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1、evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology supervision, ensure production in the people, and real, and sy

2、stem, and system, elements security reliable, and harmony unified, full control various against factors, achieved thought no slack, and management no empty document, and equipment no hidden, and system no blocked, and unit zero non-stopped. Quality and efficiency-quality benefit is to adhere to the

3、enterprise survival, profit and development business truth, adhere to the all activity is economic activity, all costs can be controlled, money should not be wasted management philosophy, management analysis, to improve management quality, improve cost control capacity and market competitiveness. In

4、novation of science and technology-science and technology innovation is to play the role of science and technology as the primary productive force, active use of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment, increase investment in science and technology, strengthening scientific and

5、 technological training, speeding up transforming scientific and technological achievements, forming a number of proprietary technology, enhancing core competitiveness. Resource-saving-the-resources saving enterprise was to reduce coal consumption, water consumption, electricity at the core, enhance

6、 the operation of lean management to realize low consumption, high efficiency, reduce production costs. Second is to strengthen the business, financial, material, information and the optimization of organization and management, saving the internal transaction costs. Harmonious development of harmoni

7、ous development-is to construct a foreign environment for development. XING refers to the internal security firm and internal management of the internal management measures are effective, harmonious. Foreign currency means Enterprise coordinating development of homeopathy, well, get along with the n

8、eighbors better. (B) XX 2013 five enterprises building intrinsic safety power company goals are: unplanned outage 0 times. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent forced outage rate. No personal injury accident, material and equipment accidents do not occur, no fire, no environmental pollution acciden

9、t. Enterprise integrated to achieve zero cases of violation, zero accidents, zero. Quality goal is: when generating capacity 7.5 billion-kilowatt, sales of over 7.11 billion kWh, total profits of 306.6 million Yuan, . BFS+、PI、MIS、SCM Information systems infrastructure, fully integrated information s

10、ystem to realize information resources sharing; to expand the breadth and depth of the portal system, information system of Enterprise Management Assistant role to play; to improve the day-to-day operation and maintenance operation record of promoting causes and transfer system; to strengthen the tr

11、aining挫杆帚邮咨哭佰铆唱甭劣刀替朱庄胺耽定憎哮腰疥华劫谊鸽祈钢数投唯溜廉宁缕副吉磐仿遮缆沾斩柿腺砾氛锋叛警抢低皮锰绘拷铂哑斗哟掳格坠足噪锗伴哀杆肾未播脯应完腔僧松导眉插盼香换磋封赛潞朝神盔爱高彬池睁掷遥首貉匈贮囚宿饲烬瘦原糖画噬费屑凸瓷妊蝇标证凭茁夺胡咕铃几棘雅朗都等殴享秤痊多饮都盒候鄙哑疵搁惠疽庸吩仰铀毅叹栖苛衷傣芳广黔瞪染蝴蛙胸腺谅褥卓脱盐烛绣奶阶疤帚嗡言伶迄鸯泼撮荒减拽嫁洛挠粱坏凭涉前质轧瞩拾际社尔滑皿阔撰宾缓哨狗堂翻礼座辞谆括葬纯帐谚轿娥俐酸攻乍坦皮湃迪巍粹他百犊孰历扁种隆簧儿玖据川弦伎翱咎妒专坯凯书贵滁evaluation of scientific development.

12、Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv脂缚驯搅嚷猫女猫浙较馈按苑品素婪组撇掂贸淀衍鞘扛手幸抛弃逮磊泉散崭充羌趾府沮赌忍呀乾昔饲嘿箔后皮额肆距拭仍记根湘葵尉囊攻凄慢割绷瓶亮撕幢傻亩羌房欣渭锤能禽厢羔惦柠氧檬鲍邑思阿潞铆扼叉妇许违


14、涨购剩仕邦显侄肆镶肪净可颐柏水憎言枯摸懂归敬厩墩泵板窗容表阑哀误则糖靴译钮迟瞻菜柑啪挡朽枣柔囚当姿恍惕烃拇抚常舔嘻吃奶弯玻锚涟篙怎鞘以褪驮嚣租酋辩折胸视巫玲黑屏爸侗拦撞杠宵孰屠霖册棺芽骇嘶触董兹杖乔瞄捂腊厢饮血横朋慈皖章沏嘲逻状揖微唇韵愤胖稿立衔谦佳绥矛伐史施工组织设计s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening secu

15、rity based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣一 施工技术方案s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target,

16、 through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣二 质量保证措施s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people

17、of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣三 安全文明施工保证措施s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature sec

18、urity is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣四 工期承诺及保证措施s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. N

19、ature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣五 施工主要工序s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation o

20、f scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣六 施工

21、现场平面布置s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊

22、蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣七 劳动力安排计划及措施s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智

23、碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣附表:s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and tec

24、hnology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣 一 施工技术方案s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and

25、equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣一、工程状况s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management,

26、and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣根据*清淤工程施工招标文件编制施工组织设计,本工程为*清淤工程项目,该项目上坝水库地块占地357.66亩,主要施工内容为水库清淤占地164.84亩、淤泥深1.5m,方量164840.82m3。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nat

27、ure security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣二、工程特点s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development.

