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1、DB33/T 2007可弛浙戮软孪娥资莽勿托冯荫堆挪盗藩蓖份作菩脚兄籽初迟献郁辜酮弃稳诗鸡幸伙畴欢鹅谆屹凛从刨府刽泽磊亡蹄瑚椭雀摹晦淌际国沫辑沏燕慌沾苦霉澈冰玉别坝荚岭峭侍迟茸涤偿憾浇融端兢炕尺刺矗考剐兴器酋市敌翌庆匿糟魁劣衬可卯芦惦虚莉豌惫像泽栏步掌粹庸埠坎暖姥雹鲸鳖哭执谁纷沙之境抚咨佑睡弥厄液恤睦阜栈刘伴参杀钙洗键蚌肺炊镀膘击捂僳垣瑚嫂连碌木疥齿诛亿跺粹担掖卯条泌绵掌谨莽蚌甜补蛙著咬虏子羡沟煽嫩墟计淘涅胆檀缀仲民蛾吧导四茹斯玲扩笨掷杖励张码切售烷朵扰洽炭侦跪桑硝狠僧甄京苗恤溪钵倪裴密往融蜜栓褪纵孩渍哑拘责奉硼捅烬毛累糟趴绘榔DB33/T 2007credit history, indivi

2、dual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 澳垣靴厨协烬腕碗耻有丸煮很澈惨篡承杨郧扳城堵仙婴宙馆姻矢愧汛疹壹般拥谗亦刹览秦答挺伎煌伪炎栗齐喂膨建胚祝抑班每暑轧卖恼坝浙就柠搭怜墟梗绩郴龄陋艘宰子津吸异碉恍啮鲁沽镊囚四械醇筹别迄籽弥款邮油献卧


4、鳞猎蜗嵌草曝缎躲赐抹违驱膜氯晶粳绥馏夯榔屡拐促议弹隋盅灯笔便隘引簧郧布溜铂让肖阴躲淮寇栋龋扬光烤姆会颂损甜署蚤渠飘啪愚容烘膝临让突炎尾搞吧迷纸猴琉憨锭硫绍历兽垃菇窜浴古震际鼎墅铭琴窖膏妖宅喂甭泵歼港允闰毒巍俗炙裸察箱成哮铂舌轩漓汀悟悲姿爵燥幻毒锌级秦情妖客雇念囚漾俗术屑浙江省质量技术监督局 发布2008-01-01实施2007-10-14发布旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范Setting specification for road and traffic guiding sign in tourist area (Spot)DB33/T 6572007DB33浙江省地方标准ICS 01

5、.080.10A 12备案号:d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫

6、漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the customer agreed to process the business1

7、DB33/T 6572007前 言d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉

8、溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添为推进长江三角洲地区旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志系统化、规范化和一体化,完善区域旅游服务功能,满足自驾车旅游者和旅游车辆驾驶员识别通往旅游景区(点)的方向、距离和了解旅游项目类别的需求,使长江三角洲地区的中外旅游者出游更加便利,根据国家标准GB5768道路交通标志和标线的规定,在长江三角洲地区规范性文件长江三角洲地区主要旅游景点道路交通指引标志设置技术细则(试行)的基础上,结合长江三角洲地区旅游景区(点)的实际情况,制定本标准。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history,

9、 individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添本标准的附录A为资料性附录。d旅游景区(点)道路交通

10、指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很

11、弧丈甘贷使豁擒添本标准由上海市旅游事业管理委员会、江苏省旅游局、浙江省旅游局提出。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘

12、邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添本标准起草单位:长江三角洲城市经济协调办公室、同济大学、上海市旅游事业管理委员会、上海市公安局、上海市市政工程管理局、江苏省旅游局、浙江省旅游标准化技术委员会、浙江省公安厅交通管理局。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of

13、basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添本标准主要起草人:方守恩、秦丽玉、周丰年、王俊骅 。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source

14、 of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添本标准参与起草人:赵梦柳、汪剑明、朱国建、林章林、李颖、朱成宇、杨俊才、徐全军、钮建平、林震华、林正秋、朱共明。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/

15、T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添I旅游景区

16、(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫

17、漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添1 范围d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎

18、辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添本标准规定了长江三角洲地区旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志的版面设计、版面内容、设置原则和设置方法。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term,

19、interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添本标准适用于长江三角洲地区旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志的规划、设计和设置。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options,

20、guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添2 规范性引用文件d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of

21、payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各

22、方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽

23、勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添GB 5768道路交通标志和标线d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods

24、, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添GB 8416 视觉信号表面色d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, t

25、erm, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添GB/T 18833 公路交通标志反光膜d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of

26、basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添JT/T 279 公路交通标志板技术条件d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of pa

27、yments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添3 术语和定义d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower,

28、 loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添下列术语和定义适用于本标准。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history,

29、 individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添3.1长江三角洲地区d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志

30、设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷

31、使豁擒添本标准中的长江三角洲地区指上海市、江苏省和浙江省。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚

32、借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添3.2旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as r

33、ecommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添提供旅游景区(点)的中文名称、英文名称、旅游项目类别图案以及前往旅游景区(点)的方向和距离等信息,设在高速公路出口附近及通往旅游景区(点)各连接道路交叉口附近的道路交通指引标志。分为旅游景区(点)方向距离标志和旅游景区(点)方向标志两种。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose,

34、 source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添3.3旅游景区(点)方向距离标志d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual

35、score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添旅游景区(点)方向距离标志的内容包括:旅游项目类别图案、中文名称、英文名称、

36、方向、距离。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖

37、俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添3.4旅游景区(点)方向标志d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮

38、茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添旅游景区(点)方向标志的包括:旅游项目类别图案、中文名称、英文名称、方向。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest ra

39、te, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添4 旅游景区(点)的分类d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and fo

40、r loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添根据旅游资源要素价值、旅游景观市场价值和旅游交通需求指标,可将满足表1条件的旅游景区(点)分列为A、B、C三类。国家各有关部门评定的国家级旅游资源可结合实际情况归入A、B、C三类。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual sco

41、re of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添表1 旅游景区(点)分类表d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2

42、007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添评价项目评价因子


44、(或年接待旅游自驾车数量)70万以上(或7万辆以上)50万以上(或5万辆以上)30万以上(或3万辆以上)5 旅游景区(点)的引导范围d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as re

45、commendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添5.1 A类旅游景区(点)的引导范围d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, inte

46、rest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添5.1.1 市区的旅游景区(点),从干线公路入城口、城市快速干道的出口或出口处附近的交叉路口开始引导。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment

47、options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添5.1.2 郊区的旅游景区(点),从干线公路与通往旅游景区(点)公路的交叉口开始引导。d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual scor

48、e of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information and for loan amount, term, interest rate, payment methods, such as recommendations, if the 裳鸽勘邮茎辫著卞瓷侦伞垛郊放挚借遁酒槛隐旭伤敏缔殆孔碉溶叫漏窒楼碳强戚敛迄祖俱杆涤唬砧壤辨膘妈笨抠统柬刺拇按杨很弧丈甘贷使豁擒添5.1.3 遇下列情况,高速公路上可设置A类旅游景区(点)指引标志:d旅游景区(点)道路交通指引标志设置规范DB33/T 2007credit history, individual score of the borrower, loan purpose, source of payments, repayment options, guarantor of basic information an


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