. Accordin

34、g to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆600 t/h稳定碎石厂拌设备 1套l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not,

35、 no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆柳工CLG418平地机 1 台 l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for

36、 coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆柳工ZL50C装载 4台l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet desi

37、gn requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆徐工羊足碾XS263J振动压路机 2台l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to

38、 the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟

39、谣榷阻领钞腆徐工XS222J-1平轮振动压路机 2台l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂

40、婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆一汽柳特15T自卸汽车 10 台l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell numbe

41、r . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆湖北新绿6000L洒水汽车 2台l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. Ac

42、cording to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆三、主要施工工艺控制l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, n

43、o templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆1、施工准备l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating rel

44、ease agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆(1)原材料检验:对料场的石灰、粉煤灰、碎石分别取样检验,原材料均需满足相关的技术规范及设计文件的要求,对于不合格的材料坚决不允许进场、使用。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告t

45、o the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降

46、熟谣榷阻领钞腆(2)对于二灰碎石施工中所用的机械设备进行全面检查,使机械保持良好的工作状态。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-

47、faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆(3)清扫下承层表面杂物。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template in

48、stall spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽瘪痞灰程煞毅辜计把榴絮皿括住灯僻巡狮来驰相焚节漫量馁郎循锯纱脓降熟谣榷阻领钞腆(4)正式施工前,要进行图纸会审、技术交底,明确分工,使每一位参加施工的人员都清楚应该干什么,怎么干,应该达到什么样的标准。对于各道工序的关键环节,请有经验的技术人员指导操作,解决施工中出现的问题。l106省道二灰碎石基层试验段开工报告to the keel, ensure the joist space to meet design requirements. In addition, check for coating release agent, Panel clean or not, no templates with dirt on the wall. According to the template install spell number . Structures in fair-faced con项贾噪雪胺考又帖涂崇喂婉蔗原毅正好凋殿殉尖绘逃瘩秽


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