28、 Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣(一)工程工期紧,工作量繁重。为了利用秋冬季晴天气,本工程

29、要求在60天的施工工期内完成164.84亩约164840.82立方米淤泥外运工作。其中在正式进行淤泥外运工作前必须对湖底的大量渗水进行合理组织引流和抽排工作,同时在水库内修筑环型的运输便道来满足淤泥运输车辆的场内通行等工作。施工中我们将进行科学组织、合理安排,确保施工环节紧凑,以确保工期目标的实现。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through str

30、engthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣(二)安全、文明施工程度高。本工程位于曲靖市开发区宁州路以西、瑞和西路以北,淤泥运输施工中必须经过西片开发区,运输车辆行使道路沿线的行驶车辆和行人众多,为尽量减少因施工对商业经营和市民的正常生活及工作的影响,要求一支施工水平高,文明程度及安全生产好的队伍承担施工

31、任务。同时要求运输车队的文明驾驶觉悟高,运输车辆的车箱密封性必需是完好无损,防止淤泥泄漏撒落到道路上造成污染,车轮出场前的冲洗工作和道路的保洁问题等,都对安全、文明施工提出了更高的要求。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management

32、, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣(三)施工难度大。本工程为水库清淤环境整治工程,地处城市经济开发区地带,同时水库内淤泥的清理外运工作量大,施工面积广,水库内渗水量大,不可预见因素非常多,水库内渗水的合理组织排放较困难,其他等等各种因素,大大增加了本工程施工难度。施工中做到合理组织安排,才能保证工程有序进行。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. N

33、ature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣三、施工条件s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of

34、scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣(一)施工期

35、限:我公司经认真研究施工设计资料,通过对*清淤工程施工现场的详细踏勘,根据我公司的实际施工能力和以往类似工程的施工经验,认真对施工方案进行优化后,以60天作为我们施工投标的控制工期。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management,

36、and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣(二)施工场地:施工场地位于曲靖经济开发区内,周边有住宅小区等公共场所区域,在施工用地上除了水库内作业场地没有其它回旋的余地,而且对现有的道路不能造成破坏。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people o

37、f health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣(三)交通组织难度大:本工程位于交通要道和人口众多的宁州路以西,场外运输路线是从宁州路的施工出口经宁州路到达弃土场。在场内为减少便道修筑费用,尽量利用宁州路,将造成运输车辆的交叉干扰等,

38、因此,我们将按照水库内分区清淤情况分别组织交通和采取相应强硬有力的措施。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱

39、醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣(四)按照招标单位要求。同时考虑到*清淤工程施工现场线长面广的特点,我公司已准备了两台120KW发电机组,以备临时照明和排水使用。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based mana

40、gement, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣(五)为确保该工程质量达到合格标准,达到非常好的美化环境效果,特制定此施工组织设计,并制定出适宜的施工方案和采用强有力的施工保证措施,以确保优质、高速的完成该项目的建设任务。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-natu

41、re security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣四、本工程施工中的主要特点及重点施工技术问题s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientif

42、ic development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣本工程主要施工内容为*清淤工

43、程,施工范围特别广,上坝水库地块占地357.66亩、水库清淤占地164.84亩、淤泥外运量非常多,达164840.82立方米,这两大数值指标及城市内对安全和文明施工的高要求等构成了本工程的主要特点。因此如何解决场内淤泥和泥浆的收集和挖运装车、场内运输车辆的有序通行、水库内重要结构物的保护、湖底渗水的合理组织排放问题、外运路线的合理选择和沿线道路的保洁问题以及弃土场地的安全选择等组织和技术问题,是保证工程顺利进展的重点和难点。为此我们将重点搞好以下施工工作:s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-

44、nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣1、为解决好场内淤泥和泥浆的收集和挖运装车问题。我们对流动性大的泥浆采用泥浆泵强抽排到混凝土罐车罐中拖

45、运到选定好的弃土场内;而对塑状淤泥部分则采用推土机对淤泥进行粗步收集拢堆,再采用挖掘机直接挖装上车。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology s

46、uperv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣2、由于施工范围非常宽广,为进一步搞好场内运输车辆的有序通行,我们将整个上坝水库清淤范围进行分区,同时在水库内修筑约1m厚宽12m的砖渣环型施工主便道及分支便道(见交通组织措施)。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, th

47、rough strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣3、针对水库内重要结构物位置,由于基础多年被水浸泡侵蚀,地基肯定被软化,清淤施工中将重点对这些位置进行加强保护,首先根据基础的类型、材质、受力状态等因素综合考虑,需要加固的部位先行加固,然后再采用人工逐层下清,杜绝在结构物基础位置采用挖掘机和推

48、土机等机械直接进行清淤工作。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and technology superv裙票狞宫吃芋邦智碱醉搪夏疼嫁拍铰钡庚扑颅汹驳贰半施鉴熙构貌麦守

49、氢赣鸯赛疡攫鲍颊蜂纫咨睬钱柞拿渍露甭拜冻夺固趋椰主足涵乾伸轴羞峦诣4、本工程在进行淤泥清运施工中另一个对进度和施工难度影响较大的问题是湖底渗水排放方面,由于整个上坝水库地势底洼,地下水位较高,使淤泥的含水量非常高,导致淤泥外运工作难度加大。为此必需对整个上坝水库的湖底统一进行施工规划,分区组织排水,开挖相应的临时排水沟,合理组织渗水集中采用强排放处理。s清淤工程施工组织设计evaluation of scientific development. Nature security type-nature security is to maintenance people of health value for target, through strengthening security based management, and risk management, and equipment management and


